I am not getting Access token using https://www.upwork.com/api/auth/v1/oauth/token/access - upwork-api

There are 3 steps for authentication.
get oauth_token (https://www.upwork.com/api/auth/v1/oauth/token/request)
get oauth_verifier (by login using webpage)
get access token (https://www.upwork.com/api/auth/v1/oauth/token/access)
to get access token I am passing key, secret, access_token, token_secret and oauth_verifier.
I am Getting "not found" error with 404 status code while obtaining access token.
Error description: Not Found: Resource not found for identifier: 'Key'

Please, contact Support Team and provide the info needed for further investigation - see Error Handling section in the documentation.


Unable to generate Google OAuth access token with Scope of [https://www.googleapis.com/auth/playdeveloperreporting]

I am trying to get an access token for google OAuth with scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/playdeveloperreporting.
But it's shows an errors like "Some requested scopes cannot be shown: [https://www.googleapis.com/auth/playdeveloperreporting].", Error 400: invalid_scope.
In my OAuth consent screen. I added scope. check the blow image.
In Google scope list - https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/oauth2/scopes
Missing this scope https://www.googleapis.com/auth/playdeveloperreporting.
How can I get an access token with the scop https://www.googleapis.com/auth/playdeveloperreporting?

Invalid signature Azure access token jwt.io

I generated access tokens using Azure AD+ Spring Boot using Outh2 Authorization code grant flow.
But when I try to validate the token generated (using Spring Boot resource server apis) I get an "Invalid Signature" Error.
Question is I get "Invalid Signature" error when I copy/paste the token in jwt.io as well.
Jwt.io image
Does that mean that my access token does not actually have a valid signature ??
When I switched the Algorithm from RS256 to HS256 in jwt.io it says that the signature was verified. Which I found strange.
Is there any way I can know what algorithm is used by Azure AD to generate Access tokens after successful user login??
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment and got the below results:
I generated Authorization code by using the below endpoint:
&scope=openid profile
I generated the access token using Authorization code grant flow using Postman by using below parameters:
scope:openid profile
When I decoded the above access token, I got the same error like below:
Note that: Graph API token doesn't require validation (aud is Graph). Graph access token will not pass Signature verification in the code because access token is not for the application.
To resolve the issue, you can try replacing the scope as api://ClientIDofApp/.default while generating the token like below:
The access token decoded successfully without any error like below:
openid - Signed JWT rejected: Invalid signature azure-spring-boot (github.com)

Google Drive File download through Oauth2

I am getting below error while using Google API.
Method: GET
Result format: File
Unauthorized (401) - The request requires user authentication (1 attempt)
we retrieve access token with help of refresh_token, client_id and client_secret key
while externally (except RunMyProcess portal) received 307 status code
Temporary Redirect (307) - The requested resource resides temporarily under a different URI
we just wanted to clarify about API. Is this API has been changed?
Cannot find Google API documentation for same.

Google Oauth2: Is it possible to retrieve token information from an expired access token?

I have a Google App Engine endpoints projects which is protected by Oauth2. I saw some request has failed due to Invalid token.
Request URL: https://example.appspot.com/_ah/api/mm/v1/list?filter=q%3Dtest&alt=json
Method: example.resource.list
Error Code: 401
Reason: required
Message: Invalid token.
I could log out the token from the HEADER of the request.
The token I get is access token, format like, ya29.vwGg-....
When I tried with
to find out token information, like issue_to, client_id, extra.
It returns back with
error: "invalid_token",
error_description: "Invalid Value"
I have tested with
the url returns back the same error if the token has been expired.
My guess for the reason my request has failed is the token used has expired.
But not 100% sure.
Is there way to find token info about expired access token?
Or maybe more widely,
is there any way to find more info about invalid access token, like why it is invalid or anything else?
I remove google account and add google account, then login works.
Google's guide for Google Sign-In for Android on how to Authenticate with a backend server.
A simple way is to check the token, XYZ123 is your token
There are many ways to get token information. Generally token will be invalid for various reasons so of the important reasons are Invalid Signature and Token expired. You can use https://jwt.io to decode your token and get the info. Your error description clearly tells the reason about why your token is considered invalid. Try deep diving into the code and see why it says invalid value.

Getting Error While Requesting Access Token by Authorization Code in Window Live in Asp.net

I am working on a Window Live Authentication. I have used the code from GitHub
My Process is
After Login into the Window Live (Hotmail.com)
It will give us one Authorization code which then we send it with the other detail to get the Access Token.
e.g. Url to get the Access token by the Authorization code
But I am facing the Error in Getting the Access token from the Authorization code
"The Error is : invalid_grant The provided value for the 'code' parameter is not valid. The code has expired."
Please help me.
Thank you
Vijay Chavda
