How do I implement gradual load in App Inventor? - app-inventor

I am workimg om a cookBook app usimg App Inventor. When the app loads it is extremely slow. The main reason I found is that this is due to multi image loading on the initial load.
For example if the app decides to display 100 recipies to the user then it loads all 100 of them including images at once. This is taking the vast amount of time.
I want to implement gradual load but not sure how this can be done in App Inventor.
How can this be done?


TWA Performance slow

I am using TWA. Its response time and speed are slow. If the internet is slow then there are lot of issues like. UI lagging, Slow speed and image loading time are very hight. That is giving a bad experience to our customers How can I improve the performance of my TWA?
There are many ways to optimise TWA’s, but the basic fact is to optimise twa you have to optimise website. Some of the basic things you can do is:
Use a CDN to serve your static request
Cache requests using service worker so that in offline mode you don’t
need network call for basic ui updation and home screen image loading
Make button clicks more responsive and give some quick feedback on
Smoothen the scroll so that it feels app like
Add some smooth animation before loading data so that the loading is
not abrupt
Optimise your image size for web , use .webp format

Static images loads really slow

So, my assets folder in Angular app has a size of about 1GB where images are close to 134MB and a video of 738 MB. A component which displays these images take about 3-4 seconds to render in local, and it takes more than a minute on a application which is deployed to PCF(even after using AOT).
Strange thing is that the components renders just in fraction of
seconds if we revisit it.
I have tried using lazy loading for images by using deferload. But,
still the problem not resolved.
Could someone share their thoughts on this.
Mostlikely fetching such big images causes the app to load slow.
It is probably unnecessary to have such big image size. You could try to resize the images with something like lambda resize image.
Also if you revisit the site all the data is already cached in the browser. You could try to disable cache in the network tab and it should be slow on every visit of the site
You can use npm install package ng-lazyload-image
Fine the url for description and usage docs

Page load networking analysis

I have a simple page that utilizes angular, custom fonts/icons from google, and font-awesome.
I'm trying to understand why the long gap between loading icons and font-awesome. What is the browser doing in the background that is taking that long? It couldn't possibly be angular initializing since the script hasn't even been loaded yet by the browser.

cocoa - App architecture

I've a app that lives of making HTTP GET calls, and parsing the JSON responses. I've about 5/6 different views, where that are waiting for that responses to present the information. The contents are much like text and images.
- If I make the requests only when the user enters on the view, he have to wait to much, and that's not a good user experience.
- If I make all the requests on the first viewcontroller, the app becomes more slow, and sometimes it takes to long to respond to the user taps.
- What is the best way to implement the app, so I've a good user experience and a good performance?
I think it depends on the amount of data you ae downloading. If a view needs a lot of data it might be best to download it only when this view is about to be shown, so your app doesn't unnecessarily use bandwidth.
If you do want to load the data up front it might be best to do so in a separate thread so the UI thread isn't blocked.
You could also cache the data and use this cache while the newest data is downloading in the background. This creates a seamless user experience.

How can I performance tuning my situation. Sinatra and images

Here's my situation, I'm doing some basic Sinatra application hosted on heroku. The app is requesting the 25 top most popular videos on youtube by youtube RESTful api, but it only shows thumbnail images on the app not the videos (user has to click it to see the video). Also, the app is requesting my 10 most recent photos from my flickr account by flickraw gem, also show that on the app. When I run google chrome pagespeed to test the performance, I get 56/100. It suggests me that I should serve scaled images rather than reduce it by css or html (I got the smallest images I could get but I somehow need to reduce them down a bit to fit my page), which obviously I cannot do that, those files are on youtube and flickr.
Should I scale them down on the fly and cache that on Amazon S3? or what would be the best strategies to boost my pagespeed?
Right now it takes about 8 seconds to load the entire page.
The most important factor is how often do you request YouTube and Flickr. You should make the request at a given time interval and cache the result / store it in memory.
