Display local image in react native - image

How to display an image from local file?
This code doesn't seem to work.
uri: 'file:///data/data/com/files/image.png',

uri: require('file:///data/data/com/files/image.png'),
For more details visit https://reactnative.dev/docs/images

if the image is in the local system then instead of the following below
uri: 'file:///data/data/com/files/image.png',
try simply


Nativescript Vue: Why does position of code matter in a Dock Layout matter?

Why does this following code produce this result: https://imgur.com/a/lQhLs8o ?
However, if I move the BottomNavigatorBar component to top position before CountryListComponent, it produces the desired result that looks like this: https://imgur.com/a/23z7bb2 ?
<Page actionBarHidden="true">
<DockLayout height="100%">
// first
<CountryListComponent dock="top">
// second
<BottomNavigationBar dock="bottom" activeColor="pink"
<BottomNavigationTab title="Fiaarst" icon="icon-29.png" />
<BottomNavigationTab title="Second" icon="icon-29.png" />
<BottomNavigationTab title="Third" icon="icon-29.png" />
<StackLayout backgroundColor="blue">
Refer the DockLayout documentation, by default stretchLastChild will be true which means BottomNavigationBar will take entire space if it's last child and vice versa.

Regular text with data binding displays just plaintext in NativeScript

If I use <Label text="Welcome {{ username }}" /> no username appears.
Literally "Welcome {{ username }}" is visible - plaintext appears.
However using just <Label text="{{ username }}" /> works as intended, the username is passed.
I can work with this but am wondering if this is normal and if I'm doing it wrong.
Using plain JS with NativeScript, not angular or typescript.
This won't work:
<Label text="Welcome {{ username }}" />
It should be: <Label text="{{ 'Welcome ' + username }}" />

Display an icon based on active theme

I'd like to load the right icon based on active light or dark theme.
<NavigationButton icon="res://ic_menu" tap="{{ showSlideout }}" />
Any suggestions?
This will use icon ic_menu or ic_menu2 based on is_dark variable's true/false value which can be changed somewhere as part of bindingContext observable
<NavigationButton icon="{{is_dark? 'res://ic_menu':'res://ic_menu2'}}" tap="{{ showSlideout }}" />
and if that won't work try this way, where you will bind variable for use in expression
<NavigationButton icon="{{is_dark , is_dark? 'res://ic_menu':'res://ic_menu2'}}" tap="{{ showSlideout }}" />

call javascript function when binding

I'm new in Nativescript.And how I call javascript function when binding? I try try like method below, but get empty result.
<Repeater items="{{ Match }}">
<Label text="{{ SubStringMatch(MatchNo) }}" />
<Label text="{{ DateTime }}" />
function SubStringMatch(value) {
return value.substring(1);
exports.SubStringMatch= SubStringMatch;
From the code you posted, I believe, you are trying to convert a number value into a string. This could be achieved by using a converter function. You can read more about it in {N} documentation.

titanium alloy onClick parameters

first of all: I am practicing with titanium, this are just my first "Hello World" apps to get confident with the framework, so any suggestion would be strongly appreciated.
I have this simple view:
<ScrollView id="grid" dataCollection="pictures">
<View class="single-item" title="{title}" author="{author}" desc="{desc}" onClick="showPic">
<ImageView class="thumb" image="/images/thumb-stock-1.jpg" />
<Label class="title" text="{title} by {author}" />
<Label class="desc" text="{desc}" />
Clicking on each item I call the function showPic() defined in my controller, and that's ok. But I would like to pass some parameters to that function, that are {title}, {author} and {desc}, so that I can handle them and "print" them on a new detail view for each specific item. With TableView it was easy (I just put: event.source -> title, event.source -> author ... inside my controller and I could read that table row data), but with my view that seems not work.
so my questions are:
1) how can I pass that parameters from VIEW: to CONTROLLER showPic()
2) generally speaking, if there is a better view to list some objects and opening each one with a click, just tell me how so that I can learn something more :D (PS: I cannot use tableView because my layout does not fit with this kind view)
---- EDIT: here follows my full code
<Collection src="pictures"/>
<NavigationWindow id="navGroupWin">
<Window class="container" title="La mia galleria">
<View class="arrow arrow-up"><Label text="UP" /></View>
<ScrollView id="grid" dataCollection="pictures">
<View class="single-item" title="{title}" author="{author}" desc="{desc}" onClick="showPic">
<ImageView class="thumb" image="/images/thumb-stock-1.jpg" />
<Label class="title" text="{title} by {author}" />
<Label class="desc" text="{desc}" />
<View class="arrow arrow-down"><Label text="DOWN" /></View>
showPic from index.js:
function showPic(event) {
var pic = event.source;
var args = {
title: pic.title,
desc: pic.desc,
author: pic.author
var picView = Alloy.createController("detail", args).getView();
if (OS_IOS) {$.navGroupWin.openWindow(picView);}
if (OS_ANDROID) {picView.open();}
<Window class="container">
<View layout='vertical'>
<Label id="titleLabel"></Label>
<Label id="descLabel"></Label>
<Label id="authorLabel"></Label>
var args = arguments[0] || {};
$.titleLabel.text = args.title || 'Default Title';
$.descLabel.text = args.desc || 'Default desc';
$.authorLabel.text = args.author || 'Default author';
when I click on each item of the index, my source.title, source.author and source.desc seems to be empty, and on the detail window I got back only 'Default' values
I am not sure if you can do this on the view file level.
What I would try is to assign ids to every view element (this is a general technique) and fully deploy all my click listeners inside the controller file, removing all onClick commands from view.
Set id="myview" along with class="single-item" in your View
In your controller try
$.myview.addEventListener('click', function(e){
showPic(e.title, e.author, e.desc)
Not sure if it goes wrong somewhere else, but stripped down like this it works:
<Window id="test">
<ScrollView id="grid" layout="vertical">
<View class="single-item" width="250" height="250" backgroundColor="blue" title="title" author="author" desc="desc" onClick="showPic">
<View class="single-item" width="250" height="250" backgroundColor="red" title="red" author="red" desc="red" onClick="showPic">
<View class="single-item" width="250" height="250" backgroundColor="yellow" title="yellow" author="yellow" desc="yellow" onClick="showPic">
<View class="single-item" width="250" height="250" backgroundColor="green" title="green" author="green" desc="green" onClick="showPic">
function showPic(event) {
