Spring Boot 2.3.0.M4, Cassandra, and SSL - spring-boot

I have been using ClusterBuilderCustomizer to customize the SSL connection between my Spring Boot application (2.2.5.RELEASE) and the Cassandra database. After migrating to Spring Boot 2.3.0.M4, my code no longer compiles as the ClusterBuilderCustomizer doesn't exist anymore.
As per Spring Boot 2.3.0 release notes, it has been replaced with DriverConfigLoaderBuilderCustomizer and CqlSessionBuilderCustomizer. Does anyone have a working example on how to use any of these customizer classes with SSL?

You just need to declare two beans having these types:
public CqlSessionBuilderCustomizer cqlSessionBuilderCustomizer() {
return cqlSessionBuilder -> cqlSessionBuilder
.withNodeStateListener(new MyNodeStateListener())
.withSchemaChangeListener(new MySchemChangeListener());
public DriverConfigLoaderBuilderCustomizer driverConfigLoaderBuilderCustomizer() {
return loaderBuilder -> loaderBuilder
.withDuration(DefaultDriverOption.REQUEST_TIMEOUT, Duration.ofSeconds(10));
Use CqlSessionBuilderCustomizer to pass runtime objects to the session builder, e.g. node state listeners or schema change listeners.
Use DriverConfigLoaderBuilderCustomizer to programmatically customize the driver configuration. See the driver docs for more information on how to programmatically configure the driver.


How to configure DispatcherType's for SecurityFilterAutoConfiguration?

I have a Spring Boot (2.1.5) application which uses the SecurityFilterAutoConfiguration feature. During registration of DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean only REQUEST, ASYNC, ERROR DispatcherTypes are set. But I need FORWARD and INCLUDE as well.
The property security.filter-dispatcher-types from Spring Boot 1.x no longer works.
I can work around the problem by "overwriting" the DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean as follows:
#ConditionalOnBean(name = DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME)
public DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean customSecurityFilterChainRegistration(SecurityProperties securityProperties) {
DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean registration = new DelegatingFilterProxyRegistrationBean(DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME);
return registration;
But that doesn't seem like a very elegant solution to me.
Is there a way to configure this for Spring Boot 2.1.x explicit?
You have to use spring.security.filter.dispatcher-types, see Spring Boot 2.0 Configuration Changelog.

Spring Boot 2 integrate Brave MySQL-Integration into Zipkin

I am trying to integrate the Brave MySql Instrumentation into my Spring Boot 2.x service to automatically let its interceptor enrich my traces with spans concerning MySql-Queries.
The current Gradle-Dependencies are the following
compile 'io.zipkin.zipkin2:zipkin:2.4.5'
I already configured Sleuth successfully to send traces concerning HTTP-Request to my Zipkin-Server and now I wanted to add some spans for each MySql-Query the service does.
The TracingConfiguration it this:
public class TracingConfiguration {
/** Configuration for how to send spans to Zipkin */
Sender sender() {
return OkHttpSender.create("https://myzipkinserver.com/api/v2/spans");
/** Configuration for how to buffer spans into messages for Zipkin */
#Bean AsyncReporter<Span> spanReporter() {
return AsyncReporter.create(sender());
#Bean Tracing tracing(Reporter<Span> spanListener) {
return Tracing.newBuilder()
The Query-Interceptor works properly, but my problem now is that the spans are not added to the existing trace but each are added to a new one.
I guess its because of the creation of a new sender/reporter in the configuration, but I have not been able to reuse the existing one created by the Spring Boot Autoconfiguration.
That would moreover remove the necessity to redundantly define the Zipkin-Url (because it is already defined for Zipkin in my application.yml).
I already tried autowiring the Zipkin-Reporter to my Bean, but all I got is a SpanReporter - but the Brave-Tracer-Builder requries a Reporter<Span>
Do you have any advice for me how to properly wire things up?
Please use latest snapshots. Sleuth in latest snapshots uses brave internally so integration will be extremely simple.

Implement multi-tenanted application with Keycloak and springboot

When we use 'KeycloakSpringBootConfigResolver' for reading the keycloak configuration from Spring Boot properties file instead of keycloak.json.
Now there are guidelines to implement a multi-tenant application using keycloak by overriding 'KeycloakConfigResolver' as specified in http://www.keycloak.org/docs/2.3/securing_apps_guide/topics/oidc/java/multi-tenancy.html.
The steps defined here can only be used with keycloak.json.
How can we adapt this to a Spring Boot application such that keycloak properties are read from the Spring Boot properties file and multi-tenancy is achieved.
You can access the keycloak config you secified in your application.yaml (or application.properties) if you inject org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.AdapterConfig into your component.
public class MyKeycloakConfigResolver implements KeycloakConfigResolver {
private final AdapterConfig keycloakConfig;
public MyKeycloakConfigResolver(org.keycloak.representations.adapters.config.AdapterConfig keycloakConfig) {
this.keycloakConfig = keycloakConfig;
public KeycloakDeployment resolve(OIDCHttpFacade.Request request) {
// make a defensive copy before changing the config
AdapterConfig currentConfig = new AdapterConfig();
BeanUtils.copyProperties(keycloakConfig, currentConfig);
// changes stuff here for example compute the realm
return KeycloakDeploymentBuilder.build(currentConfig);
After several trials, the only feasible option for spring boot is to have
Multiple instances of the spring boot application running with different spring 'profiles'.
Each application instance can have its own keycloak properties (as it is under different profiles) including the realm.
The challenge is to have an upgrade path for all instances for version upgrades/bug fixes, but I guess there are multiple strategies already implemented (not part of this discussion)
there is a ticket regarding this problem: https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-4139?_sscc=t
Comments for that ticket also talk about possible workarounds intervening in servlet setup of the service used (Tomcat/Undertow/Jetty), which you could try.
Note that the documentation you linked in your first comment is super outdated!

How to disable H2's DATABASE_TO_UPPER in Spring Boot, without explicit connection URL

I'm aware that H2 has a boolean property/setting called DATABASE_TO_UPPER, which you can set at least in the connection URL, as in: ;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false
I’d like to set this to false, but in my Spring Boot app, I don’t explicitly have a H2 connection URL anywhere. Implicitly there sure is a connection URL though, as I can see in the logs:
o.s.j.d.e.EmbeddedDatabaseFactory: Shutting down embedded database:
So the question is, what's the easiest way to tell H2 to disable DATABASE_TO_UPPER in this scenario? Can I do it in code when creating the H2 datasource with EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder (see below)? Or in application properties maybe?
This is how the H2 database is explicitly initialised in code:
public class DataSourceConfig {
public DataSource devDataSource() {
return new EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder()
.addScripts("db/init.sql", "db/schema.sql", "db/test_data.sql")
Also, I'm telling JPA/Hibernate not to auto-generate embedded database (without this there was an issue that two in-memory databases were launched):
You can't w\ the generateUniqueName, but if you call setName("testdb;DATABASE_TO_UPPER=false") you can add parameters. I doubt this is officially supported, but it worked for me.
The spring code that generates the connection url is like this:
String.format("jdbc:h2:mem:%s;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1;DB_CLOSE_ON_EXIT=false", databaseName)
You may want abandon using explicit creation via EmbeddedDatabaseBuilder. Spring Boot creates H2 instance automatically based on configuration. So I would try this in application.properties:

Need matching class for LoggersMvcEndpoint. in spring-boot 2.1.9 release

I am upgrading my project from spring-boot 1.5.12.release to 2.1.9.release. I am unable to find LoggersMvcEndpoint (https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/1.5.12.RELEASE/api/org/springframework/boot/actuate/endpoint/mvc/LoggersMvcEndpoint.html) in latest version.
In one of my controller I had this. Can some one help me to fix this.
public class LoggerController extends CloudRestTemplate {
LoggersMvcEndpoint loggerAPI;
public Object getFromInternalApi(final String param) {
return StringUtils.isEmpty(param) ? loggerAPI.invoke() : loggerAPI.get(param);
public Object postToInternalApi(final String param, final Object request) {
return loggerAPI.set(param, (Map<String, String>) request);
As per Spring docs here
Endpoint infrastructure
Spring Boot 2 brings a brand new endpoint
infrastructure that allows you to define one or several operations in
a technology independent fashion with support for Spring MVC, Spring
WebFlux and Jersey! Spring Boot 2 will have native support for Jersey
and writing an adapter for another JAX-RS implementation should be
easy as long as there is a way to programmatically register resources.
The new #Endpoint annotation declares this type to be an endpoint with
a mandatory, unique id. As we will see later, a bunch of properties
will be automatically inferred from that. No additional code is
required to expose this endpoint at /applications/loggers or as a
org.springframework.boot:type=Endpoint,name=Loggers JMX MBean.
Refer to documentation, it will help you further
and for your info LoggersMvcEndpoint was there until 2.0.0.M3 https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/2.0.0.M3/api/org/springframework/boot/actuate/endpoint/mvc/LoggersMvcEndpoint.html however there is no reference of deprecation in subsequent version's release notes of 2.0.0.M4
