Spring double SessionManagement in application - spring

I have application with #Controller for web-view and #RestController for api layer.
Controller layer needs session, using cookies with JSESSIONID.
As for api layer, I've created JWT token, and used filterBefore that provides auth with given token
Now I have problem:
token auth needs sessionCreationPolicy(SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS)
web-view still need JSESSIONID
Ofcause api can be used such a way, but in final it uses JSESSIONID instead of token, so if I change token in Authorization header (for ex. using another user), it will still using credentials of previously authorized user.
Are there any abilities to make session be STATELESS for one group of endpoints (for ex: /api/**), and ALWAYS on other endpoints.
Or maybe there is any kind of possibility to make #Controller work with token-based auth?
Thatnk you for any ideas.


Spring Security multiple calls to different OAuth servers requiring multiple tokens in SecurityContext

I have a spring application that verifies a JWT token on the rest endpoint.
Using SecurityChain
This seems to create a JwtAuthenticationToken in the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder.
I then want to flow the input from this endpoint where the client is authenticated by checking the bearer token. And then call another rest service using a webClient. This web client needs to authenticate with grant type password with the external service using a different OAuth server and get is own bearer token.
The problem is that the web client uses the ReactiveSecurityContextHolder that contains the authenticated JWT. And tries to use this information rather than connect and authenticate my app to the rest endpoint.
I have set up the Yaml to register my client
Then adding a filter function of
But I get principalName cannot be empty as it seems to reuse the security context from verifying the caller on the rest endpoint in my application.
How should it be designed or samples to show how you can use different security contexts or get tokens differently between service to service calls?
You are correct that the design of ServerOAuth2AuthorizedClientExchangeFilterFunction is designed to be based on the currently-authorized client, which you've explained that you don't want to use in this case.
You've indicated that you want to use the client's credentials as the username and password for the Resource Owner Password Grant. However, there's nothing in Spring Security that is going to do that.
However, you can use WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient directly in order to formulate the custom request yourself.
Briefly, this would be a custom ExchangeFilterFunction that would look something like:
ClientRegistrationRespository clientRegistrations;
accessTokenResponseClient = new WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient();
Mono<ClientResponse> filter(ClientRequest request, ExchangeFunction next) {
return this.clientRegistrations.findByRegistrationId("registration-id")
.map(clientRegistration -> new OAuth2PasswordGrantRequest(
.map(tokenResponse -> ClientRequest.from(request)
.headers(h -> h.setBearerAuth(tokenResponse.getAccessToken().getTokenValue())
(For brevity, I've removed any error handling.)
The above code takes the following steps:
Look up the appropriate client registration -- this contains the provider's endpoint as well as the client id and secret
Construct an OAuth2PasswordGrantRequest, using the client's id and secret as the resource owner's username and password
Perform the request using the WebClientReactivePasswordTokenResponseClient
Set the access token as a bearer token for the request
Continue to the next function in the chain
Note that to use Spring Security's OAuth 2.0 Client features, you will need to configure your app also as a client. That means at least changing your DSL to include .oauth2Client() in addition to .oauth2ResourceServer(). It will also mean configuring a ClientRegistrationRepository. To keep my comment focused on filter functions, I've left that detail out, but I'd be happy to help there, too, if necessary.

OAuth in Spring Security 5.2.x: Store userInfo response

We are running an API on Sping Boot 2.2 and are consequently using Sping Security 5.2. In securing this API with OAuth, we are using the new features built into Spring Security (since the Spring Security OAuth project is now deprecated). We are using opaque tokens and (as indicated by the documentation) have a security config of the following form:
public static class OAuthWebSecurityConfigurationAdapter extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
Here opaqueTokenIntrospector() is a bean which performs the following tasks:
Send a request to the introspection endpoint to get the full token.
Also send a request to the userinfo endpoint to get additional info about the user from the IDP.
Map some of this additional info into custom spring roles and add these roles to the authenticated user.
The way this configuration is set up, each request to the API comes with two additional requests: one to the introspection endpoint and one to the userinfo endpoint. It would be better to save on some of these if a user performs successive requests to the API.
Is it possible to save the result of the opaqueTokenIntrospector() in the session of the user? This way the whole flow of the bean need only be done once per user, saving on redundant requests.
This is a common requirement when you get beyond basic APIs. Use a claims caching solution, which is an API gateway pattern:
When a token is first received do the lookups and save them into an object:
Token claims
User info claims
App specific claims
Then cache the results against the token, so that subsequent requests with the same token are fast:
Use a thread safe cache - my preference is to use an in memory one
Use the SHA256 hash of the access token as the key
Use the serialized claims as the value
This probably goes beyond Spring's default behaviour, but you can customise it.
I have a Java sample that does this - here are a couple of links, though my sample is quite a complex one:
Custom Authorizer Class
Caching Class
Java Write Up

how to implement role-based security in microservices architecture [closed]

Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a spring-boot application with 4 microservices, eureka server and a centralized API gateway.
All external traffic is coming via my API gateway to my microservices.
My API gateway (Zuul) is validating and verifying JWT token.
the JWT token is generated by one of my microservices after user login (the users microservice), the token contain the user Id and his roles/authorities.
Now I want to implement role-based security on methods that are present in microservices other than the gateway.
I have tried to use #PreAuthorize but it's not working out of the gateway (obviously in order to make it work I have to set a Spring Security authentication object in the SecurityContextHolder in my microservices and populate it with authorities).
So is there any solution to achieve this type of security?
What is the best design to set up security in microservice architecture?
Authentication at API gateway level and authorization at microservices level?
Do I need to use spring security within the microservices or just pass down the roles (append them to the request) after validating the JWT at API gateway level and for example create my own annotations and use Spring AOP to handle authorization?
In Spring5 microservices you will be able to find a base to develop a microservice architecture with several of the requisites you are looking for:
Registry server using Eureka.
Gateway server with Zuul.
Regarding to security, I have developed two different microservices:
Spring Oauth2 with Jwt
Spring Jwt multi-application security service to work with access and refresh Jwt tokens, with several customizations like: definition of the content of every one, work with JWS or JWE, etc
Most important ones are well documented using Swagger, as you can see here, and all documented APIs are accessible using an unique gateway Url.
For all classes of every microservice, Junit tests were developed.
At this point, I took several decisions:
1. Is not the gateway the microservice that verifies the security.
Because use the gateway as "firewall" is a less flexible approach. I wanted to decide which microservices need security and every one should manage internally the roles can access to every endpoint. In summary, every microservice has to work with the authorization/authentication but it don't need to know how that functionality is done.
2. Specific microservice to deal with the security
As I told you, I developed 2 different ones, because I wanted to "play" with different options/approaches. The most important advantage is the encapsulation, if "tomorrow" I decide to change Jwt by any other option, I will only need to modify those ones, the microservices that use them will keep the same code (I will explain you soon how the integration was done)
Security integration example
I will explain how the security functionality was integrated between:
Pizza service easy microservice developed as part of the architecture.
Spring Jwt
1. Every application that manages user and roles, will include in the security microservice a folder similar to the next one, to define its models, repositories to get the required information, etc
2. Global endpoints of the security microservice are defined here. As you can see, they work basically with 2 Dtos:
The main advantage, only the security microservice knows the details about how that functionality was done, the other ones that use it will receive a well known Dtos with the required information.
3. In pizza-service, the security integration is mainly defined in the next 3 classes:
SecurityContextRepository to get authorization token from the header and send it to the SecurityManager.
SecurityManager call to security-jwt-service with the provided "authorization token" (it doesn't know if it is Jwt or any other thing) and receives a well know UsernameAuthoritiesDto (transforming it into an object of the Spring class UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken)
WebSecurityConfiguration global security configuration.
Now you can include in your endpoints the required role based security:
Controller example
Custom PreAuthorize annotation
Final considerations
pizza-service was developed using Webflux, you can see an equivalent integration based on a MVC microservice one in order-service here (in this case I used the "other security service" but is easy to adapt it).
To improve the security and follow the "Oauth approach", the requests to security-jwt-service need to include the Basic authentication too. As you can see in SecurityManager class:
private String buildAuthorizationHeader(String username, String password) {
String auth = username + ":" + password;
byte[] encodedAuth = Base64.getEncoder().encode(auth.getBytes());
return "Basic " + new String(encodedAuth);
The table in database to store that information is the same one used to manage the security configuration of every application: security.jwt_client_details
Question is wide at the moment as the nature of the traffic to your microservices is not clear.
Assuming that all external traffic coming via your API gateway to your microservices.
You don't need to validate the JWT twice once in API gateway and then again in your internal microservice. If the JWT is invalid , the request will never reach your microservice
Then API gateway propagate the roles. In your microservice, you initialise the spring security context using the roles passed in the header. It will allow you to use #PreAuthorize etc
Assuming that external traffic can come via your API gateway as well as directly to your microservices.
Now you need to verify it in both API gateway and in your microservices
I don't have knowledge about Zuul API gateway. This is just addressing the following:
I have tried to use #PreAuthorize but it's not working out of the gateway (obviously in order to make it work I have to set a Spring Security authentication object in the SecurityContextHolder in my microservices and populate it with authorities).
public class PreAuthenticatedUserRoleHeaderFilter
extends GenericFilterBean {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest,
ServletResponse servletResponse,
FilterChain chain)
throws IOException, ServletException {
HttpServletRequest request = (HttpServletRequest) servletRequest;
String rolesString = //extract the roles
String userName = // extract the username
List<GrantedAuthority> authorities
= AuthorityUtils.commaSeparatedStringToAuthorityList(rolesString);
PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken authentication
= new PreAuthenticatedAuthenticationToken(
userName, null, authorities);
chain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true, securedEnabled = true,
jsr250Enabled = true)
public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
PreAuthenticatedUserRoleHeaderFilter authFilter
= new PreAuthenticatedUserRoleHeaderFilter();
If you'r API gateway is also the one who create's and sign JWT token's with private key's and to authenticate you use public key's from API gateway then you are the one who specifies structure of that JWT token and you should be able to encode roles into that JWT (it could be scope parameter for example but all possible scope's are usually accessible by all users). Then you can configure spring boot to automaticaly resolve group role from that JWT (set SecurityContextHolder role's right) and #PreAuthorize annotation can be used without any modification.
If you'r API gateway is only verifying JWT token's against 3rd party authorization server (the server which signed and structured that JWT) with public key's from this server you must implement some custom mechanism for role-based access. One that come's to my mind is to implement second level Oauth2 authentication which would be only used with request's between your microservice's and API gateway using some kind of 'inner' JWT. For example see following image:
Since you define how structure of inner JWT should look by your API gateway code you can set custom attribute's like role: (admin, user etc..). This can be resolved for example from user name, id, email which you are provided from outer JWT from 3rd party authorization server. Therefore you would need to keep some mapping inside API gateway code like:
(userId: 12563) => Admin group
(userId: 45451) => User group
Since your micro-services use JWT for authentication you can use spring boot resource server to setup authentication and configure it to resolve group's (object you mentioned inside SecurityContextHolder) automatically from your custom structured inner JWT. This way you could simply use #PreAuthorize annotation inside your micro-service's and therefore you would not have to create custom annotation's. Note that this is only supposed to solve second case i have specified in first case you are in control of JWT token already.
Role based authorization is avoided these days and scope based authorization is preferred with something like service1.read, service2.full_access scopes. You could either: move role based authorization into each service and away from identity server, convert to scope based authorization, move role based authorization job to respective service rather than relay on identity server.
You can user reference token flow and invalidate token when changes occurs in your role/rights, this will help explaining it

Implementing JWT, JWE and JWS (signed JWT) with Keycloak in Spring Boot

I try to implement a simple OAuth2 "Client Authentication with Signed JWT" Demo App using Spring Boot and Keycloak as AuthService.
The idea is:
one secured REST service "The Producer"
offering an endpoint GET /person for all users/principals with the role "read_person"
offering an endpoint POST /person for all users/principals with the role "write_person"
another (unsecured) REST service "The Consumer"
offering an enpoint /api open for everybody
calling internal the "producer" viaFeignclient using an RequestInterceptor to pass the AccessToken (signed JWT / JWS)
I read about the docs:
Once the client application is started, it allows to download its public >key in JWKS format using a URL such as http://myhost.com/myapp/k_jwks, >assuming that http://myhost.com/myapp is the base URL of your client >application. This URL can be used by Keycloak (see below).
During authentication, the client generates a JWT token and signs it with >its private key and sends it to Keycloak in the particular backchannel >request (for example, code-to-token request) in the client_assertion >parameter.
I googled a lot to find tutorials/demos or docs about this topic but failed so far.
So here my questions:
How do I implement this "k_jwk" endpoint? Do I simple build a #RestController by myself in "the Producer"? How do I configure Keycloak to get aware of this URL?
How do I implement my "Consumer" to get fresh signed JWT from Keycloak?
Removed irritating PS statement.
You don't need to implement the k_jwk endpoint, this is handled by the adapter. Keycloak will by default look at http:///your.app.com/k_jwk(but if needed you can override that in the console).
Then you need to configure your Spring Boot client, just use the same properties as the keycloak.json but in the application.properties format:
etc ...
You need a token to call the producerbut as you said the entry point will be an insecured endpoint so you might want to use a Service Account for this.
I hope this will help.
I couldnt solve this issue but learned some things about singned JWT in the mean time:
create a so called "Bearer Token" by creating a Json Structure with all necessary claims (sub, nbf, exp ...) by yourself and sign/certificate it with your JKS/Private Key from Keycloak. There are some nice third party libs beside Keycloak to do this.
To get a real AccessToken (JWE/JWS) from Keycloak: send this static final Bearer Token to Keycloak at /auth/realms/$realm/protocol/openid-connect/token/introspect
with QueryParams:
Use the received real AccessToken to access the ResourceServer...

How does Spring Security/OAuth figure out the AuthenticationPrincipal

I have a spring project that uses spring-oauth2 and spring-security for authentication using an LDAP auth provider.
In controllers I can access the current principal's UserDetails using the #AuthenticationPrincipal annotation.
However, when I hit the endpoint with a client_credential token the #AuthenticationPrincipal is a String which is the OAuth client id. I understand that there's no notion of user when you authenticate with client_credentials, but I would like to have my Principal be a richer datatype. How does spring decide to set my principal as a String and can I override that behavior?
From the Oauth2 specs
The client credentials (or other forms of client authentication) can
be used as an authorization grant when the authorization scope is
limited to the protected resources under the control of the client,
or to protected resources previously arranged with the authorization
server. Client credentials are used as an authorization grant
typically when the client is acting on its own behalf (the client is
also the resource owner) or is requesting access to protected
resources based on an authorization previously arranged with the
authorization server.
because client can also be a resource owner, therefore spring will create authentication based on your client information.
I assume that you have setup org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.client.ClientCredentialsTokenEndpointFilter which is used to create authentication for the client.
You can create your own custom org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.client.ClientDetailsUserDetailsService or create your own org.springframework.security.authentication.AuthenticationProvider to override how the authentication object is created, but I prefer to use org.springframework.security.oauth2.provider.token.TokenEnhancer to add additional information to the token generated.
