How can I determine if a cell is vertically merged in PowerPoint? - powerpoint

I've looked all the properties & methods in the PowerPoint interfaces Table, Row, & Cell. While Cell has a way to split & merge cells, none have a way to determine if a cell is presently merged. Is there a way to do this?
We use the COM (not VSTO) API if that makes a difference.

If you are using Aspose.Slides for .NET, it will be easy to check if a table cell is merged. You would know all necessary information about merged cells. The following code example shows how you can do this.
for (int rowIndex = 0; rowIndex < table.Rows.Count; rowIndex++)
for (int columnIndex = 0; columnIndex < table.Columns.Count; columnIndex++)
ICell cell = table.Rows[rowIndex][columnIndex];
if (cell.IsMergedCell)
Console.WriteLine($"The merged cell [{rowIndex},{columnIndex}] was found.");
Console.WriteLine($"Row span: {cell.RowSpan}");
Console.WriteLine($"Column span: {cell.ColSpan}");
Console.WriteLine($"The first row index: {cell.FirstRowIndex}");
Console.WriteLine($"The first column index: {cell.FirstColumnIndex}");
I work as a Support Developer at Aspose.

In VBA, we can compare the height of the cell and the row. If they are different, it means the cell is merged vertically. The following function determines whether the given cell is merged vertically or horizontally.
'simply check if the cell is merged
Function IsMerged(oTbl As Table, rr As Integer, cc As Integer) As Boolean
Dim c As Cell
'the current cell
Set c = oTbl.Cell(rr, cc)
'Check the width and height
'horizonatally merged
If c.Shape.Width <> oTbl.Columns(cc).Width Then IsMerged = True
'vertically merged
If c.Shape.Height <> oTbl.Rows(rr).Height Then IsMerged = True
End Function
We can also identify if the cell is the Top-Left(first) cell of the merged area by following method:
Function isTopLeftCell(oTbl As Table, rr As Integer, cc As Integer) As Boolean
Dim i As Integer
With oTbl.Cell(rr, cc).Shape
'horizontally merged
If .Width <> oTbl.Columns(cc).Width Then
'count the left cells merged from the currnet cell
For i = 1 To cc - 1
If oTbl.Cell(rr, cc - i).Shape.Left <> .Left Then Exit For
Next i
'count the rows above
If i = 1 Then
For i = 1 To rr - 1
If oTbl.Cell(rr - i, cc).Shape.Top <> .Top Then Exit For
Next i
If i = 1 Then isTopLeftCell = True: Exit Function
End If
'vertically merged
ElseIf .Height <> oTbl.Rows(rr).Height Then
For i = 1 To rr - 1
If oTbl.Cell(rr - i, cc).Shape.Top <> .Top Then Exit For
Next i
If i = 1 Then isTopLeftCell = True: Exit Function
'isTopLeftCell = False
End If
End With
End Function
The following returns the width(ww) and height(hh) of the merged area
'Returns the width and height of the merged area
Function getMergedArea(oTbl As Table, rr As Integer, cc As Integer, ByRef ww As Integer, ByRef hh As Integer)
Dim c As Cell
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
Set c = oTbl.Cell(rr, cc)
'ww = 1: hh = 1
ww = c.Shape.Width / oTbl.Columns(cc).Width
hh = c.Shape.Height / oTbl.Rows(rr).Height
End Function
If you want get the index no. of the cell in the merged area:
(which is the result of my hard working!)
'Returns the index no. of the cell : top to bottom, left to right
Function getMergedIndex(oTbl As Table, rr As Integer, cc As Integer) As Integer
Dim c As Cell
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer, mc As Integer
Set c = oTbl.Cell(rr, cc)
'horizontally merged
If c.Shape.Width <> oTbl.Columns(cc).Width Then
'get the horizontal index
For i = 1 To cc - 1
If oTbl.Cell(rr, cc - i).Shape.Left <> c.Shape.Left Then Exit For
Next i
'get the merged row count above
For j = 1 To rr - 1
If oTbl.Cell(rr - j, cc).Shape.Top <> c.Shape.Top Then Exit For
Next j
'if merged both horizontally and vertically
If j > 1 Then
'get the column count of the merged cells above
mc = oTbl.Cell(rr - 1, cc).Shape.Width / oTbl.Columns(cc).Width
'For mc = 1 To oTbl.Columns.Count - cc
' If oTbl.Cell(rr - 1, cc + mc).Shape.Left <> c.Shape.Left Then Exit For
'Next mc
'mc = i + mc - 1
'add up to the merged cells above
getMergedIndex = (j - 1) * mc + i
getMergedIndex = i
End If
'vertically merged
ElseIf c.Shape.Height <> oTbl.Rows(rr).Height Then
For i = 1 To rr - 1
If oTbl.Cell(rr - i, cc).Shape.Top <> c.Shape.Top Then Exit For
Next i
getMergedIndex = i
'not merged
End If
End Function
''For example:
''[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
''[ ][01][02][03][04][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
''[ ][05][06][07][08][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ]
''[ ][ ][01][02][03][04][01][02][ ][ ]
''[ ][ ][05][06][07][08][03][04][ ][ ]
''[ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][ ][05][06][ ][ ]
''[01][02][03][04][01][ ][07][08][01][02]
''[05][06][07][08][02][ ][ ][ ][03][04]
''[01][02][03][04][ ][ ][ ][ ][05][06]
''[05][06][07][08][ ][ ][ ][ ][07][08]
finally, check if two given cells are contained within a merged area
Function isMerged2(oTbl As Table, r1%, c1%, r2%, c2%) As Boolean
If oTbl.Cell(r1, c1).Shape.Left = oTbl.Cell(r2, c2).Shape.Left And _
oTbl.Cell(r1, c1).Shape.Top = oTbl.Cell(r2, c2).Shape.Top And _
oTbl.Cell(r1, c1).Shape.Width = oTbl.Cell(r2, c2).Shape.Width And _
oTbl.Cell(r1, c1).Shape.Height = oTbl.Cell(r2, c2).Shape.Height Then _
isMerged2 = True
End Function


Merge cell excel VBA time performance

I have a performance problem in my VBA-Excel code.
I have 42 rows and 55 columns (it can be increased).
My purpose is to merge the cells (in each 2 rows) that have same value using some steps (I want to make a gantt chart).
Before merge
After merge
The first step is merged on column based (for each 2 rows):
compare cell (row, col) and (row+1, col)
If it has same value, compare cell (row, col) and (row, col+1)
if it has same value, compare cell (row, col+1) and (row+1, col+1), check the next column, and go to step 1
if step 2 or 3 is false, then merge the cells from the first cell (row, col) until the last cell that have same value (cell(row + 1, col + n - 1)
if step 1 is false, then go to the next column
after that, I have to merge on row based (still for each 2 rows).
if the cell(row, col) and cell (row, col + 1) are not merged, if cell (row, col) and cell (row, col + 1) have the same value, go to next column.
if step 1 is false, then merge the cells from cell(row, col) until cell(row, col + n - 1)
I have created the code below, but I am facing a performance issue.
The time to finish this code is at least 4 minutes.
I tried to remove the merge line for checking, and the time is only 1 second.
I concluded that there is something not correct on the merge process, but I couldn't figure it out.
If you have any suggestion regarding my code, please share it.
Thank you very much...
Sub MergeCell()
Dim StartTime As Double, RunTime As Double
StartTime = Timer
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayStatusBar = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
Dim i As Long, j As Long, jmax1 As Long, maxRows As Long, maxCols As Long
Dim merge As Long, iMerge As Long, jMerge As Long, Jump As Long
Dim chckst As String
maxRows = 42
maxCols = 55
Dim Rng As Range, Rng3 As Range
Set Rng = Sheets("Sheet1").Range("E5").Resize(maxRows, maxCols)
Dim chk As Long
i = 1
Do While i < maxRows
j = 1
Do While j < maxCols
iMerge = 0
jMerge = 0
merge = 0
Jump = 0
If Rng.Cells(i, j).Value2 = Rng.Cells(i + 1, j).Value2 Then
jmax1 = j
iMerge = i + 1
jMerge = jmax1
merge = 1
For chk = jmax1 + 1 To maxCols - 1
If Rng.Cells(i, j).Value2 = Rng.Cells(i, chk).Value2 Then
If Rng.Cells(i, chk).Value2 = Rng.Cells(i + 1, chk).Value2 Then
jmax1 = jmax1 + 1
Jump = 1
Exit For
End If
Exit For
End If
j = j + 1
End If
If merge > 0 Then
'when I removed this merge line, the speed is good, like I said before
Range(Rng.Cells(i, j), Rng.Cells(iMerge, jmax1)).merge
j = jmax1 + 1
If Jump = 1 Then
j = j + 1
End If
End If
i = i + 2
RunTime = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
MsgBox "Run Time = " & RunTime & " seconds", vbInformation
Dim colId1 As Long, colId2 As Long
Dim colct As Long
i = 1
Do While i <= maxRows
j = 1
Do While j < maxCols
merge = 0
jmax1 = j
If Rng.Cells(i, jmax1).MergeCells = True Then
colct = Rng.Cells(i, jmax1).MergeArea.Columns.Count - 1
jmax1 = jmax1 + colct
j = jmax1 + 1
For chk = jmax1 + 1 To maxCols
If Rng.Cells(i, j) = Rng.Cells(i, chk) And Rng.Cells(i, chk).MergeCells = False Then
merge = 1
colId1 = j
colId2 = jmax1 + 1
If chk <> maxCols Then
jmax1 = jmax1 + 1
j = jmax1 + 1
Exit For
End If
j = jmax1 + 1
Exit For
End If
End If
If merge > 0 Then
'when I removed this merge line, the speed is good, like I said before
Range(Rng.Cells(i, colId1), Rng.Cells(i, colId2)).merge
End If
i = i + 1
Rng.HorizontalAlignment = xlCenter
Rng.VerticalAlignment = xlCenter
On Error GoTo HERE
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.DisplayStatusBar = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic
RunTime = Round(Timer - StartTime, 2)
MsgBox "Done!" & vbNewLine & "Run Time = " & RunTime & " seconds", vbInformation
End Sub
The problem is in the conditional formatting.
I only need to remove the conditional formatting before merge, merge it, then put the conditional formatting again.
With this code, everything is fine and fast now. It's only need 2 seconds.
thank you for everyone who contributes to help..
Suggestion 1
declare variables like this:
Dim i as long, j as long, jmax1 as long, maxRows as long, maxCols as long etc. If you do not specify the type, they get declared as variant. In your line only the last one - Jump is declared as long.
If you redeclare them, it may run faster.
Suggestion 2
Do not use integers in VBA.
Suggestion 3
Do not use GoTo
Suggestion 4
In general merge is slow in VBA/Excel. But still, to see what you are doing, write this before the merge:
debug.Print Range(Rng.Cells(i, j), Rng.Cells(iMerge, jmax1)).Address
It can be that you are merging more than expected or something else.

An algorithm for iteration over all values in a column of a table

I am looking for a simple algorithm which works on the following table:
In the first column you see the constraints. The second column should be used by the algorithm to output the iterations, which should be done like this:
0 0 0
0 0 1
0 0 29
0 1 0
0 1 29
0 2 0
0 2 1
27 9 29
28 0 0
28 9 29
Currently I have the following code:
Dim wksSourceSheet As Worksheet
Set wksSourceSheet = Worksheets("Solver")
Dim lngLastRow As Long
Dim lngLastColumn As Long
With wksSourceSheet
lngLastRow = IIf(IsEmpty(.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1)), _
.Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row, .Rows.Count)
lngLastColumn = IIf(IsEmpty(.Cells(1, .Columns.Count)), _
.Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column, .Columns.Count)
Dim intRowOuter As Integer
Dim intRowInner As Integer
For intRowOuter = 2 To lngLastRow
.Cells(intRowOuter, lngLastColumn).Value = 0
Next intRowOuter
For intRowOuter = lngLastRow To 2 Step -1
For intRowInner = lngLastRow To intRowOuter Step -1
Dim constraint As Integer
Dim intConstraintCounter As Integer
intConstraint = .Cells(intRowInner, 1)
For intConstraintCounter = 1 To intConstraint
.Cells(intRowInner, lngLastColumn).Value = intConstraintCounter
Next intStampCounter
Next intRowInner
Next intRowOuter
End With
This might be a right approach but something is incorrect. I'm unfortunately stuck so I would appreciate some help on fixing this.
I would suggest using one array to store the constraints and one to represent the counter.
Dim MaxNum() As Long
Dim myCounter() As Long
ReDim MaxNum(1 To NumDigits)
ReDim myCounter(1 To NumDigits)
Next you need to initialize MaxNum. This will probably involve looping through the cells containing the constraints. Something like:
Dim constraintRange As Range
Dim i As integer
Set constraintRange = wksSourceSheet.Range("A2:A4")
For i = 1 to numDigits
MaxNum(i) = constraintRange.Cells(i,1).Value
Next i
Now we just need to write an increment counter function! The idea is pretty simple we just go from the least significant digit to the most significant. We increment the LSD and, if there is overflow we set it to 0 and then add 1 to the next digit. It looks like this:
Sub IncrNum(ByRef myNum() As Long, ByRef MaxNum() As Long)
Dim i As Integer
For i = LBound(myNum) To UBound(myNum)
myNum(i) = myNum(i) + 1
If myNum(i) > MaxNum(i) Then 'Overflow!
myNum(i) = 0 'Reset digit to 0 and continue
Exit For 'No overflow so we can just exit
End If
Next i
End Sub
Which is just one for-loop! I think this will be the cleanest solution :)
NOTE: To use this function you would simply do IncrNum(myCounter, MaxNum). Which would change the value of myCounter to the next in the sequence. From here you can paste to a range by doing dstRange = myCounter.
In my own tests I used a while loop to print out all of the values. It looked something like this:
Do While Not areEqual(MaxNum, myCounter)
Call IncrNum(myCounter,MaxNum)
outRange = myCounter
Set outRange = outRange.Offset(1, 0)
areEqual is just a function which returns true if the parameters contain the same values. If you like I can provide my code otherwise I will leave it out to keep my answer as on track as it can be.
Maybe something like this can be modified to fit your needs. It simulates addition with carry:
Sub Clicker(MaxNums As Variant)
Dim A As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long, m As Long, n As Long
Dim sum As Long, carry As Long
Dim product As Long
m = LBound(MaxNums)
n = UBound(MaxNums)
product = 1
For i = m To n
product = product * (1 + MaxNums(i))
Next i
ReDim A(1 To product, m To n)
For j = m To n
A(1, j) = 0
Next j
For i = 2 To product
carry = 1
For j = n To m Step -1
sum = A(i - 1, j) + carry
If sum > MaxNums(j) Then
A(i, j) = 0
carry = 1
A(i, j) = sum
carry = 0
End If
Next j
Next i
Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(product, n - m + 1)).Value = A
End Sub
Used like:
Sub test()
Clicker Array(3, 2, 2)
End Sub
Which produces:
x%10 or x Mod 10 give the remainder when x is divided by 10 so you will get the last digit of x.
Since your problem is specifically asking for each digit not to exceed 463857. You can have a counter incrementing from 000000 to 463857 and only output/use the numbers the fullfill the following condition:
IF(x%10 <= 7 AND x%100 <=57 AND x%1000 <= 857 AND x%10000 <=3857 AND x%100000 <= 63857 AND x <= 463857)
THEN //perform task.

Can anyone improve on the below Fuzzyfind function for VBA?

This function lets you find similar strings from a range without having to do an exact search.
The formula looks like this: =FuzzyFind(A1,B$1:B$20)
assuming the string you are performing a search for is in A1
and your reference or options table is B1:B20
The code is here:
Function FuzzyFind(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer, str As String, Value As String
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, cell As Variant
For Each cell In tbl_array
str = cell
For i = 1 To Len(lookup_value)
If InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) > 0 Then
a = a + 1
cell = Mid(cell, 1, InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) - 1) & Mid(cell, InStr(cell, Mid(lookup_value, i, 1)) + 1, 9999)
End If
Next i
a = a - Len(cell)
If a > b Then
b = a
Value = str
End If
a = 0
Next cell
FuzzyFind = Value
End Function
The results from this function are hit and miss. Can anyone improve the intelligence of this algorithm?
Thank you :)
I'm not sure exactly what "FuzzyFind" entails, but this is a VLOOKUP that uses the Levenshtein distance to find similar data.
The Levenshtein distance lets you select a "percentage match" that you can specify instead of the typical TRUE or FALSE from a normal VLOOKUP:
Usage is: DTVLookup(A1,$C$1:$C$100,1,90) where 90 is the Levenshtein Distance.
DTVLookup(Value To Find, Range to Search, Column to Return, [Percentage Match])
I typically use this when comparing names that come from different databases like:
Correct Name Example Lookup Percentage Match Other Report
John S Smith John Smith 83 John Smith
Barb Jones Barbara Jones 77 Barbara Jones
Jeffrey Bridge Jeff Bridge 79 Jeff Bridge
Joseph Park Joseph P. Park 79 Joseph P. Park
Jefrey Jones jefre jon 75 jefre jon
Peter Bridge peter f. bridge 80 peter f. bridge
Here's the code:
Function DTVLookup(TheValue As Variant, TheRange As Range, TheColumn As Long, Optional PercentageMatch As Double = 100) As Variant
If TheColumn < 1 Then
DTVLookup = CVErr(xlErrValue)
Exit Function
End If
If TheColumn > TheRange.Columns.Count Then
DTVLookup = CVErr(xlErrRef)
Exit Function
End If
Dim c As Range
For Each c In TheRange.Columns(1).Cells
If UCase(TheValue) = UCase(c) Then
DTVLookup = c.Offset(0, TheColumn - 1)
Exit Function
ElseIf PercentageMatch <> 100 Then
If Levenshtein3(UCase(TheValue), UCase(c)) >= PercentageMatch Then
DTVLookup = c.Offset(0, TheColumn - 1)
Exit Function
End If
End If
Next c
DTVLookup = CVErr(xlErrNA)
End Function
Function Levenshtein3(ByVal string1 As String, ByVal string2 As String) As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long, string1_length As Long, string2_length As Long
Dim distance(0 To 60, 0 To 50) As Long, smStr1(1 To 60) As Long, smStr2(1 To 50) As Long
Dim min1 As Long, min2 As Long, min3 As Long, minmin As Long, MaxL As Long
string1_length = Len(string1): string2_length = Len(string2)
distance(0, 0) = 0
For i = 1 To string1_length: distance(i, 0) = i: smStr1(i) = Asc(LCase(Mid$(string1, i, 1))): Next
For j = 1 To string2_length: distance(0, j) = j: smStr2(j) = Asc(LCase(Mid$(string2, j, 1))): Next
For i = 1 To string1_length
For j = 1 To string2_length
If smStr1(i) = smStr2(j) Then
distance(i, j) = distance(i - 1, j - 1)
min1 = distance(i - 1, j) + 1
min2 = distance(i, j - 1) + 1
min3 = distance(i - 1, j - 1) + 1
If min2 < min1 Then
If min2 < min3 Then minmin = min2 Else minmin = min3
If min1 < min3 Then minmin = min1 Else minmin = min3
End If
distance(i, j) = minmin
End If
' Levenshtein3 will properly return a percent match (100%=exact) based on similarities and Lengths etc...
MaxL = string1_length: If string2_length > MaxL Then MaxL = string2_length
Levenshtein3 = 100 - CLng((distance(string1_length, string2_length) * 100) / MaxL)
End Function
Try this out, I think it will find the best match
Function FuzzyFind2(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer, str As String, Value As String
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, cell As Variant
Dim Found As Boolean
b = 0
For Each cell In tbl_array
str = cell
i = 1
Found = True
Do While Found = True
Found = False
If InStr(i, str, lookup_value) > 0 Then
a = a + 1
Found = True
i = InStr(i, str, lookup_value) + 1
End If
If a > b Then
b = a
Value = str
End If
a = 0
Next cell
FuzzyFind2 = Value
End Function
I've been looking for this theme a lot and definitely Holmes IV answer is the best. I would just add a small update to compare always in uppercase. For my problems it recommended me more accurate options.
Function FuzzyFind3(lookup_value As String, tbl_array As Range) As String
Dim i As Integer, str As String, Value As String
Dim a As Integer, b As Integer, cell As Variant
Dim Found As Boolean
b = 0
For Each cell In tbl_array
str = UCase(cell)
i = 1
Found = True
Do While Found = True
Found = False
If InStr(i, str, UCase(lookup_value)) > 0 Then
a = a + 1
Found = True
i = InStr(i, str, UCase(lookup_value)) + 1
End If
If a > b Then
b = a
Value = str
End If
a = 0
Next cell
FuzzyFind3 = Value

Memory and execution time reduction for algorithms

I have been asked to ask this question again and in a little different context. This is the previous post:
Filtering in VBA after finding combinations
I would like to make this code possible with 100 different variables without having excel run out of memory and reducing the execution time significantly.
The problem with the code below is that if I have 100 boxes, excel will run out of memory in the line "Result(0 To 2 ^ NumFields - 2)" ( The code works for < 10 boxes)
This is my input:
3 A B C D E ...
7.7 3 1 1 1 2 ...
5.5 2 1 2 3 3 ...
This is the code:
Function stackBox()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim width As Long
Dim height As Long
Dim numOfBox As Long
Dim optionsA() As Variant
Dim results() As Variant
Dim str As String
Dim outputArray As Variant
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim currentSymbol As String
'------------------------------------new part----------------------------------------------
Dim maxHeight As Double
Dim maxWeight As Double
Dim heightarray As Variant
Dim weightarray As Variant
Dim totalHeight As Double
Dim totalWeight As Double
'------------------------------------new part----------------------------------------------
Set ws = Worksheets("Sheet1")
With ws
'clear last time's output
height = .Cells(.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row
If height > 3 Then
.Range(.Cells(4, 1), .Cells(height, 1)).ClearContents
End If
numOfBox = .Cells(1, 1).Value
width = .Cells(1, .Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
If width < 2 Then
MsgBox "Error: There's no item, please fill your item in Cell B1,C1,..."
Exit Function
End If
'------------------------------------new part----------------------------------------------
maxHeight = .Cells(2, 1).Value
maxWeight = .Cells(3, 1).Value
ReDim heightarray(1 To 1, 1 To width - 1)
ReDim weightarray(1 To 1, 1 To width - 1)
heightarray = .Range(.Cells(2, 2), .Cells(2, width)).Value
weightarray = .Range(.Cells(3, 2), .Cells(3, width)).Value
'------------------------------------new part----------------------------------------------
ReDim optionsA(0 To width - 2)
For i = 0 To width - 2
optionsA(i) = .Cells(1, i + 2).Value
Next i
GenerateCombinations optionsA, results, numOfBox
' copy the result to sheet only once
ReDim outputArray(1 To UBound(results, 1) - LBound(results, 1) + 1, 1 To 1)
Count = 0
For i = LBound(results, 1) To UBound(results, 1)
If Not IsEmpty(results(i)) Then
'rowNum = rowNum + 1
str = ""
totalHeight = 0#
totalWeight = 0#
For j = LBound(results(i), 1) To UBound(results(i), 1)
currentSymbol = results(i)(j)
str = str & currentSymbol 'results(i)(j) is the SYMBOL e.g. A, B, C
'look up box's height and weight , increment the totalHeight/totalWeight
updateParam currentSymbol, optionsA, heightarray, weightarray, totalHeight, totalWeight
Next j
If totalHeight < maxHeight And totalWeight < maxWeight Then
Count = Count + 1
outputArray(Count, 1) = str
End If
'.Cells(rowNum, 1).Value = str
End If
Next i
.Range(.Cells(4, 1), .Cells(UBound(outputArray, 1) + 3, 1)).Value = outputArray
End With
End Function
Sub updateParam(ByRef targetSymbol As String, ByRef symbolArray As Variant, ByRef heightarray As Variant, ByRef weightarray As Variant, ByRef totalHeight As Double, ByRef totalWeight As Double)
Dim i As Long
Dim index As Long
index = -1
For i = LBound(symbolArray, 1) To UBound(symbolArray, 1)
If targetSymbol = symbolArray(i) Then
index = i
Exit For
End If
Next i
If index <> -1 Then
totalHeight = totalHeight + heightarray(1, index + 1)
totalWeight = totalWeight + weightarray(1, index + 1)
End If
End Sub
Sub GenerateCombinations(ByRef AllFields() As Variant, _
ByRef Result() As Variant, ByVal numOfBox As Long)
Dim InxResultCrnt As Integer
Dim InxField As Integer
Dim InxResult As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim NumFields As Integer
Dim Powers() As Integer
Dim ResultCrnt() As String
NumFields = UBound(AllFields) - LBound(AllFields) + 1
ReDim Result(0 To 2 ^ NumFields - 2) ' one entry per combination
ReDim Powers(0 To NumFields - 1) ' one entry per field name
' Generate powers used for extracting bits from InxResult
For InxField = 0 To NumFields - 1
Powers(InxField) = 2 ^ InxField
For InxResult = 0 To 2 ^ NumFields - 2
' Size ResultCrnt to the max number of fields per combination
' Build this loop's combination in ResultCrnt
ReDim ResultCrnt(0 To NumFields - 1)
InxResultCrnt = -1
For InxField = 0 To NumFields - 1
If ((InxResult + 1) And Powers(InxField)) <> 0 Then
' This field required in this combination
InxResultCrnt = InxResultCrnt + 1
ResultCrnt(InxResultCrnt) = AllFields(InxField)
End If
If InxResultCrnt = 0 Then
Debug.Print "testing"
End If
'additional logic here
If InxResultCrnt >= numOfBox Then
Result(InxResult) = Empty
' Discard unused trailing entries
ReDim Preserve ResultCrnt(0 To InxResultCrnt)
' Store this loop's combination in return array
Result(InxResult) = ResultCrnt
End If
End Sub
Here's a version that does all the heavy lifting in variant arrays
(Combinations logic based on this answer for This Answer by Joubarc)
This runs on a sample dataset of 100 boxes with > 40,000 returned, and in < 1 second
Execution time rises quickly if the Max number of boxes increases (eg 4 from 100: approx 13s)
If the number of returned results exceeds 65535, the code to tranpose the array into the sheet fails (last line of the sub) If you need to handle this may results, you will need to change the way results are returned to the sheet
Sub Demo()
Dim rNames As Range
Dim rHeights As Range
Dim rWeights As Range
Dim aNames As Variant
Dim aHeights As Variant
Dim aWeights As Variant
Dim MaxNum As Long
Dim MaxHeight As Double
Dim MaxWeight As Double
' *** replace these six line with your data ranges
Set rNames = Range([F5], [F5].End(xlToRight))
Set rHeights = rNames.Offset(1, 0)
Set rWeights = rNames.Offset(2, 0)
MaxNum = [C5]
MaxHeight = [C6]
MaxWeight = [C7]
aNames = rNames
aHeights = rHeights
aWeights = rWeights
Dim Result() As Variant
Dim n As Long, m As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
Dim iRes As Long
Dim res As String
Dim TestCombin() As Long
Dim TestWeight As Double
Dim TestHeight As Double
Dim idx() As Long
' Number of boxes
ReDim TestCombin(0 To MaxNum - 1)
n = UBound(aNames, 2) - LBound(aNames, 2) + 1
' estimate size of result array = number of possible combinations
For m = 1 To MaxNum
i = i + Application.WorksheetFunction.Combin(n, m)
ReDim Result(1 To 3, 1 To i)
' allow for from 1 to MaxNum of boxes
iRes = 1
For m = 1 To MaxNum
ReDim idx(0 To m - 1)
For i = 0 To m - 1
idx(i) = i
Next i
'Test current combination
res = ""
TestWeight = 0#
TestHeight = 0#
For j = 0 To m - 1
'Debug.Print aNames(1, idx(j) + 1);
res = res & aNames(1, idx(j) + 1)
TestWeight = TestWeight + aWeights(1, idx(j) + 1)
TestHeight = TestHeight + aHeights(1, idx(j) + 1)
Next j
If TestWeight <= MaxWeight And TestHeight <= MaxHeight Then
Result(1, iRes) = res
' optional, include actual Height and Weight in result
Result(2, iRes) = TestHeight
Result(3, iRes) = TestWeight
iRes = iRes + 1
End If
' Locate last non-max index
i = m - 1
While (idx(i) = n - m + i)
i = i - 1
If i < 0 Then
'All indexes have reached their max, so we're done
Exit Do
End If
'Increase it and populate the following indexes accordingly
idx(i) = idx(i) + 1
For j = i To m - 1
idx(j) = idx(i) + j - i
Next j
' Return Result to sheet
Dim rng As Range
ReDim Preserve Result(1 To 3, 1 To iRes)
' *** Adjust returnm range to suit
Set rng = [E10].Resize(UBound(Result, 2), UBound(Result, 1))
rng = Application.Transpose(Result)
End Sub

VBA - Remove both items from array when not unique

Quick question that I've been struggling with. I have 2 arrays of different lengths that contain strings.
I want to output a new array which removes BOTH the elements if a duplicate is detected. At the moment it only removes duplicates but leaves the original which is incorrect for what I am trying to accomplish.
input = array ("cat","dog","mouse","cat")
expected output = array ("dog","mouse")
actual output = array ("cat","dog","mouse")
Code is below:
Sub removeDuplicates(CombinedArray)
Dim myCol As Collection
Dim idx As Long
Set myCol = New Collection
On Error Resume Next
For idx = LBound(CombinedArray) To UBound(CombinedArray)
myCol.Add 0, CStr(CombinedArray(idx))
If Err Then
CombinedArray(idx) = Empty
dups = dups + 1
ElseIf dups Then
CombinedArray(idx - dups) = CombinedArray(idx)
CombinedArray(idx) = Empty
End If
For idx = LBound(CombinedArray) To UBound(CombinedArray)
Debug.Print CombinedArray(idx)
removeBlanks (CombinedArray)
End Sub
Thanks for all help and support in advance.
What about using Scripting.Dictionary? Like this:
Function RemoveDuplicates(ia() As Variant)
Dim c As Object
Set c = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Dim v As Variant
For Each v In ia
If c.Exists(v) Then
c(v) = c(v) + 1
c.Add v, 1
End If
Dim out() As Variant
Dim nOut As Integer
nOut = 0
For Each v In ia
If c(v) = 1 Then
ReDim Preserve out(nOut) 'you will have to increment nOut first, if you have 1-based arrays
out(nOut) = v
nOut = nOut + 1
End If
RemoveDuplicates = out
End Function
Here is a quick example. Let me know if you get any errors.
Sub Sample()
Dim inputAr(5) As String, outputAr() As String, temp As String
Dim n As Long, i As Long
inputAr(0) = "cat": inputAr(1) = "Hen": inputAr(2) = "mouse"
inputAr(3) = "cat": inputAr(4) = "dog": inputAr(5) = "Hen"
BubbleSort inputAr
For i = 1 To UBound(inputAr)
If inputAr(i) = inputAr(i - 1) Or inputAr(i) = temp Then
inputAr(i - 1) = "": temp = inputAr(i): inputAr(i) = ""
End If
Next i
n = 0
For i = 1 To UBound(inputAr)
If inputAr(i) <> "" Then
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve outputAr(n)
outputAr(n) = inputAr(i)
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(outputAr)
Debug.Print outputAr(i)
Next i
End Sub
Sub BubbleSort(arr)
Dim value As Variant
Dim i As Long, a As Long, b As Long, c As Long
a = LBound(arr): b = UBound(arr)
c = b - 1
b = 0
For i = a To c
value = arr(i)
If (value > arr(i + 1)) Xor False Then
arr(i) = arr(i + 1)
arr(i + 1) = value
b = i
End If
Loop While b
End Sub
Another way without sorting
Sub Sample()
Dim inputAr(5) As String, outputAr() As String
Dim n As Long, i As Long, j As Long
Dim RemOrg As Boolean
inputAr(0) = "cat": inputAr(1) = "Hen": inputAr(2) = "mouse"
inputAr(3) = "cat": inputAr(4) = "dog": inputAr(5) = "Hen"
For i = 0 To UBound(inputAr)
For j = 1 To UBound(inputAr)
If inputAr(i) = inputAr(j) Then
If i <> j Then
inputAr(j) = "": RemOrg = True
End If
End If
If RemOrg = True Then
inputAr(i) = ""
RemOrg = False
End If
Next i
n = 0
For i = 0 To UBound(inputAr)
If inputAr(i) <> "" Then
n = n + 1
ReDim Preserve outputAr(n)
outputAr(n) = inputAr(i)
End If
Next i
For i = 1 To UBound(outputAr)
Debug.Print outputAr(i)
Next i
End Sub
