How to add positioning animation onstart in figma? - user-interface

I have a rectangle in figma and I want to give it a positioning animation from top to bottom on starting the page. (without clicking or hovering) How is it possible?

At the moment, the best way to animate in Figma is using a combination of Smart Animate & After Delay between two frames.
On Run Animation
We're going to create a start & end frame. Then, animate between them.
Create your starting frame with your rectangle in its starting position.
Rename the rectangle layer to something unique. This ensure the layer doesn't get missed with the Smart Animate function if the frame gets any busier with more layers.
Duplicate your frame CMD+D and position your rectangle to its end position (Check that Figma hasn't renamed your rectangle)
Click Prototype in the top right corner of your panel.
Select your starting frame & click the None dropdown & select After Delay
Click the None dropdown and select Navigate To from the list
In the dropdown the appears to the right, select your ending frame from the list
Under Animation, click the dropdown and select Smart Animate
Deselect your frame and ensure that the "Starting Frame" is set to your first frame.
Finally, hit play in the top right and watch the magic!
Hope this helps!
And here's a screenshot of the set up.
Hope this is what you were after!


Changing text after it lands on the second photos on horizontal scrolling

i'm new to figma and i wanted to build something where there are paragraph on the left side and a photos on the right side. so i used the horizontal scrolling with overflow scroll and i wanted to change the paragraph on the left side every time he user lands on a different photo available. how do i do that?
May this photo helps :
Unfortunately, that is not possible in Figma at the moment. You will have to attach the text to the scrolling container for it to appear while the user scrolls.
You cannot efficiently and without glitches create the interaction you described.
Though, I have a proposed solution.
It's not exactly what you're looking for but it works.
Create a frame (let's call it frame 1)
Add your paragraph to the left
Create another frame (let's call it carousel) within frame 1
Add your images in carousel and make sure Clip content is enabled on the frame
Add an arrow (shortcut: Shift + L) to the right of the image (to indicate the user to tap/click)
Duplicate frame 1
Move the all the images in your carousel to the left till the next image appears
Add an arrow Shift + L to the left of the image (to indicate the user to tap/click)
Go to the Prototype tab while you have carousel selected and on Overflow scrolling select Horizontal scrolling
Add an interaction On click to the right arrow to Navigate to frame 2 and the left arrow to Navigate to frame 1 with Smart animate
Go to Step 6 to add another image.
Carousel Figma Example

Starting section zoom *before* specific animations on slide

Section zoom seems to always start last on a PPT slide. How can I start it somewhere between several animations? (given that I don't have touch screen our mouse at the presentation to directly click on it)
You can start a section zoom at any time during an animation sequence. Click on the section thumbnail you want to zoom to. By default, the home slide is reset to the beginning of the animation sequences, so the animations you already ran before zooming will run again.
To avoid this, create a duplicate of the home slide, but place it after the section to which you zoomed. On the Zoom Tools tab, uncheck Return to Zoom, so the presentation doesn't jump back. Include only the animations you want to run after the zoom.

How can I edit an animation in Unity3D

I have selected a game object in the Hierarchy with an animation component attached (not an animator but a simple animation) then I tried to open the animation window to edit it by choosing "Animation" from the "Window" menu. The problem is that the animation window is grayed out and it suggests that I create a new animation. But I just want to edit the one that I already have.
To edit the animation, you need to select a GameObject, make sure it has an Animation component in the inspector or add it if not, assign the animation in question to the Animation list of that component, then open the animation window and select your animation. it's under the time control buttons, beside the object popup.
I have just found out why it didn't work. Because the animation component provides a list of animations, and the first element of the list should not be empty. Meanwhile in my case the first element of the list was empty and the animation I wanted to edit was assigned to the second element of the list. That's why it didn't work.
The "Animations" tab under the "Animation" component must have 1 animation under it, including blanks. To fix this, change the "size" to 0, and the animator at the bottom will open.

svg groups with animation and mouseout trigger

I have an issue with svg groups and basic animation. this guy is a button. When hovered over, out pops a sort of menu. The goal is that the menu retracts when the mouse pointer leaves the button and the menu.
The trouble starts with 'onmouseout'; even though button & menu are grouped, and with 'onmouseout' acting on the whole group, the mouseout action is triggered by mousing out ANY element within the group. So a move from button to menu triggers the retraction.
To work around this I've put a mask over the top that appears (so to speak - it does become visible but has 0 opacity, so cannot be seen), when the button is moused over. I've turned it grey here so you can see it. But if i want to add element onto this menu, I'm no further forward than before. The red block is this other element.
Seemingly, if I had the menu just appear instead of using animations to make them appear, the groups would behave as I want them to.
I hope someone can help or shed some light.

VSTO in Powerpoint: Changing custom task pane visibility in WindowSelectionChange moves selected shape

I think I have found a bug.
I am developing a add-in for Powerpoint 2010. The event WindowSelectionChange is fired when a shape (e.g. a picture) is selected/deselected.
However, if I use this event to change the Visibility property of a Custom Task Pane, then the shape moves left/right on the slide. Example:
Private Sub Application_WindowSelectionChange(Sel As Microsoft.Office.Interop.PowerPoint.Selection) Handles Application.WindowSelectionChange
cTaskPane.Visible = Not cTaskPane.Visible
End Sub
I have tried to monitor the Left property of the shape, and that does not change from the beginning to the end of the WindowSelectionChange sub. Thus, it must happen afterwards.
How can I avoid this?
Any workaround?
It's because your mouse is holding the shape, and the shape gets moved to the right when the window is shrunk.
In more detail, the moving occurs in 4 steps:
You press mouse, caused window selection change, then the pane becomes visible, which makes the slide view window shrink;
Since the slide view window shrunk while your mouse's position remains to be the same, your mouse is moved right w.r.t the slide;
Since your mouse is pressing, the shape is anchored with your mouse, thus move to the current position of the mouse;
When pane becomes invisible again, the slide view window changes its size back, the shape is moving accordingly again.
To avoid this, I suggest you use WindowSelectionChange event and check if the selection is shape (code is in c#):
private void WindowSelectionChangedHandler(PowerPoint.Selection selection)
if (selection.Type == PowerPoint.PpSelectionType.ppSelectionShapes)
//do your stuff
