how do you reset the validation of a form in formik without clearing the values - formik

I am using formik and I want to clear the validation of a form without calling resetForm which clears the values also,
At the moment,I have tried:
setStatis({ submitCount: 0 );
But I cannot find a way of doing this.

Can you use resetForm(values)?
Formik will set the current values as the new "initial state".
Check my codesandbox code which clears the email inputbox's validation without its value.


Microsoft Access - not using a validation code

Under PostCode, I've put an input mask as well as a validation rule of 'Is Not Null'
The input mask is working fine. However, the validation rule isn't working as it allows the postcode to be null.
Is there a way to fix this?
Options I can see:
set field as required in table and let Access nag users
validation code in BeforeUpdate event of control and form

How to re-trigger validations manually in ReduxForm?

I like to re-trigger validations after the form has mounted. Let's assume I like to run the validations each time I click a button named 'validate inputs'.
How to do this?
Related questions:
How to run validation on a slice of a redux-form FieldArray state
Is there a way in Redux Forms to make a form validate from code?
Manual redux-form validation is an oft requested feature, that does not seem to be provided at the moment.
My personal workaround is to trigger this.props.change('_validationHack', in the reduxForm-wrapped component and then remove values._validationHack in the onSubmit method before sending the values to the server.
It's not pretty, but seems to work without exception.
According to 28/11/2018:
There are actions that you can dispatch for making changes to your form and triggering the validation method.
If you trigger change/touch actions it should execute the validate function.
This worked for me:
import { touch, stopAsyncValidation } from 'redux-form';
yield put(stopAsyncValidation('CallForm', { mdn: mdn.error_message }));
yield put(touch('CallForm', 'mdn'));
clue from
clue about touch
working example
found with
The sync validation is run on every render, so "triggering it" doesn't really have much meaning.
If you would like to use async validation, there is a this.props.asyncValidate() function that you can call to trigger it.
OR, if you prefer submit validation, you could just submit the form.

validation in reducer in redux

this question is about where to put validation of an form element in redux. I feeeeel as though I should have an onValueChange event that dispatches an action to the reducer that validates and updates both the value ( invalid or valid as it may be ) as well as the "isValid" property on state so that that element can then display an error.
Conversely, I could do the validation in the action, and if it fails just dispatch a failure action instead.
One note is that i do prefer the anonymous function nomenclature to extending the react.component.
I guess I should change then name of this to where is the proper place to put validation in the redux flow.
Keep the validation in your component. I hear a lot of "keep all state in redux", but I try to only keep what I absolutely need in redux. Use component state with a error property and if your validation fails set the state on the error property. As well, redux forms: is a good library for simple and complex forms.

Backbone.js: run validations and fire error events on set, but don't abort set if validations fail

I've got a Backbone model with a custom validate method that validates the format of one of a the model's attributes. My model is hooked up to a view that exposes said attribute via a text field. The view has a 'save' button that the user must explicitly press to save the model changes back to the server.
When the user types an invalid attribute value, I want to visually mark the field as being in an invalid state. So far, easy - I can bind the change event of the input field to a function that calls myModel.set({ attribute: value }), and listen for the "error" event on the model to tell when the validation has failed and I should mark the input as invalid.
The problem comes when I want to handle the save button click. Because Backbone.Model.set aborts actually setting the attributes on the model if validation fails, my model will not accurately reflect the value the user has entered unless the value is valid. When the user clicks save after typing in an invalid value, I check whether the model is valid, find that it is (because the invalid attribute was never actually set), and save the old (valid) attribute value to the server.
What it seems like I want is a version of set that always makes the requested changes, but also still triggers validations and events. set(..., { silent: true }) will allow the change to go through, but will not run validations or trigger events.
In short - I want my model to sometimes exist in an invalid state (if the user has entered invalid attribute values), and I want to be able to get events when it transitions between valid and invalid. Is there a graceful way to do this with backbone, or am I thinking about this completely wrong?
I suggest you use this backbone validation plugin
Extremely helpful.
For your usecase (to allow values to be set even if they are invalid),
you just need to do override the set function of your model.
set: function (key, value, options) {
options || (options = {});
options = _.extend(options, { forceUpdate: true });
return, key, value, options);
The 'forceUpdate' property of backbone.validation allows the validate method to return true, while still calling for validations.
After the save click, you can call,
var errors = model.validate(model.validate.attributes);
This will return all the errors that your model has and you can appropriately display them.
You also have callbacks for valid and invalid which you can use freely
What I've done with this sort of validation is to reset the models attributes from the inputs before save on the save click (only doing the save if the set doesn't fail)
This way the save button click re triggers the validation - triggering the error.
It means the model is always valid and you cant progress to the next page until the input is all valid.

Validate data from CakePHP form with jQuery (AJAX)

I would like to validate both single field and multiple field data from a CakePHP form.
The single field validation should be done on blur from each field while the multiple field validation should be done on submitting the form.
I would like to use the $validate property declared in the Model for validating data and I would like to display the errors near each field (single field validation) and on top of the form (for multiple field validation).
My main goal is to achieve this the most "caky" way (if there is one for validating data with jQuery). I couldn't find any useful advice out there and I'm asking you for some help to get this going.
One of my concerns is how shall I pass data from the form to jQuery and then to the action that does the validation and also how shall I return and display the errors, if there are any.
Thank you in advance!
I'd suggest first making sure everything works without jQuery, then use the jQuery Form plugin to submit your forms via AJAX. If you include the RequestHandler component in your AppController, you should find that your controllers distinguish automatically between AJAX and synchronous requests.
OK, so I coded my own solution to this, but I am still waiting for a more "caky" approach.
I made two generic jQuery functions, one for single field validation and one for multiple field validation. The function should grab the data from the specified form and send it to the form's action via AJAX, to a specially created controller method which will attempt to validate data and output an AJAX response ("" for validation has passed and errors for errors in validation). Then, the result is checked in the jQuery function and the default form behaviour is triggered only if the validation has passed. Otherwise, display the errors and return false; to prevent default submission.
