Which one would be best suited for working with carrot2 source code? I have currently set it up with OpenJDK and works fine.
Carrot2 should work fine with both, OpenJDK is probably easier to manage in terms of its license.
We are using Java 1.4 and we would like to push data to the ELK stack.
I checked their site and googled and its mostly turning up artifacts/articles
that need more than 1.5.Are they any options since we cant change the current
java version installed.
Java SE 6 was released in 2006 and if I remember correctly the minimum version for Elasticsearch (first public release in 2010) even in the early days has been that.
The oldest docs available on the Elastic website are for 0.90 and that is ancient. Even if you could run an older version, there are no docs for it, so you really don't want to go there.
While upgrading existing applications can be a challenge, it's still not possible to run new services on newer versions? Anyway, you need to get to Java 6 at the very least or rather 8 for current versions.
I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to use Couchbase Lite (not Couchbase Server) in a Golang application. In other words building it into a Golang binary?
I came across this library Couchbase Lite Core and through a quick read, it looks like the underlying library for Couchbase Lite (I stand corrected)? What I couldn't find though was how to use it.
Has anyone tried to make this work with something like cgo perhaps? I'm looking to build it statically into the application so it doesn't have dependencies when distributed.
Lite Core is the underlying implementation of the upcoming 2.0 version of Couchbase Lite. It's still under development. The intention is to have a common core, with platform and language specific bindings on top.
There is currently no Go implementation I'm aware of. cgo does look like an option. Given the goal of Lite Core being the underlying implementation for all platforms, this seems on its face like a reasonable approach.
If you're interested, there's a GitHub account for community projects at https://github.com/couchbaselabs. If you work on this, it would be great to have it included there.
To see an example of platform integration, take a look at https://github.com/couchbase/couchbase-lite-ios/tree/feature/2.0
I haven't tried embedding Couchbase Lite, but my team and I make extensive use of embedded datastores like BoltDB Assuming you aren't using Couchbase's replication features heavily, BoltDB may meet your requirements.
I want to use large scale machine learning algoritms and I want to use Mahout for this task, but it seems Mahout depends on Hadoop and Hadoop is distributed only as Lunix packages.
Is there any way to use Mahout\Hadoop on Windows?
Or maybe someone can suggest some alternatives?
There are multiple Hadoop vendors already. Hortonworks is one of them and released a version of their platform on Windows: HDP on Windows.
Mahout should be able to run on top of this!
Alternatively there is also Datameer, which you have to pay for (except you coming from academia) with their Smart Analytics feature!
I was looking to migrate my EMR implementation from an older version to the latest versions because I am primarily facing a lot of issues.
My current implementation uses Hadoop 0.20.2.
I wanted to understand how much effort in terms of code change would be required for migrating from 0.20.2 to -
Are the APIs very different and require a lot of recoding? Any basic idea would be highly helpful.
0.20.205 was just renamed to 1.0 so it is esentially the same release. The APIs have hardly any difference. 1.0 is similar to 0.20.2 with append & security features which basically means it supports HBase integration and can be used in enterprises.
We ported our jobs running on EMR on 0.20.2 to directly run on 1.0. All our jobs, whether they were using the new or old API did not have a single issue but ran correctly without us having to change anything. So I believe you should not face any issues.
I'm wondering if anyone has any information or speculation as to when or if there will be a native windows version/port of Node.js.
There is an ongoing effort to provide a mingw port of Node.js. Version 0.3.6+ can be build that way.
However that is still experimental and anything but ready for more than quick and dirty development. Even in case this version matures, I suppose that it will always lag behind the *nix versions, mainly due to the fact that the event loop implementations that Node uses were originally written for those systems and APIs.
The windows version may become stable for development at some point in the future, but I hardly doubt it will ever be usable for production.
July 2011 Update:
#nodejs v0.5.1 is the first to ship with an official Windows executable. We're hoping to get some good feedback.
Microsoft has officially gotten involved with joyent in making node.js work natively on windows.
If one or two Windows C++ developers would put in the effort, then they could fill the gaps in the native Windows version and produce a node.js implementation that would be usable for production.
For now, there is a working Cygwin version and I don't know of any testing that shows it to be unsuitable for production. It certainly works fine (version 0.5.0pre) for development.
Have a look at:
Which is based on the work of these guys here
Both good ways of getting node on windows if you dont have cygwin. However after many heartaches I found developing Node stuff on windows easiest by just using virtualbox with the ubuntu image.
I am strictly a Windows Dev and I have wanted to mess around with Node.js for quite a while.
It looks like Microsoft, Rackspace.com and the Node.js team are planning on working together port Node.js to Windows.
So, it's not hear yet but it should be soon. w00t!
The Official Node.js Blog
The first stable version has been released: Release details here.
Be sure to check for the latest version as the link above will go out of date.