Function RtlQueryRegistryValues can allocate memory for returning REG_SZ result.
Everything works nicely, but I cannot guess how to release that memory.
Code fragment:
RtlZeroMemory(&result, sizeof(UNICODE_STRING));
queryTable[0].Flags = RTL_QUERY_REGISTRY_DIRECT | . . .;
queryTable[0].EntryContent = &result;
. . .
RtlQueryRegistryValues(..., queryTable, NULL, NULL);
All fields of result are populated correctly. I am trying to find out how to deallocate results.Buffer.
As a workaround, I can allocate sufficient buffer myself before calling the function, but I am looking for clean solution.
You can ExFreePool() to free memory. but since it is a Unicode string you should try also RtlFreeUnicodeString()
I am coding a windows driver.
I try to probes a Virtual Memory Page using MmProbeAndLockPages()
First I allocate the MDL using IoAllocateMdl(). Then I probes the virtual memory page. The code is like :
PMDL pMdl = IoAllocateMdl(Dest, (ULONG)Size, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (pMdl) {
__try {
MmProbeAndLockPages(pMdl, KernelMode, IoModifyAccess);
status = GetExceptionCode();
I also tried to attach to the process using KeStackAttachProcess() but it has no effect.
The Dest variable is a PVOID to a userland process' address. The address is valid because I can read from it.
Do you have an idea why MmProbeAndLockPages() failed and my code goes into the except branch?
The exception code is 0xC0000005 (which is an access violation) but I specified IoModifyAccess/IoWriteAccess and I should be able to write to a userland process from kernelland, right?
Even when I unset the WP bit of cr0, it doesn't work ... hum something weird is happening
I am using a windows 10.0.19044
I have to change IoModifyAccess to IoReadAccess.
Then to call MmProtectMdlSystemAddress() with PAGE_READWRITE.
I refer to below two links to use huge page in my linux driver:
Sequential access to hugepages in kernel driver
Below is my code:
#define PAGE_SHIFT_2M 21
pages = vmalloc(nr_pages * sizeof(struct page*));
get_nr_pages = get_user_pages(current, current->mm, buffer_start, nr_pages,
1 /* Write enable */, 0 /* Force */, pages, NULL);
nid = page_to_nid(pages[0]); // Remap on the same NUMA node.
remapped_addr = vm_map_ram(pages, nr_pages, nid, PAGE_KERNEL);
printf("page pfn [0]=%lX, [1]=0x%lX, [2]=0x%lX\n",
printf("page physical [0]=%lX, [1]=0x%lX, [2]=0x%lX\n",
printf("page logical addr [0]=%p, [1]=%p, [2]=%p\n",
printf("page_address [0]=%p, [1]=%p, [2]=%p\n",
Log print:
page pfn [0]=154A00, [1]=0x154A01, [2]=0x154A02
page physical [0]=2A940000000, [1]=0x2A940200000, [2]=0x2A940400000
page logical addr [0]=ffff8aa940000000, [1]=ffff8aa940200000, [2]=ffff8aa940400000
page_address [0]=ffff880154a00000, [1]=ffff880154a01000, [2]=ffff880154a02000
I have several questions:
1) I'm wondering whether vm_map_ram() can works with huge page. From kernel source code, I can see vm_map_ram() use PAGE_SIZE and PAGE_SHIFT, which's value should for default 4KB page size.
In my case, after write to the virtual address returned from vm_map_ram(), I encounter "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at XXXX" issue.
2) page_address return values for two pages are 0x1000(4KB) gap, not 2MB gap. Why is that?
3) Did I use right with "__va(page_to_pfn(pages[0])<
Thanks in advance!
I am writing a PCI driver with a character device for an interface (Linux 4.9.13). Here's the scenario that bothers me:
Run touch /dev/foo0 which creates a normal file in the /dev directory.
Load the driver module. Here's a pseudo code representing what happens there (pretty standard character device registration):
// When the module is initialized:
alloc_chrdev_region(&dev, 0, 256, "foo");
class = class_create(THIS_MODULE, "foo");
// Later, when a suitable PCI device is connected the probe function
// calls the following functions:
cdev_init(dev->md_cdev, &fops);
dev->md_devnum = MKDEV(major, 0 + index);
res = cdev_add(dev->md_cdev, dev->md_devnum, 1);
dev->md_sysfsdev = device_create(class, 0, dev->md_devnum, 0, "foo%d", index);
index is just another free index
What seems weird to me is nothing raises an error that there is already a /dev/foo0 file which is not a character device. I do check all the errors (I think so) but I omitted related code for the sake of conciseness. Everything works as expected if I do not run touch /dev/foo0. Otherwise, I can neither read nor write to the device.
Why is it so? Shouldn't device_create return an error or at least create /dev/foo1 instead?
I'm trying to get total system memory using GlobalMemoryStatusEx():
#define PRINT(v) {printf("%s ~%.3fGB\n", (#v), ((double)v)/(1024.*1024.*1024.));}
#undef PRINT
But the result is very weired and not understandable.
memory.ullAvailPhys ~1.002GB
memory.ullTotalPhys ~1.002GB
memory.ullTotalVirtual ~0.154GB
memory.ullAvailPageFile ~0.002GB
memory.ullTotalPageFile ~1.002GB
My total physical memory is 8GB but non of result is close it. All values are much smaller.
Also, the 'total' values keep changing whenever I execute. For instance, another result is here:
memory.ullAvailPhys ~0.979GB
memory.ullTotalPhys ~0.979GB
memory.ullTotalVirtual ~0.154GB
memory.ullAvailPageFile ~0.002GB
memory.ullTotalPageFile ~0.979GB
What am I doing wrong?
This is the part you are missing:
MEMORYSTATUSEX memory = { sizeof memory };
The size of the structure, in bytes. You must set this member before calling GlobalMemoryStatusEx.
If you checked value returned by GlobalMemoryStatusEx, you could see the problem by getting error indication there.
what is the equivalent of msync [unix sys call] in windows? I am looking for MSDN api in c,C++ space.
More info on msync can be found at
Checkout the Python 2.6 mmapmodule.c for an example of FlushViewOfFile and msync in use:
/ Author: Sam Rushing <>
/ Hacked for Unix by AMK
/ $Id: mmapmodule.c 65859 2008-08-19 17:47:13Z thomas.heller $
/ Modified to support mmap with offset - to map a 'window' of a file
/ Author: Yotam Medini
/ mmapmodule.cpp -- map a view of a file into memory
/ todo: need permission flags, perhaps a 'chsize' analog
/ not all functions check range yet!!!
/ This version of mmapmodule.c has been changed significantly
/ from the original mmapfile.c on which it was based.
/ The original version of mmapfile is maintained by Sam at
static PyObject *
mmap_flush_method(mmap_object *self, PyObject *args)
Py_ssize_t offset = 0;
Py_ssize_t size = self->size;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "|nn:flush", &offset, &size))
return NULL;
if ((size_t)(offset + size) > self->size) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "flush values out of range");
return NULL;
return PyInt_FromLong((long) FlushViewOfFile(self->data+offset, size));
#elif defined(UNIX)
/* XXX semantics of return value? */
/* XXX flags for msync? */
if (-1 == msync(self->data + offset, size, MS_SYNC)) {
return NULL;
return PyInt_FromLong(0);
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_ValueError, "flush not supported on this system");
return NULL;
I don't think you are going to find complete parity in the win32 mapped file APIs. The FlushViewOfFile API doesn't have a synchronous flavor (probably because of the possible impact of the cache manager). If precise control over when data is written to disk is required perhaps you can use the FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING and FILE_FLAG_WRITE_THROUGH flags with the CreateFile API when you create the handle to your mapped file?
Windows equivalent for flushing all filemapping is
void FlushToHardDrive(LPVOID fileMapAddress,HANDLE hFile)
FlushViewOfFile(fileMappAddress,0); //Async flush of dirty pages
FlushFileBuffers(hFiles); // flush metadata and wait
And for flushing part of filemapping
void FlushToHardDrive(LPVOID address,DWORD size, HANDLE hFile)
FlushViewOfFile(address,size); //Async flush of region
FlushFileBuffers(hFiles); // flush metadata and wait
This is described in MSDN here
Flag FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING actually do nothing for memory mapped files (described here), also even file handle is created with these flags, metadata of file can be cached and not flushed, so FlushFileBuffers is always required for IO and MM, if you want to be completely sure that all data (including file access time) is saved. This behavior is described here
P.S. Some real world example: SQLite use MM-files almost only for reading, so when you are using MM-files for write/update you need understand all side effects for this scenario
I suspect FlushViewOfFile actually is the right thing. When I read the man page for msync, I would not assume that it is actually flushing the disk cache (the cache in the disk unit, as opposed to the system cache in main memory).
FlushViewOfFile won't return until the disk stack has completed the writes; like the msync documentation, it says nothing about what happens in the disk cache. We should probably take a look at making that more clear in the documentation.