Combining observable outputs in to one array - rxjs

I need to make two calls to Firebase (as it doesn't support OR queries) and merge the output into one array at the end to return to the calling service.
I have something that gets pretty close but it outputs a 2D array of arrays (one for each call to Firebase). I've tried a few things and this is the best I can get to. Any help on tidying up the below would be great.
getAllFriends(): Observable<[Friendship[], Friendship[]]> {
const invitesSent = from(this.afAuth.currentUser.then(user => {
return user.uid;
userid => {
return this.db.collection('friendships', ref => ref.where('inviter', '==', userid)).snapshotChanges().pipe(map(actions => {
return => {
const data = new Friendship(; =;
return data;
const invitesReceived = from(this.afAuth.currentUser.then(user => {
return user.uid;
userid => {
return this.db.collection('friendships', ref => ref.where('invitee', '==', userid)).snapshotChanges().pipe(map(actions => {
return => {
const data = new Friendship(; =;
return data;
return combineLatest([invitesSent, invitesReceived]);
Friendship is just an object with property: value pairs, nothing special.
I have tried then putting a .pipe() after this returned observable but that just stops the subscription firing in the calling service.

What about returning, at the end, something like this
return combineLatest([invitesSent, invitesReceived]).pipe(
map(([frienships_1, friendships_2]) => ([...friedships_1, ...friendships_2]))


Angular 11 how to make one of the http request in higher order mapping conditionally

I want to use a better solution if exists so it will make the following simpler.
If this.projectguid is empty then want to use the switchMap call otherwise the other one.
Can anyone suggest me a better solution for this?
getWorksheet(): Observable<Worksheet | number> {
if(this.projectsGuid === '') {
return this.apiService.get('projects/latest')
switchMap((res: {id: string, name: string}) => {
this.projectsGuid =
let getUrl = `projects/${this.projectsGuid}/questionnaires/${this.questionnaireId}/worksheets/latest`;
return this.apiService.get<Worksheet>(getUrl).pipe(
catchError((err) => {
return of(err.status);
} else {
let getUrl = `projects/${this.projectsGuid}/questionnaires/${this.questionnaireId}/worksheets/latest`;
return this.apiService.get<Worksheet>(getUrl).pipe(
catchError((err) => {
return of(err.status);
You could define a projectGuid$ observable that emits the this.projectsGuid value if not empty, and otherwise emits the result of the http call (mapped to just the id):
const projectGuid$ = this.projectsGuid !== ''
? of(this.projectsGuid)
: this.apiService.get('projects/latest').pipe(
map(({id}) => id),
tap(guid => this.projectsGuid = guid)
Then you can pipe the projectGuid to the call to fetch the worksheet:
return projectGuid$.pipe(
map(guid => `projects/${guid}/questionnaires/${this.questionnaireId}/worksheets/latest`),
switchMap(url => this.apiService.get<Worksheet>(url).pipe(
catchError(err => of(err.status))

Keeping error information and the outer observable alive

To ensure an error doesn't complete the outer observable, a common rxjs effects pattern I've adopted is:
public saySomething$: Observable<Action> = createEffect(() => {
return this.actions.pipe(
// Switch to the result of the inner observable.
switchMap((action) => {
// This service could fail.
return this.service.saySomething(action.payload).pipe(
// Return `null` to keep the outer observable alive!
catchError((error) => {
// What can I do with error here?
return of(null);
// The result could be null because something could go wrong.
tap((result: Result | null) => {
if (result) {
// Do something with the result!
// Update the store state.
map((result: Result | null) => {
if (result) {
return new AppActions.SaySomethingSuccess(result);
// It would be nice if I had access the **error** here.
return new AppActions.SaySomethingFail();
Notice that I'm using catchError on the inner observable to keep the outer observable alive if the underlying network call fails (service.saySomething(action.payload)):
catchError((error) => {
// What can I do with error here?
return of(null);
The subsequent tap and map operators accommodate this in their signatures by allowing null, i.e. (result: Result | null). However, I lose the error information. Ultimately when the final map method returns new AppActions.SaySomethingFail(); I have lost any information about the error.
How can I keep the error information throughout the pipe rather than losing it at the point it's caught?
As suggested in comments you should use Type guard function
Unfortunately I can't run typescript in snippet so I commented types
const { of, throwError, operators: {
} = rxjs;
const actions = of({payload: 'data'});
const service = {
saySomething: () => throwError(new Error('test'))
const AppActions = {
AppActions.SaySomethingSuccess = function () {
AppActions.SaySomethingFail = function() {
/* Type guard */
function isError(value/*: Result | Error*/)/* value is Error*/ {
return value instanceof Error;
const observable = actions.pipe(
switchMap((action) => {
return service.saySomething(action.payload).pipe(
catchError((error) => {
return of(error);
tap((result/*: Result | Error*/) => {
if (isError(result)) {
console.log('tap error')
console.log('tap result');
map((result/*: Result | Error*/) => {
if (isError(result)) {
console.log('map error')
return new AppActions.SaySomethingFail();
console.log('map result');
return new AppActions.SaySomethingSuccess(result);
observable.subscribe(_ => {
<script src=""></script>
I wouldn't try to keep the error information throughout the pipe. Instead you should separate your success pipeline (tap, map) from your error pipeline (catchError) by adding all operators to the observable whose result they should actually work with, i.e. your inner observable.
public saySomething$: Observable<Action> = createEffect(() => {
return this.actions.pipe(
switchMap((action) => this.service.saySomething(action.payload).pipe(
tap((result: Result) => {
// Do something with the result!
// Update the store state.
map((result: Result) => {
return new AppActions.SaySomethingSuccess(result);
catchError((error) => {
// I can access the **error** here.
return of(new AppActions.SaySomethingFail());
This way tap and map will only be executed on success results from this.service.saySomething. Move all your error side effects and error mapping into catchError.

how to access previous mergeMap values from rxjs

I am learning to use RXJS. In this scenario, I am chaining a few async requests using rxjs. At the last mergeMap, I'd like to have access to the first mergeMap's params. I have explored the option using Global or withLatest, but neither options seem to be the right fit here.
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => {
return readCSVFile(;
mergeMap((csvStr: any) => readStringToArray(,
map((array: string[][]) => transposeArray(array)),
mergeMap((array: number[][]) => forkJoin(uploadToDB(array,,
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
readCSVFile is an async request which returns an observable to read CSV from a remote server.
readStringToArray is another async request which returns an observable to convert string to Arrays
transposeArray just does the transpose
uploadToDB is async DB request, which needs from the first mergeMap.
How do I get that? It would be great to take some advice on why the way I am doing it is bad.
For now, I am just passing the ID layer by layer, but it doesn't feel to be correct.
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => readCSVFile(,
mergeMap(({ data, gaugeId }: any) => readStringToArray(data, gaugeId)),
map(({ data, gaugeId }) => transposeArray(data, gaugeId)),
mergeMap(({ data, gaugeId }) => uploadToDB(data, gaugeId)),
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
Why don't you do simply this?
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => readCSVFile(
mergeMap((csvStr: any) => readStringToArray(,
map((array: string[][]) => transposeArray(array)),
mergeMap((array: number[][]) => forkJoin(uploadToDB(array,
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
You can also wrap the inner observable in a function:
uploadCSVFilesFromGaugeID(gaugeID): Observable<void> {
return readCSVFile(gaugeID).pipe(
mergeMap((csvStr: any) => readStringToArray(,
map((array: string[][]) => transposeArray(array)),
mergeMap((array: number[][]) => forkJoin(uploadToDB(array, gaugeID))
In order to do this at the end:
const arraySrc$ = from(gauges).pipe(
mergeMap(gauge => uploadCSVFileFromGaugeID(,
catchError(error => of(`Bad Promise: ${error}`))
MergeMap requires all observable inputs; else, previous values may be returned.
It is a difficult job to concatenate and display the merging response. But here is a straightforward example I made so you can have a better idea. How do we easily perform sophisticated merging.
async playWithBbservable() {
const observable1 = new Observable((subscriber) => {;
const observable2 = new Observable((subscriber) => {;
const observable3 = new Observable((subscriber) => {
setTimeout(() => {;
}, 1000);
console.log('just before subscribe');
let result = observable1.pipe(
mergeMap((val: any) => {
return observable2.pipe(
mergeMap((val2: any) => {
return observable3.pipe(
map((val3: any) => {
console.log(`${val} ${val2} ${val3}`);
next(x) {
console.log('got value ' + x);
error(err) {
console.error('something wrong occurred: ' + err);
complete() {
console.log('just after subscribe');
test1() {
return 'ABC';
test2() {
return 'PQR';
test3() {
return 'ZYX';

TypeError: You provided an invalid object where a stream was expected

The following code works. It does an ajax request and then call 2 actions, on at a time:
export const loadThingsEpic = action$ => {
return action$.ofType(LOAD_THINGS)
.mergeMap(({things}) => {
const requestURL = `${AppConfig.serverUrl()}/data/things`;
return ajax.getJSON(requestURL)).map(response => {
return finishLoadingThings(response);
}).map(() => {
return sendNotification('success');
.catch(e => {
return concat(of(finishLoadingThings({ things: {} })),
But this code does not:
export const loadThingsEpic = action$ => {
return action$.ofType(LOAD_THINGS)
.mergeMap(({things}) => {
const requestURL = `${AppConfig.serverUrl()}/data/things`;
return ajax.getJSON(requestURL).switchMap(response => {
return concat(of(finishLoadingThings(response)),
.catch(e => {
return concat(of(finishLoadingThings({ things: {} })),
I've replace the map by a switchMap to merge 2 actions together (as seen in many other post). It works in the catch if an exception is thrown. I'm wondering whats wrong with the code. I'm guessing it's because I can't seem to really grasp when to use: map, swicthMap and mergeMap.
sendNotification and finishLoadingthings returns action object:
export function finishLoadingThings(data: any) {
return {
The code provided as-is appears to work as intended:,console I do not receive a "invalid object where stream expected" error when the ajax succeeds or fails.
Are you sure the error is coming from this code?
On a separate note, you might be happy to hear that Observable.of supports an arbitrary number of arguments, each one will be emitted after the other. So instead of this:
.switchMap(response => {
return concat(of(finishLoadingThings(response)),
You can just do this:
.switchMap(response => {
return of(
This would not have caused a bug though, it's just cleaner.
I manage to fix my problem, by doing the switchMap at the same level than the mergeMap. Like this:
export const loadThingsEpic = action$ => {
return action$.ofType(LOAD_THINGS)
.mergeMap(({things}) => {
const requestURL = `${AppConfig.serverUrl()}/data/things`;
return ajax.getJSON(requestURL).switchMap(response => {
return of(response);
.switchMap((res) => {
return concat(of(finishLoadingThings(res.value)),
.catch(e => {
return concat(of(finishLoadingThings({ things: {} })),
Don't quite get it yet.

How to sort an Observable with Observable parameters ? rxjs

I am trying to modify and then sort a list. I am completely noob at this :(
I was able to do it with 'combineLatest' but the problem is that I have always to modify array with the function below 'groupByDateAndTournament'.
My outcome:
create observable of the list and sorting parameters (favoriteTournaments, teamRanks)
modify list with 'groupByAndTournament' only if observable list has changed
sort by favorite only if obsevable favoriteTournament has changed
sort by ranks only if observable teamRank has changed
this.subscription =
this.favoriteService.getFavoriteTournaments().flatMap((data) => {
return {'favoriteTournaments': data}
this.teamsService.getTeamRanking().flatMap((data) => {
return {'teamRanks': data}
).scan((acc, curr) => {
let upcomingMatches;
if (curr.upcoming) {
upcomingMatches = this.groupByDateAndTournament(curr);
if (curr.favoriteTournaments) {
upcomingMatches = this.sortByFavorite(curr)
if (curr.teamRanks) {
upcomingMatches = this.sortByRank(curr);
return upcomingMatches;
So I managed it with combineLatest
this.matchesService.getUpcoming().map((data)=> this.upcomingService.combineUpcomings(data)),
(matches, favoriteTournaments, teamRanks) => this.upcomingService.prepareUpcomingMatches(matches, favoriteTournaments, teamRanks)
).subscribe((data)=> => {
this.upcomingMatches = data;
this.loading = false;
It still has issues.PrepareUpcomingMatchesfunction is reruning when any of the observables is changed.
