Ansible - Remedy Ticket Automation - ansible

I am trying to automate the Remedy - Incident Management Ticket creation using Ansible. For this, I am trying to connect to the Remedy API, but I am getting the below error.
name: Testing GET Method
hosts: localhost
- name: Create a Incident Ticket
method: POST
"Authorization": "Bearer xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx"
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body: '{"username": "some_username", "password": "some_password"}'
validate_certs: False
force_basic_auth: yes
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
register: result
- debug: msg="{{ result.status }}"
To be more precise. My Remedy needs username and password along with Access Token, for that I have added Authorization in the headers section. I may be wrong adding authorization.
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {
"access_control_allow_headers": "authorization,Access-Control-Allow-Origin,Content-Type,SOAPAction",
"access_control_allow_methods": "POST",
"access_control_allow_origin": "*",
"cache_control": "must-revalidate,no-cache,no-store",
"changed": false,
"connection": "close",
"content": "<html>\n<head>\n<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1\"/>\n<title>Error 500 </title>\n</head>\n<body>\n<h2>HTTP ERROR: 500</h2>\n<p>Problem accessing /api/jwt/login. Reason:\n<pre> Request failed.</pre></p>\n<hr />\n</body>\n</html>\n",
"content_security_policy": "frame-ancestors 'self'",
"content_type": "text/html;charset=iso-8859-1",
"date": "Tue, 14 Apr 2020 11:17:07 GMT",
"msg": "Status code was 500 and not [200]: HTTP Error 500: Request failed.",
"redirected": false,
"status": 500,
"transfer_encoding": "chunked",
"url": "",
"x_frame_options": "SAMEORIGIN"
Please help me on this.

you need to add body_format parameter to uri module
- name: Create a Incident Ticket
method: POST
"Authorization": "Bearer xxxxx-xxxxxx-xxxxxxxxx-xxxxx"
"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
body: '{"username": "some_username", "password": "some_password"}'
body_format: form-urlencoded
validate_certs: False
force_basic_auth: yes
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
register: result


How to verify GET request values in ansible

I'm new to ansible and I'm trying to figure out how I can verify values in a GET request.
Here is my GET request:
# GET Results
- name:Results
url: ""
method: GET
user: "{{ user }}"
password: "{{ pass }}"
- 200
- 202
validate_certs: no
return_content: yes
Content-Type: "application/json"
ignore_errors: true
register: new_task_results
Here is the values returned from my GET request:
"content_length": "296",
"content_type": "application/json",
"cookies": {},
"cookies_string": "",
"date": "Fri, 02 Jun 2021 14:24:21 GMT",
"elapsed": 0,
"failed": false,
"json": {
"dataProducts": [],
"id": "xyzg777-2479-4f23-b835-5675e58eef22",
"name": "UPDATE",
"priority": 1,
"processor": null,
"qualityOfService": {
"frequency": 1,
"intervalSeconds": 800
How do I verify that "priority" is 1 and the "id" is correct?
- debug:
msg: "priority is 1 and id is correct"
when: _p == 1 and _i == 'xyzg777-2479-4f23-b835-5675e58eef22'
_p: "{{ new_task_results.json.priority | int }}"
_i: "{{ }}"

ansible uri module is throwin a "password not registered error"

while I am trying to tell Ansible to use this curl
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data-raw '{
"username": "sysadmin",
"password": "8529834022607504819"
This will return a -DD-AUTH-TOKEN in the header but I am failing to tell the ReST endpoint the json Body
"username": "sysadmin",
"password": "{{DD-Old_Password}}"
My ansible approach
destination_port: 3009
Instance_id: 8529834022607504819
S3_bucket_name: bucket_for_ddve_6
- name: login access token
validate_certs: false
url: https://{{ DDVE_public_IP }}:{{ destination_port }}/{{ resource_path }}
method: POST
Content-Type: application/json
username: sysadmin
password: 8529834022607504819
body_format: json
return_content: true
register: rest_post
resource_path: rest/v1.0/auth
is failing with
TASK [login access token] *********************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"access_control_allow_credentials": "true", "access_control_expose_headers": "AUTHORIZATION, X-DD-AUTH-TOKEN, X-DD-JSON-RESPONSE-WITH-ROOT, X-DD-PEER-USERNAME", "cache_control": "no-cache", "changed": false, "content": "{\"details\": \"**** Value of \\\"password\\\" is empty.\", \"code\": 5437}", "content_length": "65", "content_type": "application/json", "elapsed": 0, "json": {"code": 5437, "details": "**** Value of \"password\" is empty."}, "msg": "Status code was 400 and not [200]: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request", "redirected": false, "server": "Data Domain OS", "status": 400, "url": "", "x_dd_auth_token": "", "x_dd_uuid": "857cd83f41d01670:68e24c1d986399ff"}
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost : ok=0 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=0 rescued=0 ignored=0
Why does it show this?
I would guess the upstream service is failing due to a type error. YAML coerces [0-9]+ into a formal int scalar; so if your password is entirely digits but should be transmitted as a str, you'll need to explicitly quote it:
username: sysadmin
password: '8529834022607504819'
if you would prefer to use the var, you'll need to similarly "cast" it because the var is also an int for the same YAML coercion reason:
username: sysadmin
password: "{{ Instance_id | string }}"
(be aware that the " in that example is merely protecting the jinja2 mustaches, and doesn't have anything to do with the type of the inner variable)

How to fix ansible uri module error got more than 100 headers?

I am making a request to publish a plugin to on vmware with the ansible uri module:
- name: Enable the App Launchpad plugin if it is set
url: "https://{{ URL }}/cloudapi/extensions/ui/{{ plugin_id }}/tenants/publish"
method: "POST"
status_code: 200
body_format: json
return_content: yes
- name: "{{ org_name }}"
id: "{{ org_uuid }}"
Authorization: "{{ vdc_token }}"
However I am getting a fatal error:
fatal: [localhost]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "content": "", "elapsed": 0,
"msg": "Status code was -1 and not [200]: An unknown error occurred: got more than 100 headers",
"redirected": false, "status": -1,
"url": ".../cloudapi/extensions/ui/urn:vcloud:uiPlugin:b92bf.../tenants/publish"}
When I make a request diretly without ansible it works but it does have over 100 headers...
I do not have control of the amount of headers returned, so what can I do form the ansible playbook side?

Ansible error: Authentication to failed, please check your username and/or password

I'm running into this error and even though it said that authentication failed, my username and password are definitely correct.
"from": "",
"headers": [],
"host": "",
"port": 587,
"secure": "try",
"sender": "",
"subject": "AD Replication Check - 2019-12-16",
"subtype": "html",
"timeout": 20,
"to": [
"username": ""
"msg": "Authentication to failed, please check your username and/or password",
"rc": 1
I have googled and can't seem to find the solution.
Edit: So sorry I completely forgot to add in my playbook:
attach: /tmp/{{ attachment }}
subject: "{{ subject }}"
port: 587
body: "{{ email_body }}"
password: _Leodanielandra1
to: "{{ recipient }}"
subtype: html
secure: starttls
delegate_to: localhost
become_method: sudo
become_user: root
like smily said; always provide example code. That said, probably doesn't like the encryption settings. The default is "try", overrule that by adding :
secure: starttls

How I can put variable in ansible j2 template correctly

I have problem with ansible j2 template when i run this task
I use this task for create grafana datasource
- name: Get certifacete
src: /var/lib/cloudera-scm-server/certmanager/CMCA/ca-db/newcerts/00.pem
register: cert
- name: test
method: POST
validate_certs: no
force_basic_auth: yes
user: "{{ grafana_admin_user }}"
password: "{{ grafana_admin_password }}"
body: "{{ lookup('template', 'test_template.j2') }}"
body_format: json
Content-Type: "application/json"
"name": "Cloudera Manager",
"type": "foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource",
"url":"https://{{ hostvars[groups['tag_Group_cm'][0]]['ec2_private_ip_address'] }}:7183",
"basicAuthUser":"{{ managerUser }}",
"basicAuthPassword":"{{ managerPassword }}",
"jsonData": {
"cmAPIVersion":"{{ cmapi }}",
"tlsAuthWithCACert": true},
"tlsCACert": "{{ cert['content'] | b64decode | string }}"
"database": "foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource"}
I got this error when I use this template with variable
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"cache_control": "no-cache", "changed": false, "connection": "close", "content": "[{\"classification\":\"DeserializationError\",\"message\":\"invalid character '\\\\\\\\' looking for beginning of object key string\"},{\"fieldNames\":[\"Name\"],\"classification\":\"RequiredError\",\"message\":\"Required\"},{\"fieldNames\":[\"Type\"],\"classification\":\"RequiredError\",\"message\":\"Required\"},{\"fieldNames\":[\"Access\"],\"classification\":\"RequiredError\",\"message\":\"Required\"}]", "content_length": "359", "content_type": "application/json; charset=utf-8", "date": "Thu, 14 Nov 2019 10:48:45 GMT", "elapsed": 0, "expires": "-1", "json": [{"classification": "DeserializationError", "message": "invalid character '\\\n' looking for beginning of object key string"}, {"classification": "RequiredError", "fieldNames": ["Name"], "message": "Required"}, {"classification": "RequiredError", "fieldNames": ["Type"], "message": "Required"}, {"classification": "RequiredError", "fieldNames": ["Access"], "message": "Required"}], "msg": "Status code was 400 and not [200]: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request", "pragma": "no-cache", "redirected": false, "status": 400, "strict_transport_security": "max-age=86400; preload", "url": "", "x_frame_options": "deny", "x_xss_protection": "1; mode=block"}
When i use template without variable works fine
example debug output without variable:
"body": {
"access": "proxy",
"basicAuthPassword": "passs",
"basicAuthUser": "user",
"basicauth": true,
"database": "foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource",
"isDefault": false,
"jsonData": {
"cmAPIVersion": "v4-5",
"tlsAuthWithCACert": true
"name": "Cloudera Manager",
"secureJsonData": {
"tlsCACert": "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nV7jPmgHqYTNRw/zvfdOP1qeqhkIeTp8vPbp3lw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n"
"type": "foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource",
"url": ""
Example debug output with variable:
"body": "{\n\"name\": \"Cloudera Manager\",\n\"type\": \"foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource\",\n\"url\":\"\",\n\"access\":\"proxy\",\n\"isDefault\":false,\n\"basicauth\":true,\n\"basicAuthUser\":\"user\",\n\"basicAuthPassword\":\"pass\",\n\"jsonData\": {\n\"cmAPIVersion\":\"v4-5\",\n\"tlsAuthWithCACert\": true},\n\"secureJsonData\":{\n \"tlsCACert\": \"-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----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\nV7jPmgHqYTNRw/zvfdOP1qeqhkIeTp8vPbp3lw==\n-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n\"\n},\n\"database\": \"foursquare-clouderamanager-datasource\"}"
I think maybe I have problem in this string "tlsCACert": "{{ cert['content'] | b64decode | string }}" but i don`t have any idea how to solve this problem
The problem is that you are using string templating to compose a structured document (in this case JSON); jinja2 does not know it is JSON, only that it is text. You would receive a similar error if you were to try and template {"hello": "{{ world | string }}" using a variable of world="abc\ndef" because the \n in the string is literally inserted in the mustaches, but JSON does not allow newlines in string literals.
You have two paths forward: either ensure the rendering is JSON safe with | to_json instead of | string, or compose the body as an actual dict so that uri: will serialize it correctly
I suspected that is what was happening, but I confirmed it the same way you can: echo that {"body": "{\n\"name\": \"Cloudera Mana... string through jq -r .body (or python -c "import sys, json;print(json.load(sys.stdin)['body'])" if you don't have jq handy) and you will see that tlsCACert has newlines in it
