Run pre call test demo into Iframe - opentok

How Could I run pre-call test demo of tokbox into my iframe, Here is the link of tokbox, Or Where could I get the full sample code of this?

OpenTok Developer Advocate here.
You can utilize the opentok-network-test-js library to build the pre-call testing into your own application.


How to get Rest Api endpoints, name and url's, in the way Azure Functions do?

Sometimes you get over a feature that you just like. When creating a Azure Function project and debugs it, it writes out this nice info in the console.
Now that I am writing the frontend, I have found this information very useful.
CoWorkers: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/CoWorkers
GetManager: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/GetManager
SetManager: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/SetManager
UserInfo: [GET,POST] http://localhost:7071/api/UserInfo
I would like to have this on every rest api project that I am coding.
Anyone knows how to get it?
EDIT: OpenApi/Swagger is providing this information as pawelek91 says and I should have mentioned that I want it in the console: "Just because I like that feature".
use HttpOption request or swagger (if you can install it on your backend)
For console access to your web API, try the new HttpRepl tool at:
It's a dotnet CLI tool that is installed separately (install using dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.dotnet-httprepl from the CL). Then you can "browse" your API using this command line tool.
As noted in the docs, it requires .Net Core 2.1+.

how generate logs and reports in ruby capybara rspec

I am new to this technology and I am working on an automation framework, ruby-capybara-rspec. And this project is in POC state. Now I want to generate "Logs" and "reports" as well. Please help me if there is any default/inbuilt functionality to do so or is there any specific gem I can use to achieve it. Thank you in advance.
PS: There is no specific ask from the client so I can bring my own logging and report to this framework.
From the official documentation:
rspec example_spec.rb --format documentation --out rspec.txt

How to perform an Load Test/Performance Test with Vaadin 10 with JMeter

I work on a Vaadin 10 project and we want to perform a load test on our website. Before we used Vaadin 10, we could do that with Jmeter but with Vaadin 10 it seems that JMeter doesn't work.
We tried using JMeter 5.1.1 and recorded the test case. The first problem was the CSRF token and the push id. Both could get extracted with a regular expression extractor and we put them in the body data:
{"csrfToken":"${csrf}","rpc": [{"type":"mSync","node":5,"feature":1,"property":"invalid","value":true}]," syncId":0,"clientId":0}
As far as I can see, at least that worked, but the only result we get back is a HTML page with "You have to enable javascript in your browser to use this web site."
Does anyone know if there are better ways to perform a load test on a Vaadin 10 application or how to get it working with JMeter?
Most answers I found until now are for Vaadin 8 or 7, but none for Vaadin 10+.
Yes, it is possible to use JMeter for load test Vaadin 10+ applications. You should be able to use following regex for extracting the csrf token:
A screenshot of my JMeter when testing against Vaadin 13 Bakery app starter:
In addition to JMeter, Gatling is also a good option when scalability testing Vaadin (any version) applications. There is a quite good example Gatling test script in Bakery App starter for Vaadin 13: See the path: \src\test\scala\BaristaFlow.scala of the project.
I uploaded a small but fully functioning JMeter test against V13 application (the same Bakery Flow starter) here:
The example script shows the csrf token extract, but also how to extract component ids (such as an id used for the "New" button) and client and sync ids. Extracting these ids and using them as variables in the following requests (instead of using recorded ids) makes your test more stable.
I postet this question a time ago since some people have intresst in this Question i will post some informations how we dealed with the situation.
our application didnt want to work with J-Meter it should be possible with jmeter but i did not manage to get it to an working state
we used neoLoad(the trail version was sufficient for our use case) and neoload was easy to use for Vaadin 10
but i cant give detailed informations how to use neoLoad with vaadin 10 but maybe someone can use this information to shorten the research time

Chat Application like Hangout/facebook

I am now to coding so may be it's a there is obvious answer of this question. can we embed google hangout in out Spring/Hibernate web application for chatting? Or i have to start from beginning to develop a new one. I can make a simple application using spring,hibernate, jQuery,AJAX, Mysql but I want a standard one in which video call is also there and smileys . Please input your suggestions! Cheers !!

Keeping cookies when testing an addon

I'm developing an addon using Firefox Add-on SDK. I am using cfx to run my addons when testing.
The app posts some text when highlighted to twitter.
The problem is each time I modify the code I have to log back into twitter. Is there any way to ensure cookies are saved whilst testing/debugging? Similar to what happens when you open and close Firefox normally?
What are your parameters for calling cfx? By default, cxf executes in a new profile.
You need to use -p PROFILEDIR or --profiledir=PROFILEDIR param to use a specific profile, and associated settings.
From notes #
