I'am on Ubuntu 19.10 and using lftp 4.8.4
from lftp help, I see, I can use bash command using '!'
I like to list my local file: not remote!
ls list remote file
!ls, !dir, !dir list remote file too
lls unknown command
lpwd give me current local path but I like to list local file too!
Have I to open a new terminal to list local file?
Can you help?
best regards,
P.S. On man page I read:
To do a directory listing of the local host.
but not work!
I have get a answer from other channel:
the right command is: local ls
the !ls is wrong
I have two issues I need help with on bash, linux and s3cmd.
First, I'm running into linux permission issue. I am trying to download zip files from a s3 bucket using s3cmd with following command in a bash script.sh:
/usr/bin/s3cmd get s3://<bucketname>/<folder>/zipfilename.tar.gz
I am seeing following error: permission denied.
If I try to run this command manually from command line on a linux machine, it works and downloads the file:
sudo /usr/bin/s3cmd get s3://<bucketname>/<folder>/zipfilename.tar.gz
I really don't want to use sudo in front of the command in the script. How do I get this command to work? Do I need to give chown permission to the script.sh which is actually sitting in a path i.e /foldername/script.sh or how do I get this get command to work?
Two: Once I get this command to work, How do I get it to download from s3 to the linux home dir: ~/ ? Do I have to specifically issue a command in the bash script: cd ~/ before the above download command?
I really appreciate any help and guidance.
First, determine what's failing and the reason, otherwise you won't find the answer.
You can specify the destination in order to avoid permission problems when the script is invoked using a directory that's not writeable by that process
/usr/bin/s3cmd get s3:////zipfilename.tar.gz /path/to/writeable/destination/zipfilename.tar.gz
Fist of all ask 1 question at a time.
For the first one you can simply change the permission with chown like :
chown “usertorunscript” filename
For the second :
If it is users home directory you can just specify it with
as you said but I think writing the whole directory is safer so it will work for more users (if you need to)
I am using ssh to work on a remote server, however when I try to download a file using scp in this format:
scp name#website.com:somefile.zip ~/Desktop
It asks me for my password, and shows this:
somefile.zip 100% 6491 6.3KB/s 00:00
however, this file never appears on my desktop. Any help
I think that you are logging into the remote machine using ssh and then running the command on the remote machine. You should actually be running the command without logging into your remote server first.
You need to specify the file path
scp name#website.com:/path/to/somefile.zip ~/Desktop
~/Desktop should actually be a directory, not a file. I suggest that you do the following:
Remove the ~/Desktop file with rm ~/Desktop (or move it with mv if you want to keep its contents).
Create the directory with mkdir ~/Desktop.
Try again to scp the zip file.
BTW, when I need to copy files into directories, I usually put a slash after the directory to avoid such problems (in case I make a mistake), e.g. scp server:file ~/Desktop/; if the directory doesn't exist, I get an error instead of unwanted file creation.
You are doing this from a command line, and you have a working directory for that command line (on your local machine), this is the directory that your file will be downloaded to. The final argument in your command is only what you want the name of the file to be. So, first, change directory to where you want the file to land. I'm doing this from git bash on a Windows machine, so it looks like this:
cd C:\Users\myUserName\Downloads
Now that I have my working directory where I want the file to go:
scp -i 'c:\Users\myUserName\.ssh\AWSkeyfile.pem' ec2-user#xx.xxx.xxx.xxx:/home/ec2-user/IwantThisFile.tar IgotThisFile.tar
Or, in your case, (that is with the VERY strong password you must be using):
cd ~/Desktop
scp name#website.com:/path/to/somefile.zip somefile.zip
I have a list of files inside a TXT file that I need to upload to my FTP. Is there any Windows Bat file or Linux shell script that will process it?
cat ftp_filelist | xargs --max-lines=1 ncftpput -u user -p pass ftp_host /remote/path
You can use the wput command.
The syntax is somewhat like this
wput -i [name of the file.txt]
Go through this link
It works for linux.With this it will upload all the URLs given in the text file onto your ftp server one by one.
You may want to check out Jason Faulkners' batch script about which he wrote here.
I'm using ssh to connect with a linux server. I'm trying to upload a file from my own computer(windows7) to linux.
When I type scp Desktop/H5.txt xxUserNamexx#mumble-39.xxServerNamexxx:/u/private/
I got following error:
scp Desktop/H5.txt xxUserNamexx#mumble-39.xxxServerNamexxxx:/u/private/
Desktop/H5.txt: No such file or directory
I can guarantee the server name and the file directory is correct. It seems that scp cannot find my file on my local computer.
What's the default path? What path should I type if the file I'm intending to upload is on my desktop?
Thank you
winscp is a nice option to copy files from MS to *nix. Also pscp is useful. SCP have known issues when used between MS and nix. There seems to be some misunderstanding of folder structure by scp.
drap the H5.txt from desktop to you cmd windows, this can avoid you type the wrong path
In the future you could try using winscp when you're dealing with small files. Also I think a cygwin scp should work just fine.
The slashes are incorrect. On Windows, it should be (assuming you are running Command Prompt from your Home directory):
C:\Users\user> scp Desktop\H5.txt junjue#mumble-39.xxServerNamexxx:/u/j/u/junjue/private/
lcd changes local directories.
ls lists files on remote directory.
What I would like is lls, to list files on local directory.
Is this possible?
I know I can always open another terminal to do this, but I'm lazy!
The ! tells the client to run a local shell command. Tested this using both the Windows and Fedora default ftp clients. Note that the actual command may depend upon your OS, for example !ls may be necessary on other versions of Unix/Linux.
For what it's worth, the ! command is listed in the ftp client's help system:
ftp> help !
! escape to the shell
To list files locally use following command
Or use following command
Note: ! means locally not the remote.
lcd is working but !cd will not work and lpwd is not working but !pwd is working.