ACE editor adding special characters - utf-8

The use case is to display server logs in the UI built using Angular9.
I am using ACE editor to display text content received from server upon a http call and the server responds with recent 1000 lines of logs
To verify the content i did console.log() to view the text content in the chrome dev tool.
Console output received from server
While loading the same content to editor I notice special characters
Ace editor content while using in text mode
Attached 2 screenshot to compare
HTML Content
<div ace-editor #codeEditor style="min-height: 550px; width:100%; overflow: auto;"></div>
import { Component, ViewChild, ElementRef, Input, SimpleChanges } from '#angular/core';
import * as ace from 'ace-builds';
import 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/mode-json';
import 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/theme-github';
import 'ace-builds/src-noconflict/ext-beautify';
const THEME = 'ace/theme/github';
const LANG = 'ace/mode/text';
selector: 'app-text-editor',
templateUrl: './text-editor.component.html',
styleUrls: ['./text-editor.component.css']
export class TextEditorComponent {
#ViewChild('codeEditor') codeEditorElmRef: ElementRef;
private codeEditor: ace.Ace.Editor;
#Input() textObject;
#Input() readMode;
data: any;
mode: any;
constructor() { }
ngOnChanges(changes: SimpleChanges) {
for (const properties of Object.keys(changes)) {
if (properties == 'textObject') {
const currentJSONObject = changes[properties];
if (currentJSONObject.currentValue && currentJSONObject.firstChange == false)
this.codeEditor.setValue(currentJSONObject.currentValue, -1);
else = currentJSONObject.currentValue
if (properties == 'readMode') {
const currentReadMode = changes[properties];
if (currentReadMode.firstChange == false)
this.mode = currentReadMode.currentValue
ngAfterViewInit() {
const element = this.codeEditorElmRef.nativeElement;
const editorOptions: Partial<ace.Ace.EditorOptions> = {
highlightActiveLine: true,
displayIndentGuides: true,
highlightSelectedWord: true,
this.codeEditor = ace.edit(element, editorOptions);
if (
this.codeEditor.setValue(, - 1);
if (this.mode)

This are not characters added by ace, but color control characters sent by the terminal. If you do not want to display colors, and only want the text use the following function
var CSIRegexp;
function getCSIRegexp() {
if (CSIRegexp) return CSIRegexp;
var classes = {
C0 : "\\x00-\\x1F", //
SPACE : "\\x20\\xA0" , // Always and everywhere a blank space
G0 : "\\x21-\\x7E", //
Intermediate : "\\x20-\\x2F", // !"#$%&'()*+,-./
Parameters : "\\x30-\\x3F", // 0123456789:;<=>?
Uppercase : "\\x40-\\x5F", // #ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_
Lowercase : "\\x60-\\x7E", // `abcdefghijlkmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
Alphabetic : "\\x40-\\x7E", // (all of upper and lower case)
Delete : "\\x7F" , // Always and everywhere ignored
C1 : "\\x80-\\x9F", // 32 additional control characters
G1 : "\\xA1-\\xFE", // 94 additional displayable characters
Special : "\\xA0\\xFF" , // Same as SPACE and DELETE
ESC : "\\x1b" , //
Ignore : "\\x7F\\x00-\\x1F\\x80-\\x9F" // Delete|C0|C1
var g = /:ESC:(\[:Parameters:*:Intermediate:?:Alphabetic:?|:Intermediate:+:Parameters:|:Parameters:|:Lowercase:|)|[:Ignore:]/;
var inBrackets = false;
var source = g.source.replace(/(\\.)|([\[\]])|:(\w*):/g, function(_, esc, b, cls) {
if (esc) return esc;
if (b) {
inBrackets = b == "[";
return b;
if (!cls) return ":";
var r = classes[cls];
if (!/ESC|Delete|C0|C1/.test(cls)) {
r += classes.Ignore;
if (!inBrackets && cls != "ESC")
r = "[" + r + "]";
return r;
return CSIRegexp = new RegExp(source, "g");
to remove control character before setting data to the editor
this.codeEditor.setValue(, ""), - 1);
You can test it with the following call:
"\x1b[1mreal text\x1b[10m".replace(getCSIRegexp(), "")


Ckeditor5 error with undoing multiline paste operation

I have a plugin for my ckeditor build which should convert pasted content with formulas,
separated by '(' ')', '$$' etc. into math-formulas from ckeditor5-math ( I changed the AutoMath Plugin so that it supports text with the separators.
I have run into a problem where undoing (ctrl-z) the operation works fine for single-line content, but not for multiline content.
To reproduce the issue, I have built a similar plugin which does not require the math plugin. This plugin converts text enclosed by '&' to bold text.
To reproduce this issue with an editor instance it is required to have the cursor inside a word (not after or before the end of the text, I don't know why that doesn't work, if you know why, help is appreciated^^) and paste it from the clipboard. The content will inside the '&' will be marked bold, however if you undo this operation twice, an model-position-path-incorrect-format error will be thrown.
example to paste:
aa &bb& cc
ee &ff& gg
Undoing the operation twice results in this error:
Uncaught CKEditorError: model-position-path-incorrect-format {"path":[]}
Read more:
Unfortunately, I haven't found a way to fix this issue, and have not found a similar issue.
I know it has to do with the batches that are operated, and that maybe the position parent has to do something with it, that I should cache the position of the parent. However, I do not know how.
Below my code for an example to reproduce:
import Plugin from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-core/src/plugin';
import Undo from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-undo/src/undo';
import LiveRange from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/model/liverange';
import LivePosition from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-engine/src/model/liveposition';
import global from '#ckeditor/ckeditor5-utils/src/dom/global';
export default class Test extends Plugin {
static get requires() {
return [Undo];
static get pluginName() {
return 'Test';
constructor(editor) {
this._timeoutId = null;
this._positionToInsert = null;
init() {
const editor = this.editor;
const modelDocument = editor.model.document;
const view = editor.editing.view;
//change < Clipboard > to < 'ClipboardPipeline' > because in version upgrade from 26 to 27
//the usage of this call changed
this.listenTo(editor.plugins.get('ClipboardPipeline'), 'inputTransformation', (evt, data) => {
const firstRange = modelDocument.selection.getFirstRange();
const leftLivePosition = LivePosition.fromPosition(firstRange.start);
leftLivePosition.stickiness = 'toPrevious';
const rightLivePosition = LivePosition.fromPosition(firstRange.end);
rightLivePosition.stickiness = 'toNext';
modelDocument.once('change:data', () => {
this._boldBetweenPositions(leftLivePosition, rightLivePosition);
}, {priority: 'high'});
editor.commands.get('undo').on('execute', () => {
if (this._timeoutId) {
this._timeoutId = null;
}, {priority: 'high'});
_boldBetweenPositions(leftPosition, rightPosition) {
const editor = this.editor;
const equationRange = new LiveRange(leftPosition, rightPosition);
// With timeout user can undo conversation if wants to use plain text
this._timeoutId = global.window.setTimeout(() => {
this._timeoutId = null;
let walker = equationRange.getWalker({ignoreElementEnd: true});
let nodeArray = [];
for (const node of walker) { // remember nodes, because when they are changed model-textproxy-wrong-length error occurs
editor.model.change(writer => {
for (let node of nodeArray) {
let text =;
if ('$textProxy') && text !== undefined && text.match(/&/g)) {
let finishedFormulas = this._split(text);
const realRange = writer.createRange(node.previousPosition, node.nextPosition);
for (let i = finishedFormulas.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (i % 2 === 0) {
writer.insertText(finishedFormulas[i], node.previousPosition);
} else {
writer.insertText(finishedFormulas[i], {bold: true}, node.previousPosition);
}, 100);
_split(text) {
let mathFormsAndText = text.split(/(&)/g);
let mathTextArray = [];
for (let i = 0; i < mathFormsAndText.length; i++) {
if (i % 4 === 0) {
} else if (i % 2 === 0) {
return mathTextArray;
Let me know if I can clarify anything.

ckeditor balloonpanel not staying attached to an element when scrolling

UPDATE balloon panels are staying attached in below code. We still have an issue where when we close a balloon panel, and then scroll afterward, the balloon panel that was just closed reappears. Here’s the updated code.
HERE WAS THE ORIGINAL QUESTION I am trying to get the ckeditor balloonpanel to stay attached to the element it was initially attached to; currently, when I scroll in the editor, the balloonpanels do not stay in place. The problem is that the balloonpanels shift when the user scrolls in the editor -- they do not remain attached to their initial element they were attached to when I scroll in the editor. Here is the code for the ckeditor plugin. It creates a balloonpanel in a for loop on return of an web service Ajax call and stores the panel in a global array called panels :
( function() {
var arr = new Array();
var panels = [];
var saveCmd = {
readOnly: 1,
modes: { wysiwyg: 1,source: 1 },
exec: function( editor ) {
if ( 'grade_level_score' ) ) {
var $form = editor.element.$.form;
* Destroys the balloon panel by removing it from DOM and purging
* all associated event listeners.
var panel;
while ( ( panel = panels.pop() ) ) {
arr = []; // clear the array of user-editable areas
panels = []; // clear the array of panels
var ele = $(editor.editable().$);
var elementOfClass;
var i = 1;
// class "ice-ice-editable" is in a span
var iceIceEditableClass = "ice-ice-editable";
var hasClassIceIceEditable = $(this).hasClass(iceIceEditableClass);
if( hasClassIceIceEditable ) {
var userEditable = "user-editable-" + i;
// If the specified attribute already exists, only the value is set/changed.
this.setAttribute("id","user-editable-" + i);
var record1 = { id : userEditable , userEditableArea : $(this).text() };
var gradeLevelObject = new Object();
gradeLevelObject.textAreas = arr;
// var responseGradeLevelScoreWS = gradeLevelScore(gradeLevelObject);
// BEGIN for testing
var result = '{"textAreas":[{"id":"user-editable-1","userEditableArea":"[Insert information specific to what is being addressed (a brief description of request(s) and/or concern(s). Specific training resource document for letter writing assistance will be referenced here.] ","score":22.24,"readingGrade":7,"issues":["asdf","zxcv"]},{"id":"user-editable-2","userEditableArea":"[Insert information specific to what is being addressed (a brief description of request(s) and/or concern(s). Specific training resource document for letter writing assistance will be referenced here.] ","score":22.24,"readingGrade":0,"issues":[]},{"id":"user-editable-3","userEditableArea":"[Insert information specific to what is being addressed (a brief description of request(s) and/or concern(s). Specific training resource document for letter writing assistance will be referenced here.] ","score":22.24,"readingGrade":0,"issues":[]},{"id":"user-editable-4","userEditableArea":"[Insert information specific to what is being addressed (a brief description of request(s) and/or concern(s). Specific training resource document for letter writing assistance will be referenced here.] ","score":22.24,"readingGrade":0,"issues":[]}]}';
var responseGradeLevelScoreWS = JSON.parse(result);
// END for testing
var i;
for (i = 0; i < responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas.length; i++){
if ( responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].readingGrade > 6 ) {
var j;
var issues = '';
for (j = 0; j < responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].issues.length; j++) {
issues += '<p>' + responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].issues[j] + '</p>';
panel = new CKEDITOR.ui.balloonPanel( editor, {
title: 'Grade: ' + responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].readingGrade + '. Score: ' + responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].score,
content: ( (typeof issues === 'undefined' || issues == null) ? 'There are no suggestions in order to descrease the grade level score' : issues ),
width: 500,
height: 120
var element = editor.document.getById(responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].id);
panel.attach( element );
panels.push( panel );
issues = '';
// We'll use throttling for scroll listener to reduce performance impact.
var scrollListener = 100, function() {
for (i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) {
panels[i].attach( editor.document.getById( responseGradeLevelScoreWS.textAreas[i].id ), {
focusElement: false,
show: false
} );
} );
editor.window.on( 'scroll', scrollListener.input );
if ( $form ) {
try {
} catch ( e ) {
// If there's a button named "submit" then the form.submit
// function is masked and can't be called in IE/FF, so we
// call the click() method of that button.
if ( $ )
var pluginName = 'grade_level_score';
// Register a plugin named "save".
CKEDITOR.plugins.add( pluginName, {
// jscs:disable maximumLineLength
lang: 'en,en-au,en-ca,en-gb,es,es-mx', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
// jscs:enable maximumLineLength
icons: 'grade_level_score', // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
hidpi: true, // %REMOVE_LINE_CORE%
init: function( editor ) {
// Save plugin is for replace mode only.
if ( editor.elementMode != CKEDITOR.ELEMENT_MODE_REPLACE )
var command = editor.addCommand( pluginName, saveCmd );
command.startDisabled = !( editor.element.$.form );
editor.ui.addButton && editor.ui.addButton( 'Grade_Level_Score', {
label: "Grade Level Score",
command: pluginName,
toolbar: 'custom,100'
} );
} );
} )();
Only Balloon Toolbar has built-in functionality for automatic reposition on scroll. Balloon Panel itself is a static element. However, it can be easily achieved by attaching scroll listener and repositioning visible panels on scroll:
// We'll use throttling for scroll listener to reduce performance impact.
var scrollListener = 100, function() {
for (i = 0; i < panels.length; i++) {
panels[i].attach( editor.document.getById(ids[i]), {
focusElement: false,
show: false
} );
} );
editor.window.on( 'scroll', scrollListener.input );
See this codepen for the full code (reusing some parts of your original code).

How do I initialise a NativeScript app fully programmatically (without XML)?

Here's what I have so far. The background goes green (the colour of the Page), but I'd expect a purple ContentView with some text inside to fill the page, too.
Is there anything further I'm missing?
import { on, run, launchEvent } from "tns-core-modules/application";
import { Frame } from "tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame";
import { ContentView } from "tns-core-modules/ui/content-view/content-view";
import { TextBase } from "tns-core-modules/ui/text-base/text-base";
import { Page } from "tns-core-modules/ui/page/page";
on(launchEvent, (data) => {
const frame = new Frame();
const page = new Page();
page.backgroundColor = "green";
const contentView = new ContentView();
const textBase = new TextBase();
contentView.height = 100;
contentView.width = 100;
contentView.backgroundColor = "purple";
textBase.text = "Hello, world!";
page.bindingContext = contentView;
frame.navigate({ create: () => page });
data.root = page; // Incidentally, should this be the frame or the page?
You are almost on track, you just need slight modification on your code.
import { on, run, launchEvent } from 'tns-core-modules/application';
import { Frame } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/frame/frame';
import { ContentView } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/content-view/content-view';
import { TextField } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/text-field';
import { Page } from 'tns-core-modules/ui/page/page';
create: () => {
const frame = new Frame();
create: () => {
const page = new Page();
page.backgroundColor = "green";
const contentView = new ContentView();
const textField = new TextField();
contentView.height = 100;
contentView.width = 100;
contentView.backgroundColor = "purple";
textField.text = "Hello, world!";
contentView.content = textField;
page.content = contentView;
return page;
return frame;
You don't have to wait for launch event, you could set the root frame in run method itself.
In your code, you were creating the frame but never adding it to root UI element or mark the frame itself as root element
It's recommended to use .content to add child for a ContentView / Page as they are originally designed to hold one child element only.
Use TextField / TextView for input text, TextBase is just a base class.
It seems to me that you try to overcomplicate. You can replace XML with code just by implementing createPage method - Create a page via code.
I just modified default NS + TypeScript Playground template to operate without XML - NS + TypeScript template without XML.
I think you can't leave run as empty as it is expecting an entry to start the app. From {NS} website,
You can use this file to perform app-level initializations, but the
primary purpose of the file is to pass control to the app's root
module. To do this, you need to call the method and
pass a NavigationEntry with the desired moduleName as the path to the
root module relative to your /app folder.
if you look for run code in "tns-core-modules/application"
function run(entry) {
createRootFrame.value = false;
} = run;
function start(entry) {
if (started) {
throw new Error("Application is already started.");
started = true;
mainEntry = typeof entry === "string" ? { moduleName: entry } : entry;
if (!androidApp.nativeApp) {
var nativeApp = getNativeApplication();

Going back to "previous tab" in TabRouter

In react-navigation, I wanted to use TabRouter but on this.props.navigation.goBack() I wanted it to go to the previous tab.
Does anyone have any idea how to go to previous tab, I was hoping it would as simple as setting backBehavior: 'previousTab'.
I have hacked solution here, but its a bad hack as I had to modify the lib files:
I was only able to accomplish this by setting backBehavior to initialRoute, and then on my TabRouter adding a custom getStateForAction like this:
const defaultGetStateForAction = HubNavigator.router.getStateForAction;
HubNavigator.router.getStateForAction = function(action, state) {
switch (action.type) {
case NavigationActions.INIT: {
if (!this.TAB_HISTORY) this.TAB_HISTORY = [];
this.TAB_HISTORY.length = 0;
this.TAB_HISTORY.push({ index:ROUTE_INDEX[INITIAL_ROUTE_NAME], params:undefined }); // i dont think INIT ever has params - C:\Users\Mercurius\Pictures\Screenshot - 1, 2017 10.47 AM.png
case NavigationActions.NAVIGATE: {
const { routeName } = action;
this.TAB_HISTORY.push({ index:ROUTE_INDEX[routeName], params:action.params });
case NavigationActions.BACK: {
if (this.TAB_HISTORY.length === 1) {
return null;
} else {
const current = this.TAB_HISTORY.pop();
const previous = this.TAB_HISTORY[this.TAB_HISTORY.length - 1];
const default_ = defaultGetStateForAction(action, state, ()=>{
console.log('returning previous index of:', previous.index);
return previous.index
default_.index = previous.index;
default_.routes[previous.index].params = previous.params;
return default_;
return defaultGetStateForAction(action, state);
What I do is, on NavigationActions.BACK I modify the returned object index to have the previous index, which I hold in the array this.TAB_HISTORY.
However when I start the app, switch from initial tab to tab 2, then from tab 2 back to initial tab... pressing "back" would do nothing this is because activeTabIndex is always set to initialRouteIndex here -
So you see in my fix above I pass a third argument to defaultGetStateForAction which returns the index, but I had to modify react-navigation/src/routers/TabRouter.js for this, which is not what I want to do.
Does anyone have any idea how to go to previous tab, I was hoping it would as simple as setting backBehavior: 'previousTab'.
Here is my HubNavigator in case you want to see that:
const ROUTE_INDEX = { Players: 0, Girls: 1, Customers: 2, Assets: 3 };
const INITIAL_ROUTE_NAME = 'Players';
const HubNavigator = TabNavigator(
Players: { screen:ScreenPlayers },
Girls: { screen:ScreenGirls },
Customers: { screen:ScreenCustomers },
Assets: { screen:ScreenAssets }
initialRouteName: INITIAL_ROUTE_NAME,
backBehavior: 'initialRoute',
cardStyle: styles.card,
order: Object.entries(ROUTE_INDEX).sort(([,indexA], [,indexB]) => indexA - indexB).map(([routeName]) => routeName),

In UnityScript, why does GUI not get called within hit on collider?

I'm trying to print out text when a user touches a sprite, however, even though I get no errors when building and running the code, the code refuses to printout the text and I cannot understand what I am doing wrong. Please help me understand why it does not print.
It prints the debug text when I touch the sprite, but not the GUI text with total.
This is the code:
#pragma strict
function Start () {
function OnGUI(){
//var total = 0;
//GUI.Label( myRect, total.ToString() ); // Displays "10".
//GUI.Label( myRect, "" + bullets ); // Displays "10".
// GUI.Label(Rect(0,0,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Total:"+total);
//function Update () {
var platform : RuntimePlatform = Application.platform;
function Update(){
if(platform == RuntimePlatform.Android || platform == RuntimePlatform.IPhonePlayer){
if(Input.touchCount > 0) {
if(Input.GetTouch(0).phase == TouchPhase.Began){
}else if(platform == RuntimePlatform.WindowsEditor){
if(Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
function checkTouch(pos){
var total = 0;
var wp : Vector3 = Camera.main.ScreenToWorldPoint(pos);
var touchPos : Vector2 = new Vector2(wp.x, wp.y);
var hit = Physics2D.OverlapPoint(touchPos);
//total = total +1;
You cannot put a gui item outside the OnGUI Method. You need to set a boolean to turn on the label.
Something along these lines.
GUI.Label ....
labelbool = true;
