Maven in Jenkins : Doesn't find any test - maven

I'm trying to run automatised test on Jenkins with Maven. However, when I use the command "mvn test" in a Maven Project Job, the console return me that's no test was found.
The path to my test files respect the convention (I think) and are at src/test/java/Gui/
Here is my pom.xml :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- -->
Can anyone help me pls ?

add this piece and try to build from testng.xml and don't forget to add your runner class to your testng.xml


Error: JavaFX runtime components are missing, with IntelliJ Idea, Maven and JDK 19

The problem is when i try to run my main class i get the error from above.
I'm using Intellij IDEA
Added dependencies and plugin in pom.xml
Ran mvn clean install, also mvn clean javafx:run
But I can't run my main class
Here is what i added to pom
File > New Project > Generators > JavaFX
I suggest starting with a new project created by IntelliJ IDEA explicitly aimed at JavaFX.
Use the JavaFX option in the Generators list, in the New Project wizard.
You will get a full working example app, that runs successfully.
The code is modularized with a file.
The example app uses FXML. If you wish, you can easily delete that. You can use only Java coding without any FXML markup coding — your choice. If you opt out of FXML, delete the dependency for javafx-fxml from your POM.
The POM looks like the following. Notice the inclusion of OpenJFX dependencies.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->
By the way, you can replace the property <junit.version>5.9.1</junit.version> and the pair of JUnit dependencies with this simpler single “Aggregator” dependency:
<!-- -->
Like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns = ""
xmlns:xsi = ""
xsi:schemaLocation = "">
<!-- -->
<!-- Default configuration for running with: mvn clean javafx:run -->

Cannot resolve symbol #Configuration in spring webmvc project

I am creating a Spring MVC project in Intellij and when I have created WebConfigclass, the #Configuration annotation is not recognised by Intellij and it gives "Cannot resolve symbol" error. Even though I have used "import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration" but it could not recognise "springframework" either. Can someone help me with this.
This is my pom.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""
<!-- <lombok.version>1.18.12</lombok.version>-->
#Configuration belongs to module spring-context-${spring.version}. Make sure it appears among dependencies. Since in maven dependencies can be transitive, consider using:
mvn dependency:tree
to see which dependency brings the required jar.
When you're done, re-import the maven project into intelliJ so that the IDE will update its internal indices

Set up hot reload with parameters with Maven and Spring

I have a maven generated project. This is my pom.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
<!-- -->
I build it using this command:
#mvn package -PLOCAL
And run using this command:
java -jar target/abacus-web-0.1.jar
I have an src/main/resources/ file, where my local properties are set. The application must use this file to work properly.
It works fine, build and running goes ok. The problem is I can not use hot reloading. Documentation says:
Developer tools are automatically disabled when running a fully packaged application. If your application is launched from java -jar or if it is started from a special classloader, then it is considered a “production application”.
To use hot-reloading, I mustn't use java -jar, but only mvn utilities.
I tried to run mvn spring-boot:run -PLOCAL, but it does not use properties file and crashes. Hot to run maven and use my properties file?
Hi try to add the profile definition to the POM.
And than call it with the profile:
mvn spring-boot:run

Maven plugin to get Java files from WSDL

I am using Maven plugin to convert wsdl2java, and it is a copied Maven document from other computer where it successfully generated Java classes from wsdl, When I build the same code in my machine, It build's properly, but doesn't generate the Java files. Please let me know where exactly I went wrong?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>Spring WS sample client application</name>
<description>The Spring WS sample client application</description>

Tomcat 7 deployment fails. org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64 not found

I am trying to deploy a web application to a Tomcat 7 instance using the tomcat7-maven-plugin's tomcat7:deploy goal. However, it continuously fails to deploy, citing that:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/commons/codec/binary/Base64
All of the posts I've read suggest adding the Apache commons-codec to pom.xml. I have done that and it doesn't do a bit of good. I tried manually downloading the JAR and placing it in the WEB-INF/lib folder but that also had no effect.
Here is my pom.xml file:
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
<name>MavAppoint Maven Webapp</name>
I have tried changing the scope for the commons-codec but nothing has worked so far. It's been driving me absolutely nuts! Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I ended up using the "Run on Server" option in Eclipse to run the application instead of trying to deploy the application to the Tomcat installation on my computer.
