Installed gems are not running - ruby

I am trying to install jekyll.
I run gem install bundler jekyll
After installing gems I run bundle init and get
bash: bundle: command not found
How can I fix it?

You can get a gem's directory using gem which. For example:
$ gem which jekyll
Then append the directory to your PATH:
$ export PATH="$PATH:/home/username/.rvm/gems/ruby-2.6.4:"

The reason why you are getting "command not found" after installing gems is because they were installed in a location that your bash shell does not yet know about. The way the computer looks up commands is by looking at the PATH, which is a list of folders where the computer should look for commands, such as bundle. The previous answer is on the right track, but unfortunately, the gem which command will only tell you about locations that are already in your PATH, which might not include the folder where bundler and jekyll were installed.
The location of the gems depends on how you installed Ruby, so without knowing that, I can't tell you what to put in your PATH. What I can tell you is that what you are experiencing is unfortunately very common, but there is a fix. To avoid needless frustration and to help people like you, I wrote a script that will automatically set up a proper Ruby environment for you, including updating your PATH and everything else that is necessary to be able to install gems and use them right away without getting any errors. Check out the links at the bottom of this answer to learn more about my script.
In the meantime, I can make some guesses and see if I can help. If you installed Ruby with Homebrew, then this should fix it:
Run this command:
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/ruby/bin:/usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/2.7.0/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
And then quit and restart your terminal. Now you should be able to run bundle init.
If you are reading this and you are not the original poster, you might need to replace .bash_profile in the command above with .zshrc depending on which shell you are using. You can tell by looking at the error. If you are using zsh, it will say zsh: bundle: command not found.
You can read more about my script and other ways to fix the "command not found" error in these articles:


"You don't have [PATH ]in your PATH, gem executables will not run." while using "gem install --user-install bundler"

I was trying to install jekyll in my Mac and got the warning as following:
WARNING: You don't have /Users/Carrot/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin in
your PATH, gem executables will not run.
I checked through gem list and it shows it is installed; and I can find the jekyll through the path "/Users/Carrot/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin". I read a post which seems like my situation. I would like to know if it's a must to go through sudo? I now prefer to uninstall everything (since it also installed sass and bunch of things at the same time) and go through homebrew. How can I do the uninstallation?
Many thanks!
For those who have problems with #lamech-desai answer, (actually, when they do Desai's commands, it apparently works temporarily for them).
So you can easily do these:
open ~/.bshrc if you would like to use bash or ~/.zshrc if your are using zsh or etc...
$ sudo nano .bashrc ## bash users
$ sudo nano .zshrc ## zsh users
then copy and past these two lines of code at the end of the .*rc file:
export GEM_HOME="$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')"
export PATH="$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin"
then simply press ctrl+s and ctrl+x. This will save the changes to .bashrc but you won't see them immediately - directly on your next shell login with your current user. One way to see the changes immediately is to switch user to root with su root and then switch back to your previous user with su <username> - and voila, your .bashrc will be reloaded. You can also check this with echo $PATH.
Thanks to #lamech-desai for great answer
If you are using arch linux just use the commands below in your terminal
[user~]$ export GEM_HOME="$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')"
[user~]$ export PATH="$PATH:$GEM_HOME/bin"
[user~]$ gem list
[user~]$ gem update
You need to add the directory to your PATH environment variable
If you are on a Mac like me, you need to add the PATH to the PATH environmental variable. You can do it with export command:
export PATH="/Users/Carrot/.gem/ruby/2.3.0/bin:$PATH"
If you wanna know more about this process, here is a blog post about this: Adding a Path to the Linux PATH Variable
Probably a bit odd to answer my own question but I did finally fix it somehow like a blind fly. I hope to write down the experience maybe who else is totally like me as a absolute beginner with everything wouldn't get struggling overnight.
Stage 1: from gem to homebrew (failed)
At the beginning, I did remove items that install in gem item-by-item, then I install brew-gem to do it. At some stage, it work for jekyll but not my theme. It kept popping out I didn't install a package that the theme needs even I installed it manually. So in the end, I remove everything related to jekyll from homebrew.
Stage 2: back to gem (very long path but finally made it)
I later found a page tell step-by-step to install jekyll. I am using OSX 10.13 (High Sierra) that cause me the permission problem. So I just granted access with this line:
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/*
The * is a must or it won't work. I did the same to the ruby part
sudo chown -R $(whoami) /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.3.0/*
After that I install jekyll and bundler carefully following the instruction. And install the packages that the theme needs manually through gem install, which you can find at the Gemfile. I got the problem of jekyll-sitemap similar as this, I followed the method to install pygment.rb through gem install pygments.rb. And now my site is locally work.

killproc command not found error in Ubuntu 12.04

I have a redmine script in /etc/init.d/ folder which was working fine before I broke the ruby and rails packages link. Then I played with ruby gems and finally fixed the broken links. Then I tried to restart redmine script, But strangely, I got the below error
sudo service redmine stop
Shutting down redmine: /etc/init.d/redmine: line 49: killproc: command not found
user#studio:~$ sudo service redmine start
Starting redmine: /etc/init.d/redmine: /usr/local/bin/bundle: /usr/local/bin/ruby: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
/etc/init.d/redmine: line 35: echo_failure: command not found
killproc is part of init.d, so there isn't a missing package at play here. If the process isn't found, it won't run, as well.
However, the next line is more of a red flag. It sounds like your redmine installation is looking for ruby in the incorrect location. This may also be the source of the killproc error as it looks like redmine is not starting up properly.
You can get some more information by running which ruby and comparing that to the path that redmine is looking in. Reinstalling redmine may also resolve the path issue automatically since it sounds like you did a reinstall of rails earlier. Good luck.
My question has two answers, telemark already given answer for my 2nd problem ( ie, I had broken ruby links ). I solved path issues by uninstalling all ruby, rails and gem packages and reinstalled using apt repository. using rvm, chruby, etc everything failed when I switch between users. So I thought of going with the system ruby installation, relying on apt. Fortunately brightbox comes to the rescue.
Using brightbox and apt solved my path issues.
Then, /etc/init.d/functions, this was missing. It says, No such file or directory. I searched in google and found this link
I just copy pasted to /etc/init/functions and given execute permission
sudo chmod a+x /etc/init.d/functions
Thats it!.
I forgot to mention one important thing, some functions like log_end_message, log_progress_message, etc are not available in functions file. So it's better to include . /lib/lsb/init-functions file.

Cannot find in /etc/profile.d/

I am new to RVM and looking to use it as I deploy my Rails app to a Digital Ocean server. I am following this tutorial and trying to get my Mina script to run (similar to Capistrano). The script includes a set up section with these lines:
source /etc/profile.d/
rvm use || exit 1
Unfortunately, does not exist in /etc/profile.d (or anywhere else on my server). rvm seems to be installed just fine (I can set list rubies, set my Ruby default version, etc). I'm not even sure what would contain if it existed.
Thanks in advance for any help or suggestions you can provide.
#mpapis got me on the right path here. I had installed rvm under one user, but not for this user. I wound up uninstalling rvm and starting from scratch, installing rvm for multiple users.

How to install pry on Windows?

First off, I have read through previous questions and answers and have not found anything that solves my issue.
On the official Pry website,, it says that this will install pry for you: "gem install pry" however, I've tried doing that and get this error "ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::DataError) invalid code lengths set"
Looking into more answers on how to install this, I've found suggesting to type in "gem install pry-windows", still no results.
Can someone take a step back to before typing that code and let me know what requirements are needed beforehand?
I have ruby installed and I generally use cmd to run my ruby files. I also have irb (Interactive Ruby) and have tried running the above commands there, also to no avail.
Where am I supposed to be running these commands "gem install pry", cmd or irb? Also, do I need to download any files beforehand?
After lots of digging around, I just figured it out.
I had to install RubyGems first. When doing this for windows, follow the regular instructions, but then when you run "ruby setup.rb" make sure that you opened the command line using "Run as Administrator".
Hope this helps anyone else figuring out how to download Pry.

Accidentally changed where my gems are being installed

When running bundler, I normally type:
bundle install
However, I accidentally added another string after this, turning into the likes of:
bundle install foobar
Now all my gems are being installed to ./foobar. Even if I try to run bundle install without the third param, my gems are installed to ./foobar again anyway. I can't seem to find any help on addressing this anywhere, and I'm not sure if it's an effect of bundler, rvm, etc.
How do I go about fixing this?
Figured it out and thought I'd share for anyone else running into this. It created a config file within the current path under .bundle/config, which contained a line reading: BUNDLE_PATH: foobar.
To fix it, I just did:
rm -rf .bundle
