Is there any option to get Duplicate employee number from user table in Servicenow - servicenow

I am creating report to pull out Duplicate employee number from user table in Servicenow.

in a classless script include:
Use Glide Aggregate function
groupBy employee number
addaggregate count on employee number
count > 1
return sys_id all the records
put filter sys_id IN javascript:

var dpchk = new GlideAggregate('sys_user');
dpchk.addHaving('COUNT', '>', 1);
gs.print('Therefore the duplicate employees number is'+dpchk.employee_number);


How can I query all rows out of my table with GORM?

This is my users table:
How can I get all rows with GORM? If I use db.Find() method, I'll get only the first row.
Use the find function in the following way
var users []User
// Get all records
result := db.Find(&users)
// SELECT * FROM users;
result.RowsAffected // returns found records count, equals `len(users)`
result.Error // returns error

Laravel: How to get the latest record in group of records with where condition?

I have two tables which are named as students and cities. students table has a primary key which is related to the cities table.
Students table:
In the frontend, I would like to have the data of the cities table with these requirements:
The data of the students table must be grouped by city_id
If there are more than one records with the same city_id in the students table, select only the latest record of the group.
Search in the latest records and select only students who are inactive.
Here is the relationship function of the city model:
public function student()
return $this->hasOne(Student::class, 'city_id', 'id')->orderByDesc('id');
This is my controller function:
$data = City::whereHas('student', function($query){
$query->where('is_active', 0)
Expected result: Considering the sample data, the query must return nothing.
Current result: It returns the third row as there is an inactive student record in the second row. So in this case where condition doesn't work properly.
I can get expected result with this SQL query:
select *
from students s
where id = (select max(
from students s2
where s.city_id = s2.city_id) AND is_active = '0';
How can I fix this logical error?
What about something like this?
public function inactiveStudent()
return $this->hasOne(Student::class, 'city_id', 'id')
->where('is_active', 0)
$data = City::whereHas('inactive_student')
I'm not certain if it's inactive_student or inactiveStudent when you do the query.

custom listing records using conditional

i need some help with my query, basically im trying to get all my order_items on the table, but i need to get all items by user_id, but there is a detail, i want to include also records that includes on a column more than 3 times the the same email on different users_id.
- id;
- user_id;
- email;
1- Get all records from mine (user_id); 2 - Get all records where on 3 differentes user_id have the same email value;
Here is my query:
$orders = OrderItem::select('email','user_id')->where('user_id',Auth::user()->id)->distinct('email')->get();
This should work:
$orders = OrderItem::select(DB::raw('count(*) as email_count,email,user_id'))

Laravel 4.2 - Update a pivot by its own id

I'm having some trouble with my pivot table. I've recognized too late, that it is possible, that some pivot rows doesn't have unique values in my project, means I've to add an auto_increment ID field to my pivot table.
This is my structure:
public function items()
return $this->belongsToMany('Item', 'orders_items', 'order_id', 'item_id')->withPivot(['single_price', 'hours', 'prov', 'nanny_id', 'vat', 'vat_perc', 'invoice_id','id']);
id, order_id, item_id, nanny_id, hours
I've conntected Orders and Items through a pivot table ('orders_items)'. It is possible, that one order has 2 or more same items in the pivot table. So I've to add an unique ID to identify and update them.
Now I try to update a pivot row. Problem is, if I have 2 or more items, he updates them all, not only one. This is my update command:
$order = Order::find($orderId);
$items = $order->items()->whereNull('nanny_id');
$free_item = $items->first();
$free_item->pivot->nanny_id = 123;
With this command, he updates all pivot rows from the order. I know the problem: Laravel uses here the wrong identifiers (it uses order_id and item_id as defined in my belongsToMany relationship - and they aren't unique). For example, Laravel tries to execute this code on save():
UPDATE orders_items SET [...] WHERE order_id = 123 AND item_id = 2;
I want, that Laravel changes the query to this one:
UPDATE orders_items SET [...] WHERE order_id = 123 AND item_id = 2 AND id = 45;
// Edit
Okay, this solution works:
But is there an easier way, f.e. adding a custom pivot model that adds the id automatically to save() and update() methods?

Issue with selecting max id rows using criteria query / hibernate query?

I am unable to select the rows where TestId is max for respective student, I wrote the code as follows which does not get the required output. my code is as follows,
Criteria c = sessionFactory.getCurrentSession().createCriteria(student.class).setProjection(Projections.projectionList().add("answer"),"answer"));
//c.add(Restrictions.eq("testId", "1" ));
List<String> age=c.list();
My table structure is as follows,
I need the following output. select the answer column for max TestId's. How can I get the output using criteria query
So I think what you're trying to get can be achievedd by the following sql:
SELECT TestId, MAX(answer) WHERE questionId = 1 GROUP BY TestId;
You should be able to achieve this with the following Hibernate:
.add("TestId"), "TestId")
