How to generate DDL for all Users and privileges in Oracle - oracle

I'm trying to migrate a database instance from RDS Oracle to On-premise Oracle. I'm still pretty new to database scripting. I found this script that does the work for me for a single user that I pass via SQLDeveloper. However I have 200+ users on my RDS Oracle instance.
I have tried removing the variable here for the user name and the rownum but this generates a lot of duplicate entries. Can someone guide me what is the best way to achieve the result set of the above script for all users.
Much appreciated!

I'd suggest another approach (if you can use it): data pump.
You'd perform export
using user SYSTEM or SYS as they own the database and can export ...
... FULL database
content would be METADATA_ONLY (so that you'd skip data; I understood you don't need that)
That would be something like
expdp system/pwd file=your_db.dmp full=y content=metadata_only
Import goes the same way, in the target database.


Oracle DB Export does not preserve order or dependencies

I'm trying to export an Oracle DB using Oracle SQL Developer having tables, sequences, view, packages, etc. with dependencies on each other.
When I use Tools -> Database Export and select all DDL options, unfortunately the exported SQL file does not preserve the other that is some DB objects should be created before some other.
Is there a way to make the DB export utility preserve object dependencies/order? Or Is there any other tool do you use for this task?
Thank you
Normally expdp does a pretty good job. Problems arise when there are dependencies on objects/users that are not part of the dump. This is because the counter part, impdp, does not add grants on objects that are not created by impdp. I call that the 'not created by me syndrome' that impdp has.
If you have no external dependencies (external meaning to schema's that are not part of the dump), expdp/impdp do a good job for you. You might not be able to use it if you can not have access to the database server since expdp writes it's files on the database server.
If you happen to have access to a database server that is able to connect to the original database, you could pull the data over into your local database using a database link.

Creating a DDL for a baseline for flyway

I've got an oracle 11 XE database, with 3 schemas in it, that I want to create a DDL file for to make a baseline script to use with flyway.
I've tried to export just the DDL of all 3 schemas, but the resulting sql doesn't include the creation of the users, or the creation of the tablespaces. It just starts off with sql to create tables, which will not work as the users or the tablespaces don't exist.
Is there any way to do this with sql-developer or am I using the wrong tool for the job here?
I'm thinking I may need to include all the SYSTEM objects in the DDL, but no idea how importing that into a running oracle instance will work.
Any tips or hints I'd be grateful for, I'm starting to think this plan just isn't possible. :-(
when we generate the ddl for a schema, we grab the schema objects, not the definition of the user that owns the schema, nor the tablespaces used IN the schema
you can still get those though, just open the DBA Panel -

How can I make local connection in Oracle SQL Developer?

I have downloaded the SQL Developer. Currently, I am using my school database but it is for temporary use. I want to use it after finishing my college. I do not know how can I make local connection in SQL Developer. Can you please help me in this.
Oracle SQL Developer is a tool you use to access an Oracle database.
So, if you want to use Oracle on your own computer, regardless there is (or is not) a connection to your school network, you'll have to install the database as well. I'd suggest Oracle 11g Express Edition. The installation process is simple; more or less, clicking NEXT a few times does the job. I'd, though, recommend you to follow the Installation Guide and pay attention to what the Installer asks (for example, write down passwords you choose).
Furthermore, in order to "copy" the database (actually, I believe you mean "schema" in this case) to your database, the right way to do that is to use Data Pump. You'd use Export in school to export the database, and Import on your computer to import it.
However, as Data Pump requires access to a directory (it is an Oracle object which points to a file system directory, usually on the database server; it is created by SYS and other users are granted read and/or write privileges on it). If you can't get access to it, you can use the original EXP and IMP utilities. EXP creates the DMP file locally; you'd put it onto a memory stick (or, if you're on the network, copy it directly to your PC) and import it.
If you're unsure of whether you can (or can not) do that, ask your teacher.
Once the schema is imported into your database, use SQL Developer to access it. Should be no problem to do that.

Import and Export Data plus schema using SQLDeveloper 3.0.04

i am newbie to oracle and i like to export database from remote database and import it on local machine. eOn both machines i have oracle 10.2.
I need to know how to export/import schema and data from oracle 10.2 using SQLDeveloper
To export from remote database, i have used export Tool-> Database Export -> export wizard.
and at the end i have got only sql file with DDL and DML statements but somewhere in file it is written
"Cannot render Table DDL for object XXX.TABLE_NAME with DBMS_METADATA attempting internal generator error.
I have ignored previously mentioned message and tried to run those DDL and DML statements but all this ended up with errors.
Is it possible that all this tied with read-only database user? More over, i dont find any table under tables but also tables under other users in SqlDeveloper.
Thanks in advance
As a test, can you select one object in the tree, and navigate to the script panel? SQLDEV also uses DBMS_METADATA to generate those scripts.
Also, as a work-around, try using DataPump to export and import your data. It will be much more efficient for moving around larger schemas.
Your note about not seeing tables under indicates your schema doesn't actually own any tables. You may be working with synonyms that allow you to query objects as if they are in your account. You could be running into a privilege issue, but your error message doesn't indicate that. Error messages often come in bunches, and the very first one is usually the most important.
If you could try using the EXPORT feature say against a very simple schema like SCOTT as a test, this should indicate whether there is a problem with your account settings or with the software.
I'm not sure with SQL Developer 3.0 but with version 3.1 you can follow this:
SQL Developer 3.1 Data Pump Wizards (expdp, impdp)

Oracle: Recover backup in other different than original server

I'm really newbie about Oracle backup operations. I'm really new in this world and I need to know how to backup a DB schema and restore it in another machine under another schema name.
I cannot afford any mistake since I'll be doing this in our customer site, an making a small mistake could be the last one
I don't want to sound offensive, but doing this in MySQL is really easy, like this:
in server one:
$mysqldump --user=user --password=password db_to_backup > bc_name.sql
-after transfering the sql script to another server
in server two:
mysql>create database db_to_restore;
$mysql --user=user --password=password db_to_restore < bc_name.sql
I need to do the same using Oracle, I read some documentation but I'm still unsure how to do it:
First: What's the equivalent of MySQL database in Oracle? tablespace?
Second: I think these are the steps to get a backup
mkdir /opt/oracle/dumptmp/
CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY dumptmp AS '/opt/oracle/dumptmp/';
expdp user/pass#tablespace directory=dumptmp dumpfile=dumptmp:full.dmp logfile=dumptmp:full.log full=y
Third: Then I move the file "full.dmp" to the other server, but I'm not sure how to restore my backup file full.dmp into a new tablespace with a different name to the one it the backup was gotten from:
SQLPLUS>create tablespace ts_something;
then I'm not sure how to proceed from here. Please advice me how to do it using command line commands since my customer does not have GUI tools intalled.
Thanks a lot!
First of all, make sure you test this procedure in test or development environments before proceeding to perform it on production. Disclaimer: I'm not responsible if you bust any of your databases by misusing the following advice. Note that I'm also ignoring how tablespace storage is set up for your schemas, which you should definitely hold in consideration when creating new schemas.
Here is the simplest possible method using command line. You will need to use exp and imp utilities which come with complete Oracle database distributions. Assuming that you have the path to Oracle executables set correctly in your environment path, you will need to do:
Export your source schema on the source database server:
[oracle#src_server ~]$ exp source_schema_username#SRC_SID owner=source_schema_username file=source_schema.dmp
Import your source schema into destination schema on the destination database server (assuming you have already created the destination schema, if not, see CREATE USER, also make sure that destination schema user has RESOURCE role):
[oracle#dst_server ~]$ imp system#DST_SID fromuser=source_schema_username touser=destination_schema_username file=source_schema.dmp
Note that you must run imp as a user that has DBA role. I'm using system here because this user typically exists on all Oracle databases and has DBA role. You will of course need to know the password for system user. You may not need to specify SIDs if ORACLE_SID is already set in your environment on both servers (echo $ORACLE_SID), however I wanted to be explicit here to make sure that you do not import into the wrong database.
For more information on usage of export and import utilities run exp help=y and imp help=y.
To answer your questions about Oracle:
First: What's the equivalent of MySQL database in Oracle? tablespace?
Oracle equivalent is database name (db_name parameter). It identifies a database on Oracle database server(s). On a single instance database, this is also typically Oracle SID. On Oracle RAC, a single database will have many SIDs.
Third: Then I move the file "full.dmp" to the other server, but I'm not sure how to restore my backup file full.dmp into a new tablespace with a different name to the one it the backup was gotten from:
You want to create a new user, which is identical to a schema in Oracle. Tablespaces are abstracted collections of disk locations where Oracle stores tables and indicies. For example, when you create a table, it has to be assigned to some tablespace.
What you're explaining is not really a backup, more like schema export & import.
but doing this in MySQL is really easy.
So is doing the same in Oracle.
exp user/password#hoststring file=bc_name.dmp log=bc_name.log full=y statistics=none
& to import it,
imp new_user/new_password#hoststring file=bc_name.dmp log=bc_name.log full=y
If new_user doesn't exist then create the users
create user new_user identified by new_password
and grant the rights
grant create session,connect,imp_full_database to new_user
