lineinfile query in ansible to replace or delete a string - ansible

While trying to install apache via ansible I am getting the error of libToolt hence my apr-util is not getting configured. I am trying to replace $RM "cfgfile" with $RM -f "cfgfile" in configure by using regexp it is either getting copied at the last or not working.
- name: Replace file
path: file path
regexp: '$RM -f "cfgfile"'
But the value that is going when I am trying to run my YAML file is

You must escape the $ in your regexp since that character is meaningful to regexp; or, skip the silliness and just use line: instead of regexp: since your text does not contain any variable parts (which is the circumstances under which one would use a regex)


How to use escape characters in Ansible shell/grep command

I need to extract a hostname from a URL in a file on my remote host to then use that value in another task.
I have the following task in my playbook:
- name: Extract server name
shell: "grep ^serverURL=https:\/\/(.*)\/XMLRPC <filename>"
register: <variable>
But when I try and run it I get the following error (cut down to relevant bits):
Found unknown escape character. The offending line appears to be:
- name: Extract server name
shell: "grep ^serverURL=https:\/\/(.*)\/XMLRPC <filename>"
^ here
It seems there is a value started with a quote and the YAML parser is expecting to see the line ended with the same kind of quote.
Obviously it does start and finish with double quotes but the carat is at the escape character in my grep query, so it seems reasonable to think that this is the cause of the problem; if I remove the backslashes my grep query doesn't return anything.
How can I escape this correctly please?

Remove last three lines from file using ansible

I want to remove last three lines of file using ansible. I tried using lineinfile but it removed all the lines from file. I have posted below my file and ansible-playbook. I want to remove nfs_config, nfs_share and mount_path using lines using ansible.Thanks in advance.
[unix sockets]
- name: Remove mount path from daemon.conf for clean-daemon
path: /etc/ovirt-imageio-daemon/daemon.conf
regexp: "[nfs_config]"
state: absent
Use ini_file. The task below will remove the nfs_config section from the configuration file
- ini_file:
path: /etc/ovirt-imageio-daemon/daemon.conf
section: nfs_config
state: absent
regexp: "[nfs_config]" is not doing what you want, you need to use "[nfs_config]", otherwise you are matching any character that is between the []. This is why it's removing multiple lines.
Also, just make 3 lineinfile command to match nfs_config, nfs_share and mount_path
You could use onee lineinifile with a complex regex to match them all, but it will be easier to read/maintain with 3 that are clear.

ansible syntax for lineinfile search and replace

My current etc/group wheel is setup as the following
I need it be
- name: add a string to the new file
state = present
The offending line appears to be:
state = present
^ here
I tried both with and without escaping : and commmas but to no avail. Can you please suggest. Im using ansible
Nevermind guys, playbook ran this time. I think last line where state = present is listed, i looked like used tab spaces instead of spaces for yaml. After I deleted that line and readded it with spaces, it works now.
cat /etc/group | grep wheel
Apparently, single quote is good enough to escape: characters in YAML - which is good.

Using ansible lineinefile with colon in line

I am trying to make sure that a particular line is commented out in a source file.
The line is like this:
CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)
If it exists, I want to comment it out:
# CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)
If it doesn't exist, just ignore it.
If it exists and is already commented out, do nothing.
This is the playbook I wrote, but it doesn't work.
- name: fix ctypes file
lineinfile: dest='/usr/local/lib/python2.7/ctypes/' regexp="^#?CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)" line='# CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)'
The error says:
This one looks easy to fix. There seems to be an extra unquoted colon in the line
and this is confusing the parser. It was only expecting to find one free
colon. The solution is just add some quotes around the colon, or quote the
entire line after the first colon.
However, it is not easy to fix, and I've tried quoting it in every way I can think of, to no avail.
It's a YAML limitation; the parser likely wants to either see a name, colon, and name=value pairs with no more colons on the line, or just name, colon, and 1 quoted string value.
The lineinfile doc has an example for sudoers mentioning this (and another one further down that doesn't work...) and it references YAML as the problem. This means any time you need to have a colon in a value you may as well quote the entire string of arguments just to save yourself the debugging hassle.
I made it work with this quoting:
lineinfile: "dest='/usr/local/lib/python2.7/ctypes/' regexp='^#?CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)' line='# CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)'"
In order to ignore a file that doesn't exist, I used this code:
- stat: path=/usr/local/lib/python2.7/ctypes/
register: init
- name: fix ctypes file
replace: "dest='/usr/local/lib/python2.7/ctypes/' regexp='^( CFUNCTYPE.c_int..lambda: None.)' replace=' # CFUNCTYPE(c_int)(lambda: None)'"
when: init.stat.exists == True
sudo: yes
I also had to change lineinfile to replace, because the line is prefixed with 4 spaces, and I couldn't get it to match correctly.

Remove a line from a file using ansible?

I have a file called authorized_keys. I need to delete a particular line using an Ansible script.
The problem is when I try to remove a line that includes a '+' character. Ansible is not able to remove this line.
e.g authorized_keys file is:
abhi foo+bar saken
I want to remove the abhi foo+bar saken line but Ansible is not removing this line because of the + character.
I am able to remove lines that do not contain a + character .
- name: Delete keys in sysadmin/.ssh/authoriezd_keys
lineinfile: dest=/home/{{name}}/.ssh/authorized_keys
PS: I am using Ansible's lineinfile module
The problem probably is that + has a meaning in a regular expression.
You should be able to fix it by escaping the +. If you can't do that from the source where {{ key }} is defined, you can escape it with the replace Jinja filter:
- name: Delete keys in sysadmin/.ssh/authoriezd_keys
lineinfile: dest=/home/{{name}}/.ssh/authorized_keys
regexp='^{{ key | replace("+", "\+") }}$'
You might run into more problems if {{ key }} contains other characters which have a meaning in regular expressions. If that's the case I think the safe way would be to create your own filter plugin where you simply return the input passed through re.escape.
