How to iterate over the digits of a number in MIPS? - algorithm

I have a task where I need to take a number, e.g. 13002, and print it digit by digit using UART (including non-leading 0's). The UART expects that whatever it prints will go in the $s0 register but I can call it whenever I need using a jal.
This means I need to place a digit in $s0 and jump (the UART code has a jr $ra in it so it will return properly once complete.
My problem is I don't know how to iterate over the digits in the number.
My approach so far is to mod the number by 10 (Because it's a decimal number represented in binary) but that gives me the digits in reverse order.
E.g. 13002 % 10 = 2 (then divide 13002 by 10, integer division will truncate the decimal), 1300 % 10 = 0, divide again by 10, 130 on and so forth.
As mentioned above however, that gives me the digits in reverse order. How would I properly iterate over the number?
I wrote some pseudocode in python but it's having trouble with numbers that have 0's in them:
def iterateOverDigits(n):
while (n >= 10):
x = n
i = 0
while (x >= 10):
x = x // 10
i += 1
x = n
x = x % (10 ** i)
n = x
iterateOverDigits(1302) # This prints 132

In [1]: def by_digit(n):
...: for char in str(n):
...: print(char)
In [2]: by_digit(120405)
In [3]:
Change the print statement to the following to remove the newlines between each digit:
print(char, end="")


Generate a random number which is far enough from another number

Let x, range, d be integers. We'd like to generate a number y, such that
1 <= y <= range
abs(x-y) >= d
One idea I came up with is to generate some smaller range and then make some adjustments to handle the numbers which too close to x. But that's really tedious.
Is there any better way to do it?
Here is a Python function that you should be able to adapt to the language of your choice:
import random
def distantRand(a,b,x,d):
#returns a random integer in range a ... b
#which is greater than or equal to d units from x
lb = max(a,x-d+1)
ub = min(b,x+d-1)
k = ub-lb+1 #number of numbers ruled out
if b-k < a:
return None
y = random.randint(a,b-k)
if y > x - d:
y = y + k
return y
For example, distantRand(1,10,5,3) should return a number in the range 1 to 10 which is at least units away from 5. This rules out 3,4,5,6,7 as return values, leaving 10-5 = 5 valid numbers. The function picks one such in the range 1 to 5. If the number chosen is >2, 5 is added to it to make it a number which is >7 (but still <= 10). For example:
>>> for i in range(20):
I have done it like this in Python.
import random
if abs(x-y)>=d:
print abs(x-y)
print y
And here it is as a def
import random
def yourandom (x,d,r):
if abs(x-y)>=d:
print "abs(x-y)=",abs(x-y)
print "y=",y

Cannot understand an answer to an algorithm

I was doing this question today.
Basically, question asks for the largest 'Decent' Number having N digits where 'Decent' number is:
Only 3 and 5 as its digits.
Number of times 3 appears is divisible by 5.
Number of times 5 appears is divisible by 3.
Input Format
The 1st line will contain an integer T, the number of test cases,
followed by T lines, each line containing an integer N i.e. the number
of digits in the number
Output Format
Largest Decent number having N digits. If no such number exists, tell
Sherlock that he is wrong and print '-1'
Sample Input
Sample Output
For N=1 , there is no such number. For N=3, 555 is only possible
number. For N=5, 33333 is only possible number. For N=11 , 55555533333
and all of permutations of digits are valid numbers, among them, the
given number is the largest one.
I've solved it using normal method but saw this answer:
t = int(raw_input())
for _ in range(t):
n = int(raw_input())
c3 = 5*(2*n%3)
if c3 > n:
print -1
print '5' * (n-c3) + '3'*c3
Can anyone explain the method please? Especially the line 'c3 = 5*(2*n%3)', thanks
We are looking for integer solutions of n = 5*x + 3*y where 5*x is the number of 3s and 3*y is the number of 5s. Both x and y must be >= 0 and x should be as small as possible since we can build larger numbers if we have more 5s.
Transforming this gives y = (n-5*x)/3. In order for y to be an integer n-5*x must be a multiple of 3 so we can calculate modulo 3 (I write == for is congruent modulo 3 from now on).
n-5*x == 0
n == 5*x == 2*x (because 5 == 2)
multiplying both sides by 2 gives
2*n == 4*x == x (because 4 == 1)
Since we want x small we take x = 2 * n % 3 and y = (n-5*x)/3
There is no solution if y < 0.

No of numbers less than a given number with no repeating digits

How can we find the number of numbers less than a given number with no repeating digits in it?
For example the number of such numbers less than 100 is 90. (11, 22, 33,44, 55,66,77,88,99 have repeating digits so are excluded).
Similarly for less than 1000, digits like 101, 110, 122, 202 etc have to be excluded.
Here is a way to make it quicker. Notice that there is a correlation between the number of digits in the max number and the solution (number of numbers which I will call NON)
100 (3 digits) => NON = 10 * 9
1000 (4 digits) => NON = 10 * 9 * 8
10000 (5 digits) => NON = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7
10000000000 (11 digits) => NON = 10 * 9 * 8 * 7 * 6 * 5 * 4 * 3 * 2 * 1
after one billion you're bound to repeat a digit
You can consider two cases:
numbers shorter than the limit
numbers that that differ from the limit at some digit
The count of d-digit numbers is 9*9*8*... = 9*9!/(9-d)! (the first digit may not be zero). The count of all numbers shorter than d is the count of 0-digit numbers + .. count of d-1-digit numbers. These sums may be precomputed (or even hard-coded).
The count of d-digit numbers with f first digits given is (10-f)*...*(10-(d-1)) = (10-f)!/(10-d)!. You can precomupte the factorials as well.
Pseudocode :
To precompute fac:
- fac = int[10];
- fac[0] = 1;
- for i in 1..10:
- fac[i] = fac[i-1] * i;
To precompute count_shorter:
- cs = int[10];
- cs[0] = 0;
- cs[1] = 1; // if zero is allowed
- for i in 1..10:
- cs[i+1] = cs[i] + 9 * fac[9] / fac[10-i]
- count_shorter = cs;
To determine the count of numbers smaller than d:
- sl = strlen(d)
- if sl > 10
- return count_shorter[11]
- else
- sum = 0
account for shorter numbers:
- sum += count_shorter[sl]
account for same-length numbers; len=count of digits shared with the limit:
- sum += 9* fac[9] / fac[10-sl];
- for every len in 1..{sl-1}:
count the unused digits less than d[len]; credits to #MvG for noting:
- first_opts = d[len]-1;
- for every i in 0..{len-1}:
- if d[i] < d[len]
- first_opts -= 1;
- sum += first_opts * fac[9-len] / fac[10-sl]
- return sum
Here is some code that does this. Comments in the code. The basic idea is that you iterate over the digits of the last counted number one at a time, and for every digit position you can count the numbers that have the same digits prior to that position but a smaller digit at that current position. The functions build upon one another, so the cntSmaller function at the very end is the one you'd actually call, and also the one with the most detailed comments. I've checked that this agrees with a brute-force implementation for all arguments up to 30000. I've done extensive comparisons against alternate implementations, so I'm fairly confident that this code is correct.
from math import factorial
def take(n, r):
"""Count ways to choose r elements from a set of n without
duplicates, taking order into account"""
return factorial(n)/factorial(n - r)
def forLength(length, numDigits, numFirst):
"""Count ways to form numbers with length non-repeating digits
that take their digits from a set of numDigits possible digits,
with numFirst of these as possible choices for the first digit."""
return numFirst * take(numDigits - 1, length - 1)
def noRepeated(digits, i):
"""Given a string of digits, recursively compute the digits for a
number which is no larger than the input and has no repeated
digits. Recursion starts at i=0."""
if i == len(digits):
return True
while digits[i] in digits[:i] or not noRepeated(digits, i + 1):
digits[i] -= 1
for j in range(i + 1, len(digits)):
digits[j] = 9
if digits[i] < 0:
digits[i] = 9
return False
return True
def lastCounted(n):
"""Compute the digits of the last number that is smaller than n
and has no repeated digits."""
digits = [int(i) for i in str(n - 1)]
while not noRepeated(digits, 0):
digits = [9]*(len(digits) - 1)
while digits[0] == 0:
digits = digits[1:]
assert len(digits) == len(set(digits))
return digits
def cntSmaller(n):
if n < 2:
return 0
digits = lastCounted(n)
cnt = 1 # the one from lastCounted is guaranteed to get counted
l = len(digits)
for i in range(1, l):
# count all numbers with less digits
# first digit non-zero, rest all other digits
cnt += forLength(i, 10, 9)
firstDigits = set(range(10))
for i, d in enumerate(digits):
# count numbers which are equal to lastCounted up to position
# i but have a smaller digit at position i
firstHere = firstDigits & set(range(d)) # smaller but not duplicate
if i == 0: # this is the first digit
firstHere.discard(0) # must not start with a zero
cnt += forLength(l - i, 10 - i, len(firstHere))
return cnt
Edit: cntSmaller(9876543211) returns 8877690 which is the maximum number of numbers you can form with non-repeating digits. The fact that this is more than 10!=3628800 had me confused for a while, but this is correct: when you consider your sequences padded to length 10, then sequences of leading zeros are allowed in addition to a zero somewhere in the number. This increases the count above that of the pure permutations.

Enumerate all words of a language

I have a language consisting of the words having exactly two "1" and three "0". How can I efficiently enumerate the finite set of all words of this language?
Easy, write the number 11100, calculate the number of permutation of this value = n! = 5!,
divide by the number of permutation of the 3 1's = 3! and the number of permutation of 0's = 2! => 5! / (2! * 3!) = 120 / (6 * 2) = 10
Now if you need the actual values, for an arbitrary language, you have no other choice but to use a backtracking algorithm.
For this particular case, you can easily build a simple algorithm generating this language:
Here's an example using python
def GenerateLanguage(nZeros, nOnes):
if nZeros + nOnes == 0:
return ['']
res = [] # Resulting list, initialize with 1 empty string
if nOnes > 0: # If we have 1's left, build all the strings that starts with a 1
for l in GenerateLanguage(nZeros, nOnes - 1):
res.append('1' + l)
if nZeros > 0: # If we have 0's left, build all the strings that starts with a 0
for l in GenerateLanguage(nZeros - 1, nOnes):
res.append('0' + l)
return res

Fast modulo 3 or division algorithm?

is there a fast algorithm, similar to power of 2, which can be used with 3, i.e. n%3.
Perhaps something that uses the fact that if sum of digits is divisible by three, then the number is also divisible.
This leads to a next question. What is the fast way to add digits in a number? I.e. 37 -> 3 +7 -> 10
I am looking for something that does not have conditionals as those tend to inhibit vectorization
4 % 3 == 1, so (4^k * a + b) % 3 == (a + b) % 3. You can use this fact to evaluate x%3 for a 32-bit x:
x = (x >> 16) + (x & 0xffff);
x = (x >> 10) + (x & 0x3ff);
x = (x >> 6) + (x & 0x3f);
x = (x >> 4) + (x & 0xf);
x = (x >> 2) + (x & 0x3);
x = (x >> 2) + (x & 0x3);
x = (x >> 2) + (x & 0x3);
if (x == 3) x = 0;
(Untested - you might need a few more reductions.) Is this faster than your hardware can do x%3? If it is, it probably isn't by much.
This comp.compilers item has a specific recommendation for computing modulo 3.
An alternative, especially if the maximium size of the dividend is modest, is to multiply by the reciprocal of 3 as a fixed-point value, with enough bits of precision to handle the maximum size dividend to compute the quotient, and then subtract 3*quotient from the the dividend to get the remainder. All of these multiplies can be implemented with a fixed sequence of shifts-and-adds. The number of instructions will depend on the bit pattern of the reciprocal. This works pretty well when the dividend max is modest in size.
Regarding adding digits in the number... if you want to add the decimal digits, you're going to end up doing what amounts to a number-conversion-to-decimal, which involves divide by 10 somewhere. If you're willing to settle for adding up the digits in base2, you can do this with an easy shift-right and add loop. Various clever tricks can be used to do this in chunks of N bits to speed it up further.
Not sure for your first question, but for your second, you can take advantage of the % operator and integer division:
int num = 12345;
int sum = 0;
while (num) {
sum += num % 10;
num /= 10;
This works because 12345 % 10 = 5, 12345 / 10 = 1234 and keep going until num == 0
If you are happy with 1 byte integer division, here's a trick. You could extend it to 2 bytes, 4 bytes, etc.
Division is essentially multiplication by 0.3333. If you want to simulate floating point arithmetic then you need closest approximation for the 256 (decimal) boundary. This is 85, because 85 / 256 = 0.332. So if you multiply your value by 85, you should be getting a value close to the result in the high 8 bits.
Multiplying a value with 85 fast is easy. n * 85 = n * 64 + n * 16 + n * 4 + n. Now all these factors are powers of 2 so you can calculate n * 4 by shifting, then use this value to calculate n * 16, etc. So you have max 5 shifts and 4 additions.
As said, this'll give you approximation. To know how good it is you'll need to check the lower byte of the next value using this rule
n ... is the 16 bit number you want to divide
approx = HI(n*85)
if LO(n*85)>LO((n+1)*85)THEN approx++
And that should do the trick.
Example 1:
3 / 3 =?
3 * 85 = 00000000 11111111 (approx=0)
4 * 85 = 00000001 01010100 (LO(3*85)>LO(4*85)=>approx=1)
result approx=1
Example 2:
254 / 3
254 * 85 = 01010100 01010110 (approx=84)
255 * 85 = 01010100 10101011 (LO(254*85)<LO(255*85), don't increase)
result approx=84
If you're dealing with big-integers, one very fast method is realizing the fact for all
bases 10 +/- multiple-of-3
4,7,10,13,16,19,22…. etc
All you have to do is count the digits, then % 3. something like :
** note : x ^ y is power, not bit-wise XOR,
x ** y being the python equivalent
function mod3(__,_) {
# can handle bases
# { 4, 7,10,13,16,19,
# 22,25,28,31,34 } w/o conversion
# assuming base digits :
# 0-9A-X for any base,
# or 0-9a-f for base-16
return \
&& (__~"^[0-9]+$") )\
? (substr(__,_~_,_+_*_+_)+\
+ length(__) \
+ gsub("[258BbEeHKNQTW]","",__))%+_
This isn't the fastest method possible, but it's one of the more agile methods.
