Dependencies are not added to archetype - maven

I'm creating an archetype and I need StringUtils library to use in the groovy script after.
So, I add it to my pom and build it, it works. But when I use the archetype from the command line it complains about a not found StringUtils. Going inside of the jar I can see that, indeed, the StringUtils dependency has not been provided.
What am I doing wrong? Here's my pom
<!-- Required so that .gitignore gets included in archetypes -->
<!-- See -->


Cucmber Feature file execution from Maven CLI

I am trying to execute a cucumber feature file from maven command line and facing the following issue - Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin:2.14.1:test (default-test) on project Maven: No tests were executed!
The command I have used to execute is -
mvn -Dtest -Document.options="src/test/resources/maven_poc/excel_colors.feature:3"
However the step definitions file is executed successfully when executed from maven command prompt.
• mvn -Dtest=excel_color_stepdef test
Screenshot at the link -
My pom.xml is as below. Anyone who has faced similar issues? Any tips on resolution steps is appreciated.
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
Those don't look like valid maven commands. It's mvn test. And the system property is named cucumber.options. So mvn test -Dcucumber.options="src/test/resources/maven_poc/excel_colors.feature:3"
You should execute the java test class that references the cucumber. Something like:
#ContextConfiguration(loader = SpringBootContextLoader.class, classes = EligibilityApplication.class)
#CucumberOptions(features = "src/test/resources/cucumber/eligibility/listpolicies/ListPolicies.feature", strict = true)
public class ListPoliciesTest {
And in the maven command you will use something like:
mvn -Dtest="src/test/java/../"

Override the version of maven-surefire-plugin inherited from a Maven import

My project is driven by Maven, using POM not of my own making (from Vaadin). Apparently the POM file I see in my project depends on some kind of inheritance of other POM files. While I see no dependency for the maven-surefire-plugin in my own POM, this artifact is found in my project, as you can see on the right side of this screenshot from IntelliJ 2019.
I am no Maven maven, so I do not know precise details, but in nosing around I found some import lines, so I am guessing a Maven POM can dynamically inherit from other POMs.
The problem is that the version of maven-surefire-plugin present in my project is quite old, version 2.12.4. I am trying to run JUnit 5, which requires 2.22.0 or later. The current version is 3.0.0-M3.
Looking to the left end of that pink arrow, you can see that I added a dependency element in my POM.
On that left arrow tip, I am asking for 3.0.0-M3 as an attempt to override the mysteriously imported/inherited specified version 2.12.4 seen on the right arrow tip. But my attempt failed, as the old version remained in place after doing a Maven clean, install. I even tried a restart of IntelliJ. But no go, my JUnit 5 tests still are ignored when running a Maven test.
➥ Is there some way to override the version of a dependency apparently inherited from some mysterious source?
Here is my POM, before trying that failed attempt at adding the <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> dependency.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- Repository used by many Vaadin add-ons -->
<id>Vaadin Directory</id>
<!-- Repository needed for prerelease versions of Vaadin -->
<!-- Added to provide logging output as Flow uses -->
<!-- the unbound SLF4J no-operation (NOP) logger implementation -->
<!--JUnit 5-->
<!-- Jetty plugin for easy testing without a server -->
<!-- Production mode can be activated with either property or profile -->
Specify <plugin>, not <dependency>
While I'm no Maven maven, the solution seems to be specifying <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId> in a plugin element rather than in a dependency element.
Delete your added <dependency>.
Look for the <plugins> (plural) section of your POM, containing one <plugin element for Jetty. Add this second plugin element:
Then do a Maven clean and install. You should see the new version appear in the Maven panel in IntelliJ.
You can now execute a Maven test to see your JUnit 5 tests executed.
All of those plugins listed on the right of your screenshot can be updated, by overriding the imported POMs, if you feel the need.
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Maven try to download a <packaing>pom</package> pom as a jar file and cannot find it

my maven pom.xml is quite simple:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
From the pom.xml ,I just want pentaho-aggdesigner which is a parent pom of two modules pentaho-aggdesigner-core.jar and pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm.jar , my remote repo is :
so , I think ,maven will visit to download the parent pom ,then , according to the pom, it will download two sub modules pentaho-aggdesigner-core.jar and pentaho-aggdesigner-algorithm.jar. The content of pentaho-aggdesigner-5.1.5-jhyde.pom is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<name>Pentaho Aggregate Designer</name>
<description>Designs aggregate tables for the Mondrian OLAP engine</description>
<issueManagement />
<!-- Dependency versions for all sub-modules.
Sorted by groupId, artifactId. -->
<!-- Test dependencies. -->
<!-- If we don't specify gitexe version, git doesn't
commit during release process. -->
you can see , pom indicates clearly that I am not a jar pom but a package pom. But maven still consider it to be a jar pom and tries to download the pentaho-aggdesigner.jar from remote repo, of course , the jar file does not exist and throw this error:
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project adfafa: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.acb:adfafa:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner:jar:5.1.5-jhyde in springmaven ( -> [Help 1]
org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal on project adfafa:
Could not resolve dependencies for project org.acb:adfafa:jar:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.pentaho:pentaho-aggdesigner:jar:5.1.5-jhyde in springmaven (
I had the same issue with pentaho-aggdesigner:pom:5.1.5-jhyde, this site solved my problem
Basically, used aliyun as mirror in maven settings.xml. And for this case, do not use as mirror as it requires login and will have an "Authentication" error.
Nah, maven doesn't work like that. See also How to use POMs as a dependency in Maven?
A parent is just a trick to combine configuration for it's child modules. It doesn't automatically introduce transitive dependencies.
So you need to specify the exact jar dependencies. Probably something like:
There are pom's that you can use like this, by including type 'pom' in your dependency:
In this case, pentaho-all would be a pom with a list of direct dependencies that you then would import as transitive dependencies. But the aggregator pom you found does not have direct dependencies, only modules and dependency management, so that one won't work.
adding following dependency to pom.xml will help
<!-- -->
Just download the file from any available repo and store in the proper folder e.g.

Maven dependency on web application

My Eclipse project is structured as such:
my.core.webapp (libs, java classes, web.xml, etc)
my.extended.webapp (libs, java classes AND a dependency to
my.core.webapp pom:
my.extended.webapp pom:
when I compile with maven I get various package xyz does not exist exceptions.
Is there a way (without having a 3rd project or using modules) to achieve that?
You will have to do 2 things here.
The first thing will be to add <attachClasses>true</attachClasses> to your maven war plugin configuration in my.core.webapp pom.xml. So now it should look like
The second thing to do will be to add <classifier>classes</classifier> while you are specifying my.core.webpp as a dependency in your my.extendend.webapp pom.xml. So it should now look like
That should be all.
I managed to solve the problem based on #ritz-xavi answer.
my.core.webapp pom:
my.extended.webapp pom:
Including both the war and the jar classes did the trick.

Maven+ReportNG+Jenkins+Command Line

I would like to know how can I run a test built with maven to generate the report and then convert the report to ReportNG format using the command line.
To after that insert the report on Jenkins using the plugin HTML Reporter from Jenkins.
I want to do this because I am getting error when I put the listeners on test.
I am using this to execute the test by Jenkins:
mvn test (after using "mvn clean install" on first time)
I try use mvn install but I am getting the same error
EDIT: So I finally manage to fix my POM file, the problem has some plugins that aren't specified like velocity, reportng and guice. Anyway I will left here my POM fixed so it can help someone else =)
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- specify UTF-8, ISO-8859-1 or any other file encoding -->
Based on the error message:
Some problems were encountered while building the effective model
[WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.version' for org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-surefire-plugin is missing. # line 43,
column 12
You should pin the version for maven-surefire-plugin like the following:
If don't do this as you you will use an old version (maven-surefire-plugin:2.10) which might be too old. I assume that after you put the version into your pom the problems with the listener will be gone.
BTW: Why not using up-to-date versions of maven-resources-plugin (2.6) and testng (6.8.7)..
