SwiftuUI NavigationLink inside touchBar - macos

I'm trying to create NavigationLink in MacBook touchBar with help of SwiftUI. Actually with my piece of code, the button is shown in touchbar, but unfortunately the link doesn't work.
NavigationView {
.touchBar {
NavigationLink(destination: BookView()) {
struct BookView: View {
var body: some View {

Try instead with Button in touchBar activating NavigationLink programmatically, like below
#State private var isActive = false
// below in body
NavigationView {
SomeView() // << your view here
.background(NavigationLink(destination: BookView(), isActive: $isActive) {
} // hidden link
.touchBar {
Button("GoToBook") { self.isActive.toggle() } // activate link


Stepper not showing in ToolBar on macOS

On macOS the Stepper is not showing in the toolbar. It works on iOS. Does anybody know a workaround?
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var value = 1
var body: some View {
NavigationStack {
.toolbar {
// does not show
ToolbarItem {
Stepper("Test \(value)", value: $value)

SwiftUI: animating tab item addition/removal in tab bar

In my app I add/remove a subview to/from a TabView based on some condition. I'd like to animate tab item addition/removal in tab bar. My experiment (see code below) shows it's not working. I read on the net that TabView support for animation is quite limited and some people rolled their own implementation. But just in case, is it possible to implement it?
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
#State var showBoth: Bool = false
var body: some View {
TabView {
Button("Test") {
withAnimation {
.tabItem {
Label("1", systemImage: "1.circle")
if showBoth {
.tabItem {
Label("2", systemImage: "2.circle")
Note: moving transition() call to the Label passed to tabItem() doesn't work either.
As commented Apple wants the TabBar to stay unchanged throughout the App.
But you can simply implement your own Tabbar with full control:
struct ContentView: View {
#State private var currentTab = "One"
#State var showBoth: Bool = false
var body: some View {
VStack {
TabView(selection: $currentTab) {
// Tab 1.
VStack {
Button("Toggle 2. Tab") {
withAnimation {
} .tag("One")
// Tab 2.
VStack {
} .tag("Two")
// custom Tabbar buttons
HStack {
OwnTabBarButton("One", imageName: "1.circle")
if showBoth {
OwnTabBarButton("Two", imageName: "2.circle")
func OwnTabBarButton(_ label: String, imageName: String) -> some View {
Button {
currentTab = label
} label: {
VStack {
Image(systemName: imageName)

Calling a sheet from a menu item

I have a macOS app that has to display a small dialog with some information when the user presses the menu item "Info".
I've tried calling doing this with a .sheet but can't get it to display the sheet. Code:
struct The_ThingApp: App {
private let dataModel = DataModel()
#State var showsAlert = false
#State private var isShowingSheet = false
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
.commands {
CommandMenu("Info") {
Button("Get Info") {
print("getting info")
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingSheet) {
VStack {
Text("Some stuff to be shown")
action: { isShowingSheet.toggle() })
How would I display a sheet from a menu item?
However, if a sheet is not the way to do it (I think given the simplicity of what I need to show, it would be it), how would you suggest I do it? I tried creating a new view, like I did with the preferences window, but I can't call it either from the menu.
put the sheet directly on ContentView:
struct The_ThingApp: App {
#State private var isShowingSheet = false
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
// here VV
.sheet(isPresented: $isShowingSheet) {
VStack {
Text("Some stuff to be shown")
action: { isShowingSheet.toggle() })
.commands {
CommandMenu("Info") {
Button("Get Info") {
print("getting info")

Focus on a TextField using a keyboard shortcut

I have a macOS Monterrey app that has a TextField on the toolbar. I use this to search for text on my app. Now, I'm trying to add a keyboard shortcut to focus on the TextField. I've tried the code below, adding button with a shortcut as a way to test whether this is doable, but I can't get it to work. The .focused() doesn't do anything.
Beyond that, I have added a new menu item Find and set the keyboard shortcut to cmd-L but I don't know either how to send the focus to the TextField.
What am I missing?
struct AllData: View {
#FocusState private var searchFieldIsFocused: Bool
#State var searchText: String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(data.notes.filter { searchText.isEmpty ? true : $0.text.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchText) }) {
.navigationTitle("A Title")
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
TextField("Search...", text: $searchText)
.frame(minWidth: 200)
//test for the focus
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
Button(action: {
print("Plus pressed")
searchFieldIsFocused = true
}) {
Image(systemName: "plus")
.keyboardShortcut("e", modifiers: [.command])
Edit after Yrb comments
It seems .focusable will not work with a TextField on a toolbar, so he suggested using .searchable.
Trying with .searchable
struct AllData: View {
#FocusState private var searchFieldIsFocused: Bool
#State var searchText: String = ""
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(data.notes.filter { searchText.isEmpty ? true : $0.text.localizedCaseInsensitiveContains(searchText) }) {
text: $searchText,
placement: .toolbar,
prompt: "Search..."
.navigationTitle("A Title")
.toolbar {
//test for the focus
ToolbarItem(placement: .automatic) {
Button(action: {
print("Plus pressed")
searchFieldIsFocused = true
}) {
Image(systemName: "plus")
.keyboardShortcut("e", modifiers: [.command])
I have no control where the search field will appear, it seems to be the last item on the toolbar, which is not what I want, but OK.
There is no way that I can find to add a .focusable so I can jump to the search with a keyboard shortcut, which is the reason for this question
When you search, the list get's filtered, but when you try to navigate the list with the arrows (keyboard), upon selecting the next item, the focus returns to the search field, it doesn't remain on the list, making navigation very slow and painful.
I'm sure I'm missing something, and probably my code is wrong. Any clues?
Edit #2
It seems this is not possible with a .searchable:
.searchable modifier with a keyboard shortcut
I ended up getting the following to work on macOS using the .searchable() modifier (only tested on macOS 12.3):
import SwiftUI
struct MyApp: App {
#State var searchText = ""
var items = ["Item 1", "Item 2", "Item 3"]
var searchResults: [String] {
if searchText.isEmpty {
return items
} else {
return items.filter { $0.contains(searchText) }
var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {
List(self.searchResults, id: \.self) { item in
}.searchable(text: self.$searchText)
}.commands {
CommandMenu("Find") {
Button("Find") {
if let toolbar = NSApp.keyWindow?.toolbar,
let search = toolbar.items.first(where: { $0.itemIdentifier.rawValue == "com.apple.SwiftUI.search" }) as? NSSearchToolbarItem {
}.keyboardShortcut("f", modifiers: .command)

Highlight Navigation View At Start

When I start my app, the start page is "Kunde" but the whole thing is not highlighted in blue in the navigation. It just turns blue (system color) when I click on it.
I want it to be highlighted blue when I open the app.
import SwiftUI
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
NavigationLink(destination: ListView()) {
struct ListView: View {
var body: some View {
you could try something like this approach:
struct ContentView: View {
#State var selection: String?
#State var listData = ["Kunde", "xxxx", "zzzz"]
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List(listData, id: \.self) { item in
NavigationLink(destination: ListView()) {
.listRowBackground(selection == item ? Color.blue : Color.clear)
.onAppear {
selection = "Kunde"
