How to use `autoSchemaFile` only for one resolver in nestjs - graphql

It is possible allow auto schema file generation (autoSchemaFile) in nestjs only for one resolver?
I would like to have one autogenerated scheme and rest of is written manually.
Thank you.


How to disable expanding of schema for single schema in swagger?

I'm using Django with DRF-Spectacular and swagger-ui.
I'm interested in how can I disable expanding of Schema (only a single schema related to tokens) so it's only showing endpoint.
To only show a subset of endpoints in the schema you have 2 options:
In use SpectacularAPIView(urlconf=YOUR_SUBSET_OF_URLPATTERNS)
Write a preprocessing hook that filters out endpoints that you don't want to expose.

Is there any way to create API documentation for graphql end points in a spring boot project

I have a springboot microservice project and I am using graphql. For REST api end points I am aware that we can document using swagger etc.. Graphiql also provides dynamic documentation but is there any other way to create API documentation for the customers who are not so aware of how graphql or Graphiql works.
aaah that might help: You can get (and print) the generated schema programatically:
How to get the generated scheme file .graphqls using SPQR?

How to generate Kotlin and or Java data model from GraphQL schema

My current project has switched to GraphQL API's and I wish to automate the generation of model objects that match both Query/Mutations requests/responses.
All I require is the model classes, I do not want to use tools such as Apollo at runtime in my Application.
I require model classes to be either Java or Kotlin.
I found this
however this appears to require me to create the model classes my self...
based on this statement "GraphQL Java Tools will expect to be given three classes that map to the GraphQL types: Query, Book, and Author. The Data classes for Book and Author are simple:"
What am I missing?
When I attempt use Apollo-cli to download my schema I get this error
~ - $ npx apollo-cli download-schema $https://my.graphql.end.point/graphql --output schema.json
Error while fetching introspection query result: only absolute urls are supported
Surely this is an basic requirement when employing GraphQL
So if I understand you correctly what you are trying to do is to a) download and locally create the schema from an existing graphql endpoint and b) create java model objects from this schema.
To download the schema you can use the graphql-cli. First install via npm install -g graphql-cli and run graphql init to setup your .graphqlconfig. Finally run graphql get-schema to download the schema from the defined endpoint.
Next you want to leverage a Java code generator that takes the GraphQL schema and creates:
Interfaces for GraphQL queries, mutations and subscriptions
Interfaces for GraphQL unions
POJO classes for GraphQL types
Enum classes for each GraphQL enum
There are various options depending on your setup / preferences (e.g. gradle vs maven):
I recommend you to check out the first option, since it looks very well documented and also provides full flexibility after generating the desired helpers:
graphql-java-generator generates the boilerplate code, and lets you
concentrate on what’s specific to your use case. Then, the running
code doesn’t depend on any dependencies from graphql-java-generator.
So you can get rid of graphql-java-generator at any time: just put the
generated code in your SCM, and that’s it.
When in client mode, you can query the server with just one line of
For instance :
Human human = queryType.human("{id name appearsIn homePlanet
friends{name}}", "180");
In this mode, the plugin generates:
One java class for the Query object, One java class for the Mutation
object (if any), One POJO for each standard object of the GraphQL
object, All the necessary runtime is actually attached as source code
into your project: the generated code is stand-alone. So, your
project, when it runs, doesn’t depend on any external dependency from

File upload with SPQR Graphql

I'm using spring boot and spqr graphql library. I need to upload a file(s) via graphql. I don't know what object type to expect in the service and I'm assuming that this isn't even supported.
Has anyone tried this? Any advice?
(Assuming you're using SPQR Spring Starter)
Uploading/downloading binaries is currently inconvenient in SPQR, but not impossible. You'd need to override the provided controller with your own and decide how you want to receive the queries and binaries, and how you want to send the results and binaries back. To override the controller, just provide your own bean of GraphQLController type.
Your best bet is implementing the GraphQL multipart request spec which thanks to Spring shouldn't be too complicated.
Btw you can always get to the raw request by injecting #GraphQLRootContext DefaultGlobalContext<NativeWebRequest> request as a method argument. From there you can obtain input and output streams.
You can also wire in a custom ArgumentInjector that can inject something more precise if you want.
In the near future, the starter will support the GraphQL multipart request spec out of the box.
If you're not using the starter, the situation is similar in that you're kind of on your own with implementing the transport for binaries and queries.
But, with all that said, it is generally a best practice to handle dealing with binaries outside of GraphQL completely (only send download URLs and such using GraphQL), so I highly recommend that approach if possible. The reason is that requiring optional specs breaks out-of-the-box compatibility with most clients.

Spring boot , Elasticsearch

Searched over the net but unable to find the satisfying approach.
I am new to spring boot and aware of starter dependancies,
I want to develop a springboot app using elastic search as a storage system.
Wherever i searched i found that somewhere my service class will have to implement some interface from springframework for ES crud operations.
Is there any other way without implementing or extending the components.
I myself want to create transport client and want to query ES by my code or methods not by overidden ones.
Please if you ahve ever seen any projects you can redirect me to that link .
Assuming I understand you correctly, you can use the Elasticsearch REST client:
You supply the JSON entities for the queries and parse the responses yourself. Its pretty basic in what it does, so you're not dependent on a lot of third party stuff to perform operations.
