Unable to delete *.fs file in Mac OS Catalina - macos

I installed Tuxera ntfs a while back and now i am unable to delete one of its files, i wanted to completely uninstall tuxera ntfs so i decided to search tuxera on finder and deleted whatever came along however one file isnt deleting. tuxera_ntfs.fs located at /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs in my mac, i also tried running
rm -rf /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs
in terminal it also doesnt work
Terminal error picture
it shows operation not permitted please help, as i encounter such things very often

Although it has been awhile from your question, I faced the same problem today and found this answer to be working: What is /Library/StagedExtensions for and how to remove extensions
Outline: the kernel provides a new way to clear staged extensions with the following command:
sudo kextcache --clear-staging
That will wipe the entire "StagedExtensions" directory and any subdirectories.

Use sudo:
sudo rm -rf /Library/StagedExtensions/Library/Filesystems/tuxera_ntfs.fs


Is gvfs-trash installed? in Atom

When I tried to remove a file in local machine to check files are synchronous with vagrant development server it pops up an error:
The following file couldn't be moved to the trash.
Is gvfs-trash installed?
For solving it I created a trash directory that can be accessed from outside the user’s home directory:
# Create a Trash directory (with some subdirectories) in root
sudo mkdir -p /.Trash-1000/{expunged,files,info}
# Give ownership of this to your user:
sudo chown -R $USER /.Trash-1000
Still I can't remove the file from local machine. But If I delete a file at vagrant development server it automatically deletes at local machine, opposite is not happening and ends-up with this error "Is gvfs-trash installed? "
Like YuriAFGomes said, everything seemed to work fine in my system: trash folder had the right permissions and gvfs-trash worked flawlessly from command line, yet atom 1.45 said it couldn't delete any file. Tried to start atom with sudo and it didn't fix anything. Tried creating the .Trash-1000 directories in several places, and nothing, same error related to gvfs-trash. I'm pretty sure this used to work fine in my atom setup and suddenly it stopped doing so, and I have no idea why. I went to their releases list and tried downgrading to several of them until I settled with version 1.30, which doesn't seem to have this issue and is compatibles with my local packages. If you have this problem and tried everything said around the web, I suggest you try downgrading to different versions until the problem goes away.
There is an issue on GitHub reporting this problem. According to the report, a missing .Trash-1000 can cause this problem, so you can create it as follows.
mnt=/; id=$(id -u); sudo mkdir -p "$mnt/.Trash-$id"/{expunged,files,info} \
&& sudo chown -R $USER:$USER "$mnt/.Trash-$id"/ \
&& sudo chmod -R o-rwx "$mnt/.Trash-$id"/
Set mnt to the mount point, where gvfs-trash is expecting it.
Simply cd to the directory which will be opened in atom and execute df ..
This will give something like this:
Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb1 960380628 463122460 448403708 51% /mnt/vol
In this example, the mount point and the value of mnt would be /mnt/vol.
What solved this issue for me was uninstalling atom via dpkg and installing it via apt from the following PPA: https://launchpad.net/~webupd8team/+archive/ubuntu/atom . I have no clue why this works, though. I have noticed that the PPA installs atom 1.26, while the version where the issue arised, installed via dpkg, is 1.45.
Before doing that, I have tried creating the .Trash-1000 directories in root, in home and in project folder, with the proper permissions. gvfs-trash was installed, updated and working as expected all the time, but the problem persisted. Really odd.
The real problem is that atom/electron are/were using gvfs-trash which has been deprecated for almost 5 years. Electron which is the platform on which Atom is built has fixed this in the development branch but hasn't backported it to the 2.0 branch on which Atom is based.
Solution/Workaround as of now?
Use an environment variable $ELECTRON_TRASH and set it to gio or one of the alternatives
See if you are missing the .Trash-1000 folder (assuming your uid is 1000)
Install an alternate gvfs-trash script to take over the missing functionality
Delete the file/folder outside of atom
I had a similar problem on Windows using Atom, where I couldnt delete the files. So I resorted to deleting them manually from the directory (outside of Atom).
Turns out atom cannot "move to trash" if u checked in recycle bin this option:
"Don't move files to the Recycle Bin. Remove files immediately when deleted."
Just set the other option (to move files to actual recycle bin) and should work.

Mac OS terminal doesn't find commands

I have weird problem as all of the sudden terminal stopped reading any commands. Last weekend I installed Wordpress with PHP and mySQL and since that moment didn't have time to do anything more on laptop. Now I wanted to launch some react-native code but command wasn't found, then I tried different things to use some other commands and each time I get message
MBP-Mateusz-2:business-cards-native mateusz$ code .
-bash: code: command not found
and doesn't matter what command is that except standard ones like ls, cd etc. However when I try to write npm --version, or node --version, or launch visual studio code like before with code ., each time I get command not found. Doesn't anyone have issue like that? How to fix it as I'm super confused and have no idea even where to start.
You probably messed up your PATH environment variable, and now your computer cannot find the commands if you don't tell it directly where. The PATH variable contains the directories where the system should look for binaries if they're not in the current directory. If it gets corrupted for some reason, you won't be able to run any program from the terminal unless you pointed directly its location.
I would first run this command:
echo $PATH
so you can see which is the content of the PATH.
If it seems empty, or some critical folders are missing, try to add them temporarily:
export PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
Then try to run the commands again from the same terminal and see if that worked.
If that works, check if you have a ~/Library/LaunchAgents/environment.plist file and its content. It is possible that there is a key for the PATH and that its values are pointing something of your Wordpress stack but not the system directories.
If that looks fine, look at the ~/.bash_profile file. Find any export PATH instruction that may explain your issues. If you can't find any, but still exporting the PATH worked out, add at the end of the file that instruction as a workaround for fixing the mess:
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin
(notice that I'm ading $PATH in this last case so if there is any other path actually configured it is added as well)
Good luck.
EDIT: That's the usual issue people has, but now that I've read your comments, the issue seems a bit more serious. It looks like the mySQL setup destroyed your /usr/local/ folder, which means you lost all the binaries located there npm, code, etc.
If you have a backup of the whole filesystem (which by experience is unlikely), restore /usr/local folder.
If you don't have any backups, you can reconstruct /usr/local... by reinstalling the software that cannot be found. Reinstall npm, VSCode, etc, that will place their executables again in the /usr/local folders and from there you'll be good to go. Install brew (since it's likely that also got deleted) then try brew install node and see if now you can run npm. If that works out, I'm afraid you'll have to reinstall all the software you lost again.

Permission denied when trying to run karaf 0.8.1

I downloaded the OpenDaylight Oxygen SR1 Zip file, unzipped the karaf-0.8.1 file, changed my directory to it but when I try to run ./bin/karaf I get:
./bin/karaf: Permission denied
When I try sudo ./bin/karaf I get
sudo: ./bin/karaf: command not found
The weirdest part is that I also have the folder of the previous version, i.e. karaf-0.7.1, in the same Downloads folder and these commands work perfectly fine in there. I would like to use the latest version however. Could anyone help me please?
Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention I'm running it on Mac OS X
On a Unix-like system, you’re better off downloading the tarball: extracting that will give you files with the correct permissions.
In your case, to fix your setup, you need to run
chmod 755 bin/{client,inc,instance,karaf,setenv,set_persistence.sh,shell,start,status,stop}
to restore the permissions as they ship in the tarball.

How do I completely remove Github for Mac along with its Git installation and all?

I'm new to OSX, so I don't want to just go around deleting things without really knowing what's up. What's the best way to go about obliterating Github and its Git from my machine?
To delete git, just drag and drop the folder from the /Application/Git.app to the trash bin. Then open a Terminal (/Application/Utilities/Terminal) and copy paste this lines (one by one) :
rm -rf /usr/local/git
rm /etc/paths.d/git
rm /etc/manpaths.d/git
Then restart your computer and voilà
I belive this Github gist worked:

Insecure world writable dir /Users/username in PATH, mode 040777 when running Ruby commands

When I run Ruby commands like gem -v I get this error:
warning: Insecure world writable dir
/Users/kristoffer in PATH, mode 040777
First of all I don't understand what this means. /Users/kristoffer is not in my path according to echo $PATH. The result of echo $PATH is:
As you can see, the PATH is pretty clean. Just the default path + what RVM added.
I've seen the other posts similar to this where the recommended way to solve the issue is to run chmod go-w path/to/folder
However, I'm pretty sure that it's a bad idea to make my Home folder non-writeable, right? I've repaired permissions using Disk Utility and it didn't find anything wrong with the permissions on my Home folder.
Any idea of what the problem is and how I can fix it?
Your home folder should only be writable by you, not by anyone else. The reason gem is complaining about this is that you have folders in your PATH that are inside your (insecure) home folder, and that means that anyone who wants to could hack you by renaming/moving your .rvm folder and replacing it with an impostor.
To fix your home folder, run chmod go-w /Users/kristoffer. If there are any other insecure folders on the way to anything in your PATH, you should fix them similarly.
BTW, the reason that Disk Utility didn't repair this is that it only repairs files installed as part of the OS (see Apple's KB article on the subject). There is an option to repair home folder permissions if you boot from the install DVD and run Password Reset from the Utilities menu, but I'm not sure if it resets the permissions themselves or just ownership.
I kept getting this in my prompt.
I couldn't get it quite right with my command prompt but this ended up working.
Recently this just happened to me and it has to do with a bug in upgrading to Mac OSX 10.9.3. Looks like the upgrade changes the permissons to the User folder. Here's an explanation and a fix:
chmod 755 /Users/<username>
Should fix the problem...
it says that the directory Users/username is insecure, you can fix that by running
sudo chmod go-w Users/username
I found a solution. Like user2952657, I got this warning with vagrant up after upgrading to OSX 10.9.3. Updating iTunes to 11.2.1 was all I needed to do to get the warning to stop.
