Why distinctUntilChanged won't work in asyncValidators in angular - validation

When I press a key on a form input for some reason the async validator doesn't detect the distinctUntilChanged and it still sends API requests.
for example if I press 35, delete 5 and after that add 5 again it still sends the request.
this is the code:
(I've tried pretty much everything but still doesn't work)
validateSomeNumber(control: FormControl): Observable<any> | Promise <any> {
this.isSubmitBtnDisabled = true;
return control.valueChanges.pipe(
switchMap((value) => {
return this.apiService.someApiRequest({ 'to_number': control.value }).pipe(
map(res => {
if (res.success) {
// console.log(res);
this.isSubmitBtnDisabled = false;
return null;
} else {
// console.log(res);
this.isSubmitBtnDisabled = true;
return{ 'invalidCharacters': true };

By default validateSomeNumber is called after every value change.
If you return this on every value change
return control.valueChanges.pipe(
you're creating a new Observable of value changes on every value change. e.g if you type four characters you end up with four independent Observables each emitting one character and not with one Observable emitting four times. So debounceTime and distinctUntilChanged will only effecting the Observable you create on a particular value change but not the value change process as a whole. If they only effect an Observable that emits once they obviously don't work as you intend them to do.
You should return the http request directly
validateSomeNumber(control: FormControl): Observable<any> | Promise <any> {
this.isSubmitBtnDisabled = true;
return this.apiService.someApiRequest({ 'to_number': control.value }).pipe(
Limiting the request frequency
Option 1: updateOn
To prevent the http request from being executed on every value change Angular recommends changing the updateOn property to submit or blur.
With template-driven forms:
<input [(ngModel)]="name" [ngModelOptions]="{updateOn: 'blur'}">
With reactive forms:
new FormControl('', {updateOn: 'blur'});
{updateOn: 'blur'} will only execute the validators when your input looses focus.
Option 2: Emulate debounceTime and distinctUntilChanged
Angular automatically unsubscribes from the previous Observable returned by the AsyncValidator if the form value changes. This allows you to emulate debounceTime with timer. To emulate distinctUntilChanged you can keep track of the last request term and do the equality check yourself.
private lastRequestTerm = null;
validateSomeNumber(control: FormControl): Observable<any> | Promise <any> {
this.isSubmitBtnDisabled = true;
// emulate debounceTime
return timer(1000).pipe(
// emulate distinceUntilChanged
filter(_ => control.value != this.lastRequestTerm),
switchMap(() => {
this.lastSearchTerm = control.value;
return this.apiService.someApiRequest({ 'to_number': control.value });


How to rewrite this code using rxjs observables instead async/await?

I need that createUser function returns Observable<UserEntity> but in this function I also have to make 2 queries to DB and check if this user exists. The code below uses async/await and looks pretty good and clean. But the problem is that I use rxjs everywhere in this project and would like to write it somehow using rxjs. Can it be as clean as now but with Observables?
async create(user: CreateUserDTO): Promise<UserEntity> {
const userByEmail = await this.getUserByEmail();
const userByLogin = await this.getUserByLogin();
if (userByLogin || userByEmail)
// retrun error here
return await this.createUser(user);
I am using RxJs 6.5
forkJoin will emit result when both async functions getUserByEmail & getUserByLogin complete their execution
If getUserByEmail & getUserByLogin returns Promise,for that using from to convert a promise into an observable
mergeMap to subscribe the inner observable.In our case createUser returns observable
create(user: CreateUserDTO): Observable < UserEntity > {
//If getUserByEmail & getUserByLogin returs Promise
const getUserByEmail$ = from(this.getUserByEmail());
const getUserByLogin$ = from(this.getUserByLogin());
//If Both returns Observable
//const getUserByEmail$ = this.getUserByEmail();
//const getUserByLogin$ = this.getUserByLogin();
return forkJoin({
userByEmail: this.getUserByEmail(),
userByLogin: this.getUserByLogin(),
tap((res) => {
if (res.userByEmail || res.userByLogin) {
throw 'User exists!';
mergeMap(() => {
return from(this.createUser(user));
//If createUser returns Observable,then
//return this.createUser(user);
Assuming that this.getUserByEmail(), this.getUserByLogin() and this.createUser(user) return Promises, the code could look like this
create(user: CreateUserDTO): Observable<UserEntity> {
// with the rxjs from function we turn a Promise into an Observable
const userByEmail$ = from(this.getUserByEmail());
const userByLogin$ = from(this.getUserByLogin());
// with forkjoin we create an Observable which notifies when all the
// Observables which have been passed in as parameters notify
return forkJoin([userByEmail$, userByLogin$]).pipe(
// with concatMap you wait for the upstream Observable (i.e. the
// Observable created by forkJoin) to notify and complete, and then
// you return the next Observable in the chain, which is, in this case,
// the Observable which (when subscribed) creates the user
concatMap(([userByLogin, userByEmail]) =>
if (userByLogin || userByEmail) {
// throw error here
return from(this.createUser(user))
Otherwise, if this.getUserByEmail(), this.getUserByLogin() and this.createUser(user) return Observables you do not need to use the from rxjs function and the code would be slightly simpler, like this
create(user: CreateUserDTO): Observable<UserEntity> {
return forkJoin([this.getUserByEmail(), this.getUserByLogin()]).pipe(
concatMap(([userByLogin, userByEmail]) =>
if (userByLogin || userByEmail) {
// throw error here
return from(this.createUser(user))

Read values from one observable but switch to another once it (the other one) emits

My desired behaviour:
Run HTTP request
Immediately look up data in async cache
If cache has the value before HTTP emits - use cache value.
Use HTTP value after it's finally here.
If HTTP responds faster than cache - ignore cache.
So basically I would like to kick off two async processes, one of which is supposed to provide a value quickly but if it doesn't - I want to only use the value from a slower observable which takes precedence anyway.
To expand from my comments: the question is to trigger two observables in parallel and utilize the first emission even if the other observable hasn't emitted yet.
Normally you could use the merge function for it.
However you have a condition ("If HTTP responds faster than cache - ignore cache.") that is not natively fulfilled by the merge function nor by any standard RxJS operators.
But it is easy to write custom operators in RxJS from existing operators. For your case you could customize the filter operator to suit your needs. See here for a brief intro on how to write a custom operator.
export const filterLateCache = () => {
let serverEmitted = false;
return <T>(source: Observable<T>) => {
return source.pipe(
filter((data: any) => {
if (!!data.server) {
serverEmitted = true;
return true;
} else if (!!data.cache) {
if (serverEmitted) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
} else {
return false;
As you can see the boolean flags server and cache in the incoming notification are checked to decide whether the value must be emitted. So you'd need to append the values from the observables with these flags using the map operator.
map((value) => ({
server: true,
value: value,
map((value) => ({
cache: true,
value: value,
next: ({ value }) => { // <-- utilize destructuring to ignore boolean flags
// handle response here
error: (error: any) => {
// handle errors
Working example: Stackblitz
Maybe it is worth looking at the raceWith: https://rxjs-dev.firebaseapp.com/api/operators/raceWith
Basically it would look like:
server$.pipe(raceWith(cache$)).subscribe(/*side effect that must be done*/);
The thing missing is that it does not fulfill requirement 4.

Nestjs #Sse : return result of a promise in rxjs observable

I am trying to go a simple step beyond the nest doc example in implementing #Sse() in a controller but I never used rxjs untill now so Im a bit confused.
The flow is :
client send a POST request with a file payload
server (hopefully) sends back the newly created project with a prop status:UPLOADED
client subscribe to sse route described below passing as param the projectId it just received from server
in the meantime server is doingSomeStuff that could take from 10sec to a min. When doingSomeStuff is done, project status is updated in db from UPLOADED to PARSED
My need is for the #Sse decorated function to execute at x interval of time a "status-check" and return project.status (that may or may not have been updated at the time)
My present code :
sse(#Param('projectId') projectId: string): Observable<any> {
const projId$ = from(this.projectService.find(projectId)).pipe(
map((p) => ({
data: {
status: p.status,
return interval(1000).pipe(switchMap(() => projId$));
I don't put code of the service here as it a simple mongooseModel.findById wrapper.
My problem is the status returned remains UPLOADED and is never updated. It doesnt seem the promise is reexecuted at every tick. If I console.log inside my service I can see my log being printed only once with the initial project value while I expect to see a new log at each tick.
This is a two-step process.
We create an observable out of the promise generated by this.service.findById() using the from operator in rxjs. We also use the map operator to set the format of the object we need when someone subscribes to this observable.
We want to return this observable every x seconds. interval(x) creates an observable that emits a value after every x milliseconds. Hence, we use this and then switchMap to the projId$ whenever the interval emits a value. The switchMap operator switches to the inner observable whenever the outer observable emits a value.
Please note: Since your server may take 10 sec, to min for doing the operation, you should set the intervalValue accordingly. In the code snippet below, I've set it to 10,000 milli seconds which is 10 seconds.
const intervalValue = 10000;
sse(#Param('projectId') projectId: string): Observable < any > {
return interval(intervalValue).pipe(
switchMap(() => this.projectService.find(projectId)),
map((p) => ({
data: {
status: p.status,
// OR
sse(#Param('projectId') projectId: string): Observable < any > {
const projId$ = defer(() => this.service.findById(projectId)).pipe(
map(() => ({
data: {
_: projectId
return interval(intervalValue).pipe(switchMap(() => projId$));
You can watch model changes and use observable stream to send it.
Something like this
import { Controller, Param, Sse } from '#nestjs/common'
import { filter, map, Observable, Subject } from 'rxjs'
export class ProjectStatusController {
private project$ = new Subject()
// watch model event
// this method should be called when project is changed
onProjectChange(project) {
sse(#Param('projectId') projectId: string): Observable<any> {
return this.project$.pipe(
filter((project) => project.projectId === projectId),
map((project) => ({
data: {
status: project.status,

Angular 6 unit test rxjs 6 operator tap unit test interceptor

Since I update my code to the new Rxjs 6, I had to change the interceptor code like this:
return next.handle(req).pipe(
tap((event: HttpEvent<any>) => {
if (event instanceof HttpResponse) {
// do stuff with response if you want
catchError((error: any) => {
if (error instanceof HttpErrorResponse) {
if (error.status === 401) {
return observableThrowError(this.handleError(error));
and I'm not able to test the rxjs operators "tap" and "catchError".
Actually i'm only able to test if pipe is called:
it('should intercept and handle request', () => {
const req: any = {
clone: jasmine.createSpy('clone')
const next: any = {
handle: () => next,
pipe: () => next
spyOn(next, 'handle').and.callThrough();
spyOn(next, 'pipe').and.callThrough();
interceptor.intercept(req, next);
Any help is apreciated on how to spy the rxjs operators
I think the problem is that you shouldn't be testing that operators were called like this at the first place.
Operators in both RxJS 5 and RxJS 6 are just functions that only "make recipe" how the chain is constructed. This means that checking if tap or catchError were called doesn't tell you anything about it's functionality or whether the chain works at all (it might throw an exception on any value and you won't be able to test it).
Since you're using RxJS 6 you should rather test the chain by sending values through. This is well documented and pretty easy to do https://github.com/ReactiveX/rxjs/blob/master/doc/marble-testing.md
In your case you could do something like this:
const testScheduler = new TestScheduler((actual, expected) => {
// some how assert the two objects are equal
// e.g. with chai `expect(actual).deep.equal(expected)`
// This test will actually run *synchronously*
testScheduler.run(({ cold }) => {
const next = {
handle: () => cold('-a-b-c--------|'),
const output = interceptor.intercept(null, next);
const expected = ' ----------c---|'; // or whatever your interceptor does
I think you'll get the point what this does...

Redux Observable: How to return an action from a callback?

I'm using the WebRTC library which has a very specific API. The peerConnection.setRemoteDescription method's 2nd argument is supposed to be a callback for when it finishes setting the remote description:
This is one of my wrapper functions for my WebRTC class:
export function setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, callback) {
if (!sdp) return;
return peerConnection.setRemoteDescription(
new RTCSessionDescription(sdp),
callback, // <-------------
And this is a sketch of what I want to do:
function receivedSdp(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(VideoStream.RECEIVED_SDP)
.mergeMap(action => {
const {peerConnection} = store.getState().videoStreams;
const {sdp} = action.payload;
return WebRTC.setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, () => {
return myReducer.myAction(); // <------ return action as the callback
This doesn't work since I'm not returning an Observable. Is there a way to do this?
P.S. this is the WebRTC API: https://github.com/oney/react-native-webrtc/blob/master/RTCPeerConnection.js#L176
martin's answer is correct about using Observable.create or new Observable--same thing (except it's not clear to me why you need the mergeAll() since the mergeMap will flatten?)
As a bonus, you could also use Observable.bindCallback for this.
// bindCallback is a factory factory, it creates a function that
// when called with any arguments will return an Observable that
// wraps setRemoteSdp, handling the callback portion for you.
// I'm using setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC) because I don't know
// if setRemoteSdp requires its calling context to be WebRTC
// so it's "just in case". It might not be needed.
const setRemoteSdpObservable = Observable.bindCallback(WebRTC.setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC));
setRemoteSdpObservable(peerConnection, sdp)
.subscribe(d => console.log(d));
Usage inside your epic would be something like this
// observables are lazy, so defining this outside of our epic
// is totally cool--it only sets up the factory
const setRemoteSdpObservable = Observable.bindCallback(WebRTC.setRemoteSdp.bind(WebRTC));
function receivedSdp(action$, store) {
return action$.ofType(VideoStream.RECEIVED_SDP)
.mergeMap(action => {
const {peerConnection} = store.getState().videoStreams;
const {sdp} = action.payload;
return setRemoteSdpObservable(peerConnection)
.map(result => myReducer.myAction());
You could use this to create Observable wrappers for all the WebRTC apis.
So the problem is that setRemoteSdp doesn't return an Observable while myReducer.myAction() does and that's the Observable you want to merge?
You can use Observable.create and wrap the WebRTC.setRemoteSdp call:
.mergeMap(action => {
return Observable.create(observer => {
WebRTC.setRemoteSdp(peerConnection, sdp, () => {
The Observable.create returns an Observable that emits another Observable from myReducer.myAction(). Now I have in fact so-called higher-order that I want to flatten using mergeAll() (concatAll would work as well).
