Solving Bitwise Equation - algorithm

I have a bitwise equation of the form
X = (A & X) + (B & X)
where A and B are known integers and X is unknown, How do I find X?
Here, & is Bitwise AND and + is Arithmetic addition, A, B, and X are integers.
One of the trivial solutions is zero but I have to return that if no other solution is possible.
My approach: I know the range of X so I could iterate over it in O(n) to check for the condition but the range could be very large so it might not be efficient.
Also, I tried doing AND operations on both sides to shorten the equation but cannot come to a meaningful solution.

Let's begin by focusing on just one bit of X, the very last bit. It can be either 0 or 1, and depending on how A and B are structured, we may be able to rule certain options out. There are four combinations of the last bits of A and B, but there's really only three cases to consider because of symmetry:
Case 1: A and B end in zero. In that case, A & X ends in 0 and B & X ends in 0. Therefore, since X = A & X + B & X, the last bit of X must be 0.
Case 2: One of A and B ends in 1 and the other ends in 0. Assume, without loss of generality, that A ends in 1 and B ends in 0. Then A & X + B & X = 0 + X = X, so either choice of bit for the last bit of X works.
Case 3: A and B end in 1. In that case, A & X ends with the last bit of X and B & X ends with the last bit of X. Then the last bit of X is given by A & X + B & X = X + X = 2X = 0, since multiplying any bit by two and looking at the lowest resulting bit gives 0.
Stated differently, in each case for the combination of A and B bits, we can determine what bit(s) are possible for X by consulting a table and then move one position to the right to process the next bit. The table, specifically, is shown here
A | B | X
0 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | any
1 | 0 | any
1 | 1 | 0
Note that this matches your intuition that zero is always a solution, since these rules allow you to pick 0 for any bit that you'd like. But if you'd like to find a solution that isn't 0 everywhere, just fill in 1s any time you have a choice.
As an example, suppose A in binary is 011101001 and B in binary is 001101010. Then, using this table, we have these options:
A 011101001
B 001101010
X 0*00000*0
That gives four possibilities:
And we can check that, indeed, each of these is a solution to X = A & X + B & X.
This solution runs in time O(b), where b is the number of bits in the numbers A and B. That's O(log A + log B), if you're given A and B numerically, which means that this is way faster than a brute-force search.
Hope this helps!


Verify that a number can be decomposed into powers of 2

Is it possible to verify that a number can be decomposed into a sum of powers of 2 where the exponents are sequential?
Is there an algorithm to check this?
Example: where and
The binary representation would have a single, consecutive group of 1 bits.
To check this, you could first identify the value of the least significant bit, add that bit to the original value, and then check whether the result is a power of 2.
This leads to the following formula for a given x:
(x & (x + (x & -x))) == 0
This expression is also true when x is zero. If that case needs to be rejected as a solution, you need an extra condition for that.
In Python:
def f(x):
return x > 0 and (x & (x + (x & -x))) == 0
This can be done in an elegant way using bitwise operations to check whether the binary representation of the number is a single block of consecutive 1 bits, followed by perhaps some 0s.
The expression x & (x - 1) replaces the lowest 1 in the binary representation of x with a 0. If we call that number y, then y | (y >> 1) sets each bit to be a 1 if it had a 1 to its immediate left. If the original number x was a single block of consecutive 1 bits, then the result is the same as the number x that we started with, because the 1 which was removed will be replaced by the shift. On the other hand, if x is not a single block of consecutive 1 bits, then the shift will add at least one other 1 bit that wasn't there in the original x, and they won't be equal.
That works if x has more than one 1 bit, so the shift can put back the one that was removed. If x has only a single 1 bit, then removing it will result in y being zero. So we can check for that, too.
In Python:
def is_sum_of_consecutive_powers_of_two(x):
y = x & (x - 1)
z = y | (y >> 1)
return x == z or y == 0
Note that this returns True when x is zero, and that's the correct result if "a sum of consecutive powers of two" is allowed to be the empty sum. Otherwise, you will have to write a special case to reject zero.
A number can be represented as the sum of powers of 2 with sequential exponents iff its binary representation has all 1s adjacent.
E.g. the set of numbers that can be represented as 2^n + 2^n-1, n >= 1, is exactly those with two adjacent ones in the binary representation.
just like this:
bool check(int x) {/*the number you want to check*/
int flag = 0;
while (x >>= 1) {
if (x & 1) {
if (!flag) flag = 1;
if (flag == 2) return false;
if (flag == 1) flag = 2;
return true;
O(log n).

geting maximum number in a set with special conditions

I encountered a problem recently I have a hard time finding the answer.
This is the question:
Consider a set of numbers.There are tree kinds of input:
1 x
2 x
The first command adds integer x to the set.
The second one means for every element y in list, put:
y = y xor x
and The last command prints the biggest number in the set. for instance:
1 7
2 4
2 8
2 3
1 10
1 3
2 1
if n is the number of commands in input:
also there is a 1 second execution time limit!
My solution so far:
lets call the set S and have an integer m which initially is you know:
number = number xor x xor x
meaning that if we apply xor twice on something then the its effect is reversed and the original number doesn't change. That being said if we every time we insert a number(command 1) we do the following:
y = y xor m
add y to S
and every time we want to get a number from the set:
find y
y = y xor m
return y
and if command two comes to the following:
m = m xor x
then the problem is almost solved, since initially save the XORed version of the numbers and when needed we do the revers!
But the problem here is to find the largest number in the set( pay attention that the numbers in the set are different from original numbers) so command 3 works right. I don't know how to do this in an efficient time.but I have an idea here:
if we save the binary representation of the numbers in the set in a trie data structure at first the maybe we can quickly find the biggest number. I don't really know how but this idea occurred to me.
so to sum up these are my issues:
problem 1:
how to find the biggest number in the revised list
problem 2:
is this trie idea good?
problem 3:
how can I implement it in code(the language is not very important here) so that it works time find?
also what is the time complexity needed to solve this problem in the first place?
Thanks for reading my question.
Yes your idea is correct, it can be solved in O(N log 10^9) using binary trie data structure.
The idea is to store numbers in binary notation yet putting biggest bits first, so while traversing the trie we can choose a branch that leads to greatest answer.
For determining which branch to choose we can determine this bit by bit, if from some trie node we have 2 branches with values 0 and 1 we choose the one which gives better result after xoring with m
Sample code (C++):
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
int Trie[4000005][2];
int nxt = 2;
void Add(int x)
int c = 1;
for(int j=31; j>=0; j--)
else c = Trie[c][b[j]] = nxt++;
int Get(int x)
int c = 1;
for(int j=31; j>=0; j--)
else c = Trie[c][b[j]], res[j]=b[j];
return res.to_ullong()^x;
int main()
int q,m=0;
int type;
int x;
else if(type==2)
int x;
else cout<<Get(m)<<"\n";
This is very similar to this problem and should be solvable in O(n), because the number of bits for x is constant (for 10^9 you will have to look at the 30 lowest bits).
At start m = 0, each time you encounter the 2nd command you do m ^= x (m = m xor x).
Use a binary tree. Unlike for the linked question the amount of numbers in a bucket doesn't matter, you just need to be able to tell if there is a number that has a certain bit which is one or zero. E.g. for 3-bit numbers 1, 4 and 5 the tree could look like this (left means bit is 0, right means bit is 1):
/ \
1 1 there are numbers with highest bit 0 and 1
/ /
1 1 of the numbers with 1st bit 0, there is a number with 2nd bit 0 and ...
\ / \
1 1 1 of the numbers with 1st and 2nd bit 0, there is a number with 3rd bit 1,...
1 4 5 (the numbers just to clarify)
So adding a number just means adding some edges and nodes.
To get the highest number in the set you go down the tree and through the bits of m and calculate the max x as follows:
Initialize node n as the root of the tree, i = 29 the bit of m we are looking at and the solution x = 0.
mi = (m & (1 << i)) >> i (1 if the bit in m is 1, 0 otherwise).
If we look at n and there is only an edge denoting a 0 or if mi == 1 and we have a 0-edge: n becomes the node connected by that edge, x = 2 * x + mi (or more fancy: x = (x << 1) | mi).
Otherwise n becomes the node connected by the 1-edge and x = 2 * x + 1 - mi
If i > 0: decrease i by 1 and continue with step 2.
An example for 3-bit numbers m = 6 (110) and the numbers 1 (001), 4 (100) and 5 (101) in the set, the answer should be 7 (111), i.e. 1 xor 6: First step we go left and x = 1, then we can only go left and x = 3, then we can only go right and x = 7.

Loop invariant proof on multiply algorithm

I'm currently stuck on a loop invariant proof in my home assignment. The algorithm that I need to prove correctness of, is:
I've tried to look at several examples of loop invariants and I have some sense of idea of how its supposed to work out. However in this algorithm above, I have two exit conditions, and I'm a bit lost on how to approach this in a loop invariant proof. In particular its the termination part I'm struggling with, around the IF and ELSE statements.
So far what I've constructed is simply by looking at the termination of the algorithm in which case if x = 0 then it returns the value of y containing the value of n (number of iterations in the while loop), where as if x is not 0, and x < b then it returns -1. I just have a feeling I need to prove this some how.
I hope someone can help share some light on this for me, as the similar cases I've found in here, have not been sufficient.
Thanks alot in advance for your time.
Provided that the algorithm terminates (for this let's assume a>0 and b>0, which is sufficient), one invariant is that at every iteration of your while loop, you have x + by = a.
at first, x = a and y = 0 so that's ok
If x + by = a, then (x - b) + (y + 1)b = a, which are the values of x and y for your next iteration
// x + by = a, is true
// x + by = a, is true
x=x-b // X = x - b
y=y+1 // Y = y + 1
// x + by = a
// x - b + by + b = a
// (x-b) + (y+1)b = a
// X + bY = a, is still true
// x + by = a, will remain true when you exit the loop
// since we exited the loop, x < b
// 0 + by = a, and 0 < b
// y = a/b
This algorithm returns a/b when b divides a, and -1 otherwise. Multiply does not quite sound like an appropriate name for it...
We can't prove correctness without a specification of exactly what the function is supposed to do, which I can't find in your question. Even the name of the function doesn't help: as noted already, your function returns a/b most of the time when b divides a, and -1 otherwise. Multiply is an inappropriate name for it.
Furthermore, if b=0 and a>=b the "algorithm" doesn't terminate so it isn't even an algorithm.
As Alex M noted, a loop invariant for the loop is x + by = a. At the moment the loop exits, we also have x < b. There are no other guarantees on x because (presumably) a could be negative. If we had a guarantee that a and b are positive, then we could guarantee that 0<=x<b at the moment the loop exits, which would mean that it implements the division with remainder algorithm (at the end of the loop, y is quotient and x is remainder, and it terminates by an "infinite descent" type argument: a decreasing sequence of positive integers x must terminate). Then you could conclude that if x=0, b divides a evenly, and the quotient is returned, otherwise -1 is returned.
But that is not a proof, because we are lacking a specification for what the algorithm is supposed to do, and a specification on restrictions on its inputs. (Are a and b any positive integers? Negative and 0 not allowed?)

Is it possible to compute the minimum of three numbers by using two comparisons at the same time?

I've been trying to think up of some way that I could do two comparisons at the same time to find the greatest/least of three numbers. Arithmetic operations on them are considered "free" in this case.
That is to say, the classical way of finding the greater of two, and then comparing it to the third number isn't valid in this case because one comparison depends on the result of the other.
Is it possible to use two comparisons where this isn't the case? I was thinking maybe comparing the differences of the numbers somehow or their products or something, but came up with nothing.
Just to reemphasize, two comparisons are still done, just that neither comparison relies on the result of the other comparison.
Great answers so far, thanks guys
Ignoring the possibility of equal values ("ties"), there are 3! := 6 possible orderings of three items. If a comparison yields exactly one bit, then two comparisons can only encode 2*2 := 4 possible configurations. and 4 < 6. IOW: you cannot decide the order of three items using two fixed comparisons.
Using a truth table:
a b c|min|a<b a<c b<c| condition needed using only a<b and a<c
1 2 3| a | 1 1 1 | (ab==1 && ac==1)
1 3 2| a | 1 1 0 | ...
2 1 3| b | 0 1 1 | (ab==0 && ac==1)
3 1 2| b | 0 0 1 | (ab==0 && ac==0) <<--- (*)
2 3 1| c | 1 0 0 | (ab==1 && ac==0)
3 2 1| c | 0 0 0 | (ab==0 && ac==0) <<--- (*)
As you can see, you cannot distinguish the two cases marked by (*), when using only the a<b and a<c comparisons. (choosing another set of two comparisons will of course fail similarly, (by symmetry)).
But it is a pity: we fail to encode the three possible outcomes using only two bits. (yes, we could, but we'd need a third comparison, or choose the second comparison based on the outcome of the first)
I think it's possible (the following is for the min, according to the original form of the question):
B_lt_A = B < A
C_lt_min_A_B = C < (A + B - abs(A - B)) / 2
and then you combine these (I have to write it sequentially, but this is rather a 3-way switch):
if (C_lt_min_A_B) then C is the min
else if (B_lt_A) then B is the min
else A is the min
You might argue that the abs() implies a comparison, but that depends on the hardware. There is a trick to do it without comparison for integers. For IEEE 754 floating point it's just a matter of forcing the sign bit to zero.
Regarding (A + B - abs(A - B)) / 2: this is (A + B) / 2 - abs(A - B) / 2, i.e., the minimum of A and B is half the distance between A and B down from their midpoint. This can be applied again to yield min(A,B,C), but then you lose the identity of the minimum, i.e., you only know the value of the minimum, but not where it comes from.
One day we may find that parallelizing the 2 comparisons gives a better turnaround time, or even throughput, in some situation. Who knows, maybe for some vectorization, or for some MapReduce, or for something we don't know about yet.
If you were only talking integers, I think you can do it with zero comparisons using some math and a bit fiddle. Given three int values a, b, and c:
int d = ((a + b) - Abs(a - b)) / 2; // find d = min(a,b)
int e = ((d + c) - Abs(d - c)) / 2; // find min(d,c)
with Abs(x) implemented as
int Abs(int x) {
int mask = x >> 31;
return (x + mask) ^ mask;
Not extensively tested, so I may have missed something. Credit for the Abs bit twiddle goes to these sources
How to compute the integer absolute value
From Bit Twiddling Hacks
r = y ^ ((x ^ y) & -(x < y)); // min(x, y)
min = r ^ ((z ^ r) & -(z < r)); // min(z, r)
Two comparisons!
How about this to find the minimum:
If (b < a)
Swap(a, b)
If (c < a)
Swap(a, c)
Return a;
You can do this with zero comparisons in theory, assuming 2's complement number representation (and that right shifting a signed number preserves its sign).
min(a, b) = (a+b-abs(a-b))/2
abs(a) = (2*(a >> bit_depth)+1) * a
and then
min(a,b,c) = min(min(a,b),c)
This works because assuming a >> bit_depth gives 0 for positive numbers and -1 for negative numbers then 2*(a>>bit_depth)+1 gives 1 for positive numbers and -1 for negative numbers. This gives the signum function and we get abs(a) = signum(a) * a.
Then it's just a matter of the min(a,b) formula. This can be demonstrated by going through the two possibilities:
case min(a,b) = a:
min(a,b) = (a+b - -(a-b))/2
min(a,b) = (a+b+a-b)/2
min(a,b) = a
case min(a,b) = b:
min(a,b) = (a+b-(a-b))/2
min(a,b) = (a+b-a+b)/2
min(a,b) = b
So the formula for min(a,b) works.
The assumptions above only apply to the abs() function, if you can get a 0-comparison abs() function for your data type then you're good to go.
For example, IEEE754 floating point data has a sign bit as the top bit so the absolute value simply means clearing that bit. This means you can also use floating point numbers.
And then you can extend this to min of N numbers in 0 comparisons.
In practice though, it's hard to imagine this method will beat anything not intentionally slower. This is all about using less than 3 independent comparisons, not about making something faster than the straightforward implementation in practice.
if cos(1.5*atan2(sqrt(3)*(B-C), 2*A-B-C))>0 then
A is the max
if cos(1.5*atan2(sqrt(3)*(C-A), 2*B-C-A))>0 then
B is the max
C is the max

Bitwise and in place of modulus operator

We know that for example modulo of power of two can be expressed like this:
x % 2 inpower n == x & (2 inpower n - 1).
x % 2 == x & 1
x % 4 == x & 3
x % 8 == x & 7
What about general nonpower of two numbers?
Let's say:
x % 7==?
First of all, it's actually not accurate to say that
x % 2 == x & 1
Simple counterexample: x = -1. In many languages, including Java, -1 % 2 == -1. That is, % is not necessarily the traditional mathematical definition of modulo. Java calls it the "remainder operator", for example.
With regards to bitwise optimization, only modulo powers of two can "easily" be done in bitwise arithmetics. Generally speaking, only modulo powers of base b can "easily" be done with base b representation of numbers.
In base 10, for example, for non-negative N, N mod 10^k is just taking the least significant k digits.
JLS 15.17.3 Remainder Operator %
Wikipedia/Modulo Operation
There is only a simple way to find modulo of 2^i numbers using bitwise.
There is an ingenious way to solve Mersenne cases as per the link such as n % 3, n % 7...
There are special cases for n % 5, n % 255, and composite cases such as n % 6.
For cases 2^i, ( 2, 4, 8, 16 ...)
n % 2^i = n & (2^i - 1)
More complicated ones are hard to explain. Read up only if you are very curious.
This only works for powers of two (and frequently only positive ones) because they have the unique property of having only one bit set to '1' in their binary representation. Because no other class of numbers shares this property, you can't create bitwise-and expressions for most modulus expressions.
This is specifically a special case because computers represent numbers in base 2. This is generalizable:
(number)base % basex
is equivilent to the last x digits of (number)base.
There are moduli other than powers of 2 for which efficient algorithms exist.
For example, if x is 32 bits unsigned int then
x % 3 =
popcnt (x & 0x55555555) - popcnt (x & 0xaaaaaaaa)
Not using the bitwise-and (&) operator in binary, there is not. Sketch of proof:
Suppose there were a value k such that x & k == x % (k + 1), but k != 2^n - 1. Then if x == k, the expression x & k seems to "operate correctly" and the result is k. Now, consider x == k-i: if there were any "0" bits in k, there is some i greater than 0 which k-i may only be expressed with 1-bits in those positions. (E.g., 1011 (11) must become 0111 (7) when 100 (4) has been subtracted from it, in this case the 000 bit becomes 100 when i=4.) If a bit from the expression of k must change from zero to one to represent k-i, then it cannot correctly calculate x % (k+1), which in this case should be k-i, but there is no way for bitwise boolean and to produce that value given the mask.
Modulo "7" without "%" operator
int a = x % 7;
int a = (x + x / 7) & 7;
In this specific case (mod 7), we still can replace %7 with bitwise operators:
// Return X%7 for X >= 0.
int mod7(int x)
while (x > 7) x = (x&7) + (x>>3);
return (x == 7)?0:x;
It works because 8%7 = 1. Obviously, this code is probably less efficient than a simple x%7, and certainly less readable.
Using bitwise_and, bitwise_or, and bitwise_not you can modify any bit configurations to another bit configurations (i.e. these set of operators are "functionally complete"). However, for operations like modulus, the general formula would be necessarily be quite complicated, I wouldn't even bother trying to recreate it.
