Visual Basic 6.0 disable checkbox on datagrid - vb6

I have a datagrid table with a text on first column and a checkbox on second column. I would like to disable this checkbox when first column value is "Others". Is this possible?
Thanks in advance!!

You can set properties for the entire grid. You can set properties for an entire column. You can even set a few properties for a cell, but one of those properties is not an enabled property. The best I was able to come up with was responding to the following event:
Private Sub DataGrid1_RowColChange(LastRow As Variant, ByVal LastCol As Integer)
If DataGrid1.Col = 1 Then
DataGrid1.Col = DataGrid1.Col - 1
If DataGrid1.Text = "Others" Then
DataGrid1.Col = LastCol
DataGrid1.Row = LastRow - 1
Exit Sub
End If
DataGrid1.Col = DataGrid1.Col + 1
End If
End Sub
This logic prevents focus on a cell in column 2 if column 1 is "Others". Keep in mind that rows and columns are 0-based.


How to check if array value exists in Cell?

I am new to vbscript and I am creating a script to reduce my day by day duplicate efforts. I have a column in an excel sheet which holds values. There are certain cells under this column where multiple values exists. Now I have an array which has some values which needs to be looked up / searched within each row under this column and delete the row if array values are not present within the row.
I tried to search the array values in the rows using InStr function and it worked if cell contains only one value. Code is attached below.
This sub is not working as expected if cell contains multiple values. e.g. Project 1 [ALT + ENTER] Dummy Project
Hence I tried to use Find and Search methods. I am unable to get the expected results using these methods too.
Fix Version/s
Row 1 - Project 3 a
Row 2 - Project 2 'spaces at the end
Row 3 - Project 4
Project 1
Row 4 - Project 5
Row 5 - Project 1
Find method - No rows deleted
Replace method - Getting syntax error where I used Search method in place of InStr function as below,
If objWorksheet1.Cells(iDelCnt, fixVerColNum).Search(objWorksheet1.Cells(iDelCnt, fixVerColNum).Value, projectFilter(jDelCnt)) <> 0 Then
Please assist. Thanks in advance.
Expected - I expect row 'x' to be deleted if array value doesn't exists in Cells(x,y)
Dim objExcel, objWorkbook, objWorksheet1
Dim iDelCnt, jDelCnt, projectFilter, lRow, fixVerColNum, tempCell, deleteCounter, InStrTest
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Application.Visible = True
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(filePath) ' Location of the file on drive
Set objWorksheet1 = objWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
projectFilter = Array("Project 1","Project 2", "Project 3")
fixVerColNum = objExcel.Match("Fix Version/s", objWorksheet1.Range("A1:T1"), 0) 'Identify "Fix Version(s)" column number
lRow = objWorksheet1.Range("A1").CurrentRegion.Rows.Count
deleteCounter = 0
For iDelCnt = lRow to 2 Step -1
For jDelCnt = LBound(projectFilter) to UBound(projectFilter)
If InStr(1, objWorksheet1.Cells(iDelCnt, fixVerColNum).Value, projectFilter(jDelCnt), 1) <> 0 Then
deleteCounter = 1
Exit For
deleteCounter = 0
End If
If deleteCounter = 0 Then
End If

VBA to hide SlicerItems

I have a slicer that contains items from a pivot table. My users wants the ability to hide certain slicer items even though these items contains data. Is there a way to hide sliceritems via VBA code?
Why not just filter them out? If this is an OLAP PivotTable, see Pivot Table filter out only 1 option
If this is a "Traditional" PivotTable, then you can use a variation of the code I posted at Pivotfields multiple filter
Here's some amended code:
Sub FilterSlicer_Inverse()
Dim slr As Slicer
Dim sc As SlicerCache
Dim si As SlicerItem
Dim i As Long
Dim vItem As Variant
Dim vSelection As Variant
Dim pt As PivotTable
Set sc = ActiveWorkbook.SlicerCaches("Slicer_test")
vSelection = Array("1", "2") <= List the items you want to hide in here
For Each pt In sc.PivotTables
pt.ManualUpdate = True 'Stops PivotTable from refreshing after each PivotItem is changed
Next pt
With sc
On Error Resume Next 'In case one of the items isn't found
For Each vItem In vSelection
.SlicerItems(vItem).Selected = False
Next vItem
On Error GoTo 0
End With
For Each pt In sc.PivotTables
pt.ManualUpdate = False
Next pt
End Sub
Note that it doesn't matter if you change the PivotItems or the get the same result.

Excel VBA - Stops Selecting Visible Rows on Filter after many interations

My code takes a file name from TextBox1, opens that file and indexes through all the unique values in column B. It then takes a second file, file name in TextBox2, and filters it based on the current index from the first file. It then takes the filtered results and copies them to a sheet in the new workbook. A new sheet is then generated in the new workbook to paste the next filtered result.
My issue is that I have many rows of data and for some reason the filtered data is not be selected after many iterations. My program selects all filtered data when it starts, but at some point it just begins selecting the headers instead of all the visible cells. Let me know if I am missing something or if there is a quick workaround. Thank you.
Sub NewFileGenerate()
Dim I As Integer
Dim N As Integer
Dim X As Integer
Dim IndexedCell As String
X = 1
'Need to count only populated cells
I = Sheets(1).Columns(2).Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).Count
Set Newbook = Workbooks.Add
For N = 2 To I - 1
Application.CutCopyMode = True
IndexedCell = Cells(N, 2).Value
With Sheets(1)
With .Range("A1", "Z" & I - 1)
.AutoFilter Field:=5, Criteria1:=IndexedContract
End With
End With
ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Sheets(X).Range("A1:Z1")
Selection.Font.Size = 10
X = X + 1
If X > 3 Then
Worksheets.Add(After:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)).Name = "Sheet" & X
End If
Application.CutCopyMode = False
Next N
End Sub
I'm guessing that your source worksheet (textbox2.value) has more rows than your index worksheet (textbox1.value). You set I equal to the number of rows in your index worksheet, then you tell the autofilter to only use that number of rows. You need to change the line "With .Range("A1", "Z" & I - 1)" so it picks up all of the rows in your source worksheet.

How to check the selected Items

Using VB6
In the Form, i am having 2 list box name as lstDivison, lstDepartment
For I = 0 To lstDivision.ListCount - 1
If lstDivision.Selected(I) = True Then
Filter = ""
Filter = lstDivision.List(I)
End If
For I = 0 To lstDepartment.ListCount - 1
If lstDepartment.Selected(I) = True Then
Filter = ""
Filter = lstDepartment.List(I)
End If
Above code is working, but i want to know which listbox value is selected.
If lstDivison list item is selected then it should not check the lstDepartment, if lstDepartment list item is selected then it should not check the lstDivison...
Code like this...
If lstDivison.selected = true then
some code
ElseIf lstDeartment.Selected = true then
some code
Some code
End If
How to do this.
Need VB6 Code Help
One way to solve this is to ensure that only one of the listbox controls has a selected value at each time, by letting the listboxes clear the selection from the other listbox when selected. This makes it somewhat clearer to the user what values to expect from the filter, since there will only be selected values in one listbox at a time.
To do this, you can add this code:
private sub lstDepartment_Click()
For I = 0 to lstDivision.ListCount - 1
lstDivision.Selected(I) = False
End Sub
private sub lstDivision_Click()
For I = 0 to lstDepartment.ListCount - 1
lstDepartment.Selected(I) = False
End Sub
After this, your current code will work.

Make only one row show after search in FlexGrid VB6

So i have FlexGrid in my VB6 project I'm working on. It has names on each row, and I have a drop down so the user can select what name they want to see more info for, here is what I have.
Dim target_name As String
Dim r As Integer
' Get the name.
target_name = Combo1
If Len(target_name) = 0 Then Exit Sub
' Search for the name, skipping the column heading row.
target_name = LCase$(target_name)
For r = 1 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1
If LCase$(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(r, 0)) = _
target_name Then
' We found the target. Select this row.
MSFlexGrid1.Row = r
MSFlexGrid1.RowSel = r
MSFlexGrid1.Col = 0
MSFlexGrid1.ColSel = MSFlexGrid1.Cols - 1
' Make the row visible.
MSFlexGrid1.TopRow = r
Exit Sub
End If
Next r
That works well, but it shows everything below that name too, I would like it to single out only the name selected.
Any help would be great.
What's the data source of your grid? You can place the filter on the data grid data source, so that as the user chooses the name from your drop down only the selected persons details are returned from the datasource to the grid.
Not exactly what you were asking, but its how I would achieve the result you are wanting.
P.S. I have used FlexGrid in VB6 and I don't know of a way to do what you are asking on the grid (might be there but I never noticed it).
