Need script to click button on website that downloads a file - download

I am new to this so this is probably a dumb question but....
I am trying to get a download to happen off a website by clicking on a link but I don't think I have my code right for AppleScript.
The script opens the right website, but when I try to get it to download the file I need by clicking "export data" the code below doesnt seem to do anything, and am not sure what I am missing/did wrong. No error code. Just doesnt do anything.
Website Here
to clickId(LeaderBoard1_cmdCSV)
tell application "Safari"
do JavaScript "document.getElementById('" & LeaderBoard1_cmdCSV & "').click();" in document 1
end tell
end clickId
Thanks for the help.

The following example AppleScript code will open a new Safari window to the designated URL, wait for the page to finish loading, then click the Export Data link to download the FanGraphs Leaderboard.csv file.
Note: This was tested on macOS High Sierra, however for macOS Mojave and later there is a note in the waitForPageToFinishLoadingInSafari() handler to modify its code. Don't forget to do it if applicable.
To use JavaScript with AppleScript and Safari the Allow JavaScript from Apple Events on the Safari > Develop menu, which is hidden by default, must be checked. It can be shown by checking [√] Show Develop menu in menu bar in: Safari > Preferences… > Advanced
set theURL to ""
tell application "Safari" to ¬
make new document with properties {URL:theURL}
my waitForPageToFinishLoadingInSafari()
my clickId("LeaderBoard1_cmdCSV")
-- # Handlers:
to clickId(ElementID)
tell application "Safari"
do JavaScript "document.getElementById('" & ElementID & "').click();" in document 1
end tell
end clickId
on waitForPageToFinishLoadingInSafari()
-- # NOTE: For macOS Mojave and later, change 'UI element 1' to 'UI element 2` in the code below.
tell application "System Events"
repeat until (accessibility description of ¬
button 1 of UI element 1 of every group of toolbar 1 of window 1 of ¬
process "Safari" whose name = "Reload this page") contains "Reload this page"
delay 0.5
end repeat
end tell
end waitForPageToFinishLoadingInSafari
Note: The example AppleScript code is just that and does not contain any error handling as may be appropriate. The onus is upon the user to add any error handling as may be appropriate, needed or wanted. Have a look at the try statement and error statement in the AppleScript Language Guide. See also, Working with Errors. Additionally, the use of the delay command may be necessary between events where appropriate, e.g. delay 0.5, with the value of the delay set appropriately.


Clicking buttons with AppleScript

I'm trying to learn how to make a script with AppleScript to click on a button on a web page with this script but before the end tell and everything obviously It first needs to open a web page that's the script but I want it to click something on it
here is the script
tell application "Safari"
tell window 1
set current tab to (make new tab with properties {URL:"nonya"})
end tell
end tell
I want the clicking button script in this script but before the end tell's
You are right that you need to have the website ready. Once you do, if you know have an ID of the button, you can make AppleScript run a JavaScript in Safari or other browsers:
tell application "Safari"
do JavaScript document.getElementById('buttonID').click();" in document 1
end tell

How can I use AppleScript to address dialog box in Ableton Live?

I have a collection of Ableton Live files (extension ".als") that I need to cycle through while playing a show. I'd like to dedicate a keyboard shortcut to launch each one, and had intended to use AppleScript for this.
The issue is that each file gets changed as I go through the process of playing the associated song, so that when I press the keyboard shortcut to launch the .als associated with the next song in my set, Ableton opens the "Save changes before closing?" dialog box (at which point what I want to do is select "Don't Save").
Simply pressing command + D at this point will do the trick, but I'd really like to automate this keypress. I can't seem to figure out how to get applescript to do this. I'm an applescript noob, and clicking the "Open Dictionary" option in AS seems to show that Ableton is not officially a scriptable app.
Any thoughts on this? Here's an example of an AppleScript I've been trying. This starts the process of opening the next .als in my set list, but won't click the "Don't Save" button.
tell application "Finder"
open document file "Song 1.als" of folder "Desktop" of folder "User" of folder "Users" of startup disk
end tell
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "d" using command down
end tell
Finally came across tips that made it work:
Add both the Script Editor and Ableton Live to the Accessibility API:
System Preferences > Security & Privacy > Privacy...
Ignore application responses to continue the script during dialog.
-- open file
ignoring application responses -- don't wait for user input
tell application "Ableton Live 9 Suite" to open "Users:username:Desktop:LiveSet Project:LiveSet.als"
end ignoring
-- use delay if needed
-- delay 0.5
-- skip saving file
tell application "System Events"
set frontmost of process "Live" to true
key code 123 -- left
key code 123 -- left
keystroke return -- enter
end tell
Consider possible security impact.
Perhaps simply disable apps in Privacy List after use. (Could be scripted ;)
Can now also send mouse clicks, for more creativeness. :)
I know this is old. but in the interest of helping others who might find themselves here... heres what i have done.
use a program call Qlab. the free version will be fine.
make an applescript Cue. go to the 'trigger' tab. select midi trigger. hit the midi key you would like to assign the command too. this cue will now launch when it receives this midi note - even when running in the background.
go to the 'script' tab. copy and paste the script below.
you can make the relevant adjustments for each song. Basically each key will close all current ableton files without saving - as requested. and then launch a specific live set. which ever one you have assigned. in this case, the song 'Less Than Nothing'
the code...
tell application "System Events"
set frontmost of process "Live" to true
keystroke "q" using command down
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (ASCII character 28) --left arrow
tell application "System Events" to keystroke (ASCII character 28) --left arrow
keystroke return
end tell
delay 2.0
do shell script "open '/Users/CamMac/Desktop/Less Than Nothing 2 .als' "

Applescript - Close Pages Document Automatically

I am trying to create a script that will automatically close the frontmost window of Apple Pages.
on run {}
tell application "System Events"
if (window 1 of process "Pages" exists) then
tell application "Pages"
--display dialog "Hello World!" --TODO: remove, test code only.
--Keywords I have tried: file, document, window,
close window 1 saving no
end tell
--close window 1 of process "Pages" saving no
on error errMsg
display dialog "ERROR: " & errMsg
end try
end if
end tell
end run
Whenever I run this, it gives me the following error:
ERROR: Pages got an error: window 1 doesn’t understand the “close”
I have looked at this article, and have used the following command:
sudo defaults write /Applications/ NSAppleScriptEnabled -bool YES
However, it still fails to work. Any advice?
System Version: OS X 10.9.1 (13B42)
Kernel Version: Darwin 13.0.0
Pages: 5.0.1
If Pages isn't scriptable, you're kind of out of luck. If it were scriptable, you wouldn't need System Events to close a window; that kind of functionality is usually included in a scriptable app's dictionary.
System Events can help with apps that aren't scriptable, but you have to rely on the actual UI. But if that's the solution, you can't use tell application "Pages" for the inner block (like you have it); you have to use:
tell process "Pages"
If you go that route, now you have to use either the close button on window 1 or use the close menu command. Something like:
activate application "Pages"--note that this will probably be NECESSARY (if it's not frontmost, it prob won't work)
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Pages"
click menu item "Close" of menu "File" of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 of it
end tell
end tell
BUT then you have to come up with the problem of what happens if the window hasn't been saved (has been modified) -- which in a scriptable app uses the construction you were originally trying. When using System Events, you can do:
activate application "Pages"--note that this will probably be NECESSARY (if it's not frontmost, it prob won't work)
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Pages"
click menu item "Close" of menu "File" of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 of it
delay .5
keystroke "d" using command down
end tell
end tell
But then again how do you make the script smart enough to know if the window has been modified or not? Or maybe you use System Events to see if the window has been killed after the close command, and if it hasn't, it does the keystroke thing. This kind of thing can be done by doing something like:
activate application "Pages"
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Pages"
set frontMostWinName to name of window 1
click menu item "Close" of menu "File" of menu bar item "File" of menu bar 1 of it
tell me to delay 0.5
if exists window 1 then
if name of window 1 = frontMostWinName then keystroke "d" using command down
end if
end tell
end tell
I don't have Pages, but this works with another non-scriptable app, Bean (although I should mention that Bean uses tabs, and I had to move a tab to a window to get this to work*, and I don't know how Pages works in this regard).
[EDIT: *actually, this is not true; this works in Bean regardless of tabs/windows]

AppleScript - Help with Safari

I've been appointed the task of creating an applicaton that must
Display a dialog saying "The webpage has finished loading." when a webpage finishes loading
Determine how many items are currently in the process of downloading
For number 1, I've tried doing if the URL of the front document is "" then, but the then part always runs even if the webpage doesn't load!
For number 2, I've tried this...
tell application "Safari" to get every item of window "Downloads"
But this returns references to every item, even the ones that havae already been downloaded!
Conclusion: I need help. :S
Display a dialog saying "The webpage has finished loading." when a webpage finishes loading.
There is no way to do this with just pure AppleScript. However, you can use a combination of AppleScript and javascript...
tell application "Safari"
repeat until (do JavaScript "document.readyState" in document 1) is "complete"
end repeat
display dialog "The webpage has finished loading."
end tell
WARNING: If the webpage doesn't load for some reason, the script will be stuck forever in an infinite repeat loop.
Determine how many items are currently in the process of downloading.
When you download files, they are temporarily given the name extension download, so AppleScript can tell the Finder to get the files with that extension and create an alert/dialog:
set the download_count to 0
set the download_folder to (path to downloads folder) as alias --or wherever the items are being downloaded
tell application "Finder" to set the download_count to the count of (every item of the download_folder whose name extension is "download")
if the download_count is 0 then
display dialog "There are currently no downloads in progress."
else if the download_count is 1 then
display dialog "There is currently one download in progress."
display dialog "There are currently " & the download_count & " downloads in progress."
end if
P.S. Thanks for honoring my web site!
I wrote the script below in AppleScript Editor to open my browser, display my ISP in the URL, go through the login process and connect to the internet. Is working perfectly. I want to add or modify it to ping "" every hour or so, and if my connection has dropped to repeat the process below again, which will connect my computer back to the internet.
I'm just learning this script writing thing and don't have a very good undersatnding of how it works yet, so if anyone can help please expalin it in simple terms for me. Very much appreciated.
tell application "Safari"
tell application "System Events"
open location ""
delay 1
keystroke return
delay 3
keystroke tab
keystroke (ASCII character 29)
delay 1
delay 1
keystroke tab
delay 1
keystroke "123456789"
delay 1
keystroke return
delay 1
keystroke return
end tell
end tell

Simple GUI scripting question

I am trying this simple GUI script to open a new window of Safari:
tell application "Safari"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Safari"
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item 3
click menu item 1
end tell
end tell
on error theError
display dialog ("An error occurred while performing requested action" & theError) buttons "OK" default button "OK"
end try
end tell
end tell
but it is giving this error message:
Expected end of line but found """
Can anyone suggest me where I may be wrong?
Wow, that was weird. Your script broke AppleScript Editor. After running your script and it not working... I tried to recompile the script and then the error you posted starting showing up. So somehow your code caused AppleScript editor to break and thus the error. I had to quit and relaunch AppleScript Editor to get it working again.
I used the application UI Browser and found the problem. Your reference to the menu item was wrong. There's an extra menu in there that we can't see... and you didn't reference that extra menu. This is the problem with gui scripting. And even if a gui script works it may break at some future date as an application is updated. As such avoid gui scripting if at all possible.
Anyway, here's what your code should look like...
tell application "Safari"
end tell
tell application "System Events"
tell process "Safari"
tell menu bar 1
tell menu bar item 3
click menu item 1 of menu 1
end tell
end tell
on error theError
display dialog ("An error occurred while performing requested action " & theError) buttons "OK" default button "OK"
end try
end tell
end tell
As I mentioned in my comment below, if you can't find a native command from an application's dictionary, the next most reliable method is using keyboard shortcuts. Most menu items have them. For example, if I wanted to open a new tab in a window that menu item has the keyboard shortcut command-t. So we can use that like this. Note there is a native command to open a new tab without using keystrokes, I'm just showing this as an example.
tell application "Safari" to activate
tell application "System Events"
keystroke "t" using command down
end tell
Keyboard commands don't usually change between application updates whereas gui commands often do because programmers redesign their interface in updates... and when that happens gui scripting goes haywire. One of the gotcha's with both gui scripting and keystrokes is that sometimes the script goes too fast and these techniques can't keep up with the speed of the program, so they often error. When this happens you need to slow down the script using small delays to allow the interface to keep up with the script.
