Only KQL is available in Kibana Discover Dashboard - elasticsearch

I added an index pattern in Kibana for the elastic search index and executed some transactions multiple times.
But I cannot see the time range histogram or any option to select in the Discover dashboard.
Pls, refer following screenshot.

Recreate index pattern with #timestamp field after deleting the existing index pattern.

Based on the availability of #timestamp field, It seems you are adding a timeseries logs to Elasticsearch. Recreate the index pattern again by referring to the following link and I believe the issue will be fixed:


How data is getting mapped in Elastic search in ELK?

I am new to the ELK and i am in the progress of learning it. In my project, they are importing the data from Amazon S3 -> File Beat -> logstash -> Elastic search -> Kibanna.
In the logstash file, they have directly importing the data and sending to the Elastic search something like below and there was no indexes mentioned in the config file,
output elasticsearch
hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]
In Amazon s3, we have logs from Salesforce and in future we are going to implement from multiple sources.
In Elastic search, i could see 41 indexes(Used Get Curl script) is present. Assume if we keep the same setup in logstash, then all logs(Multiple sources) will be sent to elastic search in same manner. I would like to know how the data is getting mapped to the particular index in elastic search ??
In many tutorials, they have given indexes in the logstash config file so in kibanna we could see the index name along with timestamp. I have tried to check by placing a sample Mulesoft log file in Amazon S3 but i cant able to find those data in Kibanna. So shall i need to create one more new index with a name Mule along with mappings??
There is no ELK expert in my project so please guide me on how to approach this one or any references will be more helpful.
This page ( documents Logstash's Elasticsearch output plugin.
As you can see in the Configuration Options section, the option index is not mandatory. If this option is not specified, its default-value is logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}.
With that being said, the documents will get indexed into indices with the prefix 'logstash-' followed by the date of ingestion. For example:
Since someone in your organization has chosen to go with the default value, this option can be left out. This explains why you can't find a particular index name in the Logstash configuration. If you need to index documents into different indices, then you'd have to set a particular value for the index option.
Elasticsearch will automatically create these indices with a dynamic mapping ( if you haven't setup an explicit mapping via index templates in advance. In order to see the data in kibana, you first need to create an index pattern matching the index name.
I hope I could help you.

Kibana - can I add a monitor on a scripted field?

In Kibana (ElasticSearch v6.8) I'm storing documents containing a date field and a LaunchTime field, and I have a scripted field uptime as their difference (in seconds):
(doc['date'].value.millis - doc['LaunchTime'].value.millis) / 1000 / 60
I'm trying to create a monitor (under alerting) on the max value of this field of the index, but the field 'Uptime' doesn't show up in the list of fields I can do a max query on. Its type is number and in visualisations I can do max/min etc. displays of this field.
Is this a limitation of Kibana alerting - that I can't use a scripted field? Or is there some way I can make it available to use?
I'm afraid it is a limitation of kibana's scripted fields. See this post about the same subject referring to the scripted field official documentation. I believe that the watcher are handled by ES itself while the scripted field are handled by kibana (they can be used in discovery and visualisations because kibana is handlind those too)
But have no fear! you already have the script for the calculation and you could just add it into logstash to add the field to you actual documents when you index them, which would enable you to use it for watchers AND would probably optimize the load at runtime, since the val is only calculated one, when you ingest it. Then you could run an update by query with a the script and add the field in you existing documents.
If you don't use logstash, you could look into ES's ingestion pipelines, but it's a rather advanced subject and i'm not sure if it was implemented in 5.x.

Kibana Discover is not working after deleted all indices and adding new indices

I ran the following command to delete all indices to see changes on the Kibana:
$ curl -XDELETE localhost:9200/_all
after this operation, Kibana being not visualized Data. It is not working anymore.
I extracted new kibana folder and set up again all configuration and see the indices on the Dev Tools tab. But These indices are not showing in Discover tab.
You need to recreate your index pattern under Management -> Index Patterns — see the documentation for index patterns.
Your index should be logstash-* and the timestamp value #timestamp in the dropdown.
To get better understanding of your problem open the page in the console of your web browser. You will see the error as "some default index not found"
Kibana always loads on a default index. You have eliminated even that pattern.
So set the default index patter again and you will be good to go

Issue with visualizing a field in Kibana even when elasticsearch has its mapping

I have elasticsearch mapping which lists a field but when trying to visualize in kibana it doesnt list that field. Moreover i can see that field under 'popular' section of Discover page.
i see some note like:
"This field is present in your elasticsearch mapping but not in any documents in the search results. You may still be able to visualize or search on it."
What does this mean and how can i visualize a mapped field.
It's mean that you have a mapping but you don't have documents, you don't have data,so you need to index data to elasticsearch index

How to create a Kibana (Elasticsearch) Scripted Field programatically?

Kibana's UI allows the user to create a scripted field which is stored as part of the index (screenshot below). How can that be done programatically? In particular, using either the NEST client or the Elasticsearch low level client.
Kibana UI for the Indice with the Scripted Fields tab highlighted
Note that I am not asking how to create add an expression/script field as part of a query, I'm specifically looking for how to add it as part of the Index when the mapping is created so that queries can reference it without having to explicitly include it.
Kibana dashboards are stored in the .kibana index. To export dashboards, you can query the Kibana index as you would any other index. For example, curl -XGET http://localhost:9200/.kibana/_search?type=dashboard&pretty would show the JSON for your dashboards. You could export the template, add the scripted field to the JSON, and then POST it again. Since Kibana uses a standard Elasticsearch index, the normal Elasticsearch API would apply to modifying Kibana dashboards. This may provide a little more clarification.
At the time of writing, current version 5.2 does not have an official way to do this.
This is how I do it:
Get index fields: GET /.kibana/index-pattern/YOUR_INDEX
Add your scripted field to _source.fields (as string, notice scaped quotation marks)
Post back _source json to /.kibana/index-pattern/YOUR_INDEX
