WebView in MacOS: How to request file system permissions correctly - macos

It may be because I'm not developing a traditional Swift app, instead I'm using the https://github.com/zserge/webview library to develop a cross platform app.
My app has 2 parts, divided into 2 different threads: one thread launches the window and displays a JS app. The second thread contains a background server bound to an ephemeral port and serves a json api, written in Rust. The Rust side is also the one talking with the File System and making all requests. On Linux I don't have any problem, but on Mac it works only when requesting resources from root and home directories but not from Documents/Desktop etc
The first problem I had when running it on Mac has been allowing access to the server from the window: I had to add a new entry to the info.plist file, according to this answer in stackoverflow: The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection
This resolved the issue I had talking to the server bound to the ephemeral port. Truth be said I have to also say that now it requests me to allow access to external resources every time I launch the app.
But, when trying to execute a function which requires access from the Rust side to the Desktop (for example), it doesn't work and it does not show any popup and never did
Btw, if you want to have a look at the final product, maybe to help you understand better the app, have a look here: http://getdevspace.com/

Check the ch mode file system
Even had the same problem so i checked the ch mode so it worked


Deploy go web project on windows server 2008

My project: go - 1.12.5; gin-gonic; vue-cli - 3.8.2.
On windows server 2008 go under the local account, run main.exe - works well. But when log off my account, all local account programs are closed, including my go server.
The first thing I did was try to configure IIS for my GO. Nothing good came of it.
Then I tried to run main.exe from the SYSTEM account psexec -s c:\rafd\main.exe. When log off the process does not close. But the frontend is in my account and SYSTEM does not see the local files (js, html, css) of my project
Tell me how to start the Go server, to after log off my project did not stop life
Two ways to approach it.
Go with ISS (or another web server).
Should you pick this option, you have further choices:
Leave your project's code as is, but
Make sure it's able to be told which socket to listen for connections on—so that you can tell it to listen, say, on localhost:8080.
For instance, teach your program to accept a command-line parameter for that—such as -listen or whatever.
Configure IIS in a way so that it reverse-proxies incoming HTTP requests on a certain virtual host and/or path prefix to a running instance of your server. You'll have to make the IIS configuration—the socket it proxies the requests to—and the way IIS starts your program agree with each other.
Rework the code to use FastCGI protocol instead.
This basically amounts to using net/fastcgi instead of net/http.
The upside is that IIS (even its dirt-old versions) support FastCGI out of the box.
The downsides are that FastCGI is beleived to be slightly slower than plain HTTP in Go, and that you'll lose the ability to run your program in the standalone mode.
Turn your program into a proper Windows™ service or "wrap" it with some helper tool to make it a Windows™ service.
The former is cleaner as it allows your program to actually be aware of control requests the Windows Service Management subsystem would send to you. You could also easily turn your program into a shrink-wrapped product, if/when needed. You could start with golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc.
The latter may be a bit easier, but YMMV.
If you'd like to explore this way, look for tools like srvany, nssm, winsv etc.
Note that of these, only srvany is provided by Microsoft® and, AFAIK, it's missing since Win7, W2k8, so your best built-in bet might be messing with sc.exe.
In either case, should you pick this route, you'll have to deal with the question of setting up proper permissions on your app's assets.
This question is reasonably complex in itself since there are many moving parts involved.
For a start, you have to make sure your assets are tried to be accessed not from "the process' current directory"—which may be essentially random when it runs as a service—but either from the place the process was explicitly told about when run (via command-line option or whatever) or figured out somehow using a reasonably engeneered guess (and this is a complicated topic in itself).
Next, you either have to make sure the account your Windows™ uses to run your service really has the permissions to access the place your assets are stored in.
Another possibility is to add a dedicated account and make the SCM use it for running your service.
Note that in either case proper error handling and their reporting is paramount: when your program is being run non-interactively, you want to know when something goes wrong: socket failed to be opened or listened on, assets not found, access was denied when trying to open an asset file, and so on—in all these cases you have to 1) handle the error, and 2) report it in a way you can deal with it.
For a non-interactive Windows™ program the best way may be to use the Event Log (say, via golang.org/x/sys/windows/svc/eventlog).
Simplest solutions would be using windows schedular.
Start your exe file on system logon with highest privilage in background. So whenever your system will logon it will start your exe and make runnign in background.
You can refer this answer,
How do I set a Windows scheduled task to run in the background?

Can Kernel Control API support multiple, simultaneous client connections?

I'm using the Kernel Control API (SYSPROTO_CONTROL) for a user-land application to request information from a kernel extension, based on the code in Apple's documentation.
All works as expected with a single connected client. If a 2nd client tries to connect whilst the first is connected, it fails with the message: -
Error 16 (Resource busy).
The first client is then automatically disconnected.
Is it possible for two clients to be connected using the Kernel Control API and if not, is the best solution to keep trying to connect if the resource is busy?
I don't know if it is possible but the recommend way is to always only have one user space client that talks to one kernel extension, usually a background daemon running in user space and started by launchd. If you want multiple other apps or processes to access data from your kernel extension or somehow interact with it, then these would talk to the user space daemon and not directly to the kernel extension, which can also cache data in user space as crossing the users space/kernel space bridge is always expensive for data, so when 10 processes all want the same data, it would be better to just pull it once from the kernel and then distribute it 10 times in user space using any IPC mechanism of your choice.
This setup is recommend as you should limit kernel control to root processes (using the CTL_FLAG_PRIVILEGED flag), so your daemon would run as such a root process, whereas normal apps and processes run with the privileges of the current user. Such a root helper daemon can be bundled inside an app bundle and using the SMJobBless API, the daemon is automatically copied to /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools and it's embedded plist (see SMJobBless documentation, which is only available in its header file AFAIK) is copied to /Library/LaunchDaemons and registered with launchd. Within such a plist you can use various triggers when the daemon shall be started by launchd, e.g. when your application tries to connect to a specific IPC UNIX socket. Then all you have to do in your app is trying to open that socket, what launchd will detect and start the daemon for you, which can then use launchd's API to get hold of that connected socket and immediately start talking with your app. So the whole thing is only installed once and then brings up itself each time your app is launched.
For a SMJobBless sample project, see here.

How to get started with SoftHSM

I am currently trying to get a SoftHSM going (on a Windows platform). The goal is establish a communication channel between a client and the HSM server so that some data can be encrypted on the server side and be sent back to the calling client.
I download one from this site: https://www.opendnssec.org/download/
Furthermore, I followed the documentation as stated on this page: https://wiki.opendnssec.org/display/SoftHSMDOCS/SoftHSM+Documentation+Home - but besides from creating a couple of slots, I haven't managed to get anything right.
I ran the following command to create the slot(s):
softhsm --init-token --slot 0 --label "My token 1"
I am not sure how to go from here, I cannot find any useful information / tutorials about the topic. I guess that I should start small and try and create a server application that communicates to the SoftHSM ... I apologize for all the n00b questions!!
If the installation was successful
in /usr/local/bin/softshm there should be the file libsofthsm.so.
This file contains the implementation of crytoki api -
and you can use it like- so/dll that comes with hardware of pkcs#11

Starting an Application from Windows Service

I am building a Windows service that will watch for specific occurrences of events and disk activity. When such an event occurs my plan is to alert the user to the event via a client app, and provide remediation if necessary. I have (mostly) completed both the client and service components, which work great... unless the client app isn't running.
In short, I am looking for a way to start up the client app from the Windows service via CreateProcess to provide information to the user. However, it appears the service can't even see the file/folder of the client app to execute it. I suspect this is due to the credentials under which the service is running, or maybe due to service level restrictions, but wanted to reach out for some advise before I get into this any deeper.
So, the obvious question first... am I thinking about this clearly? Is the architecture plan sound, or should I look at another method? I would prefer not to re-do any of the work I have already completed, but obviously want to make sure the plan and process is solid.
Question #2, what are the limitations I face with this model? Is there a service account that will allow this level of access?
I am obviously struggling with this right now, so any thoughts or assistance will be greatly appreciated!
As others have mentioned already, you can't (easily) launch an application directly from the service, so I think the easiest way around the problem is to create a process that starts on login and runs with the credentials of the logged in user, eg an app that sits in the system tray, and it opens up a named pipe or a network port to the service. If the service needs to alert the user, it sends a message down that channel and then the client process can either show its own UI or launch an application. Interprocess communication using pipes or ports are the simplest way to deal with the restrictions on session 0 processes.
A Windows service does not have access to the user session in Vista and above, so it is blocked from starting an executable on that session. You can download a white paper from Microsoft that goes into detail: Impact of Session 0 Isolation on Services and Drivers in Windows.
Since Vista, services run in session 0 and the user's desktop is always in a different session. Thus you need to work hard to start a service on the user's desktop.
It can be done but it is pretty tricky. Details can be found here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/winsdk/archive/2009/07/14/launching-an-interactive-process-from-windows-service-in-windows-vista-and-later.aspx?wa=wsignin1.0

Determine if WindowServer is available?

I'm writing a framework for OS X that may be used by applications with or without a connection to the OS X WindowServer (i.e. both GUI apps and command-line apps run via, e.g. an ssh session). One class in the framework is for tracking files in the user's home folder across netework and mobile home directories (on OS X, users can have their home directory served via AFP from a server--a "network home directory"--or have the same home folder syncrhonized for offline access--a "mobile home directory").
Because I need to track files across filesystems, we've chosen to use relative paths, rather than OS X aliases (or the 10.6 NSURL bookmarks). When a file can't be found, I need to ask the user for input to relocate that file (like how the Alias Manager prompts the user to reconnect a broken alias). If the application has (or can make) a connection to the WindowServer, this is as simple as using an NSOpenPanel. However, when the app can't make a connection to the WindowServer I need to use an alternative method to get the user input.
So, how can I tell which method to use from within the famework code? Is there a way to programatically determine if a WindowServer connection is available (or possible)?
I recognize that an alternative architecture, where the framework client provides a callback mechanism to prompt the user would let the input-gathering strategy be provided by the calling application. I'd like to make things as simple as possible for the calling application, however, so my first choice would be to encapsulate these details in the framework if I can.
There's an environment variable named SECURITYSESSIONID that is set by loginwindow.app and get's passed to the user's applications. The variable is not set if you login via ssh. It serves as kind of a handle to talk to the window server.
Problem: The existence of this variable does not mean that this user currently controls the window manager (think fast user switching).
There's a function called CGSessionCopyCurrentDictionary in the ApplicationServices framework which looks promising:
Return Value: A window server session dictionary, or NULL if the caller is not running within a Quartz GUI session or the window server is disabled. You should release the dictionary when you are finished using it. For information about the key-value pairs in this dictionary, see "Window Server Session Properties."
