Subscribe to subscription updates in emqx - emq

Background: I have a microservice implemented in C++ with REST and WebSocket API and pub / sub functionality. Now I need to support MQTT, and things get more complicated because my microservice must keep track of active subscriptions for scalability reasons. For example to limit deliver messages to topics and subscriptions, each client may have several own topics.
I found REST API endpoints to list subscriptions and Routes:
This would probably allow me to initiate subscriptions in my own service. What I need though is an efficient way to intercept subscriptions.
Is there a way to „subscribe“ to subscribed and unsubscribed event hooks, without having to write an extension in Erlang? E.g. forward those events to a MQTT topic which my microservice could subscribe to as MQTT client?
Emqx hooks documentation:

Using emqx-web-hook:
web.hook.rule.client.connect.1 = {"action": "on_client_connect"}
web.hook.rule.client.connack.1 = {"action": "on_client_connack"}
web.hook.rule.client.connected.1 = {"action": "on_client_connected"}
web.hook.rule.client.disconnected.1 = {"action": "on_client_disconnected"}
web.hook.rule.client.subscribe.1 = {"action": "on_client_subscribe"}
web.hook.rule.client.unsubscribe.1 = {"action": "on_client_unsubscribe"}
web.hook.rule.session.subscribed.1 = {"action": "on_session_subscribed"}
web.hook.rule.session.unsubscribed.1 = {"action": "on_session_unsubscribed"}
web.hook.rule.session.terminated.1 = {"action": "on_session_terminated"}
web.hook.rule.message.publish.1 = {"action": "on_message_publish"}
web.hook.rule.message.delivered.1 = {"action": "on_message_delivered"}
web.hook.rule.message.acked.1 = {"action": "on_message_acked"}


Discord js role.members not return all members

I have created a bot that allows, among other things, to send a message to those who belong to a certain role.
The bot is hosted on Heroku (free version, with a mandatory restart every day)
When I try to retrieve the members of the role in question I have the impression to retrieve only the members who are connected since the bot restart (or who have been online).
I have 27 members of a role but the bot retrieves only 3
screenshot members discord
data in debug
Here is my code :
client.on("messageCreate", message =>{
message.guild.roles.fetch(roleMembersId).then(role => {
role.members.forEach(member => {
console.log("user "+ member.user.username)
I have the same behavior if I use interactions or directly the client
Is there a solution to this problem? I did not find anything like this when I searched
Perhaps you're missing the GUILD_PRESENCES intent.
For discord.js v14:
const { Client, GatewayIntentBits, Partials } = require('discord.js');
const client = new Client({
intents: [
GatewayIntentBits.Guilds, GatewayIntentBits.GuildMessages, GatewayIntentBits.GuildPresences
For lower versions you can try and use:
const Discord = require("discord.js");
const client = new Discord.Client({
intents: [
Role#members only returns cached members, as you can see in the description, and source. You can fetch all members (and cache them) first, before using it
await message.guild.members.fetch()
const members = message.guild.roles.cache.get(roleId).members
members.forEach(m => console.log(`user ${m.user.username}`))

How to connect to RSK public nodes over websockets?

I am trying to connect to RSK Mainnet or RSK Testnet over websockets.
Here's what I tried for Mainnet:
const wsProvider = new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://');
const web3 = new Web3(wsProvider);
web3.eth.subscribe('newBlockHeaders', function(error, blockHeader){
if (!error) {
console.log("new blockheader " + blockHeader.number)
} else {
with this result:
connection not open on send()
Error: connection not open
And I did the same with Testnet but using ws://, getting similar outcome.
Neither of these work, as seen in the errors above.
How can I connect?
I am not sure, but I think websocket is not enabled in public nodes.
Usually it is not enabled in others public blockchain nodes that I know.
RSK public nodes expose JSON-RPC endpoints only over HTTP.
They do not expose JSON-RPC endpoints over websockets,
so unfortunately, you are not able to do exactly what you have described.
However, you can achieve something equivalent
by running your own RSK node,
and use this to establish websockets connections.
Here are the RSK
configuration options for RPC .
Also, you can see the default configuration values
in the "base" configuration file, for
ws {
enabled = false
bind_address = localhost
port = 4445
Additionally, you should include the /websocket suffix in your endpoint. Default websocket endpoint when running your own node is: ws://localhost:4445/websocket.
Therefore, update the initial part of your code,
such that it looks like this:
const wsProvider = new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://localhost:4445/websocket');
const web3 = new Web3(wsProvider);

MS Teams bot - create conversation in newly created Group returns 405 BadArgument

I'm trying to create new convesation for just created channel using Nodejs + botframework v4.9.2.
created new Channel using POST${teamId}/channels
new tab using POST${req.teamId}/channels/${req.channelId}/tabs
I can see new channel and tab in Teams UI
trying to create new conversation via Conversations.createConversation from bot sdk, it's basically calling POST with passing new channel id and getting 405 BadArgument This channel does not support this operation
I'm running bot locally and proxying via ngrok.
Also I can access GET /v3/conversations.
Updated code
Get Team Memebers GET ${graphUrl}/groups/${teamId}/members
Create new Channel
const createChannelRequest: IGraphCreateChannelBody = {
"#odata.type": "",
displayName: channelName,
description: `This channel is for incident id : ${incidentId}`,
members: => (
"#odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.aadUserConversationMember",
"user#odata.bind": `'${memberId}')`,
roles: ["owner"]
return await graphClient.createChannel(teamId, createChannelRequest);
createChannel is basically POST ${graphUrl}/teams/${teamId}/channels
Create new Tab POST ${graphUrl}/teams/${req.teamId}/channels/${req.channelId}/tabs where channelId is
Create new conversation
const client = new BotConnector.ConnectorClient(credentials, {baseUri: serviceUrl});
const {bot} = TurnContext.getConversationReference(activity);
const createConversationResponse = await client.conversations.createConversation({
activity: incidentActivity,
members: => ({
name: member.displayName
channelData: {
channel: {
id: newIncidentChannelId
tenant: {
id: tenantId
isGroup: true
where createConversation fails with 405
[Posting a complete answer, based on the comments above]
There's no need (and it won't work), in the context of Teams, to use createConversation, because the conversation is created the moment the Team/Channel/Group chat itself is created (createConversation exists for other Bot Framework scenarios, and is not applicable for Teams). As a result SendToConversation is the correct operation to use.
As to how to use SendToConversation, there are certain important variables you need to have already your side, and the most common time to get these is when your bot is added to the channel/chat/whatever in the first place. You can read more about that here, but more generally, this is considered something called "proactive" messaging, in Teams, and it's worth reading up on that topic more. Please see here and here as good starting points.

Examples of integrating moleculer-io with moleculer-web using moleculer-runner instead of ServiceBroker?

I am having fun with using moleculer-runner instead of creating a ServiceBroker instance in a moleculer-web project I am working on. The Runner simplifies setting up services for moleculer-web, and all the services - including the api.service.js file - look and behave the same, using a module.exports = { blah } format.
I can cleanly define the REST endpoints in the api.service.js file, and create the connected functions in the appropriate service files. For example aliases: { 'GET sensors': 'sensors.list' } points to the list() action/function in sensors.service.js . It all works great using some dummy data in an array.
The next step is to get the service(s) to open up a socket and talk to a local program listening on an internal set address/port. The idea is to accept a REST call from the web, talk to a local program over a socket to get some data, then format and return the data back via REST to the client.
BUT When I want to use sockets with moleculer, I'm having trouble finding useful info and examples on integrating moleculer-io with a moleculer-runner-based setup. All the examples I find use the ServiceBroker model. I thought my Google-Fu was pretty good, but I'm at a loss as to where to look to next. Or, can i modify the ServiceBroker examples to work with moleculer-runner? Any insight or input is welcome.
If you want the following chain:
localhost:3000/sensor/list -> sensor.list() -> send message to local program:8071 -> get response -> send response as return message to the REST caller.
Then you need to add a socket io client to your sensor service (which has the list() action). Adding a client will allow it to communicate with "outside world" via sockets.
Check the image below. I think it has everything that you need.
As a skeleton I've used moleculer-demo project.
What I have:
API service api.service.js. That handles the HTTP requests and passes them to the sensor.service.js
The sensor.service.js will be responsible for communicating with remote server so it needs to have a client. Now, when the sensor.service.js service has started() I'm establishing a connection with a remote server located at port 8071. After this I can use this connection in my service actions to communicate with server. This is exactly what I'm doing in sensor.list action.
I've also created remote-server.service.js to mock your server. Despite being a moleculer service, the sensor.service.js communicates with it via protocol.
It doesn't matter if your services use (or not) All the services are declared in the same way, i.e., module.exports = {}
Below is a working example with
const { ServiceBroker } = require("moleculer");
const ApiGateway = require("moleculer-web");
const SocketIOService = require("moleculer-io");
const io = require("");
const IOService = {
name: "api",
// SocketIOService should be after moleculer-web
// Load the HTTP API Gateway to be able to reach "greeter" action via:
// http://localhost:3000/hello/greeter
mixins: [ApiGateway, SocketIOService]
const HelloService = {
name: "hello",
actions: {
greeter() {
return "Hello Via Socket";
const broker = new ServiceBroker();
broker.start().then(async () => {
const socket = io("http://localhost:3000", {
reconnectionDelay: 300,
reconnectionDelayMax: 300
socket.on("connect", () => {
console.log("Connection with the Gateway established");
socket.emit("call", "hello.greeter", (error, res) => {
To make it work with moleculer-runner just copy the service declarations into my-service.service.js. So for example, your api.service.js could look like:
// api.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "api",
// SocketIOService should be after moleculer-web
// Load the HTTP API Gateway to be able to reach "greeter" action via:
// http://localhost:3000/hello/greeter
mixins: [ApiGateway, SocketIOService]
and your greeter service:
// greeter.service.js
module.exports = {
name: "hello",
actions: {
greeter() {
return "Hello Via Socket";
And run npm run dev or moleculer-runner --repl --hot services

How to listen to ACK packages on ephemeral ports

I need to write a tftp client implementation to send a file from a windows phone 8.1 to a piece of hardware.
Because I need to be able to support windows 8.1 I need to use the Windows.Networking.Sockets classes.
I'm able to send my Write request package but I am having troubles to receive the ack package (wireshark). This ack package is sent to an "ephemeral port" according to the TFTP specification but the port is blocked according to wireshark.
I know how to use sockets on a specific port but I don't know how to be able to receive ack packages send to different (ephemeral) ports. I need to use the port used for that ack package to continue the TFTP communication.
How would I be able to receive the ACK packages and continue to work on a different port? Do I need to bind the socket to multiple ports? I've been trying to find answers on the microsoft docs and google but other implementations gave me no luck so far.
As reference my current implementation:
try {
hostName = new Windows.Networking.HostName(currentIP);
} catch (error) {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Error: Invalid host name.", "sample", "error");
socketsSample.clientSocket = new Windows.Networking.Sockets.DatagramSocket();
socketsSample.clientSocket.addEventListener("messagereceived", onMessageReceived);
socketsSample.clientSocket.bindEndpointAsync(new Windows.Networking.HostName(hostName), currentPort);
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Client: connection started.", "sample", "status");
socketsSample.clientSocket.connectAsync(hostName, serviceName).done(function () {
WinJS.log && WinJS.log("Client: connection completed.", "sample", "status");
socketsSample.connected = true;
var remoteFile = "test.txt";
var tftpMode = Modes.Octet;
var sndBuffer = createRequestPacket(Opcodes.Write, remoteFile, tftpMode);
if (!socketsSample.clientDataWriter) {
socketsSample.clientDataWriter =
new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter(socketsSample.clientSocket.outputStream);
var writer = socketsSample.clientDataWriter;
var reader;
var stream;
// The call to store async sends the actual contents of the writer
// to the backing stream.
writer.storeAsync().then(function () {
// For the in-memory stream implementation we are using, the flushAsync call
// is superfluous, but other types of streams may require it.
return writer.flushAsync();
}, onError);
Finally found the issue.
Instead of connectAsynch I used getOutputStreamAsynch and now it receives messages on the client socket:
Some code:
tftpSocket.clientSocket.getOutputStreamAsync(new Windows.Networking.HostName(self.hostName), tftpSocket.serviceNameConnect).then(function (stream) {
console.log("Client: connection completed.", "sample", "status");
var writer = new Windows.Storage.Streams.DataWriter(stream); //use the stream that was created when calling getOutputStreamAsync
tftpSocket.clientDataWriter = writer; //keep the writer in case we need to close sockets we also close the writer
// The call to store async sends the actual contents of the writer
// to the backing stream.
writer.storeAsync().then(function () {
// For the in-memory stream implementation we are using, the flushAsync call
// is superfluous, but other types of streams may require it.
return writer.flushAsync();
}, self.onError);
