How to catch PlayerError in nativescript-exoplayer and show a propper alert - nativescript

When the user has connection problems I get this in the console:
PlayerError$HttpDataSourceException: Unable to connect to ...
I was wondering if it was possible to catch this error and tell the user that they have connection problems and the video can't load.
I'm using this great plugin in nativescript-vue
Here is how I'm using the component in my nativescript-vue app:

I found this in the file of the plugin in node_modules:
onPlayerError: function (error) {
So I assigned a callback function to the global object in my component and called the function on the global object in the onPlayerError function.
Works for android now.


Calling js method onDestroy failed

I am trying to publish my app, but, Google play Pre-launch report return this Error: View not added to this instance. View: t(73) CurrentParent: t(69) ExpectedParent: t(66). This error was happens multiple times. I did add onDestroy on each of my components.
The app just reproduce a web page from Wordpress. (Client requirement).
I use WebView component to achieve that.
After I apply my changes, the amount error reduced to 1. Now, only happen in Galaxy S9.
Well, at this point I don’t know where can I fix that.
Here the error:
Process: org.fcoe.iplan, PID: 26666
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to destroy activity {org.fcoe.iplan/com.tns.NativeScriptActivity}: com.tns.NativeScriptException: Calling js method onDestroy failed
Error: View not added to this instance. View: t(73) CurrentParent: t(69) ExpectedParent: t(66)
at Source:0)
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(
at android.os.Looper.loop(
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
Caused by: com.tns.NativeScriptException: Calling js method onDestroy failed
Error: View not added to this instance. View: t(73) CurrentParent: t(69) ExpectedParent: t(66)
at com.tns.Runtime.callJSMethodNative(Native Method)
at com.tns.Runtime.dispatchCallJSMethodNative(
at com.tns.Runtime.callJSMethodImpl(
at com.tns.Runtime.callJSMethod(
at com.tns.Runtime.callJSMethod(
at com.tns.Runtime.callJSMethod(
at com.tns.NativeScriptActivity.onDestroy(
at androidx.test.runner.MonitoringInstrumentation.callActivityOnDestroy(
... 9 more
My coworker suggest to add StackLayout tag around <page-router-outlet></page-router-outlet> in app.component.html.
I did his suggestion and all works fine in Google Play tests.
Here the code looks like:

Xamarin Prism Unable to navigate to LoginPageViewModel

I am trying to make my Xamarin Project use MVVM with Prism and DryIoc.
I mostly want to use AutoRegistration like below:
protected override void RegisterTypes(IContainerRegistry containerRegistry)
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<ILocalDatabase, LocalDatabase>();
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IUserProfileDataStore, UserProfileDataStore>();
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IApplicationSettings, ApplicationSettings>();
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<ILogger, Logger>();
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IApiService, ApiService>();
containerRegistry.RegisterSingleton<IUserSession, UserSession>();
containerRegistry.Register<IBrowser, BrowserImplementation>();
containerRegistry.Register<IConnectivity, ConnectivityImplementation();
containerRegistry.Register<IFileSystem, FileSystemImplementation>();
containerRegistry.Register<ICoreServices, CoreServices>();
I have also tried Manual Registration:
containerRegistry.RegisterForNavigation<LoginPage, LoginPageViewModel>();
Neither works, It hits the Login Page code behind then breaks with the following error:
Exception - High: Prism.Ioc.ContainerResolutionException:
An unexpected error occurred while resolving 'AppetiteApp.ViewModels.LoginPageViewModel' --->
DryIoc.ContainerException: code: UnableToResolveUnknownService; message: Unable to resolve
Resolution root AppetiteApp.ViewModels.LoginPageViewModel
with passed arguments [value(Prism.Navigation.ErrorReportingNavigationService)]
**System.NullReferenceException:** 'Object reference not set to an instance of an object.'
I've also tried using a Linker file setting it's build action to "linkdescription"
As for my Login Page here is the declaration
public LoginPageViewModel(ICoreServices coreServices)
: base(coreServices)
The constructor of LoginPageViewModel requires the ICoreServices argument which is registered.
The error message says that the LoginPageViewModel itself is unknown to the IoC - it means the type LoginPageViewModel is not directly registered and not found through dynamic registrations or unknown service resolvers.
I am not a user of the Xamarin Prism so I am not sure about its mechanism for registering the view models.
Btw, this part of error
Resolution root AppetiteApp.ViewModels.LoginPageViewModel
with passed arguments [value(Prism.Navigation.ErrorReportingNavigationService)]
basically means the view-model was resolved via the foollowing call resolver.Resolve(typeof(LoginPageViewModel), args: new[] { errorReportingNavigationService })
Hope it will help you or someone knowledgeable in Xamarin to track the error cause.
So Once I investigated Inside of ICoreServices I commented out each of the dependencies then discovered that IUserSession was the once causing problems then I dug into that and discovered that the dependences for IAppInfo and IVersionTracking were missing in the App.Xaml.cs registr tyepes so I added that and then it worked!
containerRegistry.Register<IAppInfo, AppInfoImplementation>();
containerRegistry.Register<IVersionTracking, VersionTrackingImplementation>();

Runtime request permission in NativeScript Android app

I code an application in Native Script and I need to use requestPermission after first launch app. I know how to use request permission, but I don't know how to make it work after first running the application. Where I must use request-permission function in app ? In ngOnInit () ?
You may use nativescript-permissions plugin to acquire runtime permissions on Android.
Use hasPermission(permissionName); method to know whether your app already has the permission Or you are yet to acquire it.
Generally it's recommended to ask for permission only when it's absolute necessary. For example, if you want to access micro phone to record anything you would request for permission only when user tries to record one, not upon launch.
You could still ask permissions upon launch, that would work. But in my opinion that could be annoying to the user. May be he is not intended to use that particular feature of the app but just the rest.
<Button text="Take Permissions" (tap)="getPermission()"></Button>
// TS File
import * as camera from "nativescript-camera";
getPermission() {
function success() {
function failure() {
// Search AndroidManifest.xml and add this code in all the occurrences.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" />
That's all!

NativeScript Firebase already initialized

I am using Firebase in my app and I've noticed when I am actively making changes and LiveSync updates the app it will sometimes say "firebase.init error: Firebase already initialized". This happens when the changes don't trigger a whole application restart (ex. an html file). It completely messes up my current authentication state and forces me to restart the app anyways.
Is there some way I can catch for this happening or prevent it? I can try to make a demo app for it, but I feel this might have happened to somebody already.
I am just using the standard firebase.init as shown in the documentation in my app.component, nothing special or different.
Instead of using on ngOnit of App.component, try to initlize firebase on app launch event.
applicationOn(launchEvent, (args: LaunchEventData) => {
// Optionally pass in properties for database, authentication and cloud messaging,
// see their respective docs.
function () {
console.log("firebase.init done");
function (error) {
console.log("firebase.init error: " + error);

Railo Custom 505 handler and ajax pathing

I have an external javascript file that calls a setinterval function that checks a cfc for file transfer completion between server and a remote computer. When I call this function with standard error handler it works. Soon as I add the custom error handler it fails. Im dumb founded.
Function check_stream_server ()
Ajax call to query, application scoped, query-object.
Path = "ss_check.cfc"
// exception log and response with custom error
// I work with no custom error handler
Function send_file ()
Ajax to Put file in object; // I work
Same ajax call to Start stream.
thread if not running; //I work
Setinterval (check_stream_server, 5000) //I set interval
Index.cfm null {
Include the file_transfer.js
<button>click </button>
Button.on ('click', function (){
Index.cfm, check_ss.cfc, and the object_insert.cfc are all in same folder. Js is in external lib folder.
Sorry that this code sucks but I'm typing this from phone and won't be able to sleep tonight or be dreaming about it all night.
If it helps I'm also running a compiled archive.
It was a bug in setting the cf admin on update error. There was a remote clients = arrayofclients that was not removed from someone copying and pasting the example in the docs. I had a work around that worked by initializing the functions into the proper scopes in the initial cfm page, but later found out it was a bug when setting the custom error handler
