find and grep / zgrep / lzgrep progress bar - bash

I would like to add a progress bar to this command line:
find . \( -iname "*.bz" -o -iname "*.zip" -o -iname "*.gz" -o -iname "*.rar" \) -print0 | while read -d '' file; do echo "$file"; lzgrep -a stringtosearch\.anything "$file"; done
The progress file should be calculated on the total of compressed size files (not on the single file).
Of course, it can be a script too.
I would also like to add other progress bars, if possible:
The total number of files processed (example 3 out of 21)
The percentage of progress of the single file
Can anybody help me please?
Here some example of it should look alike (example from here):
tar cf - /folder-with-big-files -P | pv -s $(du -sb /folder-with-big-files | awk '{print $1}') | gzip > big-files.tar.gz
Multiple progress bars (example from here):
pv -cN orig < foo.tar.bz2 | bzcat | pv -cN bzcat | gzip -9 | pv -cN gzip > foo.tar.gz

This is the first time I've ever heard of pv and it's not on any machine I have access to but assuming it needs to know a total at startup and then a number on each iteration of a command, you could do something like this to get a progress bar per file processed:
IFS= readarray -d '' files < <(find . -whatever -print0)
printf '%s\n' "${files[#]}" | pv -s "${#files[#]}" | command
The first line gives you an array of files so you can then use "${#files[#]}" to provide pv it's initial total value (looks like you use -s value for that?) and then do whatever you normally do to get progress as each file is processed.
I don't see any way to tell pv that the pipe it's reading from is NUL-terminated rather than newline-terminated so if your files can have newlines in their names then you'd have to figure out how to solve that problem.
To additionally get progress on a single file you might need something like:
IFS= readarray -d '' files < <(find . -whatever -print0)
printf '%s\n' "${files[#]}" |
pv -s "${#files[#]}" |
xargs -n 1 -I {} sh -c 'pv {} | command'
I don't have pv so all of the above is untested so check the syntax, especially since I've never heard of pv :-).

Thanks to Max C., I found a solution for the main question:
find ./ -type f -iname *\.gz -o -iname *\.bz | (tot=0;while read fname; do s=$(stat -c%s "$fname"); if [ ! -z "$s" ] ; then echo "$fname"; tot=$(($tot+$s)); fi; done; echo $tot) | tac | (read size; xargs -i{} cat "{}" | pv -s $size | lzgrep -a something -)
But this work only for gz and bz files, now I have to develop to use different tool according to extension.
I'm gonna to try the Ed solution too.

Thanks to ED and Max C., here the verision 0.2
This version work with zgrep, but not with lzgrep. :-\
echo -n "collecting dump... "
IFS= readarray -d '' files < <(find . \( -iname "*.bz" -o -iname "*.gz" \) -print0)
echo done
echo "Calculating archives size..."
for line in "${files[#]}"; do
s=$(stat -c\%s "$line")
if [ ! -z "$s" ]
(for line in "${files[#]}"; do
s=$(stat -c\%s "$line")
if [ ! -z "$s" ]
echo "$line"
) | xargs -i{} sh -c 'echo Processing file: "{}" 1>&2 ; cat "{}"' | pv -s $tot | zgrep -a anything -


Bash script to String concat two variables and do File compare

what I am trying to achieve is, to delete same filenames(filename+modfiedtimestamp)exisitng in Src_Dir1 and Src_Dir2
So first i have tried to deploy all the filenames to tempa(Src_Dir1) and tempb(Src_Dir2) respectively.
Below is the screenshot of the source directory.
Files inside archive be like this and few files outside too..
So, initially I am want to deal with the files inside Archive(SRC_Dir1) and later outside Archive(SRC_Dir2) what I am trying to do is to use a while loop to read each and every filename and string concat with the modified timestamp(mtime) and input to tempc(like for example it should be like AirTimeActs_2018-12-03.csv+2019-01-24 14:41:53.000000000 -0500 = AirTimeActs_2018-12-03.csv_2019-01-24 14:41:53.000000000 -0500 this is how it should be generating into tempc file for each and every filename inside Archive(SRC_Dir1). This is where I am stuck under string concat variable section on how to proceed. Please help me with the code, hope I am comprehensible.
(Really appreciate it, if you help me out with the extension of the code which i haven't mentioned here and yet to achieve which is - >
Have to implement the same code(which I am trying to do for tempa, I'd like to do it for tempb too and name it as tempd) and then do a file data compare between tempc and tempd) if there is any kind of same data filename, then delete the file existing in Src_Dir2, if there is no same data filename, then do nothing.)
find "$Src_Dir1" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.xlsx" -o -name "*.csv" | sed "s/.*\///" > -print>path/Airtime_Activation/temp_a
find "$Src_Dir2" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.xlsx" -o -name "*.csv" | sed "s/.*\///" > -print>path/Airtime_Activation/temp_b
echo 'phase1'
cat path/Airtime_Activation/temp_a | while read file;
echo 'phase1.5'
echo "$file"
echo 'phase2'
mtime=$(stat -c '%y' $file)
echo "$Full_name" >> path/Airtime_Activation/temp_c
echo 'phase3'
find "$Src_Dir1" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.xlsx" -o -name "*.csv" | sed "s/.*\///" > -print>path/Airtime_Activation/temp_a
find "$Src_Dir2" -maxdepth 1 -name "*.xlsx" -o -name "*.csv" | sed "s/.*\///" > -print>path/Airtime_Activation/temp_b
echo 'phase1'
cat path/Airtime_Activation/temp_a | while read file;
echo 'phase1.5'
echo "$file"
echo 'phase2'
mtime=$(stat -c '%y' $file)
echo "$Full_name" >> path/Airtime_Activation/temp_c
echo 'phase3'
cat /path/Airtime_Activation/temp_b | while read file
#while IFS="" read -r -d $'\0' file;
#echo "$file"
echo 'phase2'
mtime=$(stat -c '%y' $Src_Dir2/$file)
echo "$Full_name" >> path/temp_d
echo 'phase3'
#file compare and delete old files from outisde archive
grep -Ff temp_d temp_c > path/Airtime_Activation/temp_e
cat path/Airtime_Activation/temp_e | while read file
#while IFS="" read -r -d $'\0' file;
#echo "$file"
echo 'phase2'
echo "${file%_*}"
rm $Src_Dir2/${file%_*}
echo 'phase3'

execute an if statement on every folder

I have for example 3 files (it could 1 or it could be 30) like this :
When extracted it will look like :
Here how it looks inside each folder:
What I want to do is concatenate all you file from each folder and concatenate one more time all the concatenated one to one single file.
1st step: extract all the folder
for a in *.tgz
mkdir $a_dir 2>/dev/null
tar -xvzf $a -C $a_dir >/dev/null
2nd step: executing an if statement on each folder available and cat everything
myarray=(`find */data/info/ -maxdepth 1 -name "you.log.*.gz"`)
ls -d */ | xargs -I {} bash -c "cd '{}' &&
if [ ${#myarray[#]} -gt 0 ];
find data/info -name "you.log.*.gz" -print0 | sort -z -rn -t. -k4 | xargs -0 zcat | cat -
data/info/you.log > youfull1.log
cat - data/info/you.log > youfull1.log
fi "
cat */youfull1.log > youfull.log
My issue when I put multiple name_date*.tgzit gives me this error:
gzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
With the error, I still have all my files concatenated, but why error message ?
But when I put only one .tgz file then I don't have any issue regardless the number you file.
any suggestion please ?
Try something simpler. No need for myarray. Pass files one at a time as they are inputted and decide what to do with them one at a time. Try:
find */data/info -type f -maxdepth 1 -name "you.log*" -print0 |
sort -z |
xargs -0 -n1 bash -c '
if [[ "${1##*.}" == "gz" ]]; then
zcat "$1";
cat "$1";
' --
If you have to iterate over directories, don't use ls, still use find.
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'name_date*' -print0 |
sort -z |
while IFS= read -r -d '' dir; do
cat "$dir"/data/info/you.log
find "$dir"/data/info -type f -maxdepth 1 -name 'you.log.*.gz' -print0 |
sort -z -t'.' -n -k3 |
xargs -r -0 zcat
or (if you have to) with xargs, which should give you the idea how it's used:
find . -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'name_date*' -print0 |
sort -z |
xargs -0 -n1 bash -c '
cat "$1"/data/info/you.log
find "$1"/data/info -type f -maxdepth 1 -name "you.log.*.gz" -print0 |
sort -z -t"." -n -k3 |
xargs -r -0 zcat
' --
Use -t option with xargs to see what it's doing.

Find and count compressed files by extension

I have a bash script that counts compressed files by file extension and prints the count.
FIND_COMPRESSED=$(find . -type f | sed -e 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -Ei '(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$')
if [[ $COUNT_LINES -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No archived files found!"
However, the script works only if there are NO files with .deb .tar .gz .tgz .zip.
If there are some, say and test.tar in the current folder, I get this error:
./ line 5: 1: command not found
Yet, if I copy the contents of the FIND_COMPRESSED variable into the COUNT_LINES, all works fine.
FIND_COMPRESSED=$(find . -type f | sed -e 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -Ei '(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$')
COUNT_LINES=$(find . -type f | sed -e 's/.*\.//' | sort | uniq -c | sort -rn | grep -Ei '(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$'| wc -l)
if [[ $COUNT_LINES -eq 0 ]]; then
echo "No archived files found!"
What am I missing here?
So when you do that variable like that, it tries to execute it like a command, which is why it fails when it has contents. When it's empty, wc simply returns 0 and it marches on.
Thus, you need to change that line to this:
But, while we're at it, you can also simplify the other line with something like this:
FIND_COMPRESSED=$(find . -type f -iname "*deb" -or -iname "*tgz" -or -iname "*tar*") #etc
you can do
mapfile FIND_COMPRESSED < <(find . -type f -regextype posix-extended -regex ".*(deb|tgz|tar|gz|zip)$" -exec bash -c '[[ "$(file {})" =~ compressed ]] && echo {}' \;)

find command in for loop does not list all the files

i made a script, which lists everysingle file in the current directory and subdirectory and gives me the md5sum from the head and tail (with offset) of this file and saves it into a .txt file.
i made this with pipes, so i wasn't able to redirect a variable, which has been declared before by userinput. So i changed my script to a for loop.
Problem now: it doesn't list all the files, but only one. And it seems to do this randomely. Why doesn't it list all the files like before?
I even tryed **.* and ./* and so on. I use a macbookpro mac os 10.13.6. I onced installed something so i could use linux commands aswell for example like tree etc...
any help is appreciated! I have no clue whatelse i can do.
old code in which the variable wasn't redirected:
echo Wie heißt die Festplatte?
read varname
echo Los gehts!
before=$(date +%s)
find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f -exec bash -c 'h=`tail -n +50000 "{}" | head -c 1000 | md5`;\
t=`tail -c 51000 "{}" | head -c 1000 | md5`;\
echo "$varname {} ; $h ; $t"' \;> /Users/Tobias/Desktop/$varname.txt
after=$(date +%s)
echo Das hat: $(((after - $before)/60)) Minuten bzw $(((after - $before))) Sekunden gedauert
new code in which it doesn't list all the files but only one :
echo Wie heißt die Festplatte?
read varname
echo Los gehts!
before=$(date +%s)
for i in $( find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f ); do
h=$(tail -n +50000 $i | head -c 1000 | md5)
t=$(tail -c 51000 $i | head -c 1000 | md5)
echo "$varname; $i ; $h ; $t" > /Users/Tobias/Desktop/$varname.txt
after=$(date +%s)
echo Das hat: $(((after - $before)/60)) Minuten bzw $(((after - $before))) Sekunden gedauert
You are overwriting the file in each iteration of the loop. Use the append mode instead:
echo "$varname; $i ; $h ; $t" >> /Users/Tobias/Desktop/"$varname".txt
# ~~
or redirect the output of the whole loop:
echo "$varname; $i ; $h ; $t"
done > /Users/Tobias/Desktop/"$varname".txt
Redirect the output of the entire loop, not each echo statement, which overwrites the file each time.
for i in $( find . \( ! -regex '.*/\..*' \) -type f ); do
h=$(tail -n +50000 $i | head -c 1000 | md5)
t=$(tail -c 51000 $i | head -c 1000 | md5)
echo "$varname; $i ; $h ; $t"
done > /Users/Tobias/Desktop/$varname.txt

Unexpected Termination of While Loop in Bash

The below code snippet is for searching files recursively and iterating them.
find . -type f -not -name '*.ini' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
echo "$filename"
It gives this resut:
But if I want to process the file somehow like this
find . -type f -not -name '*.ini' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
echo "$filename"
echo "$(${ExternalApp} -someparams $filename 2> /dev/null| cut -f 2- -d: | cut -f 2- -d ' ' )"
The loop terminates after the first iteration and result become like this:
I have recently updated bash (I'm on windows with MSYS). What is the problem here?
find's output is read by the command. This is an especially common problem when using ssh, ffmpeg or mplayer.
You can redirect from /dev/null if it doesn't need input at all:
find . -type f -not -name '*.ini' -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
echo "$filename"
# v-- here
echo "$(${ExternalApp} -someparams $filename < /dev/null 2> /dev/null |
cut -f 2- -d: | cut -f 2- -d ' ' )"
