Masm32 jump to label in other module after seh handler handled exception - winapi

I am trying an method of anti-debug.
First I did everything nessissery and raised an exception by a line of not corrected code
assume fs:nothing
push offset antiDebug ;function to deal with exception
push fs:[0]
mov fs:[0],esp
mov eax,offset MENU ;Menu is the label I want to jump to after the exception handled
push eax
call dumpRegs
mov edx,0
mov dword ptr[edx],0 ;wrong code
MENU: ;I want to jump here after exception handled
antiDebug function ↓,in another module from the above code
antiDebug proc _lpExceptionRecord:ptr EXCEPTION_RECORD,_lpSEH:ptr SEH,_lpContext:ptr CONTEXT,_lpDispatcherContext:ptr DISPATCHER_CONTEXT
mov esi,_lpExceptionRecord
mov edi,_lpContext
assume esi:ptr EXCEPTION_RECORD,edi:ptr CONTEXT
invoke MessageBox,NULL,addr infoUser,NULL,MB_OK
mov eax,[ebp+638H] ;I debug many times to find the relative
;distance,eax gets the location oflable MENU
mov [edi].regEip,eax
assume esi:nothing,edi:nothing
mov eax,ExceptionContinueExecution
antiDebug endp
the problem is that the location of MENU is not in the same module of antiDebug function.So I just cant jump MENU by mov [edi].regEip,eax What am I supposed to do?
in my main module,before I trigger the exception,I push the location of MENU in stack,and you can see in the debug window,eax gets the right value
I continue to debug.In the antiDebug function,here,eax successfully gets the location of lable and pass it to [edi].regEip
But then problem comes.I am sure I get the right location of MENU,but when this function return,I get error.
then error in handler function and error in handler function,I just repeat to execute the handler function(antiDebug)
PS:if I pass [edi].regEip a label in the same module of antiDebug,I can jump there.
Thanks in advance!

After several days,I seem to figure it out.I dont get the right location of MENU(the label).The the key to solve the problem is how to get the right location of a label(how to export a label to another module.So my solution is define a global variable in main module,and define a function in main module to mov eax,variable that store location
By invoke this function,I get the location of label in the antiDebug module.


x64 calling createthread from asm

push 0 //tid
push 0 //flag
sub rsp, 20
mov r9,0 //parameter
mov rcx,0 //security attribute
mov rdx, 0 //stacksize
mov r8,threadmem //address
call kernel32.createthread
I'm calling createthread in this way.
But if I put any address in parameter, my code doesn't work.
Just making my PC lag and nothing happens, seems like thread is created but my code isn't executed.
However, if I don't put parameter and leave itself for 0 it works.
Can anyone help me?
You are not strictly following the x64 calling convention. Push and sub rsp may only occur in the prolog.
Windows disassembles your code and unreachable code can still hang because of it. I had to give up altogether.

How can I catch RSP and RIP corruption exceptions in Windows?

I am working on a crash handling system for my Windows desktop application, and not sure the best way to catch some exceptions. Here are 3 simple functions that crash:
crash_av proc
xor rax, rax
mov qword ptr [rax], 0
crash_av endp
trash_rip proc
push 0
push 0
trash_rip endp
trash_rsp proc
xor rsp, rsp
trash_rsp endp
Using SetUnhandledExceptionFilter, I'm only able to catch crash_av.
Using AddVectoredExceptionFilter, I'm only able to catch crash_av and trash_rip.
But I am unaware of any way to catch trash_rsp at all. Is it possible? Are there other crash scenarios I should be looking out for? Is there a canonical way to capture all of these crashes, reliably?
any exception handler executed in context of thread, in which exception occurred. in case trash_rsp - let ask - which must be rsp (stack pointer) when exception begin handled ? when you corrupt rsp (go out of stack space) - game is over for your process. any internal handler can not recover from this.
in case SetUnhandledExceptionFilter exist one point - UnhandledExceptionFilter called only when debugger not attached to your process. so if debugger attached - UnhandledExceptionFilter not called. you bad test UnhandledExceptionFilter must be called for both crash_av and trash_rip if debugger not attached. otherwise must not be called for both.
AddVectoredExceptionHandler called for any exception (except rsp out of stack space) independent from debugger attached or no. of course if debugger not handle exception on first chance and another AddVectoredExceptionHandler not handle exception before your

watch a directory for changes using masm assembly

I have been only programming in assembly for 2 weeks now so I am kind of new to assembly and I need some help.
I need to watch a directory and all sub directories for changes. The only changes I need to be notified of are file creation and when a file is edited, but if you include others that is fine.
I need to be notified of the file who made the changes to a message box. I do not need to know what change the file made, I just need the file path to a message box. I tried to search the web but cant find anything for how to do this in assembly particular masm.The only stuff I could find was this code that I think was written for masm and I tried it but it message boxes A or other letters and that is it and it blocks me from changing the name of any file in that directory, and i do not want it to do that.
FolderPath3 db "C:\users",0
.data ?
hFile dd ?
FileBuffer DB 200 DUP(?)
ThreadProc PROC uses edi esi Param:DWORD
LOCAL lpBytesReturned:dword
invoke CreateFile,addr FolderPath3,GENERIC_READ,FILE_SHARE_DELETE or FILE_SHARE_READ,0,\
mov hFile,eax
invoke ReadDirectoryChangesW,hFile,addr FileBuffer,sizeof FileBuffer,TRUE,FILE_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_ACCESS,\
addr lpBytesReturned,0,0
.if eax==0
invoke MessageBoxA,0,0,0,MB_OK
xor ecx,ecx
add edi,ecx
lea edi,FileBuffer
mov esi,[edi].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.Action
invoke MessageBoxA, NULL, addr [edi].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.FileName, offset BoxCaption, NULL
.elseif esi==0
invoke CloseHandle,hDir
mov ecx,[edi].FILE_NOTIFY_INFORMATION.NextEntryOffset
.if ecx==0
invoke RtlZeroMemory,addr FileBuffer,sizeof FileBuffer
jmp ThreadProc
jmp #B
ThreadProc ENDP
if anyone can fix the above code or show me different code that works it would be great,
thank you
The essence of the task is the operating system specific services and handling the notifications.
If you are lost doing this in assembly, code it in a high level language (C, C++, Perl, etc.) and get that working. It should not be hard to find examples of doing just this from MSDN. Once you have learned how to do that, it will then be pretty clear what the assembly language has to do.

Having problems with GdiGradientFill in FASM

I'm trying to write an ASM version of a Java app I developed recently, as a project in Win32 ASM, but as the title states, I'm having problems with GdiGradientFill; I'd prefer, for the moment, to use FASM, and avoid higher level ASM constructs, such as INVOKE and the use of the WIN32 includes.
What I have, atm:
PUSH [hWnd]
CALL [User32.GetWindowDC]
PUSH rectClient
PUSH [hWnd]
CALL [User32.GetClientRect]
PUSH [rectClient.left]
POP [colorOne.xPos]
POP [colorOne.yPos]
MOV [], 0xC000
MOV [], 0xC000
MOV [], 0xC000
MOV [colorOne.alpha], 0x0000
PUSH [rectClient.right]
POP [colorTwo.xPos]
PUSH [rectClient.bottom]
POP [colorTwo.yPos]
MOV [], 0x0000
MOV [], 0x2800
MOV [], 0x7700
MOV [colorTwo.alpha], 0x0C00
MOV [gRect.UpperLeft], 0
MOV [gRect.LowerRight], 1
PUSH gRect
PUSH colorOne
CALL [GDI32.GdiGradientFill]
However, the code returns only a FALSE, and after going through both MSDN
and some other examples (, I still can't see what I am doing wrong, can anyone see the flaw here?
An additional problem has been with my attempts to use Msimg32's GradientFill, as this always leads to a crash, however, I have seen some reports that Win2K+ OS's simply pass the parameters from Msimg32 to GDI32; is this accurate, or has anyone else experienced problems with this form?
Pastebin link for whole code:
Thanks for any help, SS
Code is now working, honestly, I have no idea what has changed, I can't see anything different between the previous and now working data, other than changing the PUSH / POP sequence to MOV EAX, [rectClient.left], ect (The PUSH / POP method works, also) - Many thanks to those who offered assistance!
You're passing what looks like a RECT as the 4th parameter to GdiGradientFill. The function expects a GRADIENT_TRIANGLE.
Also, PUSH/POP is a very weird way to copy from one memory location to another. You're doing 4 memory accesses instead of two. Copy via a register; this is not Java.
Are you sure GetWindowDC is what you need? That one returns the DC for the whole window, title and border and all. For just the client area, people normally use GetDC(). When done, call ReleaseDC().

Endless loop with assember

OK, I'm new to PC Assembler. I"m trying to write an program, but it won't stop looping. I'm guessing the ECX register is being modified? How can I fix this? Thanks.
KEEP DD 0 ;temporary place to keep things
CALL GetStdHandle ;get, in eax, handle to active screen buffer
PUSH 0,ADDR KEEP ;KEEP receives output from API
PUSH 5,'bruce' ;5=length of string
PUSH EAX ;handle to active screen buffer
CALL WriteFile
XOR EAX,EAX ;return eax=0 as preferred by Windows
In most x86 calling convention, including the stdcall convention used by Windows API functions, ECX is a caller-save register -- the called function is not required to make sure the value of the register is the same when it returns as when it was called. You have to save it somewhere safe in your own code.
