How to "force" Golang func to take a new instance of a struct - go

So a struct holds data that could get mutated. Is there some trick or technique in Golang that can tell a func that it must accept a new instance of a struct? In other words, try to best avoid reusing data that may have been mutated before the fact or may get mutated during func lifecycle. (I could avoid mutating stuff, but other devs on my team might not get the memo).
To illustrate:
type CMRequest struct {
Endpoint string
Method string
func (cmreq CMRequest) Run() (res *goreq.Response) {
/// this could mutate cmreq
obviously Run() could mutate the data in cmreq, so I am wondering if there is a good pattern to force the creation of fresh data every time? The only thing I can think of is to keep the struct private, and do something like this:
type cmrequest struct {
Endpoint string
Method string
func (cmreq cmrequest) Run() (res *goreq.Response) {
/// this could mutate cmreq
and then expose a helper func:
func MakeRequestAndUnmarshalBody(d CMRequestNoReuse) (*goreq.Response) {
// check that d has a unique memory location?
cmreq := NewCPRequest(d)
res := cmreq.Run()
return res
so the helper func would be public, and it would create a new instance of the struct every time? is there any other way to go about it? I still can't force the user to pass in new data every time, although I could check to see if the memory location of d CMRequestNoReuse is unique?

Actually, no, in your example, this doesn't mutate data in CMRequest instance:
func (cmreq CMRequest) Run() (res *goreq.Response) {
/// this could mutate cmreq
When you pass object by value, you actually get copy of it, not reference to it.
To mutate, you need to pass by pointer. I.e. Run method would look like:
func (cmreq *CMRequest) Run() (res *goreq.Response) {
/// this actually can mutate cmreq
Then you actually have access to original object via pointer and can mutate it.
Here is example in go playground. But note, if one of the fields of struct is pointer -- you still can mutate it.


Golang calling a function without implementation

I'm very new to Golang and I recently stumbled across this neat package for testing called "testify". And in it, I noticed that all you have to do is add an additional mock object to our testing struct:
type MyTestObject struct {
// add a Mock object instance
// other fields go here as normal
And out of nowhere, we're allowed to call a function named called
func (o *MyTestObject) SavePersonDetails(firstname, lastname string, age int) (int, error) {
args := o.Called(firstname, lastname, age)
return args.Int(0), args.Error(1)
As a new Golang programmer, this completely throws me off. How does this work? How, by just adding another field in the struct, are we allowed to call a function that we did not implement? Did I miss an important lesson in Golang here? Is this a thing I can do in my programs too? If so, can someone point me at a tutorial/description of how to do this?

Having a singleton pattern in Go Wire injection

I have a piece of code which is used to load configuration from file and parse it into a struct, I use this configuration quite often and hence I pass it around in the method parameters. Now I as my method parameters are increasing, I am looking at dependency injection and have settle with wire.
Now I have created a provider to load the configuration and an injector to provide the config struct. However each time I call the injection my file is read again, I want that the file is read once and the injection provided as many times as required without any additional loading.
Here is my provider:
// ProvideConfig config provider ...
func ProvideConfig() *config.FileConfig {
var cfp string
flag.StringVar(&cfp, "config", "config.json", "absolute path")
return config.Loadconfig(cfp)
// GetConfig injector ...
func GetConfig() ConfigResource {
wire.Build(ProvideConfig, NewConfigResource)
return ConfigResource{}
Now when I call:
I see that ProvideConfig is called always. I can have a check in the provide config method the determine if the config is already loaded, I am not sure if there is a better way, something like a single instance loader which is built into the wire. I tried looking into the docs but could not find anything relevant.
As far as I'm aware, there's no built in way in wire to specify that a provider is a singleton / should only be called once.
This is accomplished in the usual way in Go, by using sync.Once. Your provider function can be a closure that does the expensive operation only once using sync.Once.Do. This is idiomatic in Go, and doesn't require any special provision from every library that wants to provide "single" loading.
Here's an example without wire:
type Value struct {
id int
msg string
type ValueProvider func() *Value
// consumer takes a function that provides a new *Value and consumes
// the *Value provided by it.
func consumer(vp ValueProvider) {
v := vp()
fmt.Printf("Consuming %+v\n", *v)
// MakeSingleLoader returns a ValueProvider that creates a value once using an
// expensive operation, and then keeps returning the same value.
func MakeSingleLoader() ValueProvider {
var v *Value
var once sync.Once
return func() *Value {
once.Do(func() {
v = ExpensiveOperation()
return v
// ExpensiveOperation emulates an expensive operation that can take a while
// to run.
func ExpensiveOperation() *Value {
return &Value{id: 1, msg: "hello"}
func main() {
sl := MakeSingleLoader()
If you're OK with the "singleton" value being a global, this code can be simplified a bit. Otherwise, it only calls ExpensiveOperation once, and keeps the value cached in a local inaccessible outside MakeSingleLoader.

Go: Access a struct's properties through an interface{}

I am having trouble in accessing the one struct's properties (named Params) in different file.
please consider x.go where i invoke a function(CreateTodo)
type Params struct {
Title string `json:"title"`
IsCompleted int `json:is_completed`
Status string `json:status`
var data = &Params{Title:"booking hotel", IsCompleted :0,Status:"not started"}
isCreated := todoModel.CreateTodo(data) // assume todoModel is imported
now CreateTodo is a method on a struct (named Todo) in different file lets say y.go
type Todo struct {
Id int `json:todo_id`
Title string `json:"title"`
IsCompleted int `json:is_completed`
Status string `json:status`
func (mytodo Todo)CreateTodo(data interface{}) bool{
// want to access the properties of data here
return true
Now I just want to use properties of data in CreateTodo function in y.go.
But i am not able to do so and getting following error
data.Title undefined (type interface {} is interface with no methods)
I am sure issue is around accepting struct as an empty interface but i am not able to figure out.
Please help here.Thanks
So you have one of two options, depending on your model:
Switch to data *Params instead of data interface{} as suggested in another answer but it looks like you are expecting different types in this function, if so; check option #2 below.
Use Type switches as follows:
func (t Todo) CreateTodo(data interface{}) bool {
switch x := data.(type) {
case Params:
return true
// Other expected types
// Unexpected type
return false
P.S. Be careful with your json tags: it should be json:"tagName". Notice the ""! Check go vet.
You could just type the function parameter:
func (mytodo Todo)CreateTodo(data *Params) bool{
// want to access the properties of data here
return true
If you want to operate on a Params (or *Params), you must do that.
If you want to operate on an opaque type hidden behind an interface{}, you must do that.
In short, you cannot peek behind the curtain without peeking behind the curtain. Either expose the actual type Params, so that you can look at it, or keep all the code that does look at it elsewhere. The "keep the code elsewhere" is where interface really shines, because it allows you to declare that something otherwise-opaque has behaviors and ask for those behaviors to happen:
type Titler interface {
GetTitle() string
If Params has a GetTitle function, it becomes a Titler.
You can now define your CreateTodo as a function that takes a Titler, and then you can pass &data to this function.
This structure is overall quite klunky and it seems much more likely that Todo itself should be an embeddable struct instead, but see a more complete example starting from a stripped-down version of your sample code here, in the Go Playground.

Sync access for the same variable

I want to make sure that my update function is executed only by one thread at a time for a given value.
func update1(int id){
func update2(int id){
So, how should I write my makeUpdate() function that the myUpdate block is executed only once for a given id value? That means if update1 is updating the record with the id "15" and update2 with the id "20", the block access should not be synchronized.
As comments suggest - you need to protect data access not functional access.
Easiest way to achieve this, is to make a struct type with a lock - and attach the critical functional update as a method e.g.
type MyData struct {
l sync.Mutex
// add any other task related attributes here too
// makeUpdate *MUST* use a pointer to our struct (i.e. 'm *MyData')
// as Mutex logic breaks if copied (so no 'm MyData')
func (m *MyData) makeUpdate(id int) {
defer m.l.Unlock()
fmt.Printf("better makeUpdate(%d)\n", id)
// do critical stuff here
// don't dilly-dally - lock is still being used - so return quickly
Try this out in the playground.

Is there a way to create method hooks for structs in Go?

I want to create before save and after save method hooks for my Go structs how can I achieve this?
type Person struct {
FirstName string
LastName string
func (p *Person) Save() {
// call beforeSave()
// Save person data
// call afterSave()
func (p *Person) Update() {
// call beforeUpdate()
// Update person data
// call afterUpdate()
type Order struct {
Number bson.ObjectId
Items []Item
func (o *Order) Save() {
// call beforeSave()
// Save order data
// call afterSave()
func (o *Order) Update() {
// call beforeUpdate()
// Update order data
// call afterUpdate()
For any struct I create as a model I want it to have a beforeSave() and afterSave() hook called automatically and be able to further override if necessary.
Packages like gorm use callback hooks heavily. But if you are writing your own engine (for some specific logic) using interfaces can help greatly (sample).
I would only add to that article above, which I think well answers your question, that you can go further using pipelines (methods that return the associated variable they are bound to). It's particularly interesting as in the above article, as relates to being able to interpose anything between two processes, and you can use this to create tees and journalling/logging systems, and it can go a long way towards compensating for the kinda primitive error handling in Go.
I designed a number of related byte slice processing libraries that were able to be easily chained without needing to break a a line, although obviously more than about 3-4 in a line can get confusing and you can find yourself wanting to pass things in a DAG style pattern, at which point I think channels would make sense.
