Getting out of memory issue in jmeter non gui mode - jmeter

created a script with this configuration:
Number of threads (users) - 200 users
Duration assertion - 3 seconds
Ramp-up period - 10 seconds
Think time - 2 seconds
Jmeter version 5.2.1
Java 8
Laptop configuration:
Microsoft windows 10
Intel i7 processor
RAM 16gb
I also increased the size of the memory to 1024m in batch file
: "${HEAP:="-Xms1g -Xmx1g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=1024m"}"
Still I am facing the out of memory issue. can you please help me out

As per Java command line arguments
Sets the maximum amount of native memory that can be allocated for class metadata. By default, the size is not limited. The amount of metadata for an application depends on the application itself, other running applications, and the amount of memory available on the system.
So if you're getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Metaspace error you need to either increase the metaspace size more or just remove this parameter from the JVM arguments so it will be unlimited.
Most probably you're getting java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space, if this is the case - you need to increase the -Xmx1g to somewhat bigger, i.e. -Xmx4g
Actually OutOfMemoryError exception has many faces so it's not possible to provide exact steps for this without seeing the full output from stdout/stderr/jmeter.log file/ .hprof file
See 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure article for more JMeter tuning tips.


Recommended Java Heap Size for Commercial JMeter Project

Depending on the nature of the automated workflow and the number of active threads at any given time the Heap size requirement for JMeter can vary and in the testing I am doing there is some ambiguity with respect to the affect of Heap size on the test results. The initial Heap size and the maximum Heap size of the server hosting JMeter is shown in the attached screenshot.
Upon executing the test for a large set of current users (eg:100) the in built JMeter report does not render however the results can be seen in the CSV output. Will increasing the Heap size solve this issue and if so to how much should we increase the Heap size?. Note that this issue does not happen for a small user count such as 10 or 15.
What is the recommended industrial standard value for Heap size and other system variables for a server used for commercial performance testing using JMeter.
There is no "recommended industrial standard".
Each test is individual and you need to tune JMeter appropriately.
As of JMeter 5.5 default heap size is 1GB which is sufficient for tests development and debugging but might be not sufficient for the load you're trying to conduct.
According to this article:
"If the occupancy of the Java heap is too high, garbage collection occurs frequently. If the occupancy is low, garbage collection is infrequent but lasts longer... Try to keep the memory occupancy of the Java heap between 40% and 70% of the Java heap size... The highest point of occupancy of the Java heap is preferably not above 70% of the maximum heap size, and the average occupancy is between 40% and 70% occupancy. If the occupancy goes over 70%, resize the Java heap."
So I would recommend checking what's going on with your heap using JVisualVM or equivalent and adjusting it up or down as needed.
If your test runs fine and you're experiencing OOM issues only during dashboard generation you can increase it temporarily by setting the relevant HEAP environment variable value.

I add heap size in Jmeter but still got OOM error

I run peak test in Jmeter, got OOM error, but when i add the heap size in Jmeter.bat file, it still got OOM error. My PC is RAM is 16G, updated the max heap to 8G. Below are my updated jmeter.bat file.
set HEAP=-Xms3g -Xmx8g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=5120m
OutOfMemoryError can have many faces, it is not necessarily the lack of heap space, the other reasons could be in:
GC Overhead Limit Exceeded when the garbage collector is running and the program itself is not (or very slow)
Requested array size exceeds VM limit when you try to allocate too large objects
Unable to Create New Native Thread when it is not possible to create a thread due to underlying operating system limits
Not knowing the details of your test plan and not seeing the full jmeter.log file (preferably with debug logging enabled) it is not possible to come up with the comprehensive answer, going forward consider including more details as "OOM" doesn't tell anything to us.

Garbage collection tuning for Java 8 Applications

1) Our application: Spring boot, Java 8
2) Parameters we use: xms = 256 MB, xmx = 2 GB
We have been seeing that used heap size of our java8 applications are not shrinking back down when appropriate.
Any other parameters that we should be using along with #2 above, when launching our spring boot/Java 8 application, so that GC can do a better job?
Thanks for your help!
The above options have the following effect:
-Xms, -Xmx: Places boundaries on the heap size to increase the predictability of garbage collection. The heap size is limited in replica servers so that even Full GCs do not trigger SIP retransmissions. -Xms sets the starting size to prevent pauses caused by heap expansion.
-XX:+UseG1GC: Use the Garbage First (G1) Collector.
-XX:MaxGCPauseMillis: Sets a target for the maximum GC pause time. This is a soft goal, and the JVM will make its best effort to achieve it.
-XX:ParallelGCThreads: Sets the number of threads used during parallel phases of the garbage collectors. The default value varies with the platform on which the JVM is running.
-XX:ConcGCThreads: Number of threads concurrent garbage collectors will use. The default value varies with the platform on which the JVM is running.
-XX:InitiatingHeapOccupancyPercent: Percentage of the (entire) heap occupancy to start a concurrent GC cycle. GCs that trigger a concurrent GC cycle based on the occupancy of the entire heap and not just one of the generations, including G1, use this option. A value of 0 denotes 'do constant GC cycles'. The default value is 45.
Oracle JDK provides inbuilt Java VisualIVM tool to analyze and tune GC factors

Uncaught Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: "unable to create new native thread" error occurring while running jmeter in non gui mode

My scenario,
Step1: I have set my thread group for 1000:threads & 500:seconds
Step2:Configure heep space : HEAP=-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m
Step3:Now, running jmeter for non gui mode.
In this scenario,"Uncaught Exception java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: unable to create new native thread" error occuring in my system.
My system configuration
Processor:Intel® Pentium(R) CPU G2010 # 2.80GHz × 2
OS Type:32 bit
Memory:3.4 GiB
kindly give me a solution for this scenario.
You don't have enough memory in your machine to consume 1000 threads. It is clearly visible from the error that your machine can not create 1000 threads. You should tweak your machine to resolve this situation.
You have to consider these points:
JMeter is a Java tool it runs with JVM. To obtain maximum capability, we need to provide maximum resources to JMeter during execution.First, we need to increase heap size (Inside JMeter bin directory, we get jmeter.bat/sh)
HEAP=-Xms512m –Xmx512m
It means default allocated heap size is minimum 512MB, maximum 512MB. Configure it as per you own PC configuration. Keep in mind, OS also need some amount of memory, so don't allocate all of you physical RAM.
Then, add memory allocation rate
NEW=-XX:NewSize=128m -XX:MaxNewSize=512m
This means memory will be increased at this rate. You should be careful, because, if your load generation is very high at the beginning, this might need to increase. Keep in mind, it will fragment your heap space inside JVM if the range too broad. If so Garbage Collector needs to work harder to clean up.
JMeter is Java GUI application. It also has the non-GUI edition which is very resource intensive(CPU/RAM). If we run Jmeter in non-GUI mode , it will consume less resource and we can run more thread.
Disable all the Listeners during the Test Run. They are only for debugging and use them to design your desired script.
Listeners should be disabled during load tests. Enabling them causes additional overheads, which consume valuable resources (more memory) that are needed by more important elements of your test.
Always try to use the Up-to-date software. Keep your Java and JMeter updated.
Don’t forget that when it comes to storing requests and response headers, assertion results and response data can consume a lot of memory! So try not to store these values on JMeter unless it’s absolutely necessary.
Also, you need to monitor whether your machine's Memory consumption, CPU usages are running below 80 % or not. If these usages exceed 80 % consider those tests as unreliable as report.
After all of these, if you can't generate 1000 threads from your machine, then you must try with the Distributed Load Testing.
Here is a document for JMeter Distributed Testing Step-by-step.
For better and more elaborated understanding these two blogs How many users JMeter can support? and 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure must help.
I have also found this article very helpful to understand and how to handle them.
The error is due to lack of free RAM.
Looking into your hardware, it doesn't seem you will be able to produce the load of 1k users so I would recommend reconsidering your approach.
For example, you anticipate 1000 simultaneous users working with your application. However it doesn't necessarily mean 100 concurrent users as:
real users don't hammer application non-stop, they need some time to "think" between operations, this "think time" differs depending on application nature, but you should keep it as close to reality as possible
application response time should be added to think time
So given you have 1000 users, each of them "thinks" 10 seconds between operations and application response time is 2 seconds, each user will be able to send 5 requests per minute (60 / (10 + 2)).
Assuming above scenario 1000 users will send 5000 requests per minute which gives us ~83 requests per second and it seems to be achievable with your current hardware.
So if you are not in position to get more powerful hardware or more similar machines to use JMeter in distributed more, the options are in:
Add "think times" between operations using i.e. Constant Timer or Uniform Random Timer
Change your test scenario logic to simulate "requests per second" rather than "concurrent users". You can do it using Constant Throughput Timer or Throughput Shaping Timer.
Your issue is due to using a 32 bit OS, in this mode you are limited both in what you can allocate as Heap (depending on OS you will not be able to exceed 1.6 to 2.1 g) and native threads creation.
I'd suggest switching to 64 Bits OS + 64 bits Jdk.
But if you don't have any other option try setting in in JVM_ARGS:
Or if too low:

Relation between RAM size and Virtual memory with JVM heap size

for performance testing, i need 2 GB of heap memory,so i am setting the parameter in java setting via "-Xmx2048m" and also increasing the virtual memory...but while running the application, it is giving errors like "the java run time environment cannot be loaded" and "Several JVM running in the same process caused an error", (in fact, it is not giving same error for any value more than 1 GB).
so is it possible to set Heap memory to be 2 GB? or it can be maximum of 1 GB only? if yes, how to do it??
I'm using windows 7, 64 bit with RAM size of 8 GB..and using java 1.6
Since you are running a 32-bit JVM, there is a limit on how much memory the process can use. Due to how virtual memory is laid out, 32-bit processes can only access 2 GB of memory (or up to 3-4 GB with special settings). Since Java needs some memory for its own bookkeeping, which is not part of the heap available to your application, the actual usuable limit for -Xmx must be somewhere below 2 GB. According to this answer, the limit for 32-bit Java on Windows is -Xmx1500m (not sure if it has changed in newer releases, but due to the limitations outlined above, it must be below 2 GB so it's likely to have stayd at 1500 MB).
