Where do I find API docs for Angular CDK Collections SelectionModel? - angular-cdk

I expected to find something about SelectionModel in the Angular CDK docs, but keep coming up short.
There are many API pages; for example, Angular Components docs for MatTable. Yes, the code for SelectionModel is on GitHub, but I would like to:
read the an overview" like the many such pages on **angular.io* while also
learning from examples like those on angular.io or from third-parties, and
reading the code.
What I seem to be missing is #1, but only for certain classes.
Some other non-component classes are documented at angular.io. MatTableDataSource can be found in right-hand column of the MatTable API documentation. Okay, that's not exactly obvious, but it is a useful location. I might have expected to find collections somewhere like CDK Collections page, but alas it is not there.
Is angular.io the official location for such stuff?
Have I missed a way to find API documentation for SelectionModel
class and maybe other classes in cdk\collection or am I really just reporting a website bug?

I THINK that this is another case of Google's lacklustre attitude towards documentation. Time and time again I come across situations where their docs are either incorrect, out-of-date or missing entirely. This is not specific to Angular, but to any of their products.
Yes, to the largest part the Angular docs are fantastic. The Material docs, however, often have holes like this and are inconsistent at times.
I don't think you're missing anything, Paul.
I know this is a year "late". I had the same question now and stumbled upon this unanswered reflection of my frustrations :-)

Here is document page
The collections package provides a set of utilities for managing collections.
SelectionModel is a utility for powering selection of one or more options from a list. This model is used in components such as the selection list, table selections and chip lists.


Is there an OSM XAPI tag/value list?

I'm new to OSM querying, but would like to query vector data for a large area. Thus I need to limit the results I would like to get by tagging the request.
I'd like to filter for specific tag/values when querying for a way. Though I don't know which tags/values exist. Is there a list listing the most common of them?
You are approaching your problem from the wrong direction. The number of different tags is almost unlimited. According to taginfo there are currently 75 380 856 different tags. I'm pretty sure you are not interested in most of them. Likewise you are probably not even interested in many of the most common tags.
What data do you want to query?
The OSM wiki should be your starting point for generating a list of tags you are interested in. For a generic overview take a look at the map features. Are you interested in streets? Then visit at the highway key. Routing? Then take a look at the routing wiki page.
Always remember that these lists aren't complete. People can use any tag they like (but should use well-established tags whenever possible of course).
Also consider using Overpass API instead of XAPI. Overpass API is much more powerful.

Where to find documentation for form field types?

I'm getting frustrated with my own inability to find a source of information regarding what options / attributes are to be used when defining the XML file for a form in a component.
The file I'm talking about might be located in /administrator/components/com_report_wiz/models/forms, as an example. It defines the field to be used in the admin form for a component. I used a component creator to build a sample component as a learning experience. It created an xml file in that folder which has fieldset elements that then contain field elements. This us then used with the getLabel and getInput methods of JForm to generate the form shown in the admin interface. That's terrific!
But, after spending hours Googleing everything I could think of, I still can't find any reference that shows what types of fields are available, and their parameters/options. I've found lot's of tutorials and such regarding creating custom field types, and that's been interesting.
In the file I'm looking at, for example, the following creates a simple text input field in the form:
<field name="rpt_appname" type="text"
maxlength="100" />
I would love to find some reference that lists the different possible values for the "type" attribute, and the parameters that can be used with each.
I'm beginning to think I'm dumber than a box of rocks since I can't figure out where to find information on some of the most basic parts of Joomla! development. The docs that are auto-generated from the code are less than helpful to me since they don't explain the parameters to functions. It's nice to know what parameters a method/function expects, but it's more helpful to understand what those parameters are and contain.
The tutorials have been helpful, but are mostly too basic to use for more advanced features, or at least as a source of information. They have been great, and I really appreciate the effort the authors have put into them, but now that I've gone through them, I find it difficult to discover the info needed to write a proper, complex component. With a system as complex and extensive as Joomla, it seems that there should be a place to find out how to use the wonderful abilities it provides without having to resort to reading the source code.
Any suggestions about where to search, search terms would be greatly appreciated!!
The first starting point would be to look at the Joomla! Documentation - I know sometimes it is frustrating to use it, but give it a change. It gets better and better as we speak.
Typing in the search box text will get you to the page Text form field type. Also in the documentation you will find a list of Standard form field types.
My favourite way of doing is directly inspecting the code in JOOMLA_ROOT/libraries/joomla/form/fields for the needed form type. You get to see there all the parameters and quicklier understand why something does not work the way you think it should work.
Since you are new to Joomla, your questions might get a better attention at the Joomla! Q&A site.
Hope this answers your question.

Does anyone know why Google recommends Microdata over Microformats and RDFa?

I have researched a lot about the mark-up formats Microdata, Microformats and RDFa. Google recommend Microdata over the other two mark-ups and I want to know why. Reading a ton of documents and studying these mark-ups leaves me more clueless than before I started reading. Does anyone know why Google recommend this type? Is it something to with HTML5?
Here is a link to the site where I got the information from Google.
Thank you.
Because of the many (syntax) errors found in RFDa usage. One of the leaders of Schema.org talks about the reason they chose microdata:
(...) the error rate (i.e., webmasters marking up their pages to
say X when the really meant to say Y) was about 3 times as much [with RFDa, red.] as it was
for other formats (which include microformats, sitemaps, Google shopping
feeds, etc.). (...) More than 40% of the errors had to
do with the confusion between rel and property.
(...) We really don't want to get into whether there is a distinction between rel
and property at a theoretical level. We also understand that there are some
corner cases which lead the authors of RDFa to make this distinction. But
the bottom line remains that as long as the error rate in RDFa usage does
not go down dramatically, it is not a viable option for us. (...)
I think this is simply because schema.org is Google's own initiative (they created it together with Microsoft and Yahoo). See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schema.org.
Here is another perspective: http://manu.sporny.org/2012/microdata-cr/
Interesting how we all used to loath Microsoft for perverting standards. Guess Google is now stepping into their shoes.

Joomla model associations

I have been working with CakePHP which has model associations such as hasMany, belongsTom etc...
Now I am working with Joomla and need this type of functionality.
All I need is a point the right direction such as a link describing it as I cannot seem to find something about it on Google.
take care,
There' is a world of difference between the two, and goes far beyond a simple answer on SO. The API Docs are quite extensive, and there are many decent examples. Developing a Model-View-Controller (MVC) Component for Joomla!2.5 will likely also give you some good reference. Additionally, with 9000+ open source extensions available, it's usually quite easy to find one that comes close to what you want to do in order to have some sample code to work from.

Inline data representation

I would like to represent data that gives an overview but allows them to drill down in an inline fashion - so if you had a grouping of say 6 objects the user could expand the data and it would show the 6 objects immeadiately below it before any more high level data.
It would appear that MSHFlexgrid gives this ability but I can't find any information about actually using it, or what it's limitations are (can you have differing number of fields and/or can they have different spacing, what about column headers, indentation at for the start, etc).
I found this site, but the images are broken (in ie8 and ff3.5). Google searches show people just using the flat data representation but nothing using the hierarchical properties). Does anyone know any good tutorials or forums with a good discussion about pitfalls?
Due to lack of information about using it, I am thinking of coding my own version but if anyone has done work in this area I haven't found it - I would of thought it would be a natural wish for data representation. If someone has coded a version of this (any language) then I wouldn't mind reading about it - maybe my idea of how to do it wouldn't be the best way.
You might want to check out vbAccelerator. He has a Multi-Column Treeview control that sounds like what you may be looking for. He gives you the source and has some pretty decent samples.
The MSHFlexGrid reference pages and the "using the MSHFlexGrid" topic in the Visual Basic manual?
Sorry if you've already looked at these!
