AuthenticationPrincipal is null only with Postman request - spring-boot

I am trying run below application in my local(with necessary config changes related to OKTA)
All is working fine when application is accessed by browser. authentication is working fine at OKTA and redirected to application correctly.
but when i tried the same API using postman, OidcUser is coming as null.
I generated accessToken from postman with grant_type client_credentials
#AuthenticationPrincipal OidcUser oidcUser
any clues?

Here is the answer from another forum.
My guess is this is how Spring Security works. It will populate this parameter if you login with a browser, but not if you send an access token. You could use the access token to call the /userinfo endpoint and get the user’s information that way. Or you could use Jwt instead of OidcUser, like this example shows.
public String index(#AuthenticationPrincipal Jwt jwt) {
return String.format("Hello, %s!", jwt.getSubject());


How to pass Auth token in header when we call Private API generate using OpenAPI after login?

I have used to generate API. I have used different services method for login, user detail and logout etc. When i have called login method and back-end return access_token and now I need to pass that TOKEN in header for other Private API call. Can you please suggest any solution for how to pass TOKEN in other private API call from client side?

How to use Restcall with Spring Security

In my Spring MVC application I am using spring security. It works fine so far, but I have to admit, I do not understand all the details.
In the same application the user can call some controller functions by rest api. When the user (lets say Tom) does this, his authentication is lost. Instead the controller is called by user anonymous.
I tracked down that "user switch" to the code below. Variable restCall contains an url to my application. That call would work for user Tom, if he would place it in the browser directly. Using the restcall, the user changes to anyonymous.
1) Can I prevent that, when the calling User (Tom) was already logged in?
2) As those services should be called by a user that is not already browsing the web interface of the application, I would have to find a way to login by the rest call itself.
private void callWebservice(HttpServletRequest req, String restCall) {
RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate();
ResponseEntity<String> response
= restTemplate.getForEntity(restCall, String.class);
//assertThat(response.getStatusCode(), equalTo(HttpStatus.OK));
You need, for example, a JSON Web Token (JWT) Authentication.
Steps are the following:
1) Client does an authentication, a post request with username and password
2) If authentication is successful, server returns a token in which is coded the user
3) In your next call, GET or POST, you add JWT to your header, this way the server will know who you are, because server can decode the token, and can grant also the right authorities and functionalities

Spring boot webapp as client of Google Oauth2

I'm writing a webapp using Spring Boot. For my project, I need to connect to Google for retrieving calendar information about users.
So, I integrate Spring security Oauth2 for user connection and after I want to use the Google calendar API.
The connection is ok and after it, Google redirects to a page of my webapp defined by this controller:
class ConnectedController {
private String token
String welcome(Principal principal,
Model model) {
OAuth2Authentication auth = principal
model.addAttribute("user", auth.userAuthentication.details)
// credential
def api = new CalendarApi()
token = auth.details.tokenValue
println "Token: [$token]"
return 'welcome'
For the Calendar API, I need the access token value and the refresh token value. I find the access token value in the principal object but where is the refresh token?
For information, I configured the authorization like below to have the resfresh token (normally):
As I interpret the google Oauth2 doc you get a authorization code when consent is given by the user. And this code should be used to get an access token and a refresh token from the API.
The result is an authorization code, which the application can
exchange for an access token and a refresh token.
Have you tried this?

JAVA Spring Custom Authentication Using MongoDB for fetching stored user credentials

Hi Stackoverflow team,
I am facing an issue in my REST Call which I am clueless about after trying to dig into the HTTP errors.
Somehow the authorization isn't working , eventhough the generation and fetch of the JWT token is successful.
Short Description of what I have in my Springboot App :
(Available for analysis of the problem at)
A DbRepository call that talks to a backend MongoDb collection named UserAccounts which has roles and credential details stored including the passwords (Ciphertexts).
A JWT token generation mechanism that returns a token which has to be attached to the HTTP Headers for the subsequent API Calls.
The flow in short.
".....:8080/auth" method post Content-Type appliction/json body:{"username":"user","password":"sample"} Response should be a jwt token
and then
Try the autheticated url .....:8080/order.
****EXPECTED RESULT : Header" Authorization:{$jwtToken from step 6} Actual Result: :( Error : 403 forbidden, this should be fully authenticated and should let the user access this api. Expected Result: "Hello here is my order"****
This is just a simple application with not too many details to worry about.
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
in your code I couldn't find the filter registration.
Try to add it in the
public CustomAuthenticationTokenFilter authenticationTokenFilterBean() throws Exception {
CustomAuthenticationTokenFilter authenticationTokenFilter = new CustomAuthenticationTokenFilter ();
return authenticationTokenFilter;
and then register it with
.addFilterBefore(authenticationTokenFilterBean(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
inside the configuration method
et me know
This was a role mismatch issue. Was not matching with the role in jwt.
Changed the code to correct the role and it worked fine -
public CustomDbRepository(){
List<String> roles = new ArrayList<>(1);

Spring OAuth2: support auth and resource access with both SSO and custom auth server

I've found similar issue but it's unanswered, so I suppose I'm going to duplicate question a little.
I am using Spring OAuth2 to implement separate resource and custom authentification servers.
I've already configured interaction with auth server through issuing&validating JWT tokens and everything seems fine.
Now I'm trying to add SSO functionality but really stuck with it. I've researched the official Spring examples and attached guide but it is very short worded when it comes to connecting SSO part with custom server authentication. And actually author uses only external provider resource ('user' info) to show process.
I think it is normal thing to have all this SSO means of authentication and also custom registration. I can see it works well with stackoverflow for example.
I am loking for directions where to find any info about handling on resource server different kind of tokens issued by multiply SSO providers and also from custom auth server.
Maybe I can use auth chain to do this and some mean to distinguish token format to know how to process it. Is it possible with Spring OAuth2? Or I need to do this magic somehow manually?
For now I have just one 'maybe strange' idea:
To not involve my own resource server with this SSO stuff at all. After receiving Facebook (for example) token - just exchange it for api JWT token with custom auth server (associating or creating user on the way) and then work with resource server on standard basics
I've found at least something. I've read about configuring filters in authorization chain and translate given social tokens to my custom JWT-s as 'post authenticate'(not a crazy idea after all). But it mostly done with SpringSocial.
So now question is: how to do that?
Forgot to say that I am using Password Grant for authentication on custom server. Clients will be only trusted application and I do not even sure about browser client (thinking about only native mobile options). Even if I decide to have browser client I'll make sure it's going to have backend to store sencetive information
Ok, so after struggling to implement such behavior I've stuck with two different libraries (Spring Social & OAuth2). I decided to go my own way and do it with just Spring OAuth2:
I have the resource server, authentication server and client(backed up by Java and uses OAuth2 Client library, but it can be any other client) - my resources can be consumed only with my own JWT auth token given by my own auth server
in a case of a custom registration: client obtains JWT token(with refresh token) from auth server and sends it to the res server. Res server validates it with public key and gives the resource back
in a case of SSO: client obtains Facebook(or other social platform token) and exchanges it for my custom JWT token with my custom auth server. I've implemented this on my auth server using custom SocialTokenGranter(currently handles facebook social token only. For every social network I'll need separate grant type). This class makes an additional call to facebook auth server to validate token and obtain user info. Then it retrieves the social user from my db or creates new and returns JWT token back to the client. No user merging is done by now. it is out of scope for now.
public class SocialTokenGranter extends AbstractTokenGranter {
private static final String GRANT_TYPE = "facebook_social";
GiraffeUserDetailsService giraffeUserDetailsService; // custom UserDetails service
GiraffeUserDetailsService giraffeUserDetailsService,
AuthorizationServerTokenServices tokenServices,
OAuth2RequestFactory defaultOauth2RequestFactory,
ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService) {
super(tokenServices, clientDetailsService, defaultOauth2RequestFactory, GRANT_TYPE);
this.giraffeUserDetailsService = giraffeUserDetailsService;
protected OAuth2Authentication getOAuth2Authentication(ClientDetails clientDetails, TokenRequest request) {
// retrieve social token sent by the client
Map<String, String> parameters = request.getRequestParameters();
String socialToken = parameters.get("social_token");
//validate social token and receive user information from external authentication server
String url = "" + socialToken;
Authentication userAuth = null;
try {
ResponseEntity<FacebookUserInformation> response = new RestTemplate().getForEntity(url, FacebookUserInformation.class);
if (response.getStatusCode().is4xxClientError()) throw new GiraffeException.InvalidOrExpiredSocialToken();
FacebookUserInformation userInformation = response.getBody();
GiraffeUserDetails giraffeSocialUserDetails = giraffeUserDetailsService.loadOrCreateSocialUser(userInformation.getId(), userInformation.getEmail(), User.SocialProvider.FACEBOOK);
userAuth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(giraffeSocialUserDetails, "N/A", giraffeSocialUserDetails.getAuthorities());
} catch (GiraffeException.InvalidOrExpiredSocialToken | GiraffeException.UnableToValidateSocialUserInformation e) {
// log the stacktrace
return new OAuth2Authentication(request.createOAuth2Request(clientDetails), userAuth);
private static class FacebookUserInformation {
private String id;
private String email;
// getters, setters, constructor
And from class extending AuthorizationServerConfigurerAdapter:
private TokenGranter tokenGranter(AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer endpoints) {
List<TokenGranter> granters = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(endpoints.getTokenGranter()));
granters.add(new SocialTokenGranter(giraffeUserDetailsService, endpoints.getTokenServices(), endpoints.getOAuth2RequestFactory(), endpoints.getClientDetailsService()));
return new CompositeTokenGranter(granters);
public void configure(AuthorizationServerSecurityConfigurer oauthServer) throws Exception {
.allowFormAuthenticationForClients() // to allow sending parameters as form fields
Every JWT token request is going to 'host:port + /oauth/token' url
Depending on 'Grant type' the server will handle such requests differently. Currently I have 'password'(default), 'refresh_token' and 'facebook_social'(custom) grant types
For default 'password' Grant type the client should send next parameters:
clientSecret (depends of the client type. Not for single-page clients)
scope (if not explicitly set in auth server configuration for current client)
For 'refresh_token' Grant type the client should send next parameters:
clientSecret (depends of the client type. Not for single-page clients)
For 'facebook_social' Grant type the client should send next parameters:
facebook_social_token (custom field)
Based on the client design the way to send these requests will be different.
In my case with test Java based client which uses Spring OAuth2 library to obtain the social token I do the token exchange procedure with the redirect in controller(controller being invoked using url defined in facebook dev page configuration).
It can be handled in two stages: after obtaining facebook social token JavaScript can make a separate explicit call to my auth server to exchange tokens.
You can see Java client implementation examples here, but I doubt that you're going to use Java client in production:
