Check if a specific user is connected | Laravel Auth - laravel

I would like to know if there is any way to know if a user is currently active (with the session started) on my page.
I know that Auth::check() exists but it only returns if the Local user is authenticated, I can't use it to ask for any user.
I have modified the LoginController so that, in the login method and in the logout method, the database modifies me and thus know if it has started or has been disconnected.
But this solution becomes useless if the user logs out in another way, for example by closing the browser.
It occurred to me that I could create a kind of setTimeOut event that checks Auth::check() every 10 minutes and if it returns false, modify the database of that user understanding that he is no longer connected. But I do not know how to do it.
Please help me.

You can use the session database so you can check all the logged in users within your platform and its last activity.
here is the session database schema
Schema::create('sessions', function ($table) {
$table->string('ip_address', 45)->nullable();
then adjust your SESSION_DRIVER=database then you'll see all the active/inactive session within your session database.


Laravel Session does not deleted when using flush() or forget()

I'm trying to create an api which use a Session variable. This what I did:
return auth('api')->attempt($credentials);
Call an api which save a variable test to Session
Session::put('test', $venueId);
Log out. In logoutController, call Session::flush() (I tried with Session::forget('test') too).
// Session::forget('test');
Login again.
Call Session:all() in a randomly api. => Variable test still there.
I've checked in database, when I use auth()->logout() in controller, database create a new session in sessions table which has payload same with payload in step 2. And when I login again, it seems to use 2nd session (which created after logged out in step 3) to get value.
How can I handler this? I want all session to be flushed after user logout
I found out problem. I've used multi authentication, so I have 2 logout controller and I put Session::flush() to wrong controller. Put Session::flush() into correct controller and it worked.

Check if session has expired in Laravel 5.4

How do I check if the session has expired in laravel 5.4.
If the session has expired I want to show a message.
You can use the following
if(Auth::check()) {
Laravel will Create Session For every user no matter the User is Logged in or not. It will create Token for Specific Session. You can check if the Token Exist or not.
You can check if the token is there or not by the function Session::get('_token');.
But if you are asking if You want to check if User's Session is Expired, You can use Auth::check(). It will return if the Session is Expired or not for the specific user.
For example, If the user is Logged in, It will return True or False. But you can't check if overall Session is Expired or not Because Laravel will create and Store Session For every Single Visit No Matter if the user is Authenticated or not.
Let me know if you have any More Questions or Queries regarding Laravel Sessions. Let me know if it Helps!

How can I logout another user in Yii2

I need to be able to logout other users. I tried the following:
I do this for every sessionId connected to this user.
I tried changing the authKey (with enableAutoLogin set to true).
Setting enableAutoLogin to false doesn't help.
The session is deleted in the database but as soon as that user does a new request his session, with the same sessionId as before, appears in the database again.
I tried using this:
Yii::$app->user->switchIdentity(User::findIdentity($id), 0);
The switchIdentity works but creates a new session in the database (that i destroy with the logout method).
As a test I have downloaded both the basic and advanced template and both have the same problem. What am I missing here ?
I tried doing the same in pure PHP but somehow Yii manages to get the user session back and the user is still logged in.
I am using Yii 2.0.6

Starting a Session and assigning a unique session ID in Coldfusion

I have done some very basic authentication work in PHP. In PHP you can start a session and create a unique session ID to be stored in the cookies.
How does this work in ColdFusion? How can I start a session and assign a unique ID to it?
The backstory: I am trying to a create a log in page, I can create users and authenticate their login attempts but I need to know how to give them a unique session once they have logged in.
I've taken a look at the ColdFusion documentation. The only methods I could find for sessions seemed to be for browsers that don't use cookies for whatever reason. Am I missing something?
Yup, if in your application.cfm or application.cfc you set SessionManagement to 'true' then CF automatically creates a session for each new user. You can then set a property of the session (perhaps called 'loggedin') to be true or false to manage login state. Session duration is managed through the SessionTimeout property in application.cfc
You can also use the <cfloginuser> tag to manage whether a user is logged in, although some people avoid it
Take a look at this article for an overview of application.cfc

Logging out user at session expiry with tank auth & Codeigniter

I use tank_auth to authenticate and log users in to my application developed using Codeigniter. I noticed that when the session expires after the default period, the user remains logged in. In tank_auth's login() function,
if ($this->tank_auth->is_logged_in())
check at the very beginning always returns true.
I'd like to log the user out when the session expires. Please could you point me in the right direction to implement this?
