How to use One view with Multiple Guards Laravel - laravel

I have multiple guards in my system
Admin and User both can add the Organizations details but they have different template layout. What i'm doing now i create views of each guard like this
Now i want to create one views which can be used by multiple guards with different layouts

From the Laravel Blade Documentation:
If needed, you may specify the authentication guard that should be checked when using the #auth and #guest directives:
// The user is authenticated...
// The user is not authenticated...


How to use Vue components within a blade template in Laravel Nova 4

Any ideas on how to use Vue components within Laravel Nova 4 blade files? In the example below I was testing the <Link> component in the help method for a nova resource field. E.g
Nova Resource:
Text::make('Test Field', 'test')
nova.more-info blade file:
<Link class="text-gray-100" href="#foo"><i class="fas fa-circle-question mr-1"></i> Help</Link>
The above just displays the unrendered Link tag in the browser with no errors. However the same code/ component renders as expected in a custom tool or field etc (.vue file).
Thank you for your time.

How to integrate Spatie's laravel-permission with JetStream properly?

I have a nicely working basic install of Laravel JetStream and Spatie's laravel-permission in Laravel 8.
I can assign a role to the user during registration via
return $user;
and can restrict the available menu items on the user's dashboard through the permissions I have assigned to the role in my seeder filés run method:
Permission::create(['name' => 'access profile']);
Permission::create(['name' => 'access logout']);
$visitor = Role::create(['name' => 'visitor']);
$visitor->givePermissionTo('access profile');
and through the can directive in the view, like:
#can('access profile')
<!-- Account Management -->
<div class="block px-4 py-2 text-xs text-gray-400">
{{ __('Manage Account') }}
<x-jet-dropdown-link href="{{ route('') }}">
{{ __('Profile') }}
So by that, I can hide the menu item as per role but unfortunately, I can still access the functionality directly, by knowing the exact URL.
I guess I have to write a middleware to restrict access to certain functions, but how exactly?
What is the proper and accepted way to handle this problem in this stack?
So everything seems fine BUT (!)
How is it possible to forbid direct access to the hidden items? I guess in this case routes are controlled by sanctum, while roles and permissions are by Spatie's package.
Is it possible to link the two?
Did you try this? It seems like they added exactly the same for Spatie. Nevertheless I think you need to add a gate permission check like
abort_if(Gate::denies('permission'), Response::HTTP_FORBIDDEN, '403 Forbidden');
on every action
I would see if you can utilize laravel's built in can middleware. Then you might be able to update your route definitions. Something like
Route::get('/profile', 'ProfileController#index')->middleware('can:access profile');
I haven't done this with the package you're using, but I think it should work if the other built-in functionality like blade #can work.

Installing packages like Laravel UI

I am new to Laravel and I am confused with these snippets that I got automatically when I installed the laravel UI by using the command compose require laravel/ui I am not quite getting what it's trying to do.
#if (Route::has('login'))
<div class="top-right links">
#if (Route::has('register'))
In English, it's saying that if you have laravel/ui installed and Auth::routes() in the web.php routes file then if you also logged in (authenticated) show the "Home" link. Otherwise, if you are not logged in, show the login link and then if there is a route for 'register' then display the register link. You can verify your current routes from the command line by issuing: php artisan route:list.
The code snippet is just to show the Menu Link based on whether you are logged in or not
#if (Route::has('login'))
<div class="top-right links">
#if (Route::has('register'))
In the above code snippet #if (Route::has('login')) It just checks if you have any route that is registered with name login if yes
#auth this one checking if you are already logged in then it will show 'Home' link else it will show 'Login' link
#if (Route::has('register')) this one again checking if you have any route defined with name register then it will also show 'Register' link as well

How to Hide Header in Homepage in Laravel

I am trying to customise a laravel site. I want a different header layout for the homepage. Please how do I do that.
What I currently have is a master layout which include the header layout. What I need is something like this in this website as you can see, the homepage header layout is different from the rest of layout. I need a general header for the site but different header for the homepage.
Below is the Master.blade.php code
There's a variety of ways of doing this.
You could check the current route name. Give your home page route a name, then do:
#if(Route::currentRouteName() === 'home')
You could also have multiple layouts for your app, via the #extends keyword.
Your home page route might do:
and the rest of the app would do:
You can use #component and you can pass any view into it like this:

Dominate vue router with Laravel router

I am building an application with Laravel and Vue.js. I am using vue router. With this I am controlling all routes. Now, I want to make an url which will different (Laravel new route, I want to work with this admin separately). I am using this below code, but not working.
Route::view('/{any}', 'home')->where('any', '.*');
I also remove the admin link from <router-link>
<v-list-tile-title v-if="isAdminMethod===true">
Admin Panel
<v-list-tile-title v-else>
<router-link :to="{ path: }">
{{ i.title}}
How about you try something like
or it might be worth looking into something like InertiaJS.
Let me know if you have any further queries.
