How to install a bot to microsoft teams (nodejs) - botframework

Recently I have created a bot for microsoft teams. I have installed it to my teams successfully.But is there any way where all my organization users can install app by clicking on a single link that is displayed in my web page. For example like (authenticating slack bots, similarly like google auth). and I need to store the teams details of every user so that my bot can send messages to them.

If you want to give a link to install the app inside teams from an external webpage, you could do that using Deeplink to app installation. Here's the format of the link You could also add the app to your tenant app catalaog(Your organisational store) and all the members of your organisation can install the app from there.


Way for Teams App to have dynamic bot configuration

I am building a Teams App with Bot functionality for proactive messaging targeting single tenants, however I would like to have the bot published in the public marketplace so that users can install it from the marketplace instead of sideloading to their teams. The bot resources and code will be dynamically created on the tenant's azure.
Is there a way for me to have the bot id on the marketplace be dynamic depending on who installed it?
By default the bot is multitenant application. You can use the same bot Id across different tenants.

Teams channel in Azure Bot Service not working

I created an Azure Bot Service. When I test the service using "Test in Web Chat" it works as expected. When I add the Web Chat channel and use the Web Chat URL, it works as expected.
However, when I add the Microsoft Teams channel, it does not work as I expected. The Health Status shows "Healthy" (in "Channels (Preview)") and "Running" (in "Channels"). When I select "Open in Teams", I am redirected to Teams, but I do not see the bot as a user/bot I can chat with. I watched a video showing just that behavior as I was expecting, but the link only opens my Teams. I only have one other user in Teams and that user shows up. No sign of the bot. What am I missing?
I tried using the "Get bot embed codes". I put in the URL for the Mstreams href and instead of sending me to the bot user as I expected, I am redirected to the other user on the account (not the bot). What am I missing?
I've tried this using the "Channels" and the "Channels (Preview)" sections with the same results.
If relevant, I am still in the trial period with Azure and have not upgraded, but nothing says this should be an issue.
From all I can tell, I'm logging into the Azure portal and the Bot Framework portal with the same account as my Teams account. I'm using latest updated version of Chrome.
I don't think free account has anything to do with this. But the fact that the " bot embed codes" lead you to a different user, may be a configuration issue. Read Create a bot and Test and debug your Microsoft Teams bot in the Microsoft Teams documents for more information.
If you have successfully deployed to teams channel (teams channel registration), as per docs Copy the https part of the code that is shown in the Get bot embed code dialog.
For example,
In the browser, paste this address and then choose the Microsoft Teams app (client or web) that you use to add the bot to Teams. You should be able to see the bot listed as a contact that you can send messages to and receives messages from in Microsoft Teams.
Alternately, In-order to test them in teams you need to take the app id from the Configuration page of the bot.
Once you search with the app ID in teams you would be able to see this bot as a contact in Microsoft Teams.
Create a Teams app package and upload your app to the Teams client for testing. Learn how
Publish your bot as a Line of Business app in your organization's Teams Tenant App Catalog. Learn how
Publish your bot as an app in the Teams App store. Learn how
I think I have found the answer, though I'm still trying to retrace my steps to make sure this is accurate. I will update here if I find anything more of value.
Despite little/no documentation to this effect, bots apparently do not work in the free version of Teams. You have to at least:
create a developer version of Microsoft O365 (E5 license) (and go through all the rigamarole to get it setup properly)
add at least one more user to the organization
then open Teams
Then, I used the embed URL to get the bot to show up. (Again, the same process did not work with my free Teams account even with another user added to it).
For the record, I didn't need to change any admin settings once the three items above were completed.

How to add file upload button to the microsoft teams bot framework? [duplicate]

I'm trying to allow the users that are already talking to the bot upload files (attaching the files to the bot).
I uploaded a manifest with "supportsFiles": true through "Upload Custom App".
But this only affects my conversation with the bot, the other users' manifest doesn't look like its updated because they can't see the attachment button.
Is there a way to update the bot's manifest for all the users in the organization?
This is not a published application, the users talk to the bot through the link from the registered bot in Azure Portal.
Any help is appreciate.
The Bots which are accessed via link won't update as there is no metadata associated with it. You need to create App Manifest for you Microsoft Teams.
Once you've created your app there are three options for distributing it.
Upload your app directly.
Publish your app to your organization's app catalog
Publish your app through AppSource
Please go through the options provided in the documentation and let us know if you need any help.

Load 1:1 bot as tab in Teams

How can I load my 1:1 bot (so; a bot that doesn't work inside a channel) as a tab in Teams? The default manifest options only provide ways to set it as 1:1 (but then each user would have to add the bot manually) or as channel-bot (but that's more for commands rather then discussions).
So looking for something like this:
Bots are supported only as part of conversation. This could be personal or team conversation. Currently, what you are looking for is not possible in Microsoft Teams.
You can publish an app to the Tenant Apps Catalog from where individual could install it. We are working on feature for Tenant admin to install certain apps for all the users.
One possible option is to 'Add a tab' and choose 'Website' and link to your bot. This would require you to run your bot in web chat, but in this way the bot would not be integrated into Teams, wouldn't listen for #mentions (as it wouldn't have been added as an app) yet would be accessible to any user who has access to that Teams channel. (This example links to "mockbot", accessible via the BotFramework-WebChat GitHub repo).
Keep in mind, this loads the website hosting the bot. In this example, mockbot utilizes the entire web page. Therefore, we only see the bot. If the bot is embedded with other content on the page, then the other content will be displayed, as well.
Click the '+' symbol:
Choose 'Website':
Give the bot/app a name and add the link:
Enjoy bot mayhem:
Hope of help!

How to add chat bot to the Skype contacts?? (for testing purpose)

I have created chat bot and integrated it to the Skype.
Its still under development. So I added contacts to with whom i'm testing it.
But When I click on Add to contacts, Its not getting added to their Skype. So I have to go to their machine, start their Skype and have to login to the bot framework on that machine and then it gets added to their Skype contact.
Is it defect? Or is this the only way to do it?
The Add to Skype link:
that you see in your portal does not require authentication. Just share that link with your test users and they will be able to add your bot to their skype contact list without you having to do anything,
