ScalaFX how to close a secondary stage - scalafx

How to close a secondary stage, which is utilized as an auxiliary window? So I have a primaryStage used as the UI platform and occasionally I need to open a secondary window which is pretty straight forward, but to close it in a method is not clear.
Here's how secondary stage is engaged:
val ivbox = new VBox(children = new Label("Create New Album"))
val stackpane = new StackPane()
sp.children = Seq(ivbox)
val secondstage = new Stage() {
title = "second stage"
scene = new Scene(stackpane, 450, 150) {
stylesheets += getClass.getResource("uistyle.css").toExternalForm
x = myproto.stage.x.value + 200 // position in relation to primaryStage / scene
y = myproto.stage.y.value + 100 //
In JavaFX I found this clip:
private void closeButtonAction(){
Stage stage = (Stage) closeButton.getScene().getWindow();
Not clear how to come by in ScalaFx?

There is no difference in ScalaFX. You close stage using close(). Code is exactly the same in ScalaFX:


Updating Texture2D frequently causes process to crash (UpdateSubresource)

I am using SharpDX to basically render browser (chromium) output buffer on directX process.
Process is relatively simple, I intercept CEF buffer (by overriding OnPaint method) and write that to a texture2D.
Code is relatively simple:
Texture creation:
public void BuildTextureWrap() {
var oldTexture = texture;
texture = new D3D11.Texture2D(DxHandler.Device, new D3D11.Texture2DDescription() {
Width = overlay.Size.Width,
Height = overlay.Size.Height,
MipLevels = 1,
ArraySize = 1,
Format = DXGI.Format.B8G8R8A8_UNorm,
SampleDescription = new DXGI.SampleDescription(1, 0),
Usage = D3D11.ResourceUsage.Default,
BindFlags = D3D11.BindFlags.ShaderResource,
CpuAccessFlags = D3D11.CpuAccessFlags.None,
OptionFlags = D3D11.ResourceOptionFlags.None,
var view = new D3D11.ShaderResourceView(
new D3D11.ShaderResourceViewDescription {
Format = texture.Description.Format,
Dimension = D3D.ShaderResourceViewDimension.Texture2D,
Texture2D = { MipLevels = texture.Description.MipLevels },
textureWrap = new D3DTextureWrap(view, texture.Description.Width, texture.Description.Height);
if (oldTexture != null) {
That piece of code is executed at start and when resize is happening.
Now when CEF OnDraw I basically copy their buffer to texture:
var destinationRegion = new D3D11.ResourceRegion {
Top = Math.Min(r.dirtyRect.y, texDesc.Height),
Bottom = Math.Min(r.dirtyRect.y + r.dirtyRect.height, texDesc.Height),
Left = Math.Min(r.dirtyRect.x, texDesc.Width),
Right = Math.Min(r.dirtyRect.x + r.dirtyRect.width, texDesc.Width),
Front = 0,
Back = 1,
// Draw to the target
var context = targetTexture.Device.ImmediateContext;
context.UpdateSubresource(targetTexture, 0, destinationRegion, sourceRegionPtr, rowPitch, depthPitch);
There are some more code out there but basically this is only relevant piece. Whole thing works until OnDraw happens frequently.
Apparently if I force CEF to Paint frequently, whole host process dies.
This is happening at UpdateSubresource.
So my question is, is there another, safer way to do this? (Update texture frequently)
Solution to this problem was relatively simple yet not so obvious at the beginning.
I simply moved the code responsible for updating texture inside render loop and just keep internal buffer pointer cached.

Javafx relocate and rotate

i have an node in javafx which are moving in a timeline.
Now i want rotate the node also.
I tried it but everytime the node doesn't hold the path anymore and "fly away". Is there a way to relcate and rotate (I tried it with rotatetransition)?
That is my View -Class
public class MyView extends ImageView{
public MyView (Image image) {
RotateTransition transition = new RotateTransition();
transition.setAutoReverse(true);; // */
On another class i have this:
private void startMoveAnimation(MyView[] views) {
this.timeline = new Timeline();
moveEvent = new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
for(View view: views){
KeyFrame moveKeyFrame = new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(SPEED), moveEvent);
timeline.getKeyFrames().add(moveKeyFrame);; // */
x and y are double values.
Using transforms gives you better control of the order of the transformations. Furthermore some transfroms allow you to specify a pivot point, which is not possible for e.g. the Node.rotate property. Transforms in a list are applied "right to left". (The transform with the highest index is applied first).
The following example shows how to move a rectangle rotating arount its own center (even though the cycle resets to the original position instead of continuously moving in the same direction, but the properties of the transforms can be animated independently in arbitrary ways):
public void start(Stage primaryStage) {
Rectangle view = new Rectangle(100, 100);
// pivot point = center of rect
Rotate rotate = new Rotate(0, 50, 50);
Translate translate = new Translate();
// rotate first, then move
view.getTransforms().addAll(translate, rotate);
Timeline timeline = new Timeline(
new KeyFrame(Duration.ZERO, new KeyValue(translate.xProperty(), 0d),
new KeyValue(translate.yProperty(), 0d), new KeyValue(rotate.angleProperty(), 0d)),
new KeyFrame(Duration.seconds(2), new KeyValue(translate.xProperty(), 300d),
new KeyValue(translate.yProperty(), 500d), new KeyValue(rotate.angleProperty(), 360d)));
Pane root = new Pane(view);
Scene scene = new Scene(root, 500, 500);
That's what I would try first:
Put the node into a Group. Add the Group to the parent instead of the node. Do the translate animation on the Group and do the rotate animation on the node itself. This is just a first guess which I cannot try out because you haven't provided a minimal reproducible example.

How to add a mp3 in scalafx gui scene?

I trying to add a mp3 in to my scala gui using scalafx, but i have trouble how to add in to the scene
this is what i have, but it doesn't work...
val gameStage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "Game Graphics"
scene = new Scene(windowWidth, windowHeight) {
var audio = new Media(url)
var mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(audio)
mediaPlayer.volume = 100
It appears that one problem is that you have not used a MediaView instance to add the MediaPlayer to the scene. Also, it's probably better if you do not start to play the media until the scene has been displayed.
I think you need something like this (as a complete app):
import scalafx.application.JFXApp
import scalafx.application.JFXApp.PrimaryStage
import scalafx.scene.{Group, Scene}
import{Media, MediaPlayer, MediaView}
object GameGraphics
extends JFXApp {
// Required info. Populate as necessary...
val url = ???
val windowWidth = ???
val windowHeight = ???
// Initialize the media and media player elements.
val audio = new Media(url)
val mediaPlayer = new MediaPlayer(audio)
mediaPlayer.volume = 100
// The primary stage is best defined as the stage member of the application.
stage = new PrimaryStage {
title = "Game Graphics"
width = windowWidth
height = windowHeight
scene = new Scene {
// Create a MediaView instance of the media player, and add it to the scene. (It needs
// to be the child of a Group, or the child of a subclass of Group).
val mediaView = new MediaView(mediaPlayer)
root = new Group(mediaView)
// Now play the media.
Also, you should prefer val to var, particularly if there is no need to modify the associated variables after they have been defined.
BTW, it's not possible to test your code, so please consider posting a minimal, complete and verifiable example next time.

JavaFX Changing Text Displaying Score to Animation and Setting Back to Score

I am currently making a 2-player game of pong that displays the score of each side. I am looking to display the score throughout the entire game, but when someone scores, I would like a "GOAL!" (letter by letter to a short pause at the end) animation to be set as the text rather than the team's points (just how it shows in some sports shown on tv), and then be set back to the new score after. I am having troubles with this section, here is what I have:
This is my code for displaying the animation(not sure if this is right, haven't been able to test it because it won't display!):
public void displayGoal(int homeOrAway)
String str = "GOAL!";
if(homeOrAway == 0)
final IntegerProperty i = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
Timeline timeline = new Timeline();
KeyFrame keyFrame = new KeyFrame(
event -> {
if (i.get() > str.length()) {
textHomeScore.setText("" + getHomeScore() + "");
} else {
textHomeScore.setText(str.substring(0, i.get()));
i.set(i.get() + 1);
final IntegerProperty i = new SimpleIntegerProperty(0);
Timeline timeline = new Timeline();
KeyFrame keyFrame = new KeyFrame(
event -> {
if (i.get() > str.length()) {
textAwayScore.setText(""+ getAwayScore() + "");
} else {
textAwayScore.setText(str.substring(0, i.get()));
i.set(i.get() + 1);
textAwayScore and textHomeScore are just normal Texts, not TextFields.
Without this function, the scores display perfectly fine and they count up everytime the ball goes past the paddle. It would be nice to add this animation to whichever side gets the point, so any help to accomplish this is greatly appreciated. If anyone needs any clarification please let me know and I will clarify something! Thank you!

optimize javafx code consuming large amount of memory and CPU

the code below is for a fundraiser dinner to purchase a land, the purpose is to show the progress of the square meter of land purchased (around 2976m2). everytime a square meter is purchased, the application adds an image tile which corresponds to an acctual 1m2. eventually the tiles (~2976 of them) fill up like in a grid to complete the land once fully purchased.
The size of each tiles is around 320bytes, there are 2976 tiles in total.
I have also showing below an image example.
The thing that drives me crazy with this code (in javafx) is that it consumes around 90 to 100% of 1 of my processors and the memory usage keeps increasing as the tiles add up until the code buffer run out of memory and the program crashes after a while. this is not desirable during the fundraising dinner.
the full code is available for testing at
you will need to change boolean split to true false, which will split the images for you, (around 3000 images);
The main culprit that uses all the memory and CPU is the AnimationTimer() function shown below and I am wondering if anyone can help me reduce memory and CPU usage in this code.
to briefly explain how the code below is used, the land is divided into 2 panes, when the first one grid_pane1 is filled up the second pane grid_pane2 starts to then fill up.
also a flashing tile is used to show the current progress.
I am using total_donnation ++; to test the code, but would normally use mysql to pull the new value raised during the findraising dinner
AnimationTimer() Code:
translate_timer = new AnimationTimer() {
#Override public void handle(long now) {
if (now > translate_lastTimerCall + 10000_000_000l)
old_total_donnation = total_donnation;
// c = DBConnect.connect();
// SQL = "Select * from donations";
// rs = c.createStatement().executeQuery(SQL);
// while (
// {total_donnation = rs.getInt("total_donnation");}
// c.close();
total_donnation ++;
if(total_donnation != old_total_donnation)
System.out.format("Total Donation: %s \n", total_donnation);
old_total_donnation = total_donnation;
if (!pane1_full)
for(i=0; i<=total_donnation; i++)
if (pane1_full){ System.out.println("Pane 1 has not been redrawn"); break;}
file1 = new File("pane1_img"+i+".png");
pane1_tiled_image = new Image(file1.toURI().toString(),image_Width,image_Height,false,false);
imageview_tile1 = new ImageView(pane1_tiled_image);
grid_pane1.add(imageview_tile1, current_column_pane1,current_row_pane1);
current_column_pane1 = current_column_pane1+1;
if (current_column_pane1 == max_columns_pane1 )
current_row_pane1 = current_row_pane1+1;
current_column_pane1 = 0;
if (i == max_donnation_pane1 ){ pane1_full = true; System.out.println("Pane 1 full"); break;}
if (i == total_donnation)
if (i != max_donnation_pane1)
hBox_outter_last = new HBox();
ft1 = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500), hBox_outter_last);
grid_pane1.add(hBox_outter_last, current_column_pane1,current_row_pane1);
if (i < total_donnation)
total_donnation_left = total_donnation - max_donnation_pane1;
for(j=0; j<=total_donnation_left; j++)
file2 = new File("pane2_img"+j+".png");
pane2_tiled_image = new Image(file2.toURI().toString(),image_Width,image_Height,false,false);
imageview_tile2 = new ImageView(pane2_tiled_image);
grid_pane2.add(imageview_tile2, current_column_pane2,current_row_pane2);
current_column_pane2 = current_column_pane2+1;
if (current_column_pane2 == max_columns_pane2 )
current_row_pane2 = current_row_pane2+1;
current_column_pane2 = 0;
if (j == max_donnation_pane2 ){ System.out.println("Pane 2 full"); break;}
if (j == total_donnation_left)
if (j != max_donnation_pane2)
hBox_outter_last = new HBox();
ft = new FadeTransition(Duration.millis(500), hBox_outter_last);
grid_pane2.add(hBox_outter_last, current_column_pane2,current_row_pane2);
current_column_pane1 =0;
catch (Exception ex) {}
translate_lastTimerCall = now;
First and foremost, you create a lot of indefinite FadeTransitions that are never stopped. These add up over time and cause both memory and CPU leaks. You should stop() the transition before starting a new one. Alternatively, you only need one transition to interpolate the value of a DoubleProperty and then bind node's opacity to this property:
DoubleProperty opacity = new SimpleDoubleProperty();
Transition opacityTransition = new Transition() {
protected void interpolate(double frac) {
// elsewhere
You may want to preload all the image tiles beforehand, so that you avoid reading from disk in the loop.
You unnecessarily destroy and recreate large part of the scene in every cycle. You should modify your code to only add the new tiles and not drop them all and recreate them from scratch.
Finally, when you actually query the database, you should do it from a different thread and not the JavaFX application thread, because your UI will be unresponsive for the time of the query (e.g. not animating your fade transitions).
I have a suggestion:
Do not split the image instead using 2 panels. One for displaying the whole image. The second will be a grid pane overlapping the first pane. Therefore, when a square meter is purchased, the background of corresponding grid-cell will become transparent.
