ORA-01722 invalid number error message in SQL Developer - oracle
This is my table:
--Create Person Table
First_Name NUMBER(15) NULL,
Last_Name VARCHAR2(15) NULL,
Middle_Name VARCHAR2(15) NULL,
Street_Address VARCHAR(35) NULL,
Zipcode VARCHAR2(5) NULL,
Country CHAR(2) NOT NULL,
Gender CHAR(1) NOT NULL,
Phone VARCHAR2(10) NULL,
Email VARCHAR2(25) NULL,
Is_Patient CHAR(1) NULL,
Is_Physician CHAR(1) NULL,
Is_Employee CHAR(1) NULL,
Is_Volunteer CHAR(1) NULL
And I am trying to insert:
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12333', 'Victoria', 'Tirado', 'Amanda', '1951 Lane Drive', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10467', 'US', TO_DATE('8/4/1999',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7188751200', 'heyhey#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y');
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12444', 'Linda', 'Lewis', 'Dixon', '1366 Grey Lane', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10460', 'US', TO_DATE('7/17/1994',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7184561287', 'babygirl#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y');
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12555', 'Kristen', 'Wardell', 'Danielle', '8112 Noble Street', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10451', 'US', TO_DATE('10/6/1997',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7189451263', 'heygirl#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y');
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12666', 'Brittany', 'Edwards', 'Toni', '2264 Rosedale Lane', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10468', 'US', TO_DATE('4/21/1993',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7186552413', 'Itsme#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y');
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12777', 'Kristina', 'Goodwin', 'Sue', '1010 Beach Street', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10455', 'US', TO_DATE('5/11/1991',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7189478511', 'yougood#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y');
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12666', 'Rebecca', 'Gonzalez', 'Bianca', '8124 Elder Drive', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10474', 'US', TO_DATE('2/19/1996',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7181148792', 'artist#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y');
Select *
But I am getting this message:
Error starting at line : 36 in command -
insert into PERSON
(Person_ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Middle_Name, Street_Address,
City, State, Zipcode, Country, Birth_Date, Gender, Phone,
Email, Is_Patient, Is_Physician, Is_Employee, Is_Volunteer)
values ('12666', 'Rebecca', 'Gonzalez', 'Bianca', '8124 Elder Drive', 'Bronx', 'NY', '10474', 'US', TO_DATE('2/19/1996',
'DD/MM/YYYY'),'F','7181148792', 'artist#gmail.com', 'N', 'N', 'N','Y')
Error report -
ORA-01722: invalid number
Is it because I accidentally made first name as Number(10) and not VarChar(10)?
Alter table person modify (first_name varchar2(15));
Then run your insert quety
Apart from the data type that you have already altered in the table, You also need to take care of the DATE.
You have used: TO_DATE('2/19/1996','DD/MM/YYYY'). It will throw an error: ORA-01843: not a valid month
It should be: TO_DATE('02/19/1996','DD/MM/YYYY')
Oracle SQL - Remove Null rows in aliased results
Hi devs I'm developing a small pro bono project that's use oracle sql but I'm not able to hide the null results. Table Structure: CREATE TABLE "church-members" ( ID NUMBER(10), NAME varchar(30) NOT NULL, LOGIN varchar(20) NOT NULL, PASS varchar(12) NOT NULL, REGISTER_YEAR_MONTH varchar(15) NOT NULL, USER_SCORE NUMBER(10), PRIMARY KEY (ID)); The queries: INSERT INTO "church-members" VALUES ('1', 'John Doe', 'John', 'Xo8*d_d%f58*', '202204','1'); INSERT INTO "church-members" VALUES ('2', 'Mary Doe', 'Mary', 'dLoc&257dsew', '202203','2'); INSERT INTO "church-members" VALUES ('3', 'Robertson III', 'Robertson', 'koIIf59*Liu*', '202203','7'); INSERT INTO "church-members" VALUES ('4', 'Sonia MacDonald', 'Sonia', 'fYhfgtdjfi%', '202204','4'); INSERT INTO "church-members" VALUES ('5', 'Boris Johnston', 'Boris', 'do*&flddkIK%', '202201','2'); INSERT INTO "church-members" VALUES ('6', 'Ruth Henderson', 'Ruth', 'dF6%*&', '202202','2'); The Select: SELECT ID, NAME, LOGIN, MAX(CASE WHEN REGISTER_YEAR_MONTH = '202203' THEN TO_CHAR(USER_SCORE) ELSE '' END) AS "MARCH SCORE", MAX(CASE WHEN REGISTER_YEAR_MONTH = '202204' THEN TO_CHAR(USER_SCORE) ELSE '' END) AS "APRIL SCORE " FROM "church-members" GROUP BY ID, NAME, LOGIN And the result fiddle: https://dbfiddle.uk/?rdbms=oracle_11.2&fiddle=a4deac5e3eefb17dca97661552458a61 I got to this point using the information obtained in the answer from this link: Select more than one column and remove NULL values from result Looking at the fiddle example, the results with IDs 5 and 6 should not be showing because both are nulls. But still null results are being shown... Can anyone help me to solve it?
Add a HAVING clause requiring that each matching ID have at least data for at least one of the two months: SELECT ID, NAME, LOGIN, MAX(CASE WHEN REGISTER_YEAR_MONTH = '202203' THEN TO_CHAR(USER_SCORE) END) AS "MARCH SCORE", MAX(CASE WHEN REGISTER_YEAR_MONTH = '202204' THEN TO_CHAR(USER_SCORE) END) AS "APRIL SCORE" FROM "church-members" GROUP BY ID, NAME, LOGIN HAVING COUNT(CASE WHEN REGISTER_YEAR_MONTH IN ('202203', '202204') THEN 1 END) > 0;
Inserting multiple rows into table - getting error ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended
create table employee ( employee_id number (5), first_name varchar2(100), last_name varchar2(100), salary number (10), department_id number(5), hire_date date, constraint pk_emp primary key (employee_id) ) insert into employee (employee_id, last_name, salary ) values (129, 'khaj', 19000), (130, 'ravi', 20000); enter image description here
Wrong syntax. Either insert into employee (employee_id, last_name, salary) values (129, 'khaj', 19000); insert into employee (employee_id, last_name, salary) values (130, 'ravi', 20000); or insert into employee (employee_id, last_name, salary) select 129, 'khaj', 19000 from dual union all select 130, 'ravi', 20000 from dual; or even insert all into employee (employee_id, last_name, salary) values (129, 'khaj', 19000) into employee (employee_id, last_name, salary) values (130, 'ravi', 20000) select * from dual;
Insert statement and create table oracle
My tables are been created, but when I am trying to put the insert statements it's giving me an error saying parent not found. This is my create table: Create table patient ( Patient_ID Number(9) primary key, First_name varchar2(15), Last_name varchar2(10), Contact number(10), City varchar2(20), Doctor_ID Number(9) references Doctor(Doctor_ID) ); This is the insert statement: insert into patient (Patient_ID, First_name, Last_name, Contact, City, Doctor_ID) values ('21345', 'John', 'Smith', '1111111111', 'NY', '30111');
Try : insert into patient (Patient_ID, First_name, Last_name, Contact, City, Doctor_ID) values (21345, 'John', 'Smith', 1111111111, 'NY', 30111); Don't use quotes for numbers.
How do I quickly load a complex collection with nested tables in PL/SQL
Let's say I have a collection that contains nested tables: CREATE TYPE address_type AS OBJECT ( address_code VARCHAR2(1), address VARCHAR2(30), city VARCHAR2(30), state VARCHAR2(3), zip VARCHAR2(10)); CREATE TYPE addresses_type AS TABLE OF address_type; -- You can see here that the person may have multiple addresses (addrs) CREATE TYPE person_type AS OBJECT ( personID NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(30), birthdate DATE, gender VARCHAR2(1), addrs addresses_type); CREATE TYPE people_type as TABLE OF person_type; If I had a PLSQL block and I wanted to create and load an object of people with their address from the tables below, what is the easiest way to do this? Would I have to perform multiple queries? DECLARE the_people people_type; BEGIN -- want to Query and load "the_people" with everybody in the tables below: .. END; Tables: Foreign key is PERSON_ID PERSON ------ PERSON_ID NAME BIRTHDATE GENDER ADDRESSES --------- PERSON_ID ADDRESS_CODE ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP
You can do it in one query: CREATE TABLE person ( person_ID NUMBER, name VARCHAR2(30), birthdate DATE, gender VARCHAR2(1) ); CREATE TABLE addresses ( person_id NUMBER, address_code VARCHAR2(1), address VARCHAR2(30), city VARCHAR2(30), state VARCHAR2(3), zip VARCHAR2(10) ); INSERT INTO person VALUES (1, 'Brown', SYSDATE, 'M'); INSERT INTO person VALUES (2, 'Smith', SYSDATE, 'M'); INSERT INTO addresses VALUES (1, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', '1'); INSERT INTO addresses VALUES (1, 'A', 'BB', 'CC', 'DD', '1'); INSERT INTO addresses VALUES (2, 'B', 'E', 'F', 'G', '1'); COMMIT; DECLARE the_people people_type; BEGIN SELECT person_type( person_id, name, birthdate, gender, (SELECT CAST(MULTISET ( SELECT address_code, address, city, state, zip FROM addresses WHERE person_id = p.person_id) AS addresses_type ) FROM dual ) ) BULK COLLECT INTO the_people FROM person p ; dbms_output.put_line(the_people.COUNT); dbms_output.put_line(the_people(1).name); dbms_output.put_line(the_people(1).addrs(1).address); dbms_output.put_line(the_people(1).addrs(2).address); dbms_output.put_line(the_people(2).name); dbms_output.put_line(the_people(2).addrs(1).address); END; Sample output produced by the block to test if the solution works: 2 Brown B BB Smith E
How to Duplicate multiple rows (Oracle)
I'm trying to make a Procedure that will duplicate multiple rows of a table (or only one single row) and incrementing the ID for each row insertion. My problem is that inside my procedure I used a cursor to select the rows to duplicate, when i select all rows without WHERE condition in that cursor everything works fine. But when i set a WHERE condition to select only one row... nothing happens Here is my procedure CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE DuplicateEmployee (p_EmployeeID IN Employee.id%TYPE) AS p_New_EmployeeID Employee.id%TYPE; CURSOR c_DuplicateEmployee IS SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE Employee.id = p_EmployeeID; -- if this line is deleted all content is duplicated row_Employee c_DuplicateEmployee%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR myEmployee IN c_DuplicateEmployee LOOP p_New_EmployeeID := employee_seq.NEXTVAL; INSERT INTO Employee(id, first_name, last_name, start_date, end_date, salary, city, description) VALUES(p_New_EmployeeID, myEmployee.first_name, myEmployee.last_name, myEmployee.start_date, myEmployee.end_date, myEmployee.salary, myEmployee.city, myEmployee.description); END LOOP; COMMIT; END DuplicateEmployee; I know in this example having a procedure selecting a primary key to duplicate is pointless but in my production base it will be used to select a Foreign key. Bellow is the code require to create a the test table and SEQUENCE I used for this procedure CREATE TABLE Employee ( ID VARCHAR2(4 BYTE) NOT NULL, First_Name VARCHAR2(10 BYTE), Last_Name VARCHAR2(10 BYTE), Start_Date DATE, End_Date DATE, Salary NUMBER(8,2), City VARCHAR2(10 BYTE), Description VARCHAR2(15 BYTE) ); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('01', 'Jason', 'Martin', to_date('19960725','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('20060725','YYYYMMDD'), 1234.56, 'Toronto', 'Programmer'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('02', 'Alison', 'Mathews', to_date('19760321','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19860221','YYYYMMDD'), 6661.78, 'Vancouver', 'Tester'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('03', 'James', 'Smith', to_date('19781212','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19900315','YYYYMMDD'), 6544.78, 'Vancouver', 'Tester'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('04', 'Celia', 'Rice', to_date('19821024','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19990421','YYYYMMDD'), 2344.78, 'Vancouver', 'Manager'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('05', 'Robert', 'Black', to_date('19840115','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19980808','YYYYMMDD'), 2334.78, 'Vancouver', 'Tester'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('06', 'Linda', 'Green', to_date('19870730','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19960104','YYYYMMDD'), 4322.78, 'New York', 'Tester'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('07', 'David', 'Larry', to_date('19901231','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('19980212','YYYYMMDD'), 7897.78, 'New York', 'Manager'); INSERT INTO Employee (ID, First_Name, Last_Name, Start_Date, End_Date, Salary, City, Description) VALUES ('08', 'James', 'Cat', to_date('19960917','YYYYMMDD'), to_date('20020415','YYYYMMDD'), 1232.78, 'Vancouver', 'Tester'); Here for the Sequence that will manage Primary key (ID) CREATE SEQUENCE "TEST"."EMPLOYEE_SEQ" MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 INCREMENT BY 1 START WITH 1 NOCACHE ORDER NOCYCLE ; And here the code to execute the procedure BEGIN employeepackage.duplicateemployee(5); END; I really don't understand why it doesn't properly work for a single row when it's working to plicate all rows ? It there a limitation for cursors having less than 2 rows ? Any help would be much appreciated ;)
Why do you need a cursor? You can do this with SQL directly: INSERT INTO Employee(id, first_name, last_name, start_date, end_date, salary, city, description) SELECT employee_seq.NEXTVAL, e.first_name, e.last_name, e.start_date, e.end_date, e.salary, e.city, e.description FROM Employee e WHERE e.id = p_EmployeeID; Anyway, the actual problem is that your ID is a VARCHAR2(4), whereas you think it is a NUMBER. You actually do not have an employee with ID = 5, but you do have one with ID = '05'. So without changing anything, your procedure already works: BEGIN employeepackage.duplicateemployee('05'); END; Of course, it would make sense to change the data type of ID.
Solution from Lukas if fine for my first and last table that will not need to call others PROCEDURE to duplicate multiple children, though for intermediate table I used : PROCEDURE Duplicate_Company (p_IdCity IN City.IdCity%TYPE) AS p_New_IdCompany Company.IdCompany%TYPE; CURSOR c_DuplicateCompany IS SELECT * FROM Company c WHERE c.IdCity = p_IdCity; row_Company c_DuplicateCompany%ROWTYPE; BEGIN FOR c1 IN c_DuplicateCompany LOOP p_New_IdCompany := company_seq.NEXTVAL; INSERT INTO Company(IdCompany, IdCity, Name, CreationDate) VALUES(p_New_IdCompany, c1.IdCity, c1.Name, c1.CreationDate); -- Call the procedure to duplicate current employee Duplicate_Employee(c1.IdCompany); END LOOP; END Duplicate_Company; Is it a good approach ?