Repeat or restart an observable (interval) after its completed - rxjs

Here is what I am trying to do - step #3 is what I am struggling with.
Set custom interval
trigger an http call (subscribe to it)
Once interval is finished, I want to repeat the above steps indefinitely (until a condition is met)
Steps #1 & #2 are working
setRenewalInterval() {
return this.timerSub = interval(CUSTOM_INTERVAL * 1000)
map(x => {
if (this.isLoggedIn && !tokenHelper.isTokenExpired()) {
console.log("<Requesting Token Renew>")
x => {
console.log("<Token renewed successfully>");
err => {
console.log("<Token failed to renew>");
() => console.log('<renewal observable completed>')
else {
console.log("<Not Logged in or Token expired; logging out>");
#3 repeat the above steps after the subscription is completed. Either call setRenewalInterval() or preferably do it inside the setRenewalInterval().
I have looked into rxjs repeat() and expand() but I can't get them to work with the above code. Any help is greatly appreciated, especially a testable/runnable code e.g. jsfiddle.

You're really close, interval(...) is already creating an emission indefinitely however take(1) is causing the entire observable to complete after the first emission.
If you remove the take(1) your code inside the map will be called at your interval forever.
map is a useful function when you want to take values emit in an observable and convert it to a new value synchronously, similar to how works. Because you're working with observables inside this map we can use something like mergeMap() which will handle the subscription and piping through of values automatically.
setRenewalInterval() {
// ...
return this.timerSub = interval(CUSTOM_INTERVAL * 1000)
mergeMap(() => {
if (this.isLoggedIn && !tokenHelper.isTokenExpired()) {
return this.getNewToken();
} else {
return this.setLogOut();
.subscribe(x => {
// x is the result of every call to getNewToken() or setLogOut()


How to pause a buffer from one source in RXJS?

I have a stream of events coming through via fromEventPattern like so:
Due to business quirks, I expect that I will sometimes get an exception thrown, at which point I want to queue up the events and refire once that error state is resolved.
I've been trying the solution from Pausable buffer with RxJS to no avail. I am thinking it's because they are able to toggle through a separate observable whereas this is kind of asking to pause itself midstream. In the linked example I have blockingCallsAllowed$ rather than autoSave$. Here is my latest try:
const source$ = new Subject<IPsEvent>();
const blockingCallsAllowed$ = new BehaviorSubject(true);
const on$ = blockingCallsAllowed$.pipe(filter((v) => v));
const off$ = blockingCallsAllowed$.pipe(filter((v) => !v));
map(() => {
try {
// line will throw exception at certain times
return true;
} catch (e) {
const i = setInterval(() => {
try {
console.log('good again');
} catch (er) {
// still in flux
}, 50);
return false;
const output$ = merge(
source$.pipe(bufferToggle(off$, () => on$)),
source$.pipe(windowToggle(on$, () => off$)),
output$.subscribe((evt) => {
console.log('After buffers', evt);
// Add events from the Ps API to the event stream
Everything fires fine until the first exception and then it never outputs what it had buffered away, even though it fires that things are good again in console.log.
I am thinking there is some timing issue around relying on source$.pipe in the same execution and then the interval running later with .next. Can't nail it though after many different permutations of this code.
It's not clear to me what you're trying to implement. Though if you want to keep retrying myFunction() every 50ms until it succeeds and stop processing other events while this happens, concatMap basically does all that for you.
It will buffer emissions from the source while it waits for the inner observable to complete.
So what you're after might look like this:
concatMap(_ => of(true).pipe(
tap(_ => myFunction()),
retryWhen(errors => errors.pipe(

how to unsubscribe a RXJS subscription inside the subscribe method?

I have some javascript:
this.mySubscription = someObservable.subscribe((obs: any) => {
this.mySubscription = undefined;
on execution, the console logs the error ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'unsubscribe' of undefined.
I wonder why I can not unsubscribe inside the subscribe lambda function. Is there a correct way to do so? I have read a bit about using dummy-subjects and completing them or using takeUntil/takeWhile and other pipe operators workArounds.
What is a correct way/workaround to unsubscribe a subscription inside the subscription's subscribe-function?
I am currently using a dummy subscription like so:
mySubscription: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviorSubject<any>(undefined);
// when I do the subscription:
dummySubscription: BehaviorSubject<any> = new BehaviourSubject<any>(this.mySubscription.getValue());
this.mySubscription = someObservable.subscribe((obs: any) => {
// any work...;
dummySubscription = undefined;
}, error => {
dummySubscription.subscribe((obs: any) => {
// here the actual work to do when mySubscription emits a value, before it should have been unsubscribed upon
}, err => {
// if errors need be
You shouldn't try to unsubscribe in the subscribe function.
You can unsubscribe with operators like take, takeWhile or takeUntil.
Use take(n) to unsubscribe after someObservable emits n times.
).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
Use takeWhile to unsubscribe when an emitted value fails a condition.
takeWhile(value => valueIsSave(value))
).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
valueIsSave(value): boolean {
// return true if the subscription should continue
// return false if you want to unsubscribe on that value
Use takeUntil(obs$) to unsubscribe when the observable obs$ emits.
const terminate = new Subject();
).subscribe(value => console.log(value));
unsub() { // trigger unsubscribe
If you make your stream asynchronous, what you're doing should work. For example, this will not work:
const sub = from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).subscribe(val => {
if(val > 5) sub.unsubscribe();
but this will work:
const sub2 = from([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]).pipe(
).subscribe(val => {
if(val > 5) sub2.unsubscribe();
Because the JS event loop is fairly predictable (blocks of code are always run to completion), If any part of your stream is asynchronous, then you can be sure that your subscription will be defined before your lambda callback is invoked.
Should you do this?
Probably not. If your code relies on the internal (otherwise hidden) machinations of your language/compiler/interpreter/etc, you've created brittle code and/or code that is hard to maintain. The next developer looking at my code is going to be confused as to why there's a delay(0) - that looks like it shouldn't do anything.
Notice that in subscribe(), your lambda has access to its closure as well as the current stream variable. The takeWhile() operator has access to the same closure and the same stream variables.
takeWhile(val => {
// add custom logic
return val <= 5;
).subscribe(val => {
takeWhile() can to anything that sub = subscribe(... sub.unsubscibe() ... ), and has the added benefit of not requiring you to manage a subscription object and being easier to read/maintain.
Inspired by another answer here and especially this article,, I'd like to suggest takeUntil() with following example:
let stop$: Subject<any> = new Subject<any>(); // This is the one which will stop the observable ( unsubscribe a like mechanism )
.subscribe(res => {
if ( res.something === true ) {
// This next to lines will cause the subscribe to stop
And I'd like to quote sentence RxJS: Don’t Unsubscribe from those article title mentioned above :).

How can I create an observable like the one returned by defer using Observable.create?

I'm trying to create an observable with behavior similar to what is returned by defer, but using create method. So I try:
const obs = Observable.create(function(observer) {
from(fetch('').then(console.log('fetch done'))).subscribe(observer)
setTimeout(()=>obs.subscribe((resp)=>console.log(resp.statusText)), 5000)
But when I run it in node It just prints "fetch done" (on subscription, after 5 seconds as expected) but waits forever there.
When I wrap the from(..) in setImmediate() or setTimeout(,0), then sometimes it prints both messages ("Fetch done", "OK") and exits and sometimes it only prints "fetch done" and waits forever.
const obs = Observable.create(function(observer) {
setTimeout(()=>from(fetch('').then(console.log('fetch done'))).subscribe(observer), 0)
setTimeout(()=>obs.subscribe((resp)=>console.log(resp.statusText)), 5000)
Why this happens? What am I doing wrong?
First thing is that Observable.create is deprecated and you should use just new Observable():
When creating Observables like this you have access to observer object where you can call next() and complete() so in your case it would be like this:
new Observable(observer => {
fetch('').then(response => {;
I think this should work as well:
new Observable(observer => {
const sub = from(fetch('')).subscribe(observer);
// Return tear-down function so you can abort request.
return () => sub.unsubscribe();
Obviously, this is over complicated and if you just want to wrap a Promise with Observable you can use just from().
Promise.then takes a callback function, and you need to return the argument to chain it, so it becomes then(result => { console.log('fetch done', result); return result; })

distinctUntilChanged in nested pipe with switchMap

I have an observable stream set up as below. I have an interval that is polling every two seconds. I then switchMap that to make two dependent API calls (mocked here with 'of's). After, I want to use distinctUntilChanged to make sure the final object is different. The only thing is that distinctUntilChanged doesn't fire.
I'm assuming it has SOMETHING to do with the fact that we are creating new streams and therefore never collects two objects to compare, but I don't fully understand.
switchMap(() => loadData()),
.subscribe(res => console.log(res)); // { name: 'test' } is printed every two seconds
function loadData() {
return of('API call').pipe(
mergeMap(numb => of({ name: 'test' })),
distinctUntilChanged((prev, cur) => {
console.log('CompareFn'); // This will never fire.
return JSON.stringify(prev) === JSON.stringify(cur)})
In this case, I would like there to only be a single value ever printed from the next handler as distinctUntilChanged should stop all values after the first.
Would appreciate an explanation as to why this isn't working as I would expect it to.
the problem is that your distinctUntilChanged is operating on the inner observable, not the outter... you need to do this
switchMap(_ => loadData()),
distinctUntilChanged((prev, cur) => {
return JSON.stringify(prev) === JSON.stringify(cur);
.subscribe(res => console.log(res));
function loadData() {
return of('API call').pipe(
mergeMap(numb => of({ name: 'test' }))
in your prior set up, only one value ever reached distinctUntilChanged as the interval switched into a new observable via switch map.

Recursive observable

I'm working with RxJs and I have to make a polling mechanism to retrieve updates from a server.
I need to make a request every second, parse the updates, emit it and remember its id, because I need it to request the next pack of updates like getUpdate(lastId + 1).
The first part is easy so I just use interval with mergeMap
let lastId = 0
const updates = Rx.Observable.interval(1000)
.map(() => lastId)
.mergeMap((offset) => getUpdates(offset + 1))
I'm collecting identifiers like this:
updates.pluck('update_id').scan(Math.max, 0).subscribe(val => lastId = val)
But this solution isn't pure reactive and I'm looking for the way to omit the usage of "global" variable.
How can I improve the code while still being able to return observable containing just updates to the caller?
The server response for getUpdates(id) looks like this:
{ update_id: 1, payload: { ... } },
{ update_id: 3, payload: { ... } },
{ update_id: 2, payload: { ... } }
It may contain 0 to Infinity updates in any order
Something like this? Note that this is an infinite stream since there is no condition to abort; you didn't give one.
// Just returns the ID as the update_id.
const fakeResponse = id => {
return [{ update_id: id }];
// Fakes the actual HTTP call with a network delay.
const getUpdates = id => Rx.Observable.of(null).delay(250).map(() => fakeResponse(id));
// Start with update_id = 0, then recursively call with the last
// returned ID incremented by 1.
// The actual emissions on this stream will be the full server responses.
const updates$ = getUpdates(0)
.expand(response => Rx.Observable.of(null)
.switchMap(() => {
const highestId = Math.max( => update.update_id));
return getUpdates(highestId + 1);
<script src=""></script>
To define the termination of the stream, you probably want to hook into the switchMap at the end; use whatever property of response to conditionally return Observable.empty() instead of calling getUpdates again.
