ActiveMQ messageId not working to stop duplication - spring

I am using ActiveMQ for messaging and there is one requirement that if message is duplicate then it should handled by AMQ automatically.
For that I generate unique message key and set to messageproccessor.
following is code :
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend(dataQueue, event, messagePostProccessor -> {
LocalDateTime dt =;
long ms = dt.get(ChronoField.MILLI_OF_DAY) / 1000;
String messageUniqueId = event.getResource() + event.getEntityId() + ms;
System.out.println("messageUniqueId : " + messageUniqueId);
return messagePostProccessor;
As it can be seen code generates unique id and then set it to messagepostproccessor.
Can somehelp me on this, is there any other configuration that I need do.

A consumer can receive duplicate messages mainly for two reasons: a producer sent the same message more times or a consumer receive the same message more times.
Apache ActiveMQ Artemis includes powerful automatic duplicate message detection, filtering out messages sent by a producer more times.
To prevent a consumer from receiving the same message more times, an idempotent consumer must be implemented, ie Apache Camel provides an Idempotent consumer component that would work with any JMS provider, see:


querying artemis queue size fails

In a spring boot application using artemis we try to avoid queues containing too many messages. The intention is to only put in new messages if the number of messages currently in the queue falls below a certain limit, e.g. 100 messages. However, that seems not to work but we don't know why or what the "correct" method would be to implement that functionality. The number of messages as extracted by the code below is always 0 although in the gui there are messages.
To reproduce the problem I installed apache-artemis-2.13.0 locally.
We are doing something like the following
if (!jmsUtil.queueHasNotMoreElementsThan(QUEUE_ALMOST_EMPTY_MAX_AMOUNT, reprocessingMessagingProvider.getJmsTemplate())) {"Queue has too many messages. Will not send more...");
jmsUtil is implemented like
public boolean queueHasNotMoreElementsThan(int max, JmsOperations jmsTemplate) {
return Boolean.TRUE.equals(
jmsTemplate.browse((session, queueBrowser) -> {
Enumeration enumeration = queueBrowser.getEnumeration();
return notMoreElemsThan(enumeration, max);
private Boolean notMoreElemsThan(Enumeration enumeration, int max) {
for (int i = 0; i <= max; i++) {
if (!enumeration.hasMoreElements()) {
return true;
return false;
As a check I used additionally the following method to give me the number of messages in the queue directly.
public int countPendingMessages(String destination, JmsOperations jmsTemplate) {
Integer totalPendingMessages = jmsTemplate.browse(destination,
(session, browser) -> Collections.list(browser.getEnumeration()).size());
int messageCount = totalPendingMessages == null ? 0 : totalPendingMessages;"Queue {} message count: {}", destination, messageCount);
return messageCount;
That method of extracting the queue size seems to be used as well by others and is based on the documentation of QueueBrowser: The getEnumeration method returns a java.util.Enumeration that is used to scan the queue's messages.
Would the above be the correct way on how to obtain the queue size? If so, what could be the cause of the problem? If not, how should the queue size be queried? Does spring offer any other possibility of accessing the queue?
Update: I read another post and the documentation but I wouldn't know on how to obtain the ClientSession.
There are some caveats to using a QueueBrowser to count the number of messages in the queue. The first is noted in the QueueBrowser JavaDoc:
Messages may be arriving and expiring while the scan is done. The JMS API does not require the content of an enumeration to be a static snapshot of queue content. Whether these changes are visible or not depends on the JMS provider.
So already the count may not be 100% accurate.
Then there is the fact that there may be messages still technically in the queue which have been dispatched to a consumer but have not yet been acknowledged. These messages will not be counted by the QueueBrowser even though they may be cancelled back to the queue at any point if the related consumer closes its connection.
Simply put the JMS API doesn't provide a truly reliable way to determine the number of messages in a queue. Furthermore, "Spring JMS" is tied to the JMS API. It doesn't have any other way to interact with a JMS broker. Given that, you'll need to use a provider-specific mechanism to determine the message count.
ActiveMQ Artemis has a rich management API that is accessible though, among other things, specially constructed JMS messages. You can see this in action in the "Management" example that ships with ActiveMQ Artemis in the examples/features/standard/management directory. It demonstrates how to use JMS resources and provider-specific helper classes to get the message count for a JMS queue. This is essentially the same solution as given in the other post you mentioned, but it uses the JMS API rather than the ActiveMQ Artemis "core" API.

How to consume multiple kafka message at same topic with multiple ack?

I am trying to consume multiple message from a topic with manual ack but ack work if all message only by ack one time.
id = "${}",
topics = "${kafka.buyers.product-sales-pricing.topic}",
groupId = "${}",
concurrency = "${kafka.buyers.concurrency}"
public void listen( List<String> message, Acknowledgment ack ){}
In above code i am getting 5 message per consume if i put following configuration in spring boot property file:
max-poll-records: 5 # Maximum number of records returned in a single call to poll()
but if i ack that listen then it ack all 5 message at same time.
Actually i want to ack separately for each message(means 5 message with 5 ack).
How can i do this in spring boot project?
When using a batch listener, the entire batch is acked when Acknowledgment.acknowledge() is called.
I would recommend using a single record listener rather than a batch listener for this use case.
listen(String msg, Acknowledgment ack)
It's not clear why you would commit offsets for only part of the batch.
If you must use a batch listener, it can still be done, but rather more complicated - you would need to get List<ConsumerRecord<?, ?>> to get topic/partition/offset information and also add Consumer<?, ?> consumer to the method parameters (and remove the Acknowledgment; you can then call commitOffsets() on the consumer however you want. But you MUST call it on the listener thread - the consumer is not thread-safe.

Redelivery of JMS message in microserices

I want to know the redelivery of JMS in a microservices.
For example, if I have a microservices system. And I have 2 instances of User service. And have a listener on a destination in user service. It means I have 2 listeners. The listener is like this:
#JmsListener(destination = "order:new", containerFactory = "orderFactory")
public void create(OrderDTO orderDTO) {
Order order = new Order(orderDTO);;
jmsTemplate.convertAndSend("order:need_to_pay", order);
So my question is, how many times a message will be delivered. And if there is some error in this function, and the message will be re-delivered. But I have 2 instances of the service. And on which this message will be delivered?
It's not part of the spec; it depends on the broker configuration how many times it will be delivered; many brokers can be configured to send the message to a dead-letter queue after some number of attempts.
There is no guarantee the redelivery will go to the same instance.

Configure JMS for multiple clients feeding off same queue

So I have request/response queues that I am putting messages on and reading messages off from.
The problem is that I have multiple local instances that are reading/feeding off the same queues, and what happens sometimes is that one instance can read some other instance's reply message.
So is there a way I can configure my JMS, using spring that actually makes the instances read the messages that are only requested by them and not read other instance's messages.
I have very little knowledge about JMS and related stuff. So if the above question needs more info then I can dig around and provide it.
It's easy!
A JMS message have two properties you can use - JMSMessageID and JMSCorrelationID.
A JMSMessageId is supposed to be unique for each message, so you could do something like this:
Let the client send a request, then start to listen for responses where the correlation id = the sent message id. The server side is then responsible for copying the message id of the request to the correlation id of the response. Something like: responseMsg.setJMSCorrelationID(requestMsg.getJMSMessageID());
Example client side code:
Session session = getSession();
Message msg = createRequest();
MessageProducer mp = session.createProducer(session.createQueue("REQUEST.QUEUE"));
// If session is transactional - commit now.
String msgID = msg.getJMSMessageID();
MessageConsumer mc = session.createConsumer(session.createQueue("REPLY.QUEUE"),
"JMSCorrelationID='" + msgId + "'");
Message response = mc.receive(TIMEOUT);
A more performant solution would be to use dedicated reply queues per destination. Simply set message.setJMSReplyTo(session.createQueue("REPLY.QUEUE."+getInstanceId())); and make sure the server side sends response to requestMsg.getJMSReplyTo() and not to a hard coded value.

Changing state of messages which are "in delivery"

In my application, I have a queue (HornetQ) set up on JBoss 7 AS.
I have used Spring batch to do some work once the messages is received (save values in database etc.) and then the consumer commits the JMS session.
Sometimes when there is an exception while processing the message, the excecution of consumer is aborted abruptly.
And the message remains in "in delivery" state. There are about 30 messages in this state on my production queue.
I have tried restarting the consumer but the state of these messages is not changed. The only way to remove these
messages from the queue is to restart the queue. But before doing that I want a way to read these messages so
that they can be corrected and sent to the queue again to be processed.
I have tried using QueueBrowser to read them but it does not work. I have searched a lot on Google but could not
find any way to read these messages.
I am using a Transacted session, where once the message is processed, I am calling:
This sends the acknowledgement.
I am implementing spring's
to recieve messages and then to process them.
While processing the messages, I am using spring batch to insert some data in database.
For a perticular case, it tries to insert data too big to be inserted in a column.
It throws an exception and transaction is aborted.
Now, I have fixed my producer and consumer not to have such data, so that this case should not happen again.
But my question is what about the 30 "in delivery" state messages that are in my production queue? I want to read them so that they can be corrected and sent to the queue again to be processed. Is there any way to read these messages? Once I know their content, I can restart the queue and submit them again (after correcting them).
Thanking you in anticipation,
It all depends on the Transaction mode you are using.
for instance if you use transactions:
// session here is a TX Session
MessageConsumer cons = session.createConsumer(someQueue);
Message msg = consumer.receive...
session.rollback(); // this will make the messages to be redelivered
if you are using non TX:
// session here is auto-ack
MessageConsumer cons = session.createConsumer(someQueue);
// this means the message is ACKed as we receive, doing autoACK
Message msg = consumer.receive...
//however the consumer here could have a buffer from the server...
// if you are not using the consumer any longer.. close it
consumer.close(); // this will release messages on the client buffer
Alternatively you could also set consumerWindowSize=0 on the connectionFactory.
This is on 2.2.5 but it never changed on following releases:
I"m covering all the possibilities I could think of since you're not being specific on how you are consuming. If you provide me more detail then I will be able to tell you more:
You can indeed read your messages in the queue using jmx (with for example jconsole)
In Jboss As7 you can do it the following way :
Since 2.3.0 You have a dedicated method for this specific case :
