Perf impact of sampling rate on performance - higher sample rates cost *less* overhead on NXP S32? - performance

I am using perf in sampling mode to capture performance statistics of programs running on multi-core platform from NXP S32 platform running Linux 4.19.
E.g configuration
Core 0 - App0 , Core 1 - App1, Core 2 - App2
Without sampling i.e. at program level, App0 takes 6.9 seconds.
On sampling at 1Million cycles,App0 takes 6.3 sec
On sampling at 2Million cycles, App0 takes 6.4 sec
On sampling at 5Million cycles, App0 takes 6.5 sec
On sampling at 100Million cycles, App0 takes 6.8 sec.
As you can see with higher sampling period (100Million) App0 takes higher time to finish execution.
Actually I would have expected the opposite, i.e. sampling at 1Million cycles should have resulted in the program taking more time to execute due higher number of samples generated (perf overhead) as compared to 100 Million cycles?
I am unable to explain this behavior what do you think is causing this?
Any leads would be helpful.
P.S - On the Pi3B the behavior is as expected i.e sampling at 1million cycles results in longer execution time compared to 100 Million cycles.
UPDATE: I do not use perf from command line, instead make a perf system call using the perf event with the following flags in the struct perf_event_attr.
struct perf_event_attr hw_event;
pid_t pid = proccess_id; // measure the current process/thread
int cpu = -1; // measure on any cpu
unsigned long flags = 0;
int fd_current;
memset(&hw_event, 0, sizeof(struct perf_event_attr));
hw_event.type = event_type;
hw_event.size = sizeof(struct perf_event_attr);
hw_event.config = event;
if(group_fd == -1)
hw_event.sample_period = 2000000;
hw_event.sample_type = PERF_SAMPLE_READ;
hw_event.precise_ip = 1;
hw_event.disabled = 1; // off by default. specifies whether the counter starts out disabled or enabled.
hw_event.exclude_kernel = 0; // excluding events that happen in the kernel-space
hw_event.exclude_hv = 1; // excluding events that happen in the hypervisor
hw_event.pinned = pinned; // specifies the counter to be on the CPU if at all possible. applies only to hardware counters and only to group leaders.
hw_event.exclude_user = 0; // excludes events that happen in user space
hw_event.exclude_callchain_kernel = 0; // Do not include kernel callchains.
hw_event.exclude_callchain_user = 0; // Do not include user callchains.
hw_event.read_format = PERF_FORMAT_GROUP; // Allows all counter values in an event group to be read with one read
fd_current = syscall(__NR_perf_event_open, &hw_event, pid, cpu, group_fd, flags);
if (fd_current == -1) {
printf("Error opening leader %llx\n", hw_event.config);
return fd_current;


How to leverage multichannel RAM?

My objective
I want to write a RAM bandwidth benchmark
My solution
U64 benchRead(U64 &io_minLoopTicks) //io_minLoopTicks initial value is U64_MAX
const U32 elementsCount = 100'000'000;
U64 accumulator = 0;
std::vector<U64> tab;
tab.resize(elementsCount); //800MB
for(U8 i = 0; i < 10; ++i) // Loops to get a reliable value.
const U64 startTimestamp = profiler.start(); // profiler uses under the hood QueryPerformanceCounter
for(const U64 j : tab)
accumulator += j; // Do something with the RAM to not be optimized away.
const U64 loopTicks = profiler.end() - startTimestamp;
if(loopTicks < io_minLoopTicks)
io_minLoopTicks = loopTicks;
return accumulator;
My problem
The theory would be 57.6 GB/s (8 bytes (bus width) * 2 (channels) * 3.6 GT).
In practise I have 27.7 GB/s (9700K #4.8GHz, 4 single rank 3600MT DDR4 DIMMs).
So my number seems to reflect only one channel performance.
My guess is that the way I coded, the array is in an area of RAM that can only be accessed by one channel. I am not familiar at all with multi-channel so I don't really understand the limits of that technology.
For sure my RAM is dual channel (CPU-Z confirmed it)
Performance analysis
I checked the ouput of Clang14 and it uses SSE (O3 with no -march=native). I could be wrong (not an ASM guy) but it seems it unrolled the loop and does 128 bytes per iteration. A loop is 4.5 cycles on Coffee Lake according to uiCA leading to 139.38 GB/s, way above the RAM theoretical speed. So we should be RAM limited.
My questions
Is my array stored in one bank hence the fact it can only be accessed by one channel ?
How do we write code to leverage the benefits of multichannel RAM (here dual channel) ?

sleep(seconds) in wasm keeps CPU usage high

My wasm code has a call to POSIX sleep(seconds) function. This call is done for limiting CPU consumption but I notice no difference with or without sleep, either with 1 or 1000 seconds.
My code initially had this structure
void myfunc(u32 *buff){
u32 size = 16;
while (1){
for (u32 i = 0; i < size; i++){
// do stuff
myfunc() si called by a Web Worker raising the CPU usage from 3% to 28% and when I terminate() the Web Worker the CPU drops down to 3%.
So I added a limiter to mitigate the CPU usage and keep it lower
#include <unistd.h>
void myfunc(u32 *buff){
u32 size = 16;
while (1){
sleep(1); // 1s or 1000s same behavior
for (u32 i = 0; i < size; i++){
// do stuff
but this change has no effect on CPU usage I only see that the sleep works and the thread is suspended for the time requested.
The for cycle takes a fraction of second so the time spent in sleeping is greater than the time spent in running.
I would add that when I do my tests I have no others CPU-intensive processes running hence I would expect a lower CPU usage when sleep(1000) for instance.
This only points that your environment uses a loop to implement the sleep function (you could probably verify that with a debugger).
If the stack-switching proposal was ready, merged, and implemented in your environment, probably some await for a promise would be used, but the stack-switching is not ready yet.

How to convert CUDA clock cycles to milliseconds?

I'd like to measure the time a bit of code within my kernel takes. I've followed this question along with its comments so that my kernel looks something like this:
__global__ void kernel(..., long long int *runtime)
long long int start = 0;
long long int stop = 0;
asm volatile("mov.u64 %0, %%clock64;" : "=l"(start));
/* Some code here */
asm volatile("mov.u64 %0, %%clock64;" : "=l"(stop));
runtime[threadIdx.x] = stop - start;
The answer says to do a conversion as follows:
The timers count the number of clock ticks. To get the number of milliseconds, divide this by the number of GHz on your device and multiply by 1000.
For which I do:
for(long i = 0; i < size; i++)
fprintf(stdout, "%d:%ld=%f(ms)\n", i,runtime[i], (runtime[i]/1.62)*1000.0);
Where 1.62 is the GPU Max Clock rate of my device. But the time I get in milliseconds does not look right because it suggests that each thread took minutes to complete. This cannot be correct as execution finishes in less than a second of wall-clock time. Is the conversion formula incorrect or am I making a mistake somewhere? Thanks.
The correct conversion in your case is not GHz:
fprintf(stdout, "%d:%ld=%f(ms)\n", i,runtime[i], (runtime[i]/1.62)*1000.0);
but hertz:
fprintf(stdout, "%d:%ld=%f(ms)\n", i,runtime[i], (runtime[i]/1620000000.0f)*1000.0);
In the dimensional analysis:
clock cycles
clock cycles / -------------- = seconds
the first term is the clock cycle measurement. The second term is the frequency of the GPU (in hertz, not GHz), the third term is the desired measurement (seconds). You can convert to milliseconds by multiplying seconds by 1000.
Here's a worked example that shows a device-independent way to do it (so you don't have to hard-code the clock frequency):
$ cat
#include <stdio.h>
const long long delay_time = 1000000000;
const int nthr = 1;
const int nTPB = 256;
__global__ void kernel(long long *clocks){
int idx=threadIdx.x+blockDim.x*blockIdx.x;
long long start=clock64();
while (clock64() < start+delay_time);
if (idx < nthr) clocks[idx] = clock64()-start;
int main(){
int peak_clk = 1;
int device = 0;
long long *clock_data;
long long *host_data;
host_data = (long long *)malloc(nthr*sizeof(long long));
cudaError_t err = cudaDeviceGetAttribute(&peak_clk, cudaDevAttrClockRate, device);
if (err != cudaSuccess) {printf("cuda err: %d at line %d\n", (int)err, __LINE__); return 1;}
err = cudaMalloc(&clock_data, nthr*sizeof(long long));
if (err != cudaSuccess) {printf("cuda err: %d at line %d\n", (int)err, __LINE__); return 1;}
kernel<<<(nthr+nTPB-1)/nTPB, nTPB>>>(clock_data);
err = cudaMemcpy(host_data, clock_data, nthr*sizeof(long long), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (err != cudaSuccess) {printf("cuda err: %d at line %d\n", (int)err, __LINE__); return 1;}
printf("delay clock cycles: %ld, measured clock cycles: %ld, peak clock rate: %dkHz, elapsed time: %fms\n", delay_time, host_data[0], peak_clk, host_data[0]/(float)peak_clk);
return 0;
$ nvcc -arch=sm_35 -o t1306
$ ./t1306
delay clock cycles: 1000000000, measured clock cycles: 1000000210, peak clock rate: 732000kHz, elapsed time: 1366.120483ms
This uses cudaDeviceGetAttribute to get the clock rate, which returns a result in kHz, which allows us to easily compute milliseconds in this case.
In my experience, the above method works generally well on datacenter GPUs that have the clock rate running at the reported rate (may be affected by settings you make in nvidia-smi.) Other GPUs such as GeForce GPUs may be running at (unpredictable) boost clocks that will make this method inaccurate.
Also, more recently, CUDA has the ability to preempt activity on the GPU. This can come about in a variety of circumstances, such as debugging, CUDA dynamic parallelism, and other situations. If preemption occurs for whatever reason, attempting to measure anything based on clock64() is generally not reliable.
clock64 returns a value in graphics clock cycles. The graphics clock is dynamic so I would not recommend using a constant to try to convert to seconds. If you want to convert to wall time then the better option is to use globaltimer, which is a 64-bit clock register accessible as:
asm volatile("mov.u64 %0, %%globaltimer;" : "=l"(start));
The unit is in nanoseconds.
The default resolution is 32ns with update every µs. The NVIDIA performance tools force the update to every 32 ns (or 31.25 MHz). This clock is used by CUPTI for start time when capturing concurrent kernel trace.

Optimize Cuda Kernel time execution

I'm a learning Cuda student, and I would like to optimize the execution time of my kernel function. As a result, I realized a short program computing the difference between two pictures. So I compared the execution time between a classic CPU execution in C, and a GPU execution in Cuda C.
Here you can find the code I'm talking about:
int *imgresult_data = (int *) malloc(width*height*sizeof(int));
int size = width*height;
case GPU:
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_data1, size*sizeof(unsigned char)));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_data2, size*sizeof(unsigned char)));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMalloc((void**)&dev_data_res, size*sizeof(int)));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(dev_data1, img1_data, size*sizeof(unsigned char), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(dev_data2, img2_data, size*sizeof(unsigned char), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(dev_data_res, imgresult_data, size*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice));
float time;
cudaEvent_t start, stop;
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaEventCreate(&start) );
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaEventCreate(&stop) );
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaEventRecord(start, 0) );
for(int m = 0; m < nb_loops ; m++)
diff<<<height, width>>>(dev_data1, dev_data2, dev_data_res);
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaEventRecord(stop, 0) );
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaEventSynchronize(stop) );
HANDLE_ERROR( cudaEventElapsedTime(&time, start, stop) );
HANDLE_ERROR(cudaMemcpy(imgresult_data, dev_data_res, size*sizeof(int), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost));
printf("Time to generate: %4.4f ms \n", time/nb_loops);
case CPU:
clock_t begin = clock(), diff;
for (int z=0; z<nb_loops; z++)
// Apply the difference between 2 images
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
tmp = i*imgresult_pitch;
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++)
imgresult_data[j + tmp] = (int) img2_data[j + tmp] - (int) img1_data[j + tmp];
diff = clock() - begin;
float msec = diff*1000/CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
msec = msec/nb_loops;
printf("Time taken %4.4f milliseconds", msec);
And here is my kernel function:
__global__ void diff(unsigned char *data1 ,unsigned char *data2, int *data_res)
int row = blockIdx.x;
int col = threadIdx.x;
int v = col + row*blockDim.x;
if (row < MAX_H && col < MAX_W)
data_res[v] = (int) data2[v] - (int) data1[v];
I obtained these execution time for each one
CPU: 1,3210ms
GPU: 0,3229ms
I wonder why GPU result is not as lower as it should be. I am a beginner in Cuda so please be comprehensive if there are some classic errors.
Thank you for your feedback. I tried to delete the 'if' condition from the kernel but it didn't change deeply my program execution time.
However, after having install Cuda profiler, it told me that my threads weren't running concurrently. I don't understand why I have this kind of message, but it seems true because I only have a 5 or 6 times faster application with GPU than with CPU. This ratio should be greater, because each thread is supposed to process one pixel concurrently to all the other ones. If you have an idea of what I am doing wrong, it would be hepful...
Here are two things you could do which may improve the performance of your diff kernel:
1. Let each thread do more work
In your kernel, each thread handles just a single element; but having a thread do anything already has a bunch of overhead, at the block and the thread level, including obtaining the parameters, checking the condition and doing address arithmetic. Now, you could say "Oh, but the reads and writes take much more time then that; this overhead is negligible" - but you would be ignoring the fact, that the latency of these reads and writes is hidden by the presence of many other warps which may be scheduled to do their work.
So, let each thread process more than a single element. Say, 4, as each thread can easily read 4 bytes at once into a register. Or even 8 or 16; experiment with it. Of course you'll need to adjust your grid and block parameters accordingly.
2. "Restrict" your pointers
__restrict is not part of C++, but it is supported in CUDA. It tells the compiler that accesses through different pointers passed to the function never overlap. See:
What does the restrict keyword mean in C++?
Realistic usage of the C99 'restrict' keyword?
Using it allows the CUDA compiler to apply additional optimizations, e.g. loading or storing data via non-coherent cache. Indeed, this happens with your kernel although I haven't measured the effects.
3. Consider using a "SIMD" instruction
CUDA offers this intrinsic:
__device__ ​ unsigned int __vsubss4 ( unsigned int a, unsigned int b )
Which subtracts each signed byte value in a from its corresponding one in b. If you can "live" with the result, rather than expecting a larger int variable, that could save you some of work - and go very well with increasing the number of elements per thread. In fact, it might let you increase it even further to get to the optimum.
I don't think you are measuring times correctly, memory copy is a time consuming step in GPU that you should take into account when measuring your time.
I see some details that you can test:
I suppose you are using MAX_H and MAX_H as constants, you may consider doing so using cudaMemcpyToSymbol().
Remember to sync your threads using __syncthreads(), so you don't get issues between each loop iteration.
CUDA works with warps, so block and number of threads per block work better as multiples of 8, but not larger than 512 threads per block unless your hardware supports it. Here is an example using 128 threads per block: <<<(cols*rows+127)/128,128>>>.
Remember as well to free your allocated memory in GPU and destroying your time events created.
In your kernel function you can have a single variable int v = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x .
Have you tested, beside the execution time, that your result is correct? I think you should use cudaMallocPitch() and cudaMemcpy2D() while working with arrays due to padding.
Probably there are other issues with the code, but here's what I see. The following lines in __global__ void diff are considered not optimal:
if (row < MAX_H && col < MAX_W)
data_res[v] = (int) data2[v] - (int) data1[v];
Conditional operators inside a kernel result in warp divergence. It means that if and else parts inside a warp are executed in sequence, not in parallel. Also, as you might have realized, if evaluates to false only at borders. To avoid the divergence and needless computation, split your image in two parts:
Central part where row < MAX_H && col < MAX_W is always true. Create an additional kernel for this area. if is unnecessary here.
Border areas that will use your diff kernel.
Obviously you'll have modify your code that calls the kernels.
And on a separate note:
GPU has throughput-oriented architecture, but not latency-oriented as CPU. It means CPU may be faster then CUDA when it comes to processing small amounts of data. Have you tried using large data sets?
CUDA Profiler is a very handy tool that will tell you're not optimal in the code.

What caused my elapsed time much longer than user time?

I am benchmarking some R statements (see details here) and found that my elapsed time is way longer than my user time.
user system elapsed
7.910 7.750 53.916
Could someone help me to understand what factors (R or hardware) determine the difference between user time and elapsed time, and how I can improve it? In case it helps: I am running data.table data manipulation on a Macbook Air 1.7Ghz i5 with 4GB RAM.
Update: My crude understanding is that user time is what it takes my CPU to process my job. elapsed time is the length from I submit a job until I get the data back. What else did my computer need to do after processing for 8 seconds?
Update: as suggested in the comment, I run a couple times on two data.table: Y, with 104 columns (sorry, I add more columns as time goes by), and X as a subset of Y with only 3 keys. Below are the updates. Please note that I ran these two procedures consecutively, so the memory state should be similar.
X<- Y[, list(Year, MemberID, Month)]
{X[ , Month:= -Month]
setkey(X,Year, MemberID, Month)
user system elapsed
3.490 0.031 3.519
{Y[ , Month:= -Month]
setkey(Y,Year, MemberID, Month)
user system elapsed
8.444 5.564 36.284
Here are the size of the only two objects in my workspace (commas added). :
83,237,624 bytes
2,449,521,080 bytes
Thank you
User time is how many seconds the computer spent doing your calculations. System time is how much time the operating system spent responding to your program's requests. Elapsed time is the sum of those two, plus whatever "waiting around" your program and/or the OS had to do. It's important to note that these numbers are the aggregate of time spent. Your program might compute for 1 second, then wait on the OS for one second, then wait on disk for 3 seconds and repeat this cycle many times while it's running.
Based on the fact that your program took as much system time as user time it was a very IO intensive thing. Reading from disk a lot or writing to disk a lot. RAM is pretty fast, a few hundred nanoseconds usually. So if everything fits in RAM elapsed time is usually just a little bit longer than user time. But disk might take a few milliseconds to seek and even longer to reply with the data. That's slower by a factor of of a million.
We've determined that your processor was "doing stuff" for ~8 + ~8 = ~ 16 seconds. What was it doing for the other ~54 - ~16 = ~38 seconds? Waiting for the hard drive to send it the data it asked for.
Matthew had made some excellent points that I'm making assumptions that I probably shouldn't be making. Adam, if you'd care to publish a list of all the rows in your table (datatypes are all we need) we can get a better idea of what's going on.
I just cooked up a little do-nothing program to validate my assumption that time not spent in userspace and kernel space is likely spent waiting for IO.
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++)
int j, k, l, m;
j = 10;
k = i;
l = j + k;
m = j + k - i + l;
return 0;
When I run the resulting program and time it I see something like this:
mike#computer:~$ time ./waste_user
real 0m4.670s
user 0m4.660s
sys 0m0.000s
As you can see by inspection the program does no real work and as such it doesn't ask the kernel to do anything short of load it into RAM and start it running. So nearly ALL the "real" time is spent as "user" time.
Now a kernel-heavy do-nothing program (with a few less iterations to keep the time reasonable):
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE * random;
random = fopen("/dev/urandom", "r");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 10000000; i++)
return 0;
When I run that one, I see something more like this:
mike#computer:~$ time ./waste_sys
real 0m1.138s
user 0m0.090s
sys 0m1.040s
Again it's easy to see by inspection that the program does little more than ask the kernel to give it random bytes. /dev/urandom is a non-blocking source of entropy. What does that mean? The kernel uses a pseudo-random number generator to quickly generate "random" values for our little test program. That means the kernel has to do some computation but it can return very quickly. So this program mostly waits for the kernel to compute for it, and we can see that reflected in the fact that almost all the time is spent on sys.
Now we're going to make one little change. Instead of reading from /dev/urandom which is non-blocking we'll read from /dev/random which is blocking. What does that mean? It doesn't do much computing but rather it waits around for stuff to happen on your computer that the kernel developers have empirically determined is random. (We'll also do far fewer iterations since this stuff takes much longer)
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
FILE * random;
random = fopen("/dev/random", "r");
int i;
for(i = 0; i < 100; i++)
return 0;
And when I run and time this version of the program, here's what I see:
mike#computer:~$ time ./waste_io
real 0m41.451s
user 0m0.000s
sys 0m0.000s
It took 41 seconds to run, but immeasurably small amounts of time on user and real. Why is that? All the time was spent in the kernel, but not doing active computation. The kernel was just waiting for stuff to happen. Once enough entropy was collected the kernel would wake back up and send back the data to the program. (Note it might take much less or much more time to run on your computer depending on what all is going on). I argue that the difference in time between user+sys and real is IO.
So what does all this mean? It doesn't prove that my answer is right because there could be other explanations for why you're seeing the behavior that you are. But it does demonstrate the differences between user compute time, kernel compute time and what I'm claiming is time spent doing IO.
Here's my source for the difference between /dev/urandom and /dev/random:
I thought I would try and address Matthew's suggestion that perhaps L2 cache misses are at the root of the problem. The Core i7 has a 64 byte cache line. I don't know how much you know about caches, so I'll provide some details. When you ask for a value from memory the CPU doesn't get just that one value, it gets all 64 bytes around it. That means if you're accessing memory in a very predictable pattern -- like say array[0], array[1], array[2], etc -- it takes a while to get value 0, but then 1, 2, 3, 4... are much faster. Until you get to the next cache line, that is. If this were an array of ints, 0 would be slow, 1..15 would be fast, 16 would be slow, 17..31 would be fast, etc.
In order to test this out I've made two programs. They both have an array of structs in them with 1024*1024 elements. In one case the struct has a single double in it, in the other it's got 8 doubles in it. A double is 8 bytes long so in the second program we're accessing memory in the worst possible fashion for a cache. The first will get to use the cache nicely.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MANY_MEGS 1048576
typedef struct {
double a;
} PartialLine;
int main()
int i, j;
PartialLine* many_lines;
int total_bytes = MANY_MEGS * sizeof(PartialLine);
printf("Striding through %d total bytes, %d bytes at a time\n", total_bytes, sizeof(PartialLine));
many_lines = (PartialLine*) malloc(total_bytes);
PartialLine line;
double x;
for(i = 0; i < 300; i++)
for(j = 0; j < MANY_MEGS; j++)
line = many_lines[j];
x = line.a;
return 0;
When I run this program I see this output:
mike#computer:~$ time ./cache_hits
Striding through 8388608 total bytes, 8 bytes at a time
real 0m3.194s
user 0m3.140s
sys 0m0.016s
Here's the program with the big structs, they each take up 64 bytes of memory, not 8.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MANY_MEGS 1048576
typedef struct {
double a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h;
} WholeLine;
int main()
int i, j;
WholeLine* many_lines;
int total_bytes = MANY_MEGS * sizeof(WholeLine);
printf("Striding through %d total bytes, %d bytes at a time\n", total_bytes, sizeof(WholeLine));
many_lines = (WholeLine*) malloc(total_bytes);
WholeLine line;
double x;
for(i = 0; i < 300; i++)
for(j = 0; j < MANY_MEGS; j++)
line = many_lines[j];
x = line.a;
return 0;
And when I run it, I see this:
mike#computer:~$ time ./cache_misses
Striding through 67108864 total bytes, 64 bytes at a time
real 0m14.367s
user 0m14.245s
sys 0m0.088s
The second program -- the one designed to have cache misses -- it took five times as long to run for the exact same number of memory accesses.
Also worth noting is that in both cases, all the time spent was spent in user, not sys. That means that the OS is counting the time your program has to wait for data against your program, not against the operating system. Given these two examples I think it's unlikely that cache misses are causing your elapsed time to be substantially longer than your user time.
I just saw your update that the really slimmed down table ran about 10x faster than the regular-sized one. That too would indicate to me that (as another Matthew also said) you're running out of RAM.
Once your program tries to use more memory than your computer actually has installed it starts swapping to disk. This is better than your program crashing, but its much slower than RAM and can cause substantial slowdowns.
I'll try and put together an example that shows swap problems tomorrow.
Okay, here's an example program which is very similar to the previous one. But now the struct is 4096 bytes, not 8 bytes. In total this program will use 2GB of memory rather than 64MB. I also change things up a bit and make sure that I access things randomly instead of element-by-element so that the kernel can't get smart and start anticipating my programs needs. The caches are driven by hardware (driven solely by simple heuristics) but it's entirely possible that kswapd (the kernel swap daemon) could be substantially smarter than the cache.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
typedef struct {
double numbers[512];
} WholePage;
int main()
int memory_ops = 1024*1024;
int total_memory = memory_ops / 2;
int num_chunks = 8;
int chunk_bytes = total_memory / num_chunks * sizeof(WholePage);
int i, j, k, l;
printf("Bouncing through %u MB, %d bytes at a time\n", chunk_bytes/1024*num_chunks/1024, sizeof(WholePage));
WholePage* many_pages[num_chunks];
for(i = 0; i < num_chunks; i++)
many_pages[i] = (WholePage*) malloc(chunk_bytes);
if(many_pages[i] == 0){ exit(1); }
WholePage* page_list;
WholePage* page;
double x;
for(i = 0; i < 300*memory_ops; i++)
j = rand() % num_chunks;
k = rand() % (total_memory / num_chunks);
l = rand() % 512;
page_list = many_pages[j];
page = page_list + k;
x = page->numbers[l];
return 0;
From the program I called cache_hits to cache_misses we saw the size of memory increased 8x and execution time increased 5x. What do you expect to see when we run this program? It uses 32x as much memory than cache_misses but has the same number of memory accesses.
mike#computer:~$ time ./page_misses
Bouncing through 2048 MB, 4096 bytes at a time
real 2m1.327s
user 1m56.483s
sys 0m0.588s
It took 8x as long as cache_misses and 40x as long as cache_hits. And this is on a computer with 4GB of RAM. I used 50% of my RAM in this program versus 1.5% for cache_misses and 0.2% for cache_hits. It got substantially slower even though it wasn't using up ALL the RAM my computer has. It was enough to be significant.
I hope this is a decent primer on how to diagnose problems with programs running slow.
