SELECT statement in SQL DEVELOPER - oracle

So I am new in SQL DEVELOPER tools and I have written a simple select statement like:
SELECT * FROM employee;
it worked fine but there was a yellow warning mark underneath SELECT and I clicked on that and my query changes into the following query:
My Quest is what is the difference between these two queries? although their output is the same

The glob * has been expanded to all column of the table. The table name EMPLOYEE is aliased to A1 to make it shorter.

The feature you are seeing is called 'SQL Text Expansion,' and it's setup to allow you to see what your query would look like if you were working with one or more VIEWS.
For example, SELECT * FROM ALL_TABLES is quite complicated. This feature allows you to see what's actually involved when running that SQL.
There is probably no change or expected delta in the performance or execution plan of the 2 versions of your query.


Does TOAD for oracle generate logs of executed SQL?

I cannot seem to find a view which I created in one of my schemas within TOAD. Lets assume I don't know the exact schema in which I've created it, is there any way where I can find all the create statements which have been executed within a period of time, lets say the last days.
Thank you in advance.
If you created the view, just query ALL the views, and order by the date in which it was created.
select * from dba_objects
where object_type = 'VIEW'
order by created desc, last_ddl_time desc
We're hitting DBA_ views to make sure we look at EVERYTHING, not just the things you have PRIVS for. Switch to ALL_ views in case you lack access, and hope you didn't create the view in a schema in which your current logon can't see.
The other way to go is query the views themselves and key in on the table you think you included in the SQL behind the view.
FROM dba_views
You might be looking for a feature called "SQL Recall" in Toad. Press F8 or View/SQL Recall. It will show you the SQL you ran in the last month or so.

how to get select statement query which was used to create table in oracle

I created a table in oracle like
CREATE TABLE suppliers AS (SELECT * FROM companies WHERE id > 1000);
I would like to know the complete select statement which was used to create this table.
I have already tried get_ddl but it is not giving the select statement. Can you please let me know how to get the select statement?
If you're lucky one of these statements will show the DDL used to generate the table:
select *
from gv$sql
where lower(sql_fulltext) like '%create table suppliers%';
select *
from dba_hist_sqltext
where lower(sql_text) like '%create table%';
I used the word lucky because GV$SQL will usually only have results for a few hours or days, until the data is purged from the shared pool. DBA_HIST_SQLTEXT will only help if you have AWR enabled, the statement was run in the last X days that AWR is configured to hold data (the default is 8), the statement was run after the last snapshot collection (by default it happens every hour), and the statement ran long enough for AWR to think it's worth saving.
And for each table Oracle does not always store the full SQL. For security reasons, DDL statements are often truncated in the data dictionary. Don't be surprised if the text suddenly cuts off after the first N characters.
And depending on how the SQL is called the case and space may be different. Use lower and lots of wildcards to increase the chance of finding the statement.
select distinct table_name
all_tab_columns where column_name in
select column_name from
where table_name ='SUPPLIERS'
you can find table which created from table

Difference between select * into newtable and create table newtable AS

I am working with huge table which has 9 million records. I am trying to take backup of the table. As below.
First Query
Create table newtable1 as select * from hugetable ;
Second Query
Select * into newtable2 from hugetable ;
Here first query seems to be quite fast. I want to know the functional difference and Why it is fast compare to second query?, Which one is to be preferred?
Quote from the manual:
This command (create table as) is functionally similar to SELECT INTO, but it is preferred since it is less likely to be confused with other uses of the SELECT INTO syntax. Furthermore, CREATE TABLE AS offers a superset of the functionality offered by SELECT INTO.
So both do the same thing, but CREATE TABLE AS is part of the SQL standard (and thus works on other DBMS as well), whereas the SELECT INTO is non-standard. As the manuals says, you should prefer CREATE TABLE AS over the non-standard syntax.
Performance wise both are identical, the differences you see are probably related to caching or other activities on your system.

How does oracle execute an sql statement?

such as:
select country
from table1
inner join table2 on
where'a' and'b'
group by country
after the parse, which part will be executed first?
It looks like you want to know the execution plan chosen by Oracle. You can get that ouput from Oracle itself:
set serveroutput off
< your query with hint "/*+ gather_plan_statistics */" inserted after SELECT >
select * from table(dbms_xplan.display_cursor(null, null, 'last allstats'));
See here for an explanation how to read a query plan:
Be aware however that the choice of a query plan is not fixed. Oracle tries to find the currently best query plan, based on available statistics data.
There are plenty of places you can find the order in which SQL is executed:
FROM clause
WHERE clause
GROUP BY clause
HAVING clause
SELECT clause
ORDER BY clause
But note that this is the "theoretical" order - SQL engines are allowed to perform the operations in other orders, provided that the end result appears to have been produced by using the above order.
If you install the free tool SQL*Developer from Oracle, then you can click a button to get the explain plan.
A quick explanation is at

oracle in the real world

I've recently started using oracle after a few years of using mysql. I was immediately struck by how verbose oracle is compared to mysql. Four-word queries (like SHOW INDEX IN < table> ) become four-line queries in oracle.
My question is: how do real oracle DBAs interact with oracle efficiently. There must be some way to alias commonly used commands (like you do in the unix shell). I find it hard to believe that they would type something like
select index_name, column_name, column_position from user_ind_columns
where table_name='MYTABLENAME' order by index_name, column_position
every time they wanted to do something as simple as list the indexes of a table. Otherwise how can they get any work done?
You can use an IDE like SQL Developer or Toad; these have a UI to browse tables, indexes and other objects without typing any commands.
Or in SQL Plus you can simply save commonly used queries as scripts in files, for example a script called show_index could contain:
select index_name, column_name, column_position from user_ind_columns
where table_name=upper('&TABLENAME.') order by index_name, column_position;
You would run this in SQL Plus like this:
SQL> #show_index
Enter value for tablename: mytable
