How can I read all arguments with the VBS-SAPI-VOICE? - vbscript

I want to create a program, that automaticly reads all
start-arguments. This is what I end with after some hours
of researching and debugging but it still not working.
(I'm not very experienced in VBScript.)
The Error Message is something like "Instruction expected" or "statement expected"
I dont know whats the right translation.(I use the German Version. The original Errormessage is: "Anweisung erwartet")
Private Sub Say()
Set VOICE = createobject("sapi.spvoice")
Set Args = WScript.Arguments
Count = 0
While(count > Args.Count)
count = count + 1
End While
End Sub
Have someone an idea?
I hope you understood what I mean. (My English is awful)

Refer to this you can write something like that :
Set VOICE = createobject("sapi.spvoice")
' Store the arguments in a variable:
Set objArgs = Wscript.Arguments
If objArgs.Count = 0 Then
Wscript.Echo "Missing parameters"
VOICE.Speak "Missing parameters"
End If
' Display all command-line arguments
For Each strArg in objArgs
WScript.Echo strArg
VOICE.Speak strArg


GoTo "Expected Statement"

I am attempting to use the GoTo command (I do not know any alternatives and it works fine in batch). Whenever I attempt to load the program, I get this error:
Here is basically where the error is (line 11 column 3)
input = InputBox("Enter normal text:", "Message Encrypt Style 2", "Text goes here")
If input = "" Then
Y = MsgBox("You inputed nothing!", vbRetryCancel+64, "Huh?")
If Y = 2 Then
If Y = 4 Then
GoTo top
If input = 2 Then
VBScript doesn't have a Goto statement, and there's a cleaner approach anyway.
input = InputBox(...)
If IsEmpty(input) Or input = "2" Then
ElseIf input = "" Then
MsgBox "No input."
End If
Loop Until input <> ""
try this
Option Explicit
Dim Input ' as string
Dim Y ' as msgbox response
Input = ""
Do Until Input <> ""
Input= InputBox("Enter normal text:", "Message Encrypt Style 2", "Text goes here")
If Input = "" Then
Y = Msgbox ("You input nothing", vbRetryCancel, "Huh?")
If Y = vbCancel Then
End If
ElseIf Input = "2" Then
End If
' Proceed here if input is valid
Vbscript is a structured programming language and one of the main goals of structured programming is to eliminate the goto statement as it's considered harmful. Vbscript does have a goto for exceptions, but these are only meant for resource cleanup prior to a program exit.

compare wscript.arguments and string

I want to compare an wscript.argument that I got to the vbs to a string, so depending in that comparation one action or another is performed. I have tried this, but I get an error. How can I solve it? How can I make the type comparation?
Set args = Wscript.Arguments
Set accessPath = args.Item(5)
If accessPath = "-" Then
objExcel.Cells(15, 3).Value = " "
objExcel.Cells(15, 3).Value = accessPath
End If
Use this instead:
Dim accessPath : accessPath = Wscript.Arguments(5)
If accessPath = "-" Then
objExcel.Cells(15, 3).Value = " "
objExcel.Cells(15, 3).Value = accessPath
End If
Bear in mind that arguments start at 0, so by looking at Wscript.Arguments(5) you're actually looking at the sixth entry on the command line.
Finally you may want to also check the value of Wscript.Arguments.Count to ensure you have had enough arguments passed, otherwise an error will be thrown.

VBS using LIKE to compare strings "Sub or Function not defined"

I'm trying to make a script to connect a network printer to a user computer.
The script uses the computer name who needs the printer as a parameter.
Printers names are similar their printserver name, eg. server_USA has printers like printer_USA01, printer_USA02.
But it's throwing the error "Sub or Function not defined" when arrives at the first like... why ?
Set shl = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strName = Wscript.Arguments.Item(0)
'input Printer name
strPrinter = InputBox("Please enter share name of printer to install:", _
"Add network printer")
if strPrinter = "" then
msgbox "Can't be empty."
elseif strPrinter Like "printer_USA*" then
strServer = server_USA
elseif strPrinter Like "printer_SPAIN*" then
strServer = server_SPAIN
'Printer name NOT registered, input printserver manually:
strServer = inputbox("Please enter the name of the printserver","printserver")
if strServer = "" then
msgbox "Can't be empty."
End if
End if
'ADD "RUNDLL32 PRINTUI.DLL,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\" & strName & " /n\\" & strServer & "\" & strPrinter
there is no Like operator in VBScript. You could use Instr.
if strPrinter = "" then
msgbox "Can't be empty."
elseif Instr( 1, strPrinter, "printer_USA", vbTextCompare ) > 0 then
strServer = server_USA
The vbTextCompare constant ( value=1) is used to Perform a textual comparison
you can use StrComp to have same result in this way
If StrComp(strPrinter,"printer_USA",vbTextCompare)=0 then
strServer = server_USA
End IF
equal 0 mean zero different between strPrinter and printer_USA with ignore the letter case because we use vbTextCompare .
You can replace vbTextCompare with 1 and you will have same result.
If letter case is important you can use vbBinaryCompare or 0.
A way to do that with select case. This version of instr() is case sensitive, but other versions aren't. instr() returns the position of the found substring, which here is always one.
select case 1
case instr(strPrinter, "") + 1
wscript.echo "empty"
case instr(strPrinter, "printer_USA")
wscript.echo "server_USA"
case instr(strPrinter, "printer_SPAIN")
wscript.echo "server_SPAIN"
case instr(strPrinter, "printer_ITALY"), instr(strPrinter, "printer_RUSSIA")
wscript.echo "other known ones"
case else
wscript.echo "not registered"
end select
I used the following alternative (VBScript Regular Expressions)…
Uses slightly different syntax from LIKE but easiest solution to make a match successfully similar to LIKE operator.
dim regExp
set regExp=CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
regExp.IgnoreCase = true
regExp.Global = true
regxp.Pattern = ".*Test Pattern.*" ' example only, basic pattern
if regExp.Test(MyString) then
' match successful
end if

Vbscript start vbs with arguments and define multiple arguments

I need to start a vbs script by an argument and related to the passed argument see a pop up.
Example :
Dim Arg, var1, var2
Set Arg = WScript.Arguments
'Parameter1, begin with index0
var1 = Arg(0)
if (instr(WScript.Arguments.Name,"Printer")> 0 then
wscript.echo "Printer type..."
end if
if (instr(WScript.Arguments.Name,"help")> 0 then
wscript.echo "help..."
end if
Thanks in advance
'Clear the objects at the end of your script.
set Arg = Nothing
call you script like so
myscript.vbs /help
and access args like so
'setup the named argument collection
set argNamedCollection = WScript.Arguments.Named
'get the arguments passed in
argHelp = argNamedCollection.Item("help")
argPrinter = argNamedCollection.Item("printer")
'or check directly
'check for help arguments
if argNamedCollection.Exists("help") then
'do somthing
end if

exe with accepting runtime parameter

how o write vb code which can except parameter at runtime
ex. My exe is "readfile.exe" and if i want to give file name rom command line the command to be executed will be
readfile.exe filename
it should take the file name parameter and perform the action
Look at the Command function, that should give you all the parameters that were passed in.
I can't find the VB6 docs for it online, but MSDN have the docs for the VBA version, and that's usually the same so I'd suggest looking here for more info. And it even has a full sample here.
You can do something like this:
Sub Main()
Dim a_strArgs() As String
Dim blnDebug As Boolean
Dim strFilename As String
Dim i As Integer
a_strArgs = Split(Command$, " ")
For i = LBound(a_strArgs) To UBound(a_strArgs)
Select Case LCase(a_strArgs(i))
Case "-d", "/d"
' debug mode
blnDebug = True
Case "-f", "/f"
' filename specified
If i = UBound(a_strArgs) Then
MsgBox "Filename not specified."
i = i + 1
End If
If Left(a_strArgs(i), 1) = "-" Or Left(a_strArgs(i), 1) = "/" Then
MsgBox "Invalid filename."
strFilename = a_strArgs(i)
End If
Case Else
MsgBox "Invalid argument: " & a_strArgs(i)
End Select
Next i
MsgBox "Debug mode: " & blnDebug
MsgBox "Filename: " & strFilename
End Sub
