Matching Column numbers from two different txt file - bash

I have two text files which are a different size. The first one below example1.txt has only one column of numbers:
And the Second text file example2.txt has two columns:
101 3
102 3
103 3
104 4
104 4
111 5
120 1
120 1
125 2
126 2
127 2
128 2
129 2
130 2
130 2
130 2
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
132 10
The first column in the example1.txt is a subset of column one in example2.txt. The second column numbers in example2.txt are the associated values with the first column.
What I want to do is to get the associated second column of example1.txt following the example2.txt. I have tried but couldn't figure it out yet. Any suggestions or solutions in bash, awk would be appreciated
Therefore the result would be:
101 3
102 3
103 3
104 4
111 5
120 1
120 1
125 2
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
I have been trying to do the column matching like :
awk -F'|' 'NR==FNR{c[$1]++;next};c[$1] > 0' example1.txt example2.txt > output.txt
In both files, the first column goes like an ascending order, but the frequency of the same numbers may not be the same. For example, the frequency of 104 is one in the example1.txt, but it appeared twice in the example2.txt The important thing is that the associated second column value would be the same for example1.txt too. Just see the expected output in the end.

$ awk 'NR==FNR{a[$1]++; next} ($1 in a) && b[$1]++ < a[$1]' f1 f2
101 3
102 3
103 3
104 4
111 5
120 1
120 1
125 2
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
131 10
This solution doesn't make use of the fact that the first column is in ascending order. Perhaps some optimization can be done based on that.
($1 in a) && b[$1]++ < a[$1] is the main difference from your solution. This checks if the field exists as well as that the count doesn't exceed that of the first file.
Also, not sure why you set the field separator as | because there is no such character in the sample given.


Correlation with covariate in R

I have 2 files. File1 contains gene expression- 300 samples(rows) and ~50k genes (50k columns), File2 contains MRI data -the same 300 samples and ~100 columns. I want to correlate GE data with MRI data controlling for covariate which is disease status (file3, status 0 or 1).
I have tried to use ppcor package, for 2 variables it worked:
pcor.test(file1$gene1, file2$var1, file3$status, method="pearson")
but I want to run for all variables, so I merged into 1 file, last columns being status:
sapply(1:(ncol(test)-1), function(x) sapply(1:(ncol(test)-1), function(y) {
if (x == y) 1
else pcor.test(test[,x], test[,y], test[,ncol(test)])$estimate
but had this error:
Error in solve.default(cvx) :
system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 6.36939e-18
Am I doing this correctly? Is this a good method?
Thank you for suggestions and help
gene1 gene2 gene3 ... gene50,000
Sample1 12 300 70 4000
Sample2 25 100 53 4500
Sample3 70 30 71 2000
Sample300 18 200 97 1765
var1 var2 var3 ... var100
Sample1 5 1 170 200
Sample2 7 3 153 100
Sample3 7 18 130 34
Sample300 18 54 197 71
Sample1 1
Sample2 1
Sample3 0
Sample300 1

How to replace list of numbers in column for random numbers in other column in BASH environment

I have a tab file with two columns like that
5 6 14 22 23 25 27 84 85 88 89 94 95 98 100 6 94
6 8 17 20 193 205 209 284 294 295 299 304 305 307 406 205 284 307 406
2 10 13 40 47 58 2 13 40 87
and the desired output should be
5 6 14 22 23 25 27 84 85 88 89 94 95 98 100 14 27
6 8 17 20 193 205 209 284 294 295 299 304 305 307 406 6 209 299 305
2 10 13 23 40 47 58 87 10 23 40 58
I would like to change the numbers in 2nd column for random numbers in 1st column resulting in an output in 2nd column with the same number of numbers. I mean e.g. if there are four numbers in 2nd column for x row, the output must have four random numbers from 1st column for this row, and so on...
I'm try to create two arrays by AWK and split and replace every number in 2nd column for numbers in 1st column but not in a randomly way. I have seen the rand() function but I don't know exactly how joint these two things in a script. Is it possible to do in BASH environment or are there other better ways to do it in BASH environment? Thanks in advance
awk to the rescue!
$ awk -F'\t' 'function shuf(a,n)
t=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=t}}
function join(a,n,x,s)
{for(i=1;i<=n;i++) {x=x s a[i]; s=" "}
return x}
{an=split($1,a," ");
bn=split($2,b," ");
delete m; delete c; j=0;
for(i=1;i<=bn;i++) m[b[i]];
# pull elements from a upto required sample size,
# not intersecting with the previous sample set
for(i=1;i<=an && j<bn;i++) if(!(a[i] in m)) c[++j]=a[i];
print $1 FS join(c,cn)}' file
5 6 14 22 23 25 27 84 85 88 89 94 95 98 100 85 94
6 8 17 20 193 205 209 284 294 295 299 304 305 307 406 20 205 294 295
2 10 13 23 40 47 58 87 10 13 47 87
shuffle (standard algorithm) the input array, sample required number of elements, additional requirement is no intersection with the existing sample set. Helper structure map to keep existing sample set and used for in tests. The rest should be easy to read.
Assuming that there is a tab delimiting the two columns, and each column is a space delimited list:
awk 'BEGIN{srand()}
{n=split($1,a," ");
m=split($2,b," ");
printf "%s\t",$1;
for (i=1;i<=m;i++)
printf "%d%c", a[int(rand() * n) +1], (i == m) ? "\n" : " "
}' FS=\\t input
Try this:
# This can be an external file of course
# Note COL1 and COL2 seprated by hard TAB
cat <<EOF > d1.txt
5 6 14 22 23 25 27 84 85 88 89 94 95 98 100 6 94
6 8 17 20 193 205 209 284 294 295 299 304 305 307 406 205 284 307 406
2 10 13 40 47 58 2 13 40 87
# Loop to read each line, not econvert TAB to:, though could have used IFS
cat d1.txt | sed 's/ /:/' | while read LINE
# Get the 1st column data
COL1=$( echo ${LINE} | cut -d':' -f1 )
# Get col1 number of items
NUM_COL1=$( echo ${COL1} | wc -w )
# Get col2 number of items
NUM_COL2=$( echo ${LINE} | cut -d':' -f2 | wc -w )
# Now split col1 items into an array
read -r -a COL1_NUMS <<< "${COL1}"
COL2=" "
# THis loop runs once for each COL2 item
while [ ${COUNT} -lt ${NUM_COL2} ]
# Generate a random number to use as teh random index for COL1
let "COL1_IDX %= ${NUM_COL1}"
# Check for duplicate
DUP_FOUND=$( echo "${COL2}" | grep ${NEW_NUM} )
if [ -z "${DUP_FOUND}" ]
# Not a duplicate, increment loop conter and do next one
let "COUNT = COUNT + 1 "
# Add the random COL1 item to COL2
COL2="${COL2} ${COL1_NUMS[${COL1_IDX}]}"
# Sort COL2
COL2=$( echo ${COL2} | tr ' ' '\012' | sort -n | tr '\012' ' ' )
# Print
echo ${COL1} :: ${COL2}
5 6 14 22 23 25 27 84 85 88 89 94 95 98 100 :: 88 95
6 8 17 20 193 205 209 284 294 295 299 304 305 307 406 :: 20 299 304 305
2 10 13 40 47 58 :: 2 10 40 58

Max of all columns based on distinct first column

How do I change the code if I have more than two columns. Let's say the data is like this
1 10 15
3 34 20
1 4 22
3 32 33
5 3 46
2 2 98
4 20 100
3 13 23
4 50 65
1 40 76
2 20 22
How do I achieve this?
1 40 76
2 20 98
3 34 33
4 50 100
5 3 46
I mean the max of each column by comparing first column. Thanks.
Here is what I have tried(on a sample file with 13columns). But the highest value is not coming up this way.
cat input.txt | sort -k1,1 -k2,2nr -k3,3nr -k4,4nr -k5,5nr -k6,6nr -k7,7nr -k8,8nr -k9,9nr -k10,10nr -nrk11,11 -nrk12,12 -nrk13,13 | sort -k1,1 -u
Instead of relying on sort, you could switch over to something more robust like awk:
awk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#val_num_asc"} {for(i=2;i<=NF;++i) if (a[$1][i]<$i){a[$1][i]=$i}} END{n=asorti(a, asorted); for(col1 in asorted){print col1, a[col1][2], a[col1][3]}}' input.txt
That's a mouthful. It breaks down like:
Before processing the file set the PROCINFO setting of sorted_in to #val_num_asc since we will be sorting the contents of an array by its index which will be numeric: (BEGIN{PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#val_num_asc"})
Loop through each field in the record for(i=2;i<=NF;++i)
Test to see if the current value is greater than the stored value in the array which has as its index the first field's value. If it is greater, then store it in place of whatever is currently held in the array for that index at that fields position: (if (a[$1][i]<$i){a[$1][i]=$i})
When done processing all of the records, sort the array into new array asorted: (END{n=asorti(a, asorted);)
Iterate through the array and print each element (for(col1 in asorted){print col1, a[col1][2], a[col1][3]})
There may be a more elegant way to do this in awk, but this will do the trick.
:~$ cat test
1 10 15
3 34 20
1 4 22
3 32 33
5 3 46
2 2 98
4 20 100
3 13 23
4 50 65
1 40 76
2 20 22
:~$ awk 'BEGIN{PROCINFO["sorted_in"] = "#val_num_asc"} {for(i=2;i<=NF;++i) if (a[$1][i]<$i){a[$1][i]=$i}} END{n=asorti(a, asorted); for(col1 in asorted){print col1, a[col1][2], a[col1][3]}}' test
1 40 76
2 20 98
3 34 33
4 50 100
5 3 46

Remove rows that have a specific numeric value in a field

I have a very bulky file about 1M lines like this:
4001 168991 11191 74554 60123 37667 125750 28474
8 145 25 101 83 51 124 43
2985 136287 4424 62832 50788 26847 89132 19184
3 129 14 101 88 61 83 32 1 14 10 12 7 13 4
6136 158525 14054 100072 134506 78254 146543 41638
1 40 4 14 19 10 35 4
2981 112734 7708 54280 50701 33795 75774 19046
7762 339477 26805 148550 155464 119060 254938 59592
1 22 2 12 10 6 17 2
6 136 16 118 184 85 112 56 1 28 1 5 18 25 40 2
1 26 2 19 28 6 18 3
4071 122584 14031 69911 75930 52394 89733 30088
1 9 1 3 4 3 11 2 14 314 32 206 253 105 284 66
I want to remove rows that have a value less than 100 in the second column.
How to do this with sed?
I would use awk to do this. Example:
awk ' $2 >= 100 ' file.txt
this will only display every row from file.txt that has a column $2 greater than 100.
Use the following approach:
sed '/^\w+\s+([0-9]{1,2}|[0][0-9]+)\b/d' -E /tmp/test.txt
(replace /tmp/test.txt with your current file path)
([0-9]{1,2}|[0][0-9]+) - will match either digits from 0 to 99 OR a digits with leading zero (ex. 012, 00982)
d - delete the pattern space;
-E(--regexp-extended) - Use extended regular expressions rather than basic regular expressions
To remove matched lines in place use -i option:
sed -i -E '/^\w+\s+([0-9]{1,2}|[0][0-9]+)\b/d' /tmp/test.txt

manipulating contents of a text file

Suppose I have made a text file in the following format:
1 4 4
2 3 4
2 431 431
2 473 473
4 44 44
10 36 36
20 34 34
10 5 5
5 5 2
100 63 63
110 112 112
60 1327 1327
70 75 75
80 27 27
60 14 14
150 16 16
200 129 129
Now I want to make a distance of a tab key between two different column values as follows:
1 4 4
2 3 4
2 431 431
2 473 473
4 44 44
10 36 36
20 34 34
10 5 5
5 5 2
100 63 63
110 112 112
60 1327 1327
70 75 75
80 27 27
60 14 14
150 16 16
200 129 129
Is there any way of doing this at a time using any text editor or any other way?Also, if I want to delete an entire column at a time, how will I do that?
You may use a regular expression that will match and capture digits, then will match 1 or more spaces, and then will match and capture digits again, then just replace the spaces with a tab. In Notepad++, use:
Find What: (\d+) +(\d+)
Replace With: $1\t$2
(\d+) - Group 1 (later referred to with $1 backreference from the replacement pattern): one or more digits
+ - one or more spaces
(\d+) - Group 2 (later referred to with $2 backreference from the replacement pattern): one or more digits
